Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"The First Scroll"

 Oh, it is a terrible sorrow. For, before my eyes, I see the collapse of New York City. The Statue of Liberty is in chains and ropes are pulling at it in all directions. Now, I know that this statue is only a symbol of freedom and that the very origin of it is cloaked in mysteries of the secret societies; but to many this statue represents freedom. - Linda

More from Book VIII, Chapter Fifteen of  Plans of the Evil One, Part III

"The First Scroll"

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Child, see the pure stream?"
"Yes, my Father, it is so beautiful and clear and I stand with my feet at water’s edge. It is also warm and inviting and I think to take a brief swim." Deeper and deeper I go, bathed in these crystalline, clear waters and the waters tumbles over me as if I am caught up in beautiful, warm waves. In short notice, I come to the bottom of this very deep and beautiful river and before me is a shimmering door, which seems to be made of pure diamonds. All around, the aquamarine water shimmers from the light of this radiant door and I am surprised to note that even at such a deep level, the water feeds me oxygen. For, I breathe in and out like a fish, but with exhilarating effects. The light, which comes through this door is surely the light of God; for it gives me such beautiful peace and joy.
"My Child, do you know why I have brought you here?"
"No, my Father."
"My Child, as you touch the door, it will open before you and you will see why I have brought you here."
I touch this beautiful door and a wave of beautiful light soars through my body and I am caught up floating in the water. And, suddenly, as in the twinkle of an eye, I am carried through this radiant door. Once inside, I catch a smell, like that of cinnamon and oranges and I wonder what would be cooking at such a deep level. But, before me and unnoticed by me until now is a beautiful angel with eyes of fire. This angel looks at me and says, "The first scroll to be opened now." And, I reach out and take the scroll and thank the angel. The scroll is one of the small scrolls and though it seemed so light before, it is now heavy, like lead, and I almost drop it, believing it to be light as paper.
Catching the scroll as it begins to fall, at once I begin to feel a deep foreboding in my spirit and I sense that I am on a ship of sorts and out to sea. The fog hits me in the face and the salty air and slight smell of fish soaks my nostrils. In the distance, I hear a fog horn; though surely it is near; for it is already quite loud. Perhaps, it is not a foghorn, but a horn on this very ship, which is seeking safe passage, but at this point, I cannot be sure. I find myself on the deck of this ship and the air is slightly cool, but dense and thick with moisture and I am alone. Actually, I see now that it is a rather large boat and on the deck is a solitary table with two with wrought iron chairs. I seek to steady myself at the table; for the waves are rather rocky and I am looking around in the night for other people. I sense that this boat may be in trouble, so I follow the deck, looking for a door, which goes down under. And, finding one at last, I see that the door is locked and there is not a soul to be found. Looking for lights, I see none and realize that I may be on a ship, which is adrift and being battered by waves, adrift in a great fog. This is very unsettling and I wonder why I am here with a scroll, which has the weight of lead at a table for two, with no light to read by. "Oh, my Father, You have sent me here, but why? For, there is no one aboard, whom I can speak with. This ship is adrift amid dangerous conditions and I have a scroll to read. But, how Father; for I cannot see."
"My Child," our Father says, "Would I send you on a dangerous mission without provision and protection?"
"No, my Father, You would not."
"Then, know, My Child, that I have not sent you here without help." And at that very instant, the beautiful angel appears. He is dressed in white with eyes of fire and he sits in one chair and motions for me to sit across from him at the small table. He holds his hand across the table and a brilliant light comes from his hand and illumines the table. I take my place across from him and place the heavy scroll on the table. Before my eyes, it opens and I see the title at the top of the page, … ‘Ruination of America.’ I drop my head on the scroll and begin to weep; for it seems that the entire heaviness of the scroll has settled in on me and deep sorrow grips me. Oh, it is a terrible sorrow. For, before my eyes, I see the collapse of New York City. The Statue of Liberty is in chains and ropes are pulling at it in all directions. Now, I know that this statue is only a symbol of freedom and that the very origin of it is cloaked in mysteries of the secret societies; but to many this statue represents freedom. With a great tug on the rope, which comes from across the Atlantic, and goes into Europe, to England, in fact, I see the statue fall. Oh, New York City is a terrible mess! Soldiers have taken over New York City! Here and there are terrible fires and explosions and people are running here and there in great fear. Soldiers have lists of names and they are knocking on doors and filling up vans and other kinds of vehicles. As I look out, I sense that the heart of New York City is a burned and charred mess. It is gone, with remnants left here and there. I feel so sick all over as if I will surely faint and I leave the table to throw up over the side of the railing. Oh, I feel utterly devastated, for surely millions of souls are dead, and/or dying. I throw up until I feel that there is nothing but bile and I return once more to the scroll and to the angel.
Suddenly, the angel and I are removed from the ship and we are at another location, where bricks are piled, one upon another, and these bricks seem to obscure an underground passage. I follow the angel and step downward, as if following a passage into an underground cave. Surely, this is a cave; for it has the musty scent of a cave and as we travel we come to a balcony, which overlooks a meeting of men, who are below, and seemingly unaware of our presence. On the table before the men is a pie-shaped chart. Each of the men has taken a piece of the pie and seems satisfied that this piece belongs to him. Yet, as I look at this group of men, I am aware of great deception among them; for what has been decided among themselves by this group, will not be honored. My eyes are on George Herbert Walker Bush, who is standing behind his chair. I want to count the seats at the table, but the Spirit of God says, "No." And, I am not allowed to look at all faces, only the faces of the Bushes. But, I know for sure that what God wants me to see is that those present have been granted certain lands by this counsel. Yet, the Bushes will not keep their end of the bargain and have no plans to keep their end. What they want is the whole pie. Between the two of the Bushes, they may allow the Queen of England, whom I am allowed to see now among them, to retain 25%. What they plan to do is to take, to forcefully take, and or by trickery, the rest of the pie and out of a sense of duty, leave 25% for the Queen. Yet, those in the room have no idea that ravenous greed is about to move in and steal from them. I sense that all present are world leaders and that all are deep into the occult New World Order. This pie represents the world, and surely the Bushes plan to rule the world and allow the Queen to remain as a token of loyalty to her.
But even as I write what I see, I hear a very large racket in the back room, which is situated behind the meeting room. Looking back there, I see Saddam Hussein, who is bound and gagged and who is on a bed, on an old striped mattress, which lies atop a wrought iron bed. And, he is struggling to get free. Oh, he is making a fuss, but the more he kicks and gurgles, the wider the eyes of George W. Bush get. I look over and see smoke coming from the nostrils of George H. W. Bush and I wonder what he is steaming about. For, Saddam Hussein is already in chains.
As I watch this group, I see that each has taken his piece of the pie, but clearly all are in a very heated poker game. In the middle of the table, I see various ones, who are stacking up chips and first this one and then that one says, "I’ll match. I’ll call," and tosses in more chips. Finally, George H.W. Bush says, "I’ll match and call you," and whatever is being bet on, the others seem to be outwitted. I see George W. Bush rake in all the chips and though the others never say a word, one by one, I see them fold up their belongings and leave the table. The only ones left are the Bushes and the Queen. A deep coldness sweeps this room and I see these men, all dressed in black, leave the room in this cave, one at a time. George W. Bush is like a child and he keeps exclaiming, "We won! We won! We won!" The Queen seems cautiously optimistic as she says little and draws up her belongings and a few chips, which I had not seen before and she, too, leaves.
Suddenly, the scene below becomes very dark and George H. W. Bush goes into the back room and begins to kick Saddam Hussein all over his body. He beats him with a razor strap and stomps him until he has nothing left but ragged clothes. Then, George H. W. Bush stands over Hussein’s bloated body and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this man is not fit to rule. He is naked, save for a few rags, and he is no longer fit to lead such a fine people. Therefore, for the interest of this nation, My Son will rule. You will for once and for all be free of this tyrant. You will live in a democracy and your needs will be met. Never will your children be begging again. You will not suffer for want of medical care, but will have the best!"
And, George H. W. Bush believes that Saddam Hussein has been conquered. He believes he is gone, but he is actually safely tucked away planning his military strategy. Helping him is Putin of Russia, the President of China and leaders of other smaller countries, particularly Arab countries, who are all pitching in. And, while Hussein seems to be whipped, he is not whipped, but strong. And, from this meeting with Russia and China and others, I see a large military coalition emerge and an array of many hundreds of thousands of men come forth with the latest in military technology. This army prepares to take over Israel and to defeat the Bushes. They plan a military attack against the USA and I see that this attack is in stages; for it will not all happen at once. But at the top of the plan is the assassination of George W. Bush and his Father, George H. W. Bush.
With this the scene is gone and I am once again on the boat with the angel. And as I look at the side of the boat, which the angel illumines with his hand, I see that the name is "The USA."
Suddenly, all is gone and I am back home. "Father, Oh, Father, last night I saw the horses on the cobblestone and I heard them and now I know why."
"’Tis so, My Child, and with this we shall stop for today. Place as the next part of the current chapter."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 27th day of November, 2002,
Linda Newkirk
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