Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Forced Time travel"

"Though they will come forth with a fury and though they will use their fallen angel technology on many of you, I have always been your safety net. My Son stands as the Mediator between Me and all of mankind and He is the only Way through which any can know Me. This is true. And, My Son will ultimately defeat the evil in this world. But at the same time, I am raising up My Supernatural Army and eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what I am about to do through My Faithful."
-  Father in Heaven
Con’t Book IX, Chapter Sixteen, PART II

"Forced Time travel"

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen to me carefully, My Child; for I am going to answer questions, which you have about the recent forced time travel of the evil ones. Yes, My Child, they wrote you and tried to appeal to any vanities in you at all, but My Little One, I know you through and through and I know no vanities in you. What was there was long gone and I know well that your only desire is to serve Me and do My will. But, they do not know these things. They have kidnapped you and have taken you before the Black Pope and his mockers and scorners. The Black Pope and four in his immediate circle are now in the Lake of Fire and the White Pope is not far behind. But, Lucifer and his pawns never give up. They know that I have repeatedly sent you into time, into other dimensions to shut them down and I will continue to use you in this way as I see fit. They mistakenly believed that they could entice you and force you to work for them. I allowed them to kidnap you again and to send you into time, all this beyond your conscious awareness, yet agreed upon by you at another spiritual level. You went into time as I sent you, but in their ignorance, they believed that they had overpowered you, forced you, mind-controlled you and that you would be a pushover for them. But, My Child, what they did not know was that as soon as they (120 of them) had entered the portals, which I instructed you to open, that I sent you back in behind them to close the portals and to permamently destroy the portals altogether. Not only have these portals been closed. They have been destroyed without leaving so much as a trace. Yes, My Child, it is true that you saw the two puncture marks on your left hand the very morning that you got the letter from the, which I want you to post below. (I did not read the letter they sent to me until a day or so after they sent it.) But, these arrogant hounds of hell believing that they would be able to kidnap you at will and use you at will mistakenly believed that you would be their unwitting pawn to be used by them to get back and forth through time as they pleased. The folly of little minds! They are wrong again! They have systematically tried to kill you for years, most recently kidnapping you, taking you before the Black Pope and injecting you with the most lethal substance in their repertoire. When you did not die, they determined to further kidnap you and make you work for them. Oh, they were proud and haughty, believing that they had succeeded. But, My Little One, as usual, their pride and arrogance has once again led to their fall.
Know this, My Child, that many times I have put the words in your mouth to pray against NASA for their evils. Many times, I have put words into your mouth to pray against the strongholds of the New World Order in the USA and the world. Now, My Child, after many years of prayers and persecution of you, you are witnessing the fall of the New World Order. You are witnessing the destruction of their space program. You are witnessing the fall and destruction of NASA and area 51 as well as their entire space program.
Though they will come forth with a fury and though they will use their fallen angel technology on many of you, I have always been your safety net. My Son stands as the Mediator between Me and all of mankind and He is the only Way through which any can know Me. This is true. And, My Son will ultimately defeat the evil in this world. But at the same time, I am raising up My Supernatural Army and eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what I am about to do through My Faithful.
"My Little One, this war is escalating and through this war, many are showing their true colors. It will become increasingly obvious to each of you, who is with you, who is for real, who is with Me, or against me. The time has come, the day, the hour has come when the veil has been rent. It has been torn. My Child, all of humanity can never begin to understand the significance of this. But, I tell you now that this is a powerful thing for all of humanity. As time goes along, I will address this more. But, we shall stop with this for now. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of December, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

"Another Kidnapping!"
"My Father, it is 10:25 AM and I am just now noticing that I have more needle marks on my left hand. Two needle marks. Father, why have You allowed this? You have said that You would kill them if they thought to do me harm again and they have done this last night."
"Yes, My Child, I told you that they are slow learners. I told you that they would not learn. They took you up again and thought to force you back into time, but they did not succeed. I smote them with immediate blindness and confusion of mind. Thirty-Seven of Fifty are seriously ill and will die! They are in sick bay fighting for their lives but they will not make it. The other 13 will follow within two weeks. No, My Child, they will never succeed in using you to do their evil, but they will try and every time they try, I will kill more of them. Remember one thing, My Child. It is impossible for them to kill you. And, know this! I am going to use you to utterly destroy and to break NASA and the Luciferian space program on Earth. If they want more of you, let them come forth. For, I will annihilate every one. Area 51 is history. I, myself, will soon burn it to a crisp. Watch Me and you will see what I will do. Many eyes shall behold the smoke and the fire as I pummel it and bring it to an ashen mess. Next is Pine Gap Australia. When I am finished with it, nothing will be left but a sinkhole. Fear them not, My Child; for their days and hours are numbered. I am going to make a clean sweep of this space program. Mark My words! I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 8th day of December, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

"Father, I am coming back to you with more questions. When I was praying just now, in the Spirit I took Your sword to the Red Dragon, who appeared before me and I cut a hole in his chest. Then, I removed the sword and rammed it down through the top of his head. Father, what does this mean?"
"My Little One, it means a slow death to the Red Dragon; for by cutting a hole in his chest, you have cut out a piece of his heart. And with a piece of his heart missing, he is in great trouble; for his energies are going to be scattered and his life force is going to ebb."
"But, Father, what does all this mean?"
"My Child, it means that the Red Dragon is going to stumble. His energies are going to weaken. He is going to be hurting; for as they kidnapped you again to work for them, I am taking out the heart of the Space Program, which is area 51."
"And, what about the wound caused by the sword, which You had me put down through the top of his head?"
"My Child, who is the top or the head of the space program?"
"NASA, I suppose."
"You are in part correct, but the sword also went down through the top of the head into the body and out the anus of the dragon."
"Yes, my Father, and what does this mean?"
"My Child, it means this. Whether they go the way of the black road or the white road …"
"What do You mean?"
"I mean this: At this point, NASA and their cohorts in evil have a choice to use the technology given them for good or for bad. If they continue to choose evil, I will destroy them completely. As it is, I am going to destroy Area 51 and Pine Gap. IF they do not learn a lesson from this, I will further destroy them until nothing if left.
So, you struck them with My sword through the top of the head. The fury of My wrath is going to slice through every part of this space program from the top to the outermost parts of the bowels. Every part I am going to slice and dice. Every part I am going to destroy. They can change course and choose a higher road, which is based on truth, purity and light, or they will all be destroyed. Every one.
My Little One, even Russia knows that certain evil is just not permitted, while those at NASA never learned their lessons. But, they are going to and they are going to learn it because of the evil they have done to you. Be at peace, My Child. You will see many, many of them die, even as I have said. 70X70 and counting, but I will preserve and keep you, even in the most perilous of situations. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 8th day of December, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman
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