Friday, July 26, 2013

How will you Stand Against this Evil System?

"Too many believe that they can do as they please, confess a belief in Jesus Christ and then go on to receive Eternal Life. Many of the preachers teach another lie, “Once saved, always saved,” and they will also have to answer to our Lord and God for carrying many to hell with this bold-faced lie!" - Linda Newkirk
          How will you stand against this evil system?         

In view of this great persecution against those, who love our Lord and God, how do any of God’s true servants survive at all? In Revelation 12:11, we are told, “AND THEY OVERCAME HIM BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, AND BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY AND THEY LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO DEATH!” (Read this again and get it in your heart and in your spirit!)
Jesus Christ is Saviour of Humanity!
What does it mean to overcome the Antichrist by Blood of the Lamb?
Dear Ones, our Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ, was sent by our Beloved Father in Heaven, to set the captives free! He was sent to heal the sick, to give sight to the blind, to open the ears of the deaf, to heal the lame and even to raise the dead! He was sent to bring every kind of miracle into the Earth, but most importantly He was sent as the Ultimate Sacrifice for all of Humanity. Our Wonderful Father in Heaven sent His Only Son to set us free, from henceforth and forevermore from the clutches of Satan, Lucifer, the Devil.
If He had not intervened and if He had not sent His Son to be the Ultimate Sacrifice for us, we would not and could not have been set free from the controls of Satan! But, He did send Him and His Son came and showed us the Way home. He showed us the truth about many things; and through His Beautiful Spirit, He gave us Life more abundant!
Through his death upon the cross and subsequent resurrection, our Saviour showed us that He has overcome the curse of death, both spiritual and physical for all of humanity. Through the blood of the Lamb, we can all be free! But, Dear Ones, it is useless to profess with our mouths that we want to be free if we continue to choose in the lusts and traps of the world! We must take a stand for what is right, obey our Father’s commands, and come away from this worldly system! But, in all things, we are given this free choice! And, herein is the dilemma! Too many believe that they can do as they please, confess a belief in Jesus Christ and then go on to receive Eternal Life. Many of the preachers teach another lie, “Once saved, always saved,” and they will also have to answer to our Lord and God for carrying many to hell with this bold-faced lie!
During these dark and terrible years, which we are now living in and which we still face, each of us will constantly choose the Way of Jesus Christ, the Beautiful Way of Truth and Life, the Straight and Narrow, or we will continue to choose the way of Lucifer, with all of its lies and deceptions. Each of us will constantly find ourselves in situations, which will try us in our areas of weaknesses! Our continued choices for the good or bad will reveal who we are and who we really follow! These difficult times will TEST OUR PATIENCE AND OUR FAITH!
The Tests of Patience and Faith!
It is easy for anyone to say that he or she is a Christian, but the real tests of faith come when we are each persecuted for our faith. It is during these times of persecution that we see how spiritually strong we really are. At these times, we see how great our love for God is and just how much we love this world and what is in it. It is during these times, that we see our weaknesses magnified many times and we see just how far we have to go to let go and get sold out to our Lord and God.
Yes, it is easy to call one’s self a Christian, but when persecution comes because of one’s faith, then one will know just how deep this faith runs. But, Dear Ones, it is only because of tests and trials in our faith, that we come to know the power of faith and that our very faith sees us through the trials and into the miracles. We come to understand that our Father must try and test those, whom he loves, to see if we are in fact ready and worthy for greater works and if we are ready to bear more of His power and more of His Spirit; for He sees and He knows all and because of this, He knows our weaknesses and where we will fail when times get rough.
Remember that the Apostles were told to give up all material possessions and to go out with only the clothes on their backs. They were sent out to walk in faith, trusting our Lord and God for all their needs. Are you ready to give up all, if necessary, for the love of our Lord and God, even your very life?
Get ready, for the time is at hand, when many will either do so willingly, and/or be ready to do what is necessary for love of our Lord and God, ?or they will willingly go and take the mark of the beast, just so that they can have a piece of bread! Remember Solomon’s words! Proverbs 28:21 “To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress!” How many will sell their souls for a piece of bread? What will you do when the trial comes? Will you wait upon the Lord and believe for His provisions, or will you do what seems expedient at the time?
Great is the Betrayal of So-called Friends and Family!
Dear Ones, I have seen so-called friends jump ship and run to the side of the enemy over and over again because they found some sort of personal gain in doing so! I have seen so-called friends, who have seen the miracles and the healings, which our Lord and God has given to them, stand up and deny the miracles and the healings that they had personally experienced and witnessed! I have seen people sell out these works and sell me out for money and status! I have seen these so-called friends rise up, take the side of the enemy, and throw stones at me and at these works over and over again, ganging up like wolves to devour and destroy me and these works, for some sort of attention or personal gain! I have seen these so-called friends attest to the truths in these works and then turn around and deny what they had said, calling them instead lies and deception. I have seen these so-called friends deny the Spirit of God and call it cursed just because they were among others, who did so! Over and over again, I have seen these so-called friends climb on my back and persecute me, just so that they could elevate themselves and draw others to their own perverted works. I have seen family members turn against me and persecute me because they hate these works! Dear Ones, I have seen these things and more as I have seen people do what was expedient at the time! What will you do when you are faced with persecution or rejection of our Lord and God and His true servants? Will you stand firm and do what is right, or will you go along to get along? Remember the words of Daniel: “And, some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge them, and to make them white…”
Your Spiritual Foundation
You are either sold out to our Lord and God, or you are sold out to Lucifer!
Remember that you are building your spiritual foundation from moment to moment each and every day in the choices that you make! If you will not get your priorities straight right now and get sold out to our Lord and God, you will sell out to Lucifer! In the end, you are either sold out to one, or you are sold out to the other.
What will you do?
Look at the following and answer them truthfully!
When persecution comes your way because of your love for our Lord and God, will you jump ship?
Will you shun His true servants, who are suffering, because you, too, might get persecuted?
When you are faced with death because you are a Christian, will you confess our Saviour’s Name, or will you deny that you know him?
(Rev.3:8 I know thy works: behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My word and has not denied My name.)
Do not put off repentance!
Assess your life situation now!
Dear Ones, do you love this world and what is in it?
Are you an addict of any kind?
Are you obsessed with getting more and more things of this world?
Are you a shopoholic?
Are you a night club fiend, or gambler of any kind?
Are you hopelessly hooked on television or movies?
Are you hooked on sex or porn?
Are you a drinker, or smoker?
Do you constantly lust after things, which belong to others?
Are you a gossipmonger, hatemonger, or a liar?
Are you an adulterer, or a fornicator?
Have you taken secret oaths?
Are you a member of a secret organization?
Do you curse the name of God?
Do you love your earthly Father and Mother, and do you respect them?
Do you say that you love our Father in Heaven, but seldom pray and seldom read the Bible?
Are you full of pride and rebebellion, living life as you please, and ignoring the commandments of God?
Do you study astrology, and consult mediums and partake of witchcraft and see nothing wrong with it?
Do you know our Saviour personally and do you have His Beautiful Spirit as your friend?
Answer these questions as truthfully as you can and you will see where you need to repent in your life. And, this is only a partial list. You will add more things that you need to repent of as you truthfully survey your own life!
We are all Sinners!
Dear Ones, there is NOT ONE AMONG US, WHO IS FREE FROM SIN! We are all sinners and we all fall short in many, many ways. I, myself, have been lost and have been among the biggest of sinners and I know what it is like to be cut off from our Lord and God and from His Beautiful Spirit! And, because I have been so lost, I also know the opposite and this is to be filled with the Spirit of God. I know our Most Wonderful Saviour and I know our Father in Heaven and I can tell you, Dear Ones, that we have a Great God of love, mercy and grace. He loves you, You are Precious to Him, for you are His! He created you and He knows you, whether you know Him or not and He is now calling out to you! He is reaching out to you, as never before; for times are so perilous! He is especially calling out to the lost! The Saints of Heaven are pleading for the souls of the lost and the angels of Heaven are eagerly awaiting the return of the lost souls to our Saviour. How they rejoice when just one lost soul returns to our Lord and God!
Oh, Beloved Ones, if you are caught up in sin and rebellion, please, please hear my heart’s prayer for you. Please, stop what you are doing right now, and pray this prayer with me. Beloved Ones, our Precious Lord and God will hear this prayer as you pray it and as it comes from your heart.. You must start somewhere and I beg you to start here, today, right now.
A Sinner’s Prayer!
Oh, My Beloved Father in Heaven, I come to You today, in the Precious and Beloved Name of our Saviour, the Saviour of all of Humanity, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Father, I acknowledge that You sent Your Only Son into this Earth, and that He is the Saviour of all of Humanity! He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed Father, I want Jesus as My Saviour. And at this time, Father, I make this formal plea to Your Son before You! “I ask You, Jesus, to be my Saviour! My Beloved Saviour, I am full of sin and I beg you to forgive me and to wash me in the Blood of the Lamb and to make me clean. I am so sorry, Lord, for breaking the commandments of My Father in Heaven. My heart is heavy and is full of pain and sorrow, for I sinning, even when I do not want to. In so many ways, I am driven to do evil and I cannot help myself at all. My Lord, I am hopelessly a prisoner to Satan, and I deeply want to be free! Oh, Please help me, for if you will not help me, there is no hope! Please, please do not turn a deaf ear to my cries, for I love You and I love My Father in Heaven, but I am weak and hopelessly captive to these sins; and I need You more than I have ever needed You! (Now, confess your sins to Him and beg forgiveness for all!)
Beloved Saviour, I beg You to wash me in the Blood of the Lamb, to bathe me in your Holy Fires, and to cleanse me in every way. Make my slate clean, so that I can now go forward and serve You! For, I am a filthy rag before You and totally unworthy, even to speak Your Name!
Oh, Beloved and Holy One, I beg you to break every yoke, every hold and every bondage of Satan, Lucifer, the devil, off of me and to make me free in every way. I beg You to uproot, to loose, to pluck up and to remove every curse from me and every foul way of behaving that is displeasing to You and to our Father in Heaven! I beg you to bathe me in Your holiness and in Your righteousness and to guide me in the Perfect Will of My Father, who is in Heaven. Make me clean and whole before You, so that I can go forward and serve You and my Father in truth, honor and Spirit.
Oh, Beloved Saviour, I beg You to keep me in the hollow of Your hand from day to day, and to guide me in all things, for I am but a babe and I need You now more than ever! Please, please give me Your Beautiful Spirit right now and start Me on Your Way, Your Holy Way, Your Righteous Way, the Way of Truth and Life!
Oh, My Beloved Lord and God, thank You for hearing this prayer from my heart! Thank you for listening to me, for I am alone and I need You so! I love you and I need you each and every day of my life! In Your Beautiful Name, Beloved Jesus, I pray these things. Amen!
The Love of God Makes us Free!
Beloved Ones, our journey through this sphere is all about love! When we discard all things, which cloud our vision, we can plainly see that it is truly THE LOVE OF GOD, WHICH INTERWEAVES ALL OF CREATION! This love binds the true believers to one another and to our Wonderful Lord and God. This love sustains us and carries us through and above all that is dark and evil in this world!
The Return of our Saviour
When our Saviour comes back for us, this beautiful love within us will draw us to Him! For, at that time, we will be full of His love! There will be no darkness in us! Carried away in His love, we are then free! The Gift of Eternal Life is within our grasp and we look back on these trials and tests with gratitude, for then we know well that all has been for the betterment of our souls!

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