Thursday, July 11, 2013

God’s Judgement against the Evil Ones!

"And, all the while, My Child, the evil ones have pushed and pushed to dilute My word. They have pushed to dilute My power. They have pushed and pushed to destroy the moral fiber of this country; for therein is the strength. It is the backbone."
"And they have succeeded, Father."
"Yes, My Child, and particularly through the media."
"This is so." - Father in Heaven

Con’t Book IX, Chapter Five
God’s judgement against the evil ones!
"The Horns off the Goathead in Washington DC"
August 20th, 2003

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Child, as you look outside, you see that there is no wind. Not a single leaf moving. The skies are full of poisons, which have been put there by the Bush crowd and the temperature is very hot. Is this not so?"
"My Father, it is so and I believe that it was 103 degrees yesterday."
"My Little One, as the wind blows, My Spirit blows upon My Faithful."
"Yes, my Father, this is so; but now there is no wind. What does this mean?"
"My Child, it means that now is the time to draw close to Me; for evil is abound."
"Oh, my Father, I know, for with this Mars passage, those in the occult are in high gear."
"My Child, multiple assassinations are prepared to coincide with this Mars transit. These are meant to be a sacrifice to Lucifer." (Note: Did one of these surely happen in Sweden?" Linda)
"Father, I pray that You intervene and that none of them come to pass."
"My Little One, evil will be evil and evil will reap the rewards of evil."
"But, Father, the evil ones like the Bushes never seem to reap the rewards for their evil works."
"My Little One, you may not see them reap them, but they reap them all the same."
"But, Father, they do their evil in full view of the people, so why do they not reap their rewards for evil in full view of the people?"
"My Child, you ask a very good question and I tell you that soon, very soon, the whole world shall see the Bush gang reap what they have sown."
"But, Father, truly it would take them many lifetimes to reap what they have sown. They are responsible for the deaths of millions of people. They are responsible for the addictions of millions through dope peddling. They have stolen trillions. They have done more evil than any family I know of, outside of the Royal Family of England, the Rothcshilds and the Rockefellers, and they continue in their evil. But, honestly, Father, their evil may top that of any of these families. So, for them to reap it in one life, I just do not understand how this could be."
"My Child, you are correct on this account. Save they repent, their reaping could go not for a long, long time. But, I tell you, My Child, that in plain view of the world, as you have petitioned, they shall truly begin to reap as they have sown."
"Father, as for me, this could not be soon enough. It seems that regardless of the evil they do, they have never come to justice. They truly believe they are gods. They set themselves above all laws of any land, but most importantly above Your laws. Father, I am appalled at the evil that they do, the lies upon lies they tell, the murders they commit, etc., etc. and they never come to justice. Father, I am asking You to clean out the evil. You have said that you will remove the horns from the goat head and even the head of the goat off Washington DC this year. Father, as You have said this in the past, even then I did not totally understand what You meant. Father, what did You mean by this?"
"I meant what I said."
"Father, tell me exactly what this means; for You know that You speak in symbols. Your mind is not our mind and we just do not understand."
"My Child, you are correct in what You are saying. You cannot understand this symbolism, save I give you understanding. My Child, you know a little of the occult symbolism in DC."
"Yes, my Father."
"And you know, My Child, that righteous ones fought for a constitutional republic."
"Yes, my Father."
"And, since the beginning, the evil ones have sought to undermine this constitutional republic in every way."
"Yes, my Father, the goats among the sheep. The weeds and thorns among the wheat."
"Exactly. So, there has been this evil force, which has set out to undermine all that I have been determined to give you."
"Yes, Father."
"And, all the while, My Child, the evil ones have pushed and pushed to dilute My word. They have pushed to dilute My power. They have pushed and pushed to destroy the moral fiber of this country; for therein is the strength. It is the backbone."
"And they have succeeded, Father."
"Yes, My Child, and particularly through the media."
"This is so."
"And, My Child, you are thinking, what does this have to do with the goat head and the horns of the goat head. My Little One, it has a lot to do with it. First, each of you must understand the determination of Lucifer, even from the beginning to destroy this nation and to destroy you as individuals. My Little One, Lucifer and his hoards hate each of you with a hate, which runs so deep, that you could never grasp it. This hate is real and what they plot in their hate is annihilation of every Christian and real Jew. They know that this annihilation must be done in stealth. It must be done in secret, for if the masses ever wake up, they, themselves will be history. Well, now, My Child, more and more are awakening. The truth of their evil is coming out and truly, My Child, they are running scared. And, in their fear, they are stumbling all over themselves. With their guide the, goathead demon, bound in chains in the Lake of Fire, they are having trouble. A lot of trouble. But, in no way does this stop their evil. In some ways, they are like blind soldiers, stabbing in the dark. But, they continue on."
"Now, My Child, the Mars transit is coming up within few, short days and the occult practices are moving into a crescendo. They are moving toward a big blowout, if you will. But, My Child, in many ways, this blowout may be little more than a fizzle. It is up to My Faithful to get into high gear in spiritual warfare against them, and their big bang can and will become a whimper.
"My Faithful know the power of spiritual warfare and it is time for them to get into high gear. My Little One, this is full-scale war between good and evil and many souls are at stake."
"Oh, my Father, I know. But, still, Father, what does this have to do with the goat head?"
"My Little One, first I am taking the horns off the goat head in DC. In other words, this year I am going to destroy the power base in DC. And, this year, I am also going to remove the goat head."
"Father, does this relate to the goathead demon being in the Lake of Fire?"
"It does and these are two separate things. This year, I am going to destroy this evil power base in DC and the goathead demon, itself, is in the Lake of Fire."
"Yes, Father, I know this."
"And, in the process, I am breaking the evil chains over the Capitol. Plus, My Child, I am going to break the Bushes and their evil cabal. My Child, I know that you cannot imagine how this will all come about; but just know that it is at hand. I am bringing a shake-up to America that is going to shake it to its very foundation. No longer will the evil ones be able to hide the Sun with their hands. No longer! For, the Son is falling on them."
"Praise You, Father! Praises to Your holy Name!"
"My Little One, it is a new day for My Faithful! I tell you, My Child, that every one, who has received these prayer cloths and who uses them and believes will begin to see My mighty hand in their lives. Many will be propelled into never before experienced visions. Many will begin to hear Me and My Son speaking clearly to them and they will have depths of spiritual experiences as never before. This is My blessing through you to My scattered sheep. My Little One, through these very anointed clothes, I am using you to reach and to anoint My scattered sheep and to prepare them supernaturally as never before for battle."
"Father, this is beautiful! Three times in one week, I have received word of such a thing and all have Your anointed cloths."
"My Child, I have caused this; for they have had the faith to order the cloths and to believe and I am opening them up to new spiritual dimensions."
"Father, this is so beautiful."
" So, it is not just healings or miracles that they will receive, My Child. Remember the House of Israel anointing."
"Yes, my Father."
"And, My Little One, this is being imparted to those, who continue to use the cloths and who believe."
"Oooo-eeee!!! Thank You, Father. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Father, there is a beautiful woman, who has helped in sending out these clothes, even before I knew You would anoint them. This Precious woman has helped with these works and has said to use what she gives to bring You glory. , Father, she has regularly helped to send out these cloths so that You would get the glory. Father, I want You to dip Your finger down, touch this woman and impart to her Your House of Israel anointing. Father, bless this beautiful woman. Give her dreams and visions and show her great and mighty things. I cannot send her a cloth as I do not even know how to reach her, but Father, You do. Will You do this?"
"It is done."
"Thank You, Father! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!"
"And, with this, My Child, we shall stop for today. I am Your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 20th day of August, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

Dear Ones, my apologies for taking so long to get this to you. There has been a lot going, which has taken up much of my time. Very soon, I will post more messages, so keep checking back. It will not take so long this time. Much love to you, our Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Jesus is our Precious Lifeline.
Your Brother and Sister,
Dennis and Linda
PS: Is Hurricane Isabel about to help in taking the horns off the goathead in Washington DC?

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