Monday, July 22, 2013

"Sound the Alarm!"

This is why, My Child, that there are few, very few, who will help you with these works! There are few, very few, who want to hear what I have to say through you! There are few, very few, who will stand up for what is right and this is why this country is in serious peril! 
- Father in Heaven
Book 10,  Chapter Six, PART II
"Sound the Alarm!"

"My Precious Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Little One, do you hear the bells, as in the bells of a chariot of old? And, as this chariot comes to a stop, it sounds the bells so that other passengers will be ready to board. This was the way in olden times, but now much more sophisticated devices are used to sound the alarm indicating that soon it will be time to board the carriage. All is much more complicated now and all is heavily dependent upon electronics and electricity to function. In fact, My Child, the world over, societies are dependent upon this very fragile way of operating in day-to-day transactions. Most records are kept in computers and many businesses do not have paper copies made of their day-to-day operations.
My Little One, the day will come when this very way of doing business will lead to a standstill in the world of business. It will lead to an abrupt halt in business transactions all over the world; for governments and businesses worldwide are dependent on this electronic process. But, herein, my Child, is a grave weakness and this very weakness will be exploited by the warmongers all over the world.
A time is coming, and it is soon, that whole societies, whole countries, will grind to a halt because they did not give forethought to this weakness in advance; but have placed all their eggs in one basket. The power outages in the Northeast should have been a wakeup call to all businesses to have manual backups and tangible copies of all records, so that business can go on as usual in case of emergencies. But, few saw this as a wakeup call and when something much greater happens, this narrow-minded way will lead to great chaos and terrible hardships for the people.
Let all receive these words as grave warnings wherein all their business transactions are dependent upon computers and electronics; for a serious time will come when this very process will be interrupted. It will be broken down and all businesses need a back-up, manual system of operating. This very warning, if taken seriously, will save many a heartache. Let the wise be warned to have tangible records and alternative energy or manual backup systems for their businesses and services; for My Little One, the plans of the enemy are devastation for the whole world. And, what better way for them to disable it than to attack weak and vulnerable systems. I tell you now, and this you already know, that computers are weak and vulnerable systems and with electronic pulse weapons this very basis for business and government alike can be readily broken down and made inoperable. My warning to all is to be wise. Take this warning very seriously for plans are under way to carry out this sort of devastating attack prior to other terrorist activities in several cities all across America."
"Oh, Father, there is no end to this evil."
"No, My Child, there is no end. Not now! But, the wise will listen, they will prepare; but the foolish will not listen and they will all suffer for it. I tell you now that the reptiles, the Seed of the Serpent, who are in power, never plan to give it up! They will blow up much of the USA and much of the world before they will ever give up their plans to conquer and control it all, thereby making slaves of all of humanity. But, in this, I am warning all; for this is but one more of their plans. Pay attention and be prepared. Reject this warning and you, as a people, will greatly lose. And, know My Child, that while I am directing this warning to the USA, it is not just for the USA, but to countries and governments, to businesses the world over, which depend on computers, electronics, and electricity to do business."
"Father, thank You for giving this warning and for giving all warnings to Your people; for You are a God of great love and mercy and I know this great love! Praises to Your Holy Name! My Father, what is the timeframe for this warning?"
"My Child, all the previous blackouts in cities in different parts of the world were a test-run for this big event. I tell you now that the Bushes and their serpent counterparts plan a very disruptive event soon and they have multiple plans of terror, any one of which they could implement. Know them for who they are: Seeds of the Serpent, Lucifer, Satan, the devil.
They hate all of humanity with a great hate and their driving force is the demise of all of you. Never, ever underestimate them. And, never underestimate what they are all capable of doing. When they are cornered, as the Bushes and their allies are now, they would have no qualms about setting off a round of nuclear devices, just to distract the whole world and to save their necks from the chopping block. Be the wiser! Know them and know that they have no respect for life. They have no moral values. They honor no laws; but will break every treaty, every law, that they ever agreed to. Yet, they are constantly watching all of you to make sure that you adhere to all laws. They are constantly looking for ways to entrap you all, yet they put themselves above all laws.
It is up to each of you to demand accountability of them all; but if you will not do this and if you will not jail and imprison them for their crimes against humanity and against nature, they will continue with their evil until few of you are left.
But, My Child, this is the dilemma of mankind. You, yourselves, are a rebellious lot. You chase after the very ones, who are out to destroy you! They set the examples of immorality, of gross depravity, of sex and violence and you lap it up. You train your children in their ways. You allow yourselves to be programmed and mass-mind-controlled through their television and newspapers. You absorb their evil and you follow their ways. You, as a people the world over, lie! You steal! You cheat! You fornicate! You commit adultery! You engage in aberrant sex practices, which I despise! You swear and you use My name in vain! You fill yourselves with wine and liquor and drugs! You are gluttons and you are drunks! You do not honor My Sabbath and you backbite one another! You are full of greed and you lust after what does not belong to you! You are blessed, but you never have enough! You are base and vulgar and cannot be separated from the Seed of the Serpent!
How many of you obey My commands? How many of you put Me first? How many of you truly love and honor Me and My Son? How many of you take care of your body, for it is the Temple of the Living God? How many?
You stuff yourselves with swine’s meat and with fats and with every vile thing; yet you say you are My Child! You follow after the serpents, worshiping things of this world. You make idols of your homes, your cars, your boats, your movies, your football and basketball games, your movie stars and rock stars, yet you know Me not and neither do you honor me! You cannot be separated from the children of the devil for you follow after them! You lust after them! You obey them! You believe them!
And, I ask you now, "Will you jail them for the evil that they do! Will you stand up to protect the constitution of your land, when you break every one of My commandments?" Yes, I said "every one!" And, you may say, ‘Well, I am no murderer!’ But, you are murderers; for 50-60 million plus babies have been killed in America in recent years and what have you done about it? Perhaps, you did not have an abortion; but did you confess this heavy sin of this of this land to Me and to My Son, and did you weep and repent of it? If not, you are guilty of murder! You may not take seriously what I am saying but I do!
You, My Children, have become the Children of Satan. And, I ask, Will you stand up for what is right? Will you stand up against this evil? And, I say to you, "No, you will not; for you do not see the evil!" Your very behaviors have blinded you to this evil and you cannot see it. This is the price of rebellion. You eyes are closed. You ears are closed and you cannot understand the truth! Because you have blindly followed evil, you are blind to the truth! And, because you have loved a lie, I have given you bigger lies, that you would be further deceived. Why? Because you chase after evil and you have finally caught it and now that you are in the hands of the evil ones, and they know it, they are picking up the pace to destroy you all.
Remember that few of you are of the Seed of the Serpent! Most of you contain the Holy Seed, but because you choose evil, your very vibratory rate is very low and you do not have My Spirit. You are not filled with My light and you are devil bait, which the evil ones are ready to consume!
Yes, many call Me evil! Some call Me a demon-god! Some say that I take pride in punishing My own! They will say what they will, but the wise know Me for who I am, that is a fair and just God! I have given you moral guidelines that all might be well with you! I have been strict with you so that at the end of the age, I could truly bless you! I am the same today as yesterday and do not change in My fairness, in My righteousness or expectations of you!
But, you, My Children, have always been full of pride and rebellion! I bless you and you grow in arrogance and self-sufficiency; and when you have plenty, most of you no longer know me! You become wrapped up in the world and you become lost! The glitz and glitter of this world captivates you. You can no longer hear Me and you no longer care for Me and My Son. You no longer desire My Spirit; for you love the spirit of the world, the spirit of Satan, himself! And, this is where you are now!
Very few, and I mean, very few of you live righteous lives! I am ashamed of what I see in America! And, I am ashamed of what I see of My people, who are scattered all over the world! The churches are full of My people, who say they love Me and My Son, but inside they are full of filth. Their hands are full of filth. The preachers are full of filth and as this country teeter-totters on the brink of collapse, the blind masses party on, oblivious to the grave dangers. They cannot see! They cannot hear! They cannot understand; for they are cut off from the Spirit of Truth.
They do not see the plots of the evil ones and they do not even believe they are evil! Blind pastors leading the blind sheep, are all falling at the feet of the Bushes, all insisting that George W. Bush is a Christian, when in fact he is a Satanist, a genuine seed of the serpent! But, this is the lot of the rebellious. They call evil good and good evil. They return evil for good and good for evil! They deny the truth and live a kind of godliness; yet deny the power thereof! Out of their mouths come empty and vacant words, which have little meaning! They perform no miracles! No one is healed! No one is delivered and no one is set free of the bondages of Lucifer; for they do not have the power of My Spirit! These are empty people, empty preachers, empty churches, all the more the Children of the Devil, and they are steadily making their way into hell, and taking the masses with them!
And, this, My Child, is the dilemma of My People in America and their dilemma the world over. They cannot fight evil, for they cannot see it! Therefore, the plans of the evil ones are accelerating at lighting speed! This is why, My Child, that there are few, very few, who will help you with these works! There are few, very few, who want to hear what I have to say through you! There are few, very few, who will stand up for what is right and this is why this country is in serious peril! It is rotten to the core! It has become a curse upon this Earth and few, very few even realize the state of this nation. It has been hijacked by the Seed of the Serpent, who plan to kill you all, to steal all your belongings, and to destroy all your children and you, the blind, the deaf, and the disobedient neither see, nor care. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 31st day of March, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

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