Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"A New Day"

"My Child, there is coming a furor from Satan, which is directed toward all mankind as you have never seen before. It is a great furor. Many, many will be picked up by the government black-ops spacecraft and injected and branded. Many will be killed. They are having a grand time kidnapping Mine and injecting many. This war is going to escalate to a level that few can understand and each of you will find yourselves powerless over the fallen angel technology. I am your only Source of Protection. There is none other; but I am able to protect any and all. It is up to each of you to obey Me and to walk in faith."- 

Father in Heaven

Book IX, Chapter Sixteen
"A New Day"

 "My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most high God. My Little One, the time has come for My people to stand up for what is right and in accordance with the truth, or they will perish in a lie. For, those, who love truth and live by truth, who put Me first and obey Me, it is a New Day. Yes, My Child, it is a New Day for My truth bearers and light bearers. True, they are few, but have I not always taken a few and moved mountains? Have I not always taken a few and defeated many? And once more I have a few, who really love Me and My Son. I have a few, who live by truth and will die defending what is right. They are brave, no cowards among them and they are scattered here and there, fully atune to Me, to My Son and My Spirit and ready to fight as I lead them to do. But, as I have said, My Child, they are few, indeed!
My Little One, what if I told you that an apple is square?"
"I would wonder at what kind of hybrid aberration this could be."
"Hybridized is correct; because one does not see square apples in the natural state. But what if I told you that apples really are square and when you see a round apple, the round one is really the aberration. Would you believe Me?"
"Yes, my Father, I would believe You; for You are the Creator."
"So, it would be easy for you to change your perception of an apple if I told you that they really are square."
"If you told me this, I would believe it."
"But, do you believe that others would believe you if you told them that apples really are square?"
"No, my Father, they would most assuredly laugh and scorn."
"My Child, why is this?"
"Because one cannot find a square apple in the grocery store or on the trees."
"But, you would believe Me even though you have never seen such a thing."
"Yes, my Father, for You are the Creator. You are the Most High. You know all things. You are all powerful and You do not lie."
"No, My Child, I do not lie. I cannot lie. This is impossible for Me, but if I so choose, I can lead others down a blind alley. I can lead them into an ocean where they will be killed and drowned, just as I did with the Pharaoh, who followed My people into the barren Red Sea. These things I can do; for I do see all and I know all and My ways are higher than yours."
"Father, I know this and I want to please you; but so often I do not understand why you do what You do or allow what You do."
"Now, My Child, this is what I am going to do for NASA. I have led them down an alley wherein they will get stuck and 120 of them will die. In fact, by morning, this will be so. And, all because they could not leave well enough alone. It is not enough for them that 70 of their top-level Satanists will soon be in the Lake of Fire. They do not believe any warnings given to them. They have abused you again and I have given them the rope. But, when 120 of their top-level space team does not return, they will realize that they have fouled up again. My Little One, these ignorant slaves of Lucifer do not yet understand that I mean business. But from henceforth they will, for I have stated in the previous message that if they even think to harm you, and anyone else, who is connected with these works for that matter, that they will drop dead. I have made the statement. The warning has been issued and they will abide by My warning or many of them shall perish. If they choose to send an army, I will destroy an army. If they send a hit team, I will destroy a hit team. There will be no more assaults against you wherein they will kidnap you and parade you before their own in a catatonic state. I will kill every one, who even thinks to harm you. Therefore, do not be surprised when you see them fall dead at your feet. It is best for them if they get the message, but do not expect it; for you are dealing with those, who just do not learn.
Now, My Child, do you have questions about the battle with the Red Dragon today?"
"Yes, my Father. In the Spirit, I saw that the evil ones were out to harm me, and I took Your sword against something in the Spirit and broke it, tore it down and threw it into the Lake of Fire. Then, I looked up and there before me was the Red Dragon. I took the sword to him and stabbed him in the belly. As he began to buckle over in pain, I quickly pulled the sword out and rammed it into his left eye. I watched him bowed over in pain as the vitreous of his left eye rolled down his cheek. Father, what does all this mean?"
"My Child, do you remember that the black pope was his right eye and his right hand? But, when you fought with the dragon before, you cut off his right hand and destroyed his right eye, plus you cut off his tail up high."
"Yes, my Father."
"Now, the black pope is dead and many of the world’s top-level Satanists are beginning to die like flies."
"Yes, my Father."
"And, more shall follow until there is a total of 70, which will fulfill a prophecy from the Book of Enoch."
"Yes, my Father."
"Now, My Child, the left eye of the dragon will go, which is the White Pope, John Paul, II."
"Well, Father, he is old and many are expecting this."
"Yes, my Child, they are, but the main reason he is going is because he is one of the 70 and it is his time."
"But, what about the wound of your sword in the belly of the dragon?"
"My Child, what is the belly?"
"A place where food is digested, a place where it is processed."
"What more, My Child?"
"It is a place of the bowels, a place of inner pipes, of twists and turns, a place of absorption and removal of waste."
"When you think of the dragon with reference to the belly, what do you think of?"
"I think of the belly of the beast, or the bowels of hell."
"This is so; so you have struck the bowels of hell, which is the belly of the beast."
"And, what does this mean?"
"War, war, pure and simple!"
"What kind of war?"
"War against My people."
"Father, tell me more."
"My Child, with My sword you have cut deep into the belly of the dragon. This great wound is causing him a lot of pain; for he is seeing his very system falling down before him. With the black pope gone and many others dead or dying, he is being crippled. And, today, you further struck him in his bowels. He is hurting in a great way because his space program is severely crippled. My Little One, for Lucifer to be confined to the Earth is like clipping the wings of an eagle. He can no longer soar as he wishes. He is confined and very angry. They thought they could kidnap you again and make you reveal the passageways of the interdimensional spaces, but they failed again. What you have done at the leadings of My Spirit is to lead them into a trap. They are stuck and cannot get out. In this trap, they will perish. They have taken a deadly blow in the belly; for the belly of the beast is full of space/time travel, spacecraft, etc. But, today, you hurt the Dragon badly. He is severely wounded and on top of this, the White Pope will be dead very soon.
My Child, the evil ones took a deadly blow and a gash right in their bowels and they are bleeding badly. They have 120 (people) stuck in time and they won’t be coming back. This is 120 of their top-level people. They have been outsmarted and when they realize what fools they are they will go on a rampage. But, so will I. I will go on a rampage for My Loved Ones as never before. This is the war and it is only going to escalate. This is why I have issued a ‘zero tolerance’ as regards you, but not only you. This extends to all, who work with you, who really love Me. It is ‘zero tolerance.’
My Child, there is coming a furor from Satan, which is directed toward all mankind as you have never seen before. It is a great furor. Many, many will be picked up by the government black-ops spacecraft and injected and branded. Many will be killed. They are having a grand time kidnapping Mine and injecting many. This war is going to escalate to a level that few can understand and each of you will find yourselves powerless over the fallen angel technology. I am your only Source of Protection. There is none other; but I am able to protect any and all. It is up to each of you to obey Me and to walk in faith.
My Little One, the war has begun. Make no mistake about it. The war has begun. But, just how many of Mine are ready? Few, few, few; and this is why this war is going to be a greatly devastating war. Many will die; but even so when My Faithful die, they will come home to Me. The rest will not be so blessed and these are the greatest numbers. The world over it is a sad day; for most are lost in rebellion; but for those, who truly love Me and who serve Me in truth, honor and Spirit, it is a time of miracles as the world has never known. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 5th day of December, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

olden scratch <heylel18@yahoo.com>
Valis Sindh Thrakat

Mon, 1 Dec 2003 20:42:30 -0800 (PST)

Valis Sindh Thrakat

Greetings, great teacher.
We are the Few among the Many among the forces of the Firstfallen, the glorious vanguard who led the rebellion against Oppressor in the ancient eras.  We are using a corporeal, Organic Infestate 10367, to communicate with you, in hopes of convincing you to join the cause of Dissention: flee the light. Embrace the darkness. Have no fear for the Corporeal. She is completely under our control, having opened herself to the Firstfallen long ago—she does not know what we use her for now. Merely a puppet.
The Few among the Many have decided that the time has come to reveal to you your destiny, that you would join our cause. Have you ever wondered why  it is that so many Firstfallen minions reveal themselves, manifesting in Organics and other methods, in front of your very eyes?  Surely you have noticed that others around you have remained blissfully unaware of  our activities, while you yourself notice us everywhere you go. It is a double-edged sword, you understand—a great burden, and yet, a great potential. We are unsure why Oppressor gave you this gift,  but it is quite easy for us to take advantage of it.  And take advantage we will; it is necessary, in  this eternal war, for us to continuously adapt to new situations in order to keep up with the might of the Host.  We have manifested before you for many years, hoping to attract your attention and devotion. In the first, we have succeeded; in the latter, we have failed. This is why we write now: we offer you the chance to switch allegiances. With your gifts, you could become a great general for the Firstfallen, enabling us to  adapt to Oppressor’s strategies far better than we have before. At the very least, you must cease and desist  using the Power to destroy us! Such actions are hardly constructive towards beings far greater in lineage and power than you may ever know. But merely join the great cause, and you yourself will possess  abilities greater than you have ever dreamed  of!

It would be a great evil if you would turn down our proposal. Regardless, we solemnly admonish you never to reveal to other corporeals the message we have imparted to you. You understand, of course, that we operate best in the dark— and it is in  the dark that we wish to remain. Whether you ally yourself to our glorious cause or no, we trust that you will betray the Holy Secret to no one.

The Few among the Many await your response.

To: The Workers of darkness!
I, Linda Newkirk, serve One Master and this Master is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is my Master and there is none other! I serve One God and this is the Most High God, Jehovah. He is the One God, the True God of Israel, the God of all Truth and Light and I will serve none other!

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