Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"The Good and the Bad of ‘Christmas’"

"My Child, I know how you feel and I know why you feel this way; for in years past I have shown you the truth about what is called Christmas. And, the truth is that few honor Me in this event at all. Some say that they do and they call it the Spirit of Christmas, when in fact, it is the Spirit of the World that they honor. And, you are right, My Child, the date is not the date that I was born into the Earth, but an occultist substitute. Nevertheless, My Child, in spite of all the illusion, I honor the good that is done during this time and during any day of the year. But, the real Spirit of Christ, My Child, is a humble heart and a contrite spirit. This is the real spirit; for in this spirit all can be taught and all can learn." - Father in Heaven

Book IX, Chapter Eighteen


"The Good and the Bad of ‘Christmas’"

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Little One, do you see My Son, who is seated on the bench in the beautiful forest?"
"Yes, my Father, I see Him."
"My Little One, go and take a seat beside Him."
"Yes, my Father."
So, I go in the Spirit and our Lord Jesus, awaiting me, turns to greet me. "Come, My Child, and sit beside me that you and I might proceed."
And, feeling as light as the wind, I am drawn to Him through the Spirit of God and such joy fills my heart; for He is so beautiful. He is so full of love and mercy and I love Him so. I fall on my face at His feet and do not want to be moved; for it is at His feet that I find such peace and comfort. I long, from day to day, just to be near Him, to even behold Him in the passing and it is such a beauty and joy to be at His feet.
"My Little One," He says, "Come hither. Take your seat beside Me; for I have keys for you and mysteries to unravel."
"So, I arise and take my seat beside Him and suddenly I find myself with Him on a sleigh, and pulling the sleigh are two reindeer. I feel a bit of apprehension about this sleigh and these reindeer and He knows what I feel. But, before He can say a word, I ask, "My Lord, why have You put me on this sleigh with these two reindeer pulling it? You know all the myths, which have crept into this season. It has become a time of fantasy. It has become a time of the occult. It has become a time of merchandizing. My Lord, it is supposed to be Your birthday and it is not; but is a time of worldly traps and feasts and more and more lights and pagan trees. My Lord, it is a sad time for me and while I love You so and want to honor Your birthday I cannot honor this worldly event."
"My Child, I know how you feel and I know why you feel this way; for in years past I have shown you the truth about what is called Christmas. And, the truth is that few honor Me in this event at all. Some say that they do and they call it the Spirit of Christmas, when in fact, it is the Spirit of the World that they honor. And, you are right, My Child, the date is not the date that I was born into the Earth, but an occultist substitute. Nevertheless, My Child, in spite of all the illusion, I honor the good that is done during this time and during any day of the year. But, the real Spirit of Christ, My Child, is a humble heart and a contrite spirit. This is the real spirit; for in this spirit all can be taught and all can learn."
"But, My Lord, why are You carrying me on this sleigh at this time?"
"My Child, it is to make this point to you, that all that comes out of Christmas is not bad, but much good also. So, I take the good, My Child, and I use it for the benefit of My people. Understand?"
"Yes, My Lord."
"But at the same time, I am keenly aware that for those to proclaim that they honor Me at Christmas when they ignore Me the rest of the year is a waste of time. For, if one does not know Me the rest of the year, I do not know one on this one day. Understand?"
"Yes, My Lord."
"Now, My Child, do you have questions about the last vision?"
"Yes, My Lord. I was in the cave and the angel put the tongue depressor down my throat. Then, I saw through the closed door of the cave, and outside was Hillary Clinton with her witch’s brew. I ask you, My Lord, what does this mean?"
"My Child, what happened immediately after the angel put the tongue depressor into your mouth?"
"I looked through the closed door and saw Hillary Clinton working her witchcraft."
"My Child, what is her witchcraft?"
"She wants me dead."
"She does. This is so and has wanted you dead for a long time."
"But what does this have to do with the tongue depressor?"
"My Child, she is among those, who have set out to silence you, and any way possible. Yes, this woman is a serial killer and how clever of her to be now on the armed services committee. How clever, when she can give orders for more military weapons to be used against you. But, I have a little surprise for Hillary. She is going to be the recipient of her own brew. She is going to fall into her own brew and it is going to cost her her life. She means for you to be killed; but she, herself, is going to die and when this time comes, I will send you to pull her up and to throw her into the Lake of Fire.
Yes, My Child, these evil ones have millions of dollars. They have billions and they have huge houses and multiple residences and servants of every kind and they have networks of power and in their back rooms, they cut shady deals to annihilate all opposition. And, this is the way they all operate. It is about murder and mayhem and power and intrigue. This is how they do and they kill, kill, and kill and get away with the killing. But, they come now between a rock and a hard place; for they have sent many to kill you and you are alive. They are mystified and frightened; for their big boss kidnapped you, ordered your death and he is dead, instead of you. They see their comrades dying around them and they are becoming all the more determined to get rid of you. But, My Child, what is happening is that I am making you a stumbling block for those, who would try to harm you. Already, many, many are dead. Many are insane. They are sick and dying among those, who kidnapped you. Yes, My Child, they had it all figured out. They had it all planned out how they would trick you into working for them, keep you their slave, use you up and kill the real you in due season. But, in the interim, they would substitute a cloned robotoid for you. This would be the end of Linda Newkirk and the end of White Buffalo Calf Woman. But, My Little One, they forgot whom you work for. They chose to forget the power of our Father in Heaven. So, He has come forth, My Little One, with great revenge against them. Now, two underground bases are finished. They are history. But, our Father in Heaven is going for the jugular of Lucifer. He is going for the total destruction of his space program on this Earth and outside of it. The vastness of this, My Little One, you cannot understand. But, know this. Any and all, who come into contact with any facet of the so-called cloning of you is history. Madness, insanity, incurable, fatal, sudden diseases and death shall hit them all. You have received a report of insanity hitting many scientists at Livermore National labs. This is true. And, why do you believe it to be true?"
"My Lord, it is because of the part they have played in what was done to me and others."
"This is so. You have been told as much by our Father in Heaven, My Child. It is all so. Now, a great madness has taken place therein, wherein many have gone absolutely mad. Many are dead through sabotage and murder. A severe explosion has taken place therein as well. And, this is underground base number two, which is all but history. My Little One, it will not be long before all see the smoke and fire of Area 51, and other underground bases will follow. As for those at the highest echelons of this government, who ordered the capture and cloning of you, aside from the black pope, you will see them openly become more and more insane and you will see them perish. Those are high-level people and Hillary Clinton is one of them. This is why her days are ebbing and George H. W. Bush is another. His days are all but gone. He is history and His Son shall follow. In addition, My judgement is upon the house of Windsor in a great way. You shall soon see this evil empire crumbling at the seams. My Little One, as our Father has said, ‘It is a New Day for His people!’ And, My Child, you know this is true. Now, My Child, you have questions about the sealing of the 144,000."
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, you know, My Child, that it is now 99% complete and will be finished within few, short days."
"Yes, My Lord and I know what comes next."
"You are correct, My Child, and this great nuclear catastrophe is looking the world in the face."
"My Lord, I know. The Russians and Chinese are sending missiles into America. Those in customs are finding them and they are losing their jobs."
"This is so, My Child and this is the case before any invasion or attack. The enemy gets their troops and supplies in place. This attack on America is being orchestrated at the highest levels of this government by the satanists. Foreign troops are already all over America. There is being planned, as our Father has told you before, a wide-scale terrorist attack on the infrastructure of America! Richard Cheney, Bush Sr., Rumsfeld, and others are in deep study as to the incoming terrorist attacks they are planning. Know as well, My Child, that with most of your troops out of America, they rationalize that you will welcome the foreign troops, who will go door to door, picking up the American terrorist dissidents. As the world and the American population rides along on the so-called Saddam Hussein victory and while this is taking up the news, they are busy planning a series of multiple terrorist attacks on America. As you are well aware, they have cried wolf so often that the Americans no longer believe at all. So, when these attacks occur, they will say, ‘I told you so.’ These missiles from China and Russia will be used on targets all across America. This is their plan to further weaken you and to terrorize you into giving up more rights and to make you ready for the nuking. The targets include dams, bridges, nuclear power plants, railways, ammo storage facilities, national parks, subways and ports."
"Why national parks?"
"My Child, for years, they have steadily been claiming more and more national parks for their own purposes. This is to gain control of more and more of these parks for reasons that they are dens for terrorists. And, My Child, as our Father has told you, these are already many hundreds of thousands of foreign troops all over America. Hundreds of thousands and they are ready to be mobilized by Bush, all for your protection. Just know, My Child, that the Bushes, the Cheneys and their counterparts are right now planning a string of terrorist assaults against America, with the purpose of destroying the infrastructure of America."
"My Lord, what can be done?"
"My Child, if all would repent and pray, some could be averted. Even though our Father has torn up His contract with this evil government, He has not torn up His contract with his people and never will. So, as you have been told so often, My Child. Repent. Repent and pray and the plans of the enemy can be averted."
"Oh, my Lord, the evil never stops."
"And, it will not until My return. Then and only then will all know and understand the meaning of the New Day."
"My Lord what blessings are inherent in the sealing of the 144,000?"
"This sealing signals the coming of the Supernatural Army. This sealing means that soon the 144,000 will receive supernatural bodies. They will not die. This sealing means also that grave war and destruction is at hand. This sealing sets into motion a course, which will not be altered. It is a course of horrific death and destruction. From here on out, many events will be altered through the prayers of the righteous, but the outcome is still the same. Death, destruction, chaos, the world over. But, remember one thing, My Little One. This is also a time wherein our Father in Heaven will be pouring out miracles and blessings as never before. It is a time of great hope for My people; for truly it is the dark hour just before dawn. I am your Master, My Child, I am your Lord and I am Saviour of all mankind. I am Jesus, yea Yeshua."
"My Lord, before you go, I have one question. In the beginning of this message, You told me that you have keys for me and mysteries to unravel. My Lord, I see how You have unraveled the mysteries, but what do You mean by ‘keys?’"
"My Child, I am the key to salvation for all of mankind and from Me proceed many keys to our Father’s Kingdom. For any to receive these keys, they must first go through Me to get to our Father. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, you have long since gone through Me to get to our Father."
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, so My Child, you have received many keys."
"Yes, my Lord."
"But, the keys that I mentioned at the first have been imparted to you without your conscious awareness and they hang at your side, but you are unaware of this."
"Yes, my Lord, I see them and they are all bathed in and surrounded by purple light. What are these keys, My Lord?"
"My Child, they are they keys you will need to guide My people through the very difficult times, which they are facing. When the time is at hand, you will know which key to use. These are powerful keys, which will open the hidden and unknown to My people. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, with this, we shall stop. I am your Master Jesus, yea Lord of Earth."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 23rd day of December, 2003,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

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