Saturday, July 20, 2013

"The Rainbow Army"

"My Child, the Rainbow Army is full of this fire of God. They will do great and mighty works that involve the literal manifestation of this holy fire. My Child, this rainbow fire is an all-consuming fire and it is also a holy, pure, cleansing fire. This rainbow fire will either devour and consume, or it will heal and cleanse. With one touch, it will do either. - Master Jesus
Con’t Book 10, Chapter Two
"The Rainbow Army"

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Come hither, My Child and take your seat high up on My Holy Mountain. Sit here beside My Son; for He is to visit with you today."
"Yes, my Father." And, I run upward, quickly climbing several flights of stairs, and I come suddenly to a small room, which is surrounded by glass on all sides. Outside, I see a white balcony and far below, I see eagles flying, and below them, verdant pastures. Before me is our Precious Lord Jesus. He is dressed in white and around His waist is a golden sash. Hie eyes are so full of power that I feel weak in my knees and this is all just as well. For, it is at His feet that I long to be. Bending now and hugging his feet, I feel such peace come over me that I feel at last that I have come home. I hear the chirping of birds and look to see blue birds swirling around outside of the glass."
"My Child," our Lord says, " bright is today, but tomorrow is a day of gloom."
"Oh, my Lord, it is so beautiful here and it is so wonderful to see You that I hate to think about the gloom that awaits us." And, as I say these words, I feel a tear hit the top of my head and a feeling of such darkness and sorrow sweeps over me that I can hardly bear it. Suddenly, our Lord Jesus is gone. The room is gone and I am out standing at the edge of a barren, wind-swept field. Off in the distance, I see a burning fire and the smell of smoke is filling my nostrils. Picking up the soil, I see that it is charred and still hot from the raging fires. I take a seat and begin to weep; wondering what is left after this roaring fire. As I sit there, a beautiful angel appears and hands me a note. I open the note and it reads, "Your house in on fire." I look up to see that the angel is gone and I crinkle the note in my hands and drop it to the ground. Covering my face with my blackened hands, I begin to weep before our Lord and God. Tears flow down my cheeks and before long my hands are full of tears. I know my face must be a mess; for the tears have combined with the soot to create a running, black mess. Again the angel appears to me, picks up the crinkled note and hands it to me. "You only read the front part of the note. Turn it over and read the other side."
Wiping my tears and taking the note once again, I flip it to the reverse side. And, there on the other side is a singular blue bird in flight, and under its right wing is written. "You are the blue bird." Coming from the bird’s mouth are musical notes. I flip the note back and forth, not understanding what I am seeing; but feeling so hopeless, as if it really does not matter. So, I take the note, crumple it again and throw it to the ground. Getting now on my knees before this rock on which I am sitting, I weep once more, cupping my blackened hands over my weeping eyes and crying out to our Lord Jesus. "Oh, my Lord, look at this war. Look at these fires. Look at this ground. All is burned up and I feel so sad. How can any or it make sense? And, how can it make any sense when You tell me that My house is on fire on the one hand and that I am a bluebird in flight on the other? A bluebird even singing a tune! My Lord, I am in this destruction, in this war, in this blackness, and You show me this bluebird. My Lord, what is all of this and why have You sent me here?"
I feel a touch to my right shoulder and I hear the voice of our Lord Jesus. "My Little One, it is a day of doom and gloom for the whole world."
"But, My Lord, what does this mean? How can You show me that I am a bluebird in flight and even singing a tune, in the midst of this great darkness?"
"My Child, you are My bluebird of happiness. You bring Me joy, My Little One."
"But, You tell me that My house is on fire and all around me if fire and devastation. All is burned to the ground. My Lord, what joy is in this?"
"My Little One, there is no joy in devastation and destruction. There is freedom for you in doing My work. There is hope for you in doing my work."
"But, my Lord, what is meant by, ‘Your house is on fire?’"
"My Little One, this is what is meant. Times, devastating times, are coming into the Earth. Great wars, great famines, great devastations, and rampant diseases. Devastating times are at hand and these will not be put off for much longer. But, My Little One, I am going to set your spiritual house on fire in a way like you have never known. Even in the midst of great destruction, you are going to feel a spiritual freedom like you have never known. Yes, My Child, these things are going to make you sad and you are going to shed many tears; but even in the midst of all this, I am going to set your spiritual house on fire in ways that you cannot imagine. So, My Little One, it is not for you to feel overcome by what you all must go through; but realize, My Child, that these things must come to pass. But, even so, My Little One, I am going to empower you as never before. Now, My Child, this is not just you that I am speaking of. My Little One, know this. I have wrapped you in My holy rainbow, as a gift to you, from our Father in Heaven. Yet, even so, My Little One, this gift has come through Me to you. My Little One, this holy rainbow is being gifted to My people through you. To date, many have received the gift of this rainbow and some have taken it seriously, while others have not. Some have steadily prayed with their cloths and these are steadily receiving what I have sealed into them through the Spirit of God. My Little One, the gifts in these cloths are deeply multi-layered. These gifts go deep and those, who seek what I have sealed in them, will get these gifts. Those, who only want a little will get a little, but those, who deeply want what I have put into these cloths, will get the deep things. And, then, My Child, at their time of great need, will also be as you. They will also rise as My bluebirds, amidst great adversity and surprising even themselves, they will know My joy and freedom, even amidst great sorrow, great loss and great persecution. My Little One, this is the gift of our Father’s rainbow through Me to each, who wants it deeply."
"Oh, My Lord, this is a beautiful thing."
"And, you, My Child, the White Buffalo Calf Woman, come adorned in this rainbow and this rainbow, My Little One, will take you into many places, wherein you will bring the miracles of our father and you will come out unscathed. But, My Little One, as you know, for you to get to this level has required great diligence, obedience and honor toward Me and our Father and what is being given through you, you have been blessed with and you have earned. So, My Little One, the gift of this rainbow to you shall grow in power. It shall grow in strength, until many shall be afraid of you; for many shall see this fire upon you and they shall be sorely afraid. For, as you have been faithful in a little, My Child, and I have given you more and now, My Child, you are bathed in this rainbow and wherever you go, this rainbow shall be seen on you. For, it shall never leave you."
"Oh, My Lord, this is a beautiful thing and even in my hands is this rainbow and on my feet and all about me, My Lord. And, when I jump, it jumps and when I sit, it sits. Oh, My Lord, thank You. Thank You, my Precious Lord. And, praises to our Father in Heaven forever and ever; for He has sent this rainbow."
"Yes, My Child, He has sent it to Me. I have sent it to you and you have sent it to others, that they will be a part of the rainbow army if they want it deeply enough. But, as I have told you before, most do not want this deeply enough. Only a few; but I will raise up a few, who receive these cloths, and they will ride with you in My Rainbow Army."
"My Lord, how is Your Rainbow Army any different than the rest of Your army?"
"They are different because they have the power of the Rainbow."
"And, what does this mean, My Lord?"
"Oh, My Child, this is what it means." And, He raises his hand toward the black sky and a fire, with all the colors of the rainbow, begins to color the sky and to follow His hand from left to right, creating a brilliant rainbow in the dark sky."
"Yes, My Lord, I see, but I still do not know what You mean."
"My Child, the Rainbow Army is full of this fire of God. They will do great and mighty works that involve the literal manifestation of this holy fire. My Child, this rainbow fire is an all-consuming fire and it is also a holy, pure, cleansing fire. This rainbow fire will either devour and consume, or it will heal and cleanse. With one touch, it will do either. Those, in power will greatly fear those, who have this rainbow fire in its full manifestation; for many will drop dead when hit by this fire. Others will be so full of fear that they will flee. And, others will be instantly healed, delivered and set free. Now, My Child, as I have given you this rainbow and you continue to give freely of it, I will put you at My side in charge of the Rainbow Army. And, My Little One, as you are a multi-dimensional being, others all over the world, who are in the Rainbow Army, will often see you in their midst, helping them to fight against the enemy. My Little One, this is a mighty thing and eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what I am going to do with My Rainbow Army."
"Oh, my Lord, this is the most beautiful thing."
"And, beside me at the head of this army is White Buffalo Calf Woman. This is you, My Child. You are My warrior princess."
"Why do You call me, ‘warrior princess?’"
"My Child, you are My warrior and you are also My princess, who will one day be one of My Queen."
"Oh, My Lord, this is beautiful. Who would think that such a beautiful thing would come out of such darkness?"
"They would not, My Child; but I tell you now that this shall come to pass. I am your Master Jesus, yea Lord of earth and heir to the same. And, with this we shall stop for now."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 14th day of February, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

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