Wednesday, July 10, 2013

“The Murder Plot of President Bush! And, more evil plans for America!”

Many look at you, My Child, and they laugh. They scorn and they poke fun. I tell you, My Little One that it would be better for them if they had not been born; for it is Me they scorn. It is Me, they laugh at. It is Me they reject; not you. My Little One, you are My messenger. You are My scribe, as you like to call yourself. These messages do not originate with you, but Me and My son. So, the derision is towards Me." - Father in Heaven
Con’t Book IX, Chapter Five
Third Message From our Father in Heaven
August 05, 2003
“The Murder Plot of President Bush! And, more evil plans for America!”

 “My beloved child, I am your Father in Heaven, Yea Jehovah, Most High God. Yes, My Little One, the battle is raging and it is intensifying by day. The horrors of war are beginning to touch the entire world. The whole Mideast is an utter boiling pot and day by day it is boiling over and touching the whole world.”
“Oh, my Father, what these evil ones are doing is an abomination on the face of this planet. Father, it was so horribly evil to fill the Mideast with radioactive materials. Not only the Mideast, Father, but this radioactivity will travel through the dust storms. It will travel on the wind and many, many will be affected. Father, if You do not judge this evil, nothing will be left.”
“My Child, you are correct. If I do not judge it, the Earth, itself, will be destroyed. And, these same ones would pollute and destroy space and time if they could. This is why I am tightening the noose around their necks. This is why I am changing the signature of time. This is why I am going to destroy their space station. This is why I am clamping down on their space maneuvers.
My Little One, a mass insanity is gripping this planet. Like rabid dogs, these satanists go forth to conquer and devour the whole world.  But, I tell you, My Child, that I am crippling them here and there. I am putting a damper on their evil works. For, they believe that they can do as they choose, to kill and destroy all life, to kill and destroy, to terrorize and torture My Loved Ones with impunity. But, this very arrogance shall bring destruction down on their heads.
My Little One, for a very long time I have allowed the wheat to grow alongside the tares. The goats and the sheep have been in the same field. But, now I am separating Mine out. I am harvesting My wheat and as I harvest it, I am putting it aside for My own use. I am taking My sheep from among the goats; for I will not have them corrupted by the goats any longer. And, yes, My Child, this sorting, this harvesting is painful for My people; for many are pained to see their loved ones lying with the goats. They are pained to see their neighbors lying with the tares. But, My Child, evil is as evil does. If one does not want to be harvested with the goats and the tares, one must give up the ways of the goats and tares. One must be as the wheat, as the sheep, or one is not. One must live righteousness or choose rebellion. There is no in between, as you know. One will choose to do right in the face of adversity and great trials or one will chose rebellion and evil. This is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ choice, a black or white choice. There is no gray. There will be no fence-sitters, no middle-of-the–roaders in My Kingdom. Each of you makes your choices on a daily basis. You choose righteousness and live truth or you choose rebellion and live a lie.
It is a sad day, My Child, a very sad day, when one can put more stock in a man under the bridge than in most church-goers. It is a very sad day; for ‘yes’, My Child, the one, who sleeps under the bridge is expected to be caught up in rebellion. Though this is not always the case. Life circumstances will put many under the bridges. But, even so, most are in rebellion.
However, what excuses do the church-goers have? Do they not know right from wrong? Do they not read My word? Do they not seek My truth? Do they not pray?  My Little One, the answer to most of these question is ‘yes’. But, unfortunately they choose disobedience. They choose to do as they please. They choose lying. They choose deceit. They choose tale-bearing. They choose rebellion; and this is why My judgement is about to fall so heavily on this errant church population.
Many look at you, My Child, and they laugh. They scorn and they poke fun. I tell you, My Little One that it would be better for them if they had not been born; for it is Me they scorn. It is Me, they laugh at. It is Me they reject; not you. My Little One, you are My messenger. You are My scribe, as you like to call yourself. These messages do not originate with you, but Me and My son. So, the derision is towards Me.
Yes, My Child, because of ignorance people do many things. Because of ignorance they say many things. But, My Child, whose fault is it that one chooses ignorance? Truly, there is no shortage of information , at least in the civilized world?”
“Yes, my Father, this is so.”
“Now, My Child, as I have told you previously, I am changing the signature of time.  The evil ones know this; for they are already having problems, great problems. This is why they are horning in beneath your home with a tunnel. They believe that they will take what they want by force. For, they believe erroneously that they own this planet. But, I tell you, My Child, that this is one vortex that they will never won. I have forewarned them to stop persecuting you and others of My Loved Ones and I have given them adequate time. But, they do not believe a word given to them. Therefore, I will make believers out of them.
The Goathead demon is chained up in the Lake of Fire and they will figure this one out soon.  The signature of time is changing and they are figuring this out. The space station is becoming unglued and they will figure this out when it disintegrates. NASA will be utterly destroyed. I will see to it.  They can move it ten, twenty, one hundred miles underground and I will find it. I, Myself will destroy it. This year, the horns are coming off the goathead in Washington DC, but not just the horns, the whole head is going and soon enough. They will figure this out.”
“Father, You have said that You will not give me another warning about the plot to kill the President.”
“’Tis true and I have not given it to you.”
“But, Father, You know of the dreams, which came to me from two different sources. Two individuals in different parts of the world, and they both saw President Bush dead in a casket in a large room. Father, this must be from You.”
“It is; but I did not give you this warning.”
“No, Father, not directly to me, but to others, so that it would get back to me.”
“This is so.”
“So, Father, the plot is back on the front burner.”
“You have surmised correctly.”
“Father now that people know of the plot to blow up dams and bridges and other things and now that people know about their plots to create more wars and people are praying against these things, they plan to resort to Plan A. Take out the President; for he is worth more dead than alive.”
“You have surmised correctly.”
“And, Father, in one of these dreams, this dear woman saw the face of a dead George. W. Bush and he looked so young. He was all made up with make up and he looked very young. This is what she said.”
“My Little One, you know what this means.”
“Father, this relates to my seeing him dead on a stage. It is being staged as an act of theatrics and it is being done to make his evil look good in the faces of the people. It is all theatrics, all carefully orchestrated to artfully cover up his evil.  They plan to orchestrate this thing like a movie production and the weeping faces of all of the Bush family members will ‘touch’ the hearts of the Americans and ‘poof’, they will forget about the crimes of the entire Bush family.”
“You have surmised correctly. You have seen it and it is so.”
“And, Father, the two swords behind George’ W. Bush’s head, which I saw in the vision, and this dear woman saw in her dream.”
“My Little One, it is death by the sword, as one group opposes another.”
“But, You said that George H. W. Bush will be in on the death of his own son.”
“I have said it and this is so.”
“Oh, Father, I cannot comprehend this evil. It is beyond words.”
“It is. Therefore, My Child, all this has come to you so that you would know and so that you would warn the people. If their plans go as they would like them, this President has days to live.”
“Oh, my Father, as much as I detest what this man has done, I would prefer that You save his soul; for, I cannot rejoice in the fact that he will soon meet the Lake of Fire. Plus, Father, You have said that the one who follows will be worse.”
“I have said it.”
“Father, yesterday in visions, You showed me many meteors, some very large and they are headed this way in advance of the coming planet.”
“I have shown you these things.”
“Father, in this vision, I saw that some of these meteors are very large and they are going to hit the Earth.”
“This is already happening.”
“Father this could be very destructive, particularly if they are large.”
“My Child, some of these meteors are very large rocks, some almost the size of one of the smaller states in America. Even when eroded by the passage through the atmosphere, the impact of these meteorites will be great. These meteors are going to wreak havoc with satellites and with communication. Some will hit the oceans and cause massive tidal waves.
Unfortunately, My Child, this world is in a very big mess. My Child, truly you, as a people, have seen nothing yet. The lackadaisical shall perish. Those, who are afraid of persecution, shall know persecution. Those, who are cowards, will run and hide; but they cannot hide from evil. Evil will seek them.
A great shaking is at hand and only the righteous will be left standing. Every person will be tried and tested as to who they really are. The backbiters will be backbiters. The liars and schemers will be liars and schemers. The hatemongers will be hatemongers; but those, who want their heavenly rewards will stand and do what is right in the face of adversity.
This is what the sorting is all about, My Little One, and, just as My Son Daniel warned. A few truth-bearers will warn many, but when they go through hard times, most will drop them like a hot potato. These truth-bearers will suffer great persecution, just as you have suffered and continue to suffer it. And, My Child, in their times of need, people will see it. Others will read it and most will turn and run like someone running from an approaching fire. Yes, they drink the word. They eat the meat; but they are utter cowards and for fear of reaping persecution, themselves, they turn a blind eye to the needs of the truth-bearers.
My Child, it has gotten so bad in America that the few light-bearers have become very weary.  They have become very tired; for when they are struggling, when they need the help of others, it is not forthcoming. Over and over this has happened and many of the truth-bearers have fallen back. Rather than stand the persecution without the support of the people, they have given up. And, My Child, many of the truth-bearers are now dead.”
“Father, I know it.”
“So, My Child, this is what will happen to the cowards. Those, who see Mine in need and turn a blind eye will endure what they turn a blind eye to. Those, who drink of My word and refuse to help Mine, who are in need, will one day find themselves cut off from My word, forced to come to Me for a word. Those, who are now cowards, will reach a time wherein they will stand in the face of evil and be bold, or they will perish in evil.
Every person, every individual, who professes love for Me and My Son, will be tried and tested in their areas of weakness. If they fail the test, they will get it again. Every coward will get his or her opportunities to be bold; for in My Kingdom there shall be no cowards. Understand?”
“Yes, my Father.”
“With this, we shall stop for now. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God.”

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 5th day of August, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

Upon receiving word of these two separate “death” dreams of George W. Bush, which these two people had within three days of each other, I began to seek God about what more these evil ones had up their sleeves. I never believed that they would just murder the President and leave it at that. Besides, there is a Mars transit that is so rare that some say it has not happened for 60,000 years, while others say 30,000, and still others 5,000. At any rate, the very fact that Mars is closer to Earth than it has been for so many millennia is a very significant thing for those, who make all their decisions according to astrology and soothsaying. And, being that they recognize the position of Mars in matters regarding war, it should be plain to all of us that they would be unable to let this transit go without an even greater act of war.
With this being in my heart, I began to wonder what more they could be planning. One morning recently as I was praying about this very thing over the telephone with a friend, I saw a missile hit New York City. Then a second missile hit Baltimore Md. and a third hit Washington DC. At that time the Spirit of God said, Baltimore and/or Washington DC. My eyes then went to the West Coast and I saw a missile hit Los Angeles and a second missile hit San Francisco.
Then, I sought God as to the parties involved in sending these missiles. Off the coast of New York, I saw a ship and the Spirit of God took me down, down, down until I came to a very low level. On the wall was writing, which I recognized to be Russian. This is most likely a submarine and not a surface ship. Going down to the DC area, I saw an American ship just sitting there in the ocean while these cities were pummeled by these Russian missiles. Then, going out to the West Coast, I saw a ship, went aboard this ship, and straightaway, I recognized those aboard as Oriental. Unable to determine what nationality they were, I asked the Spirit of God and the word given was, “Chinese.”
Dear Ones, these are their plans and it is incumbent upon you and me to fervently pray to God to stop them. Only He can stop this evil! Each of us must get serious in our prayer efforts, asking our Lord and God to stop this evil in its tracks. We must ask Him for more time and mercy, day by day, that this country can turn for the better, that these lost souls may be saved and not sent into the pits of hell. For, if these missiles are allowed to strike, millions stand to perish straightaway! Much is riding on the shoulders of the Faithful. Therefore, Dear Ones, I am begging you to take these warnings very seriously! Get into a deep prayer mode this very day!!
Daily, more and more of our troops are being sent abroad. Many of them in Iraq are extremely sick and dead or dying. Most recently, I heard talk of President Bush even sending our National Guard overseas.
In the past, our Father in Heaven has revealed that the evil ones in this government plan to get our troops out of America and then cause a major attack against this country. He has also revealed how they plan to use up the American military until there are none left to defend this country. Dear Ones, all these things are coming to pass and very quickly. 
Our Father in Heaven has also told of how these evil ones actually believe that the American people will “welcome” foreign troops, going door to door and setting up road blocks. It is truly a very sad day!
Dear Ones, your very prayers have stopped many of their evil plans! Over and over, God’s people have cried our for mercy and He has heard! We have been on a mercy run before God, day by day, for the last five years.
This country is so spiritually corrupt that it should have been destroyed at least five years ago, but it is out of love and mercy for His Faithful that our Lord and God has kept this land afloat. Dear Ones, pray, pray, pray! There are so many, who are lost, and if they leave this sphere now, they will be in darkness for a very long time. Many of these are our family members and many are people we know well. We must pray for God’s continued mercy for these very souls, whom we love so!

GO ro: prophecies