Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Interpretation of the May 14, 2004 Message Continued!

"So, the threat of the Black Pope was merely an extension of the threat of the Queen. It is she, who ordered the death of George W. Bush and I have told you that George W. Bush’s Father was ready to kill his own son and still he would kill him in a flash! For, he hates his own son! In fact, all the recent scratches on George W. Bush are there because his own Father pushed him down a flight of stairs. How fitting! For, this was the very same night that they kidnapped you in an antigravity machine and a drunken George W. Bush delighted in putting the amnesia drug into your blood! 
- Master Jesus
Book 10, Chapter Nine
The Interpretation of the May 14, 2004 Message Continued!

"My Little One, I am your Master Jesus and now we shall proceed and we shall finish with the interpretation of the prophecy of May, 14, 2004. But, first let us go back to the kidnapping of you last fall. At that time, the Black Pope threatened you for exposing his plot to kill George W. Bush. But, what you may not know, My Child, is that he Black Pope is no more or no less than the enforcement arm of the Queen of England! Yes, a very evil man, who calls himself the President, or President of the World, but only so much as the Queen allows it. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord!"
"So, the threat of the Black Pope was merely an extension of the threat of the Queen. It is she, who ordered the death of George W. Bush and I have told you that George W. Bush’s Father was ready to kill his own son and still he would kill him in a flash! For, he hates his own son! In fact, all the recent scratches on George W. Bush are there because his own Father pushed him down a flight of stairs. How fitting! For, this was the very same night that they kidnapped you in an antigravity machine and a drunken George W. Bush delighted in putting the amnesia drug into your blood! You saw how drunk he was by all the extraneous jabs of the needle up and down your thumb and along the side of your third finger! So, yes, My Child, the Queen of England and the Bushes are thick because they are all reptiles! They are all snakes! They are all children of the devil!
So, the Queen has wanted George W. Bush dead for a long time because she thinks that he is a buffoon and she believes that he will cause her to lose her grip on America! This is why she wants him gone and the plot gets thicker by the minute! So, this is a little background for you! Now, let us proceed!"
"My Lord, in this vision of the 14th of May of 2004, we see the evil works, which are being done by the President of France!"
"You do, My Little One!"
"And, what are these works?"
"To divide and conquer!"
"Divide and conquer what My Lord?"
"Divide and conquer America!"
"What do You mean by this?"
"My Child, I mean divide the black against the white, the North against the South, political factions against political factions, etc."
"What political factions, my Lord?"
"Political factions such as certain New World Order political factions; for he desires to come out ahead of them all."
"But, he will not."
"No, my Child, he will not."
"Then, comes the Queen and she is in a wheelchair. My Lord, in this vision of May 14th, does the Queen know that she is in a wheelchair! And, does she know that she is crippled!"
"No, she does not know this and when she finds out, she will be sorely surprised!"
"My Lord, why is she crippled?"
"Because of gambling."
"What kind of gambling?"
"Her ‘house of cards’ gambling."
"What does this mean?"
"A foot in her rear end."
"Whose foot?"
"A Rothschild foot!"
"So, she has gambled, My Lord, with this royal house deck and she has made some bitter enemies!"
"Oh, yes, My Child, and she is going to get the boot!"
"Praise God! Thank You, My Lord! Holy is Your Precious Name! Now, My Lord, in the same vision of May 14th, the Queen tries to get up out of her wheelchair and her dress gets caught on a part of the wheelchair! Then, the whole back of her dress is ripped off, showing her bare behind! Nothing to see but a bare behind, a pair of knee stockings and two garters, which hold the stockings just above the knees."
"My Little One, the Queen is in big, big trouble, not just with some of her fellow satanists. She is in big, big trouble because of what she ordered done to you not once, but twice! And, I have given her grace these past few months for what she ordered done to you in the fall, but this time, there is no more grace, but punishment and death for the Queen and for several in her royal family! But, before she dies, she is going to see her kingdom slipping right out from under her! The whole world is going to see the rare and bleeding rear end of the Queen of England! For, I am going to put her across my knees and I am going to beat her rear end to a pulp! Oh, she will cry and she will wail, but she will not escape My wrath upon her! For, even now, her dress is torn. Her rear end is naked and she does not even know; for she is too busy feasting upon your naked rear end! Yes, My Child, it is a comedy! It is a sick comedy! She is laughing now and all of her satanist counterparts are laughing, but she will not be laughing for long!
Now, My Child, the sitting Queen wants people to see her as regal! She wants them to see her attired in the finest of silk, brocade, and gold; but she has taken a stand, which is going to show the whole world who she really is. This stand, which she has taken against you, against White Buffalo Calf Woman, and this stand to make war against the southern states in America is going to open the eyes of the whole world to the real nature of this evil and belllicose queen!"
"But, my Lord, she does not rip her dress and show her naked behind until she stands up."
"This is so; but she has now taken this stand and soon the whole world will see her nakedness. She will not be able to hide behind attire, behind ceremony, behind money and wealth!"
"Yes, my Lord, people all over the world will soon see her for what she really is. Then, my Lord, in the vision she stands up, oblivious to the tear and oblivious that her naked rear end is exposed, and she begins to bellow out to the people and to beat her hammer! She says that this is the end to the means. My Lord, explain this."
"My Little One, she is the Queen of Means and you want me to explain this."
"Yes, my Lord."
"My Child, she means what she says and she will go to any lengths to make sure that people know that she means business! She will kill anyone, steal from anyone, and lie to anyone! She will use any means to get what she wants, to get her way! In this way, she is the Queen of Means!"
"And, she expects everyone to bed afraid of her and to cower down to her!"
"She does."
"So, my Lord, she really believes that she will rule out of Israel, that she will be the antichrist!"
"My Little One, she believes the antichrist to be her son, but since he is so full of slime, she is prepared to rule the world, herself! If Charles needs to go, she still has Andrew! It does not make a lot of difference to her, but in her own mind the British Royal Family must rule the world and she is prepared to kill all opposition to make it so!"
"Oh, my Lord, this is some sick mess!"
"It is, My Child, for this woman is drunk with power, but her great and serious mistake was this last mistake that she made by ordering the raping of you. This sacrifice, My Child, that you agreed to do will lead to the destruction of the English monarchy and this very thing that they have done will bring down many rulers of nations. My Child, this film, that was made of you, is worse than Black Death; for everyone who took part in it and everyone, who sees it will die a horrible death. In some situations, everyone in the room will drop dead immediately. My Child, this very film is a killing machine! This film will cause more deaths than a rapidly consuming plague and it will devour the satanists! Everyone, who touches this film, or who has anything to do with it whatsoever, will feel its curses! My Child, you have no idea what you have done by agreeing to allow them to do this to you! My Little One, this very thing is going to utterly cripple and bring the New World Order to its knees!
My Little One, you have made a great sacrifice to humanity by agreeing to allow this sort of abuse to yourself! You were not coerced from this side, My Child! You have prayed often for the destruction of the secret societies and you came to Me and to our Father on a level that you are not aware of and you agreed to this very thing. While they feel so smug and feel that they have done such a victorious thing, they have actually signed their own death warrants!"
"My Lord, I praise you and our Father and with all my heart I thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your army! I thank you, My Lord, that I am counted worthy to suffer persecution for love of You and for love of Your beautiful Son! Now, My Lord, as we proceed with this vision, we clearly see that the Queen wants George W. Bush dead!"
"This is so."
"And, this time she will get her wish!"
"He will go; for she commands it; but he will go anyway for what he has done to you!"
"And, My Lord, we clearly see her ordering an attack on America!"
"You do; for she says that America is out of hand! ‘Storm the gates!’ Invade America!"
"Next, My Lord, comes Tony Blair! The Queen is ready to chop off his head!"
"She is!"
"And, oddly enough, My Lord, no one is saying, ‘Long live the Queen,’ except for Prince Charles!"
"Why would they?"
"Because she is an embarrassment! But, My Lord, why would the Prince put his sword on the podium and ask, ‘Any takers!’"
"My Little One, he is not cut out for the task at hand and he knows it. He and his evil family killed a beautiful Princess and he is a revolting adulterer. People despise this man. He does not have their support and he knows that this job is not for him, but he must please the Queen or she may take off his head!"
"My Lord, this dwarf, this little fat man, is this the Rothschild man?"
"You have seen his foot in the rear end of the Queen."
"Yes, My Lord."
"What is meant by, ‘no more ritalin?’"
"My Child, the English monarchy is in a very big hurry to rule the world. The 911 plot was hatched by her and her fellow New World Order parasites. There is a great rush for World War III, a rush before many are ready for it, even her New World Order cronies! They see what she is doing and they do not like it. The speed at which things are being done is creating recklessness and the New World Order is being eroded even before it can rise!"
"Why does he say that he forgot to brush his teeth with ‘Pepsi-dent."
"My Child, what is Pepsi, save a multinational corporation?"
"Yes, my Lord, I get this, but what does this mean?"
"My Child, it means a head-on-collision between the huge international corporations and the New World Order."
"But, what does this have to do with his brushing his teeth?"
"Why does one brush one’s teeth?"
"To clean them."
"And, to make the breath sweet and clean."
"Yes, my Lord."
"So, my Child, he is saying that he is in trouble. He is not liking the break-neck speed at which the Queen plans to rule the world and he is going to put a foot in her rear end. But, he must be careful for he has to deal with these huge international corporations and he could come into trouble. He is not clean, but full of filth. He is out to correct what he cannot because he is part of it all, but he wants to slow down things a bit to get his own affairs in order; for the multinational corporations could cause him a lot of problems."
"So, this man is short. He is basically out of sight to most and they do not see his dance to rule the world."
"This is so."
"But, why do the people laugh?"
"He looks like a clown."
"My Lord, obviously this man has a job for Bill Clinton."
"He does."
"And, he knows that Bill will do as he says."
"This is so."
"What does bow to my ways ‘in the flash on a pan’ mean?"
"My Child, a flash of a pan is a way of saying a quick vomit. This man knows that Bill Clinton will lick up his vomit as Clinton has no pride and he will do as any New World Order boss tells him to do, even eat the vomit of his superiors."
"This is disgusting."
"Yes, My Child, it is disgusting; but this man is the nature of the beast."
"So, he basically tells what is going to happen to the Queen and to Prince Charles."
"Yes, My Child, ‘tis so."
"So, My Lord, this little man is rising right under the Queen’s nose and she is asleep to it all."
"She is."
"Now, My Lord, the Queen now looks down from her window and she sees the   with his carriage and two horses. Why the black and white horse?"
"My Child, the evil and the well-intentioned will put this man in power."
"You said, ‘well-intentioned.’"
"I did."
"But, how can this be?"
"It can be and it will be for many, who will help to put him in power are not necessarily evil. They are gullible. They are misinformed and they are easily impressed. They fall to pretty words and to vacant promises."
"Why does he give the driver a gold coin?"
"My Child, his gold, his money, will drive this carriage and he has plenty of it to give."
"But, in the latter part of this vision, the Queen sees him. Does she know his plans at this point?"
"Yes, she knows, but she is crippled and she can do nothing."
"Why was he gone in the carriage in a flash of light?"
"My Child, he will come into power very quickly and most will never see it coming. He will take off like a flash of light."
"My Lord, as I read what I wrote about the foregoing, it is not looking good for the British Royal Family. I realize that this was written on May 14, 2004 and the Queen had her henchmen kidnap me, drug me and rape me on the morning of the 23rd of May. What prophetic words are these! Then, we come to the burning cross. My Lord, why did you show me this burning cross?"
"My Child, even as they crucified Me, they are crucifying others. As they tortured Me, they are torturing others. You did not know that within this burning cross was My warning to you about what you were about to face."
"No, my Lord, I did not know."
"But at the foot of My cross is My treasure chest and within it a beautiful gift of My pearls to you. For, out of your suffering, My Child, will come a beautiful gift to humanity."
"Why do these pearls glow with a fire, like that, which is on the cross?"
"They glow with this fire, for from this experience, My Child, a great power comes from our Father. Through these pearls, this power will be given to you. For, soon, My Child, very soon, you will be raised up as I was raised up and you will be given a supernatural body. Then, you will run and not tire and you will walk and not faint."
"My Lord, as I weep at your feet while you are at this cross, what is the earthquake and what is this darkness?"
"Just as I was crucified and an earthquake followed, My Little One, you have been mocked, ridiculed, raped, and drugged, and crucified, but in a different way. And, soon, My Child, very soon, a great earthquake shall hit America and it shall also devastate other places in the world. This is a retaliation of the Earth, itself, against this evil, that is such a burden on this planet!"
"My Lord, why am I transported to this windswept hill?"
"Because I wanted you to know the loneliness and the darkness that you would soon feel, My Child. And, I wanted you to hear the nursery rhyme. This little star does not refer to me as you believe, My Child. It refers to you; for when anyone will lay his or her life down for another with love, this one is a star in the Kingdom of God. And when such a one will lay down his or her life over and over for love of his or her fellow brothers and sisters, all in the service of the Most High, this one will shine with a great brightness in the Kingdom of Heaven."
"My Lord, I do not feel worthy to receive these words; for I am but a child and I feel like a nobody and a nothing in your beautiful kingdom. I do not want glory of any kind, My Lord. I only wish to please You and our Father and I pray for the salvation of the greatest numbers of souls."
"This is known, My Child. Let all learn from this example that you set, My Little One, and the world will be a far better place. With these words, My Child, we conclude Chapter Nine of Book Ten. My Little One, you will give warnings as I direct and as our Father directs and you will go forward, guided by the Spirit of God. But, your Father and I make no promises of additional books. Yet, you will continue to prophecy to certain ones and to certain groups as we guide you to do so. All need to copy these works and to study these works. For, a time of great darkness and great deception is soon upon the world and few can imagine. I am your Master, your Savior and the Savior of all of humanity!"
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 29th day of May, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

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