Tuesday, July 30, 2013


"Many believe that Bill Clinton gave America an unprecedented time of prosperity, as has never been known in the history of the USA. Why do they believe such things? Because the lying “box” told them so! But, many also forget the big list of those, who died mysteriously just because they know the Clintons!" - Linda
Con’t Book 11,Chapter 13


(Earlier visions as given by our Lord and God on http://www.prophecies.org show that the False Prophet is a Muslim!)
Dear Ones, take note of some very important happenings in recent weeks. Perhaps many of you read an article onhttp://www.whatdoesitmean.com some weeks past about the Muslim Holy Man, the Mahdi, who reportedly landed in the capitol of Nigeria. Sorcha Faal writes on her website how the Muslims have long awaited their Mahdi, or their Holy Man, and that, according to the Muslims, he is to return to rule over them shortly after the two eclipses on the month of Ramadan! And, these two eclipses did take place on their month of Ramadan in October of 2005. From her article, we are told that a great cloud descended upon the capitol of Nigeria and that this Mahdi descended from an airplane and went about the capitol city healing large numbers of people. From there, he was apparently invited to visit the President of Nigeria and afterwards took a plane to Mecca, along with approximately 100 others. But, as her article entails, this plane was shot down by the US military; and the Mahdi and about 50 others were enveloped in a blue bubble of light and survived. Reports coming out have contradicted this claim and we cannot tell from these reports what actually took place. But, word is that this plane was shot down by the US military and that the president’s wife, who was having surgery in Spain, was also assassinated by the US military. Dear Ones, take note of this! Is this Mahdi, none other than Maitreya, the Muslim-looking, dark-skinned, magician, who has been known to perform all sorts of stunts and “miracles” and lying signs and wonders, even having been known to go through walls! Are we seeing the emergence of this fraud as the holy man of the Muslims?



On the heels of the appearance of this Mahdi, we now see Bill Clinton travelling all over the world, embracing the poor and seeming to promise them the “moon.” I have seen some articles on the Internet, which describe Bill Clinton as the Saviour of the World. My Dear Ones, we know that he is gunning to be Secretary General of the United Nations! Is this about to happen? I tell you, my Dear Ones, that many will embrace Bill Clinton in this bid! Many believe the lies, that he was the best president that America ever had! Many believe that Bill Clinton gave America an unprecedented time of prosperity, as has never been known in the history of the USA. Why do they believe such things? Because the lying “box” told them so! But, many also forget the big list of those, who died mysteriously just because they know the Clintons! Yes, indeed, many have forgotten that this man, Bill Clinton and his power-hungry wife are serial killers! They have forgotten how this very strange couple have clawed their way to the top, and all over the top; and continue to claw and to climb to greater positions of power, and all of this on the backs of the ignorant and the unsuspecting!


So, get ready! Clinton wants to be the antichrist and King Charles and “Mrs Piggy” also want to be the antichrist and his wife; but even the blind, the deaf and the dumb can tell when they get enough “cake!” Who would go out to plant a tree with a fake flower on his lapel?? You guessed it! The Prince of Pomp, the poor little misunderstood Prince, who is just never respected because of the great and big gold spoon, which pokes out from between his teeth. What a shame that this murderer is so misunderstood! How many times can we say, “This rotten family killed the only true flower that it will ever have!” Princess Diana! And, people the world over are not mocked at the loss of this most beautiful flower from our midst. All I can say to this poor misunderstood prince is, “Take your fake flower and go back to Cornwall!” We don’t need it here in America! We have had our “cake” days!



And, on top of these most horrendous signs of the impending end of the world, as we know it to be, the Bushes and their antichrist puppets are out to kill any semblance of truth and to annihilate all, who dare speak it or put it out! I cannot begin to describe the great assaults of the Bushes and their Satanic legions, which continue in their assaults against me from day to day. One of the dastardliest deeds, which Bush has done, was on the early morning hours of November 13, 2005 when a terrible thunderstorm came over this area. I can never recall having seen such horrendous lightening; and towards the end of the storm, as I watched from the kitchen window, five or six speeding balls of fire rolled across the sky, just above treetop level and they dissipated in explosive blasts right before my eyes, some of these balls of fire larger than others! One of these balls of fire came right over my house and fizzled out just outside my kitchen window and the others came along the side of my house, just above the treetops.
During the course of the storm, I heard two very large blasts right outside of my living room window, but did not look out. However, later I could find no visible evidence that lightening struck anything! So, I can only assume that more fireballs were exploded outside my house. And, after this storm, there was a stronger ozone smell than anything I have never smelled in my whole life. And, even at the end of the storm, when I saw the balls of fire, there was still unbelievable lightening, as I had never seen in my whole life! Giant fingers of fiery lightening were streaking across the sky, literally illuminating the sky from one end to the other, as these giant fingers branched and forked in many directions. But, the rolling balls of fire were the strangest of all! These balls of fire were coming from the East and going west, but the storm was quickly moving form the West to the East and was nearly over when I saw the fireballs. I believe that there were massive numbers of these fireballs and that these balls of fire are indeed weapons of war, which were directed at me by George Bush and his fellow Satanists! Such things have been associated with their Electromagnetic pulse technologies, the same technologies, which they use to create killer storms and earthquakes!
Behind me to the East are two military bases, Little Rock Air Base and Camp Robinson, the former obviously an air force and the latter army! These balls of fire were either shot from an aircraft, or possible saucer, or they were sent from one of these bases, or both. At any rate, a military assault was directed at my house and I am alive now and able to tell about this only because of the love and grace of my Lord and God. This is what happens when insane men, perverts, drunks and worshippers of evil and darkness, take the reigns of power!
I wish to let it be known at this point, that I have been witness to a large, orange fiery saucer-shaped object, which has visible on many occasions around this house since the first week of September. This orange saucer-like object usually sits in the north sky, anywhere from 30 to 45 degrees overhead and it moves, but in an erratic manner. However, I have also seen it in one place when I went to bed and that it was in the same place in the sky when I woke up the next morning! One night, I saw it streak quickly across the sky, but it was then moving from a southerly to a northerly direction! With the binoculars, I am able to see a fiery field beneath this craft! This changing field appears as a “wobbling”, “erratic” orange fiery mass at the base of this craft! For the last three to four weeks, this craft is in the sky every night and is not to be confused with Mars, which is also an orange and rather bright ball of light, but not as bright as this craft! Plus, Mars moves from East to West in an overhead movement and can be seen and tracked via this path from night to night. The reason I mention this is that these flaming balls of fire, which pummelled the skies during and after the violent lightening storm on November 13, 2005, may have very well come from this orange, fiery craft! And, this is what I believe to be the case. I believe that the US military is using their “saucers” to wreak havok and intimidate, burn up and destroy as they please, even as a way of announcing the coming reign of their king of terror! Yes, indeed, it is terror in the skies as Satan, the Prince of the Air, comes to rule over the unsuspecting, and to terrorize the world with his weapons of mass destruction!
In addition to this round, orange and fiery craft, I have also seen another large, fiery craft, but this one has a white-light, fiery base, also with the same kind of changing and moving appearance of this white-fire base! During the last month, or so, I have seen this aerial craft many times! It sits due South, and perhaps from between 25 to 75 degrees above the horizon. This saucer-like craft also sits in one place for hours! What is most interesting about this white-light craft is that it does not like to work on weekends! For several weekends, I have seen that it is definitely not in the sky, but will often be there every night of the week. I usually see it around 6:30 in the evenings and it will be there for several hours at a time. I have shot over two rolls of film, trying to capture it on film, but each of the negatives always comes up blank. As I shoot many photos at night these days, I can tell you with a certainly that there is always something in the photos, as the camera has a flash, but in these photos, they come out absolutely clean. It is as if someone has taken some cleaner and has wiped the negative clean, but the remaining negatives on the roll, which capture other things, will be unharmed! Obviously, some do not want to be photographed! And, so it goes with the deceitful and utterly evil night stalkers!
Just yesterday, a Dear Friend reminded me of Revelation 13:13 and this is what Revelation 13:13 tell us! “And, he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men …” These, my Dear Ones, are the works of the Beast, and we are in the very last days!

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