Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Prophecy for Nelson Mandela and others

"One, for these words are for one, Nelson Mandela, one ruler of South Africa, and for the current ruler, who calls himself president, and for a host of others, who are corrupt and rotten to the core. But, My words are primarily for Nelson Mandela and the others will see the results of what I speak here in their day-to-day lives."
                               - Father in Heaven
 Book 10, Chapter Nine
A Prophecy for Nelson Mandela and others
Second Prophecy
April 28, 2004

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Sit and write this message, My Little One, for these words are for one, Nelson Mandela, one ruler of South Africa, and for the current ruler, who calls himself president, and for a host of others, who are corrupt and rotten to the core. But, My words are primarily for Nelson Mandela and the others will see the results of what I speak here in their day-to-day lives.
I am Jehovah, Most High, the One God, the True God, the God of My people, Israel, who are scattered all over the world. And, this day I speak to one Nelson Mandela, a ruler of South Africa, and to his criminal cohorts, including one Mbeki, plus a host of others. But, these words go first and foremost to Nelson Mandela.
You, Nelson Mandela, have received My previous words. You have read what has been written and you have scoffed! You have mocked and scorned My words, choosing instead to ignore what was given to you. You have slapped your legs and you have had a good laugh! You have mocked Me and My servants and you, in your pride and vanity, have elevated yourself above all! You have said, "How great I am! Look what I have done!" But, because you have mocked and scorned My words and because you have elevated yourself above all, I shall begin to debase you! I shall begin to tear down your base until you are howling from My oppression and revenge upon you. For, I am a jealous God and I will not be mocked; but you have yet to learn these things and you are in the process of learning a very serious lesson. For, I have set a trap for you, and unknown to you, I have already snared you! And, now, I am about to turn your world upside down!
Herein, I shall give you a riddle. It is a riddle about a cow, who ate all the corn. This cow then pillaged the field and devoured the grapes until there was not even wine to be had. The moon turned scarlet and the cow became lank and thin until it perished in the field and was devoured by vultures. Herein is your riddle and it is the riddle for the black people of South Africa.
Call all your soothsayers and your astrologers and your witches and warlocks. Call them forth and I will make them all speak lies and all will be as dogs chasing their tails. For, I will blind and deafen and confound them all and all your sacrifices will be for naught; for you are all evil to the core and I am about to show you My power and My might!
Yes, a snare, a trap, I have placed for you and your fellow criminals and you are all caught in this snare, which shall begin to take a heavy toll on you all! For, I have given you time and you have chosen vanity and lies over humility and truth.
Only two in South Africa can reveal the nature of this riddle and these two are in my Daughters of Zion. The other one is the one, who writes this to you! And, know one thing, My judgement upon you and your fellow criminals has already begun and it is only going to intensify until you let My people go. You must let go not only the ones, who are falsely charged in the mock trial in Pretoria, but all of Mine all across the land, who are falsely charged and wrongly imprisoned.
You have 30 days from the time that you receive this letter in which to act, or I shall unleash a series of terrible judgements upon you all! And, such a fear shall come upon you that you will be unable to tie your own shoelaces without fear and trembling.
This is a stern warning! Let My people go! I am Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 28th day of April, 2004
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman
"The Crippling of the Queen of England!"
"My Little One, I am your Master Jesus, yea Savior of mankind and rightful heir to this Earth and to all that is in it. Come hither, My Child, and sit with Me high upon My holy mountain."
"Oh, My Lord, it is so good to see You again and to be back with You again. I have missed you so. Oh, My Precious Savior, how I wish to stay a little while at Your feet; for my heart longs for Your lovingkindness and for the beautiful peace of Your presence."
"My Precious Child, My Father and I have given you a little rest, a time of restoration, a time of healing and mending; for the wars against you have been great and you have needed this rest. But, now, My Child, it is time to go forward. Arise and behold what is just beyond the horizon. For, great enemies the world over are rising up against America and you, as a nation, will not be spared for long. What do you behold, My Child?"
"I see one, whom I believe to be the President of France, and he is making a secret deal with the forces of darkness, but I cannot see all that are involved. Next, I see the Queen of England, but she is in a wheelchair and she goes to a balcony where she greets throngs of people. She tries to get up from her wheelchair, but as she rises, she snags her dress and rips it at the waist, tearing a hole in the back of her dress and exposing her naked rear end. Beneath the dress, she is only wearing knee stockings, which are held in place by a royal, purple garter just above the knee. Because of the loud applause, she does not notice the rip, even though the rip, itself, has caused a noticeable noise. She greets the people, but as she stands, her countenance changes. While she was sitting, her clothes were a made of a beautiful creamy silk, with a gold brocade design upon them and upon her head was a golden tiara. But, as she stands and rips her clothing, her whole countenance becomes dark and menacing and right before the eyes of the people, she begins to snarl and growl. Her voice becomes very deep and menacing and her eyes are red with fire. Her skin is black, and disgusting scales cover her body, which is now devoid of the finery. It is naked and full of scales. Where her naked behind was a few seconds past, she now has a thick, swishing tail. "Oh, My Lord, this is one, ugly sight; for the queen is obviously no human at all, but a raging lizard!"
A hush descends over the people as they see her for who or whatever she is! The Queen, or whatever she is, now has in her hand a large hammer and she is beating upon the railing of the balcony, which is before her. "Silence, I say silence! This is an end to the means so keep your tails between your legs and cower as the fools that you are! I mean business and business means me! Mark my words! This is my day! This is the day of my kingdom on Earth! It is my time, a time for me and mine and if any do dare as speak against me and mine, and if any so dare as to speak against what I say, it is off with your heads! Garcon, get the platter, for it is off with the head of George W. Bush. He is an idiot, an embarassment to the throne! America is out of hand, but when I am through with them, they will crawl back and lap the milk out of my hands! Storm the gates! No, will never be an acceptable answer! I am the Queen of Means and from sea to shining sea, all shall bow down to me and mine!"
A hush falls over the crowd and a mouse runs between the Queen’s legs! "Off with the head of this mouse!" And, I look to behold the face of Tony Blair on the mouse! His eyes are filled with terror as a hatchet severs his head and his head rolls to the feet of the Queen, or whatever she is! "Anymore takers," she growls! And all is quiet, not one word is heard from the crowd, except for a singular voice at the back of the crowd, which says, "Long live the Queen!"
I look to behold Prince Charles, and he raises his sword as a John Phillip Sousa march fills the air! Now, far below the Queen, or whatever she is, the Prince meanders his way to the front of the crowd and once there he places his sword on top of the podium and begins to address the people. "Any takers," he asks? But, not one word is spoken by anyone as all eyes are upon the Prince.
Yet, it seems that out of nowhere a dwarf appears at the feet of the Prince and on his back is a sign, which reads, "No more Ritalin!" And beneath these words, which are written in red, are smaller words, which are written in green! "I forgot to brush my teeth with Pepsi-dent." The little dwarf now begins to do a jig, a little dance before the people, but he is very short and few can see the dance! But, a few do see it and some begin to laugh, some openly and others covertly while covering their mouths. For, they do not want to raise the ire of the Queen, who has now taken her seat in the wheelchair and is once more attired in creamy silk with gold brocaid and a gold crown.
But, below, the dwarf is creating quite a show! He says, "Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello! I am short and I am fat, but do not be deceived by that! I’m well on my way, my way, my way to the top of the crown, to the top of the hill where Bill, Oh, Bill, Oh Bill, will kiss my will and bow to my ways in a flash of a pan! I can, I can, I can, Oh, I can rule and I will rule! Look at me now! What can they do? For, the Queen’s roar shall be as the squeak of a mouse, and poor Charles, well Charles shall sit on a rock, between it and a hard place with no place to go but down! And, I may be short, but I am smarter than he and out of his hand, I will take that sword!" And, with these words spoken, the dwarf begins to dance faster and to sing louder as he hops and skips among the people! Soon, all eyes are upon the dwarf and poor Charles could no longer hold the attention of the people; yet the Queen is now in a great stupor and she is of not help to Charles at all. And, there in her chair she sleeps and snores as all the commotion goes on below!
Quickly, this scene fades and I see the Queen in her castle. In her wheelchair, she goes to the window, parts the curtains and looks at the street below. On the street, she sees a black carriage, which is being driven by one black and one white horse. She sees the little, fat dwarf, who is dressed in a black coat with tails and a black top hat and he is about to enter into the chariot. He gives the driver a gold coin and as he is about to enter the carriage, he mumbles to himself, "Her days are numbered and she does not have a clue that a dwarf is smarter than she; but in time she will see that the throne is mine and all the world will know that I am he, who is meant to rule!" And, with these words, he enters the carriage and is gone in a flash!
"Oh, my Lord, I do not know what all this means, but it does not look good for the British Royal Family."
"My Child, you have seen it and this is coming; but this is not all. Look, My Child, and behold the burning, red cross!"
"I see it, My Lord." What does this mean?"
"Go to the foot of this burning cross and open the treasure chest. What do you see?"
"My Lord, I am here at the foot of this burning cross and I open the box to find a singular strand of pearls, which have a golden hue."
"My Child, put these pearls around your neck."
"Yes, my Lord." And, I lift the strand of pearls and place them around my neck. The pearls feel warm to the touch and as I put them around my neck, I notice that they are showing a radiant fire, like the fire, which covers the cross. "My Lord, I do not know what all of this means."
"No, My Child, you do not know now, but soon you will know. Now, close the treasure chest and step back from the cross! "Oh, my Lord, I see you on this cross and these fires are covering You! Your blood is on this cross, My Lord, and I feel so heartbroken to see You there. Oh, My Lord, I am so sorry! I am so terribly sorry and my heart is filled with sadness. Forgive me, My Lord, for the world over, You are still being crucified every day! Oh, my Lord, I love you so!" And, I run to the cross and grab His feet, weeping now, sobbing uncontrollably for the evil, which is still being done against the Savior of all of humanity! Oh, my heart is so full of sorrow; for as I lay hold of His feet, His great sorrow floods My whole being and I feel an earthquake of darkness, which is upon the whole world!
Suddenly, I am transported to a windswept slope and I am standing alone atop this hill in the darkness of the night. I hear the sounds of nursery rhyme, a tune upon the wind, and I recognize the lyrics of the tune. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are!" Then, I look up to behold our Lord Jesus and He is coming toward me through the air. "Oh, my Lord, it is so good to see You! It is dark here and there is no one, save me and nothing stirs save the wind and the tune, which is upon it."
"My Little One, far below you see the lights of the villages. Do you not?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, from this perspective all looks peaceful!"
"Yes, my Lord."
"But, My Child, it is not peaceful below; for the whole world is in a state of turmoil!"
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, soon, My Child, very soon a war shall grip the whole world and great instability shall hit every country!"
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, this time is not far off, My Child, but is near!"
"Yes, my Lord, I do sense this."
"And, few are prepared for what is at hand."
"Yes, my Lord, I know."
"But, those, who put our Father’s works first and who love Him above all, who love others without condition, and who follow His commands, these are My Little One, will be okay through all of this! They will be blessed even in a time of lack and they will be preserved and kept until it is time to come home! These are in My hands, sheltered beneath the wings of the Most High! But, My Child, these are few, few, few and the rest shall suffer mightily. Many shall die; for the whole world is full of madness and a great war is at hand! None in the world will escape the effects of this war and it will not long be postponed! But, fear not, My Child, for these and other things must come to pass before I return. Yes, I will give further interpretation to this vision but at a later time. I am your Master Jesus, yea true heir to the Earth!"
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 14th day of May, 2004,
Linda Newkirk
White Buffalo Calf Woman

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