Wednesday, July 10, 2013

“Changing the Signature of Time and more!”

“There will come a time and soon, very soon, that I am going to utterly destroy by fire these underground bases. I am going to shut down their time travel as I, and I alone, am changing the signature. When this happens and soon, they will find themselves trapped.  Some of this you will not be aware of, but some you will. In many, many ways, I am going to confound them. I am going to cripple them and overnight they will find that the signatures no longer work. They are going to become scrambled and they will not be able to determine the new codes. When this happens, many of them will be stuck between worlds. They will be stuck in places they do not wish to be. What they have relied upon as predictables will no longer be predictable.” – Father in Heaven
 More from Book IX, Chapter Five

“Changing the Signature of Time and more!”

“My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Little One, as the wind blows among the trees, the wind of My Spirit blows upon you. As the sun shines upon the Earth, so does My holy fire bathe you. As the moon sets and rises, so do My gifts rise and set in you. My Child, I am raising you up to new levels. I am carrying you to new heights and I will show you great and mighty things. (As I type this, I tell you that this is already beginning. Perhaps at some point, our Lord and God will allow me to share some of these beautiful things with you.) As on the wings of a mighty eagle, you shall travel on the wings of My Spirit. Neither storm, bitter cold, not extreme heat shall keep you from the destinations I have for you. For, I have spoken it and I have carved these words out with My voice. I have etched these with My hand and My words shall go forth. My plans shall go forth. Understand?”
 “Oh, yes, my Beautiful Father. I understand.”
 “My Child, foolish men and raging serpents seek to take what is Mine. They seek to destroy what I have laid out, but My Child, know this. Their plans shall come to naught; for I shall turn their plans into a pile of dust and I shall visit them in their smugness with My fist in their faces. Yes, My Child, they seek to overcome you and your husband. The tunnel beneath you night and day as their plans are to steal the very vortex, which I have opened. But, I tell you, My Child, that even as they carve out this tunnel, I am carving it up. Every military commander and every alien being, who is involved in this cursed thing, will meet with the jails in the pits of hell, and yes some will go on to the Lake of Fire. They are ignorant, My Child, for they actually believe that they will control, that they will own, this vortex. But, I tell you now that their fates are the pits of hell. The very base, which is associated with this tunnel, shall be destroyed off the face of the Earth; and this tunnel shall be closed and forgotten. Mark My word on it; for this shall come to pass. 
 Yes, My Child, they are many, and you and your husband are but two, and they falsely believe that you are but a wisp in the wind. But, I shall take one or two and I shall make an example out of armies of them. And, I tell you right now that I shall make a bitter example out of all, who are involved in this tunnel. From the greatest to the least, I shall make utter examples out of all of them.
 For a very long time, evil has gone unchecked. It has grown and it is taking over the whole Earth. These evil ones have kidnapped many of you, hybridized you, and used you against your will and without your conscious knowledge to do their evil works. Some of you, they have turned into murderers and they have used you at will to do their dirty deeds and all beyond your conscious awareness. These underground bases are utterly full of evil and they plan to open up another extension of their evil arena beneath you, where they will continue to carry out their evil. But, I tell you right now, My Child, they have picked the wrong mountain and they have picked the wrong person to persecute and torture. My Child, you cannot imagine what I am about to do, but in due season, you will get a glimpse of it and you will understand. I tell you now that the plans of these evil ones are going to backfire in their faces and they are going to be utterly burned and destroyed.
Until now, I have allowed certain things, but I tell you that it is a new day for My people.  What I have allowed in the past is fast coming to an end. Just know, My Child, that I am moving out in a new way. It is a new day and what has been is going to be cut out. It is going to be cut short. It is going to be terminated. This is My promise to you. There will come a time and soon, very soon, that I am going to utterly destroy by fire these underground bases. I am going to shut down their time travel as I, and I alone, am changing the signature. When this happens and soon, they will find themselves trapped.  Some of this you will not be aware of, but some you will. In many, many ways, I am going to confound them. I am going to cripple them and overnight they will find that the signatures no longer work. They are going to become scrambled and they will not be able to determine the new codes. When this happens, many of them will be stuck between worlds. They will be stuck in places they do not wish to be. What they have relied upon as predictables will no longer be predictable.”
 “Oh, Father, praise you! Glory to Your holy Name! You, alone, are Most High and I love you so!”
“And, so My Child, these are truly exciting times and what they think they know will suddenly be as ‘Greek’ to them.”
“Oh, Father this is beautiful. How long before you do this?”
 “Oh, My Child, it is here a little and there a little. But, you will find as priceless the looks of bewilderment on their faces when they discover that their so-called system is falling apart. It does not work. And, this, My Child, is what they will find in this vortex in which you live. And, in others their formulas will not work. Their systems will not work. Their evil will not work and this will spread to other systems at other locations. It will be to them like a terrible virus that destroys a computer. All the minds, alien and human alike, will not be able to fix Humpty-Dumpty again. Do you see? Their ships will go awry. Their computers will go awry. Their best-laid plans will fail over and over. They will not work. For, this is My force they are dealing with and try as they might their plans will fail. But, just as a computer virus can spread, once My plans hit them, My plans will spread among their systems and they will not be able to isolate the cause, to find the problem. They will spend a great amount of time trying to determine the problems, but will not be able to. So, My Child, they believe they will simply come in and take what they want. But, I tell you now that they will never take this vortex. They will never take this mountain. They only believe they will; but they are about to get a whole lot more than they ever bargained for. I am about to teach them a lesson they will not soon forget.”
 “Praise You, Father. Holy is Your beautiful Name, I love You, love You, love You! Thank You, Father.”
 “So, be at peace, My Child, for I am about to move out on your behalf in ways that you cannot imagine. I am Your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God.”
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 23rd day of July, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

Dear Ones, I do not know if you recognize the seriousness of what our Father in Heaven is revealing herein. For, truly when these evil ones are totally locked out of time travel, the evil one, Satan will also be locked down in the Earth. Unable to travel the upper realms, unable to time travel, unable to go out and change probable future events and unable to time travel and assassinate others (as they tried to do to me and to Stew Webb) they will become absolutely furious.
But, all along they have had a choice. As anyone would expect, when given this choice they have continued to choose evil! On march 15th of this year, our Lord Jesus gave them ninety days to stop persecuting me and others of His Loved Ones through electronic warfare and other means. But, instead of stopping this persecution, they tried even harder to kill me, Stew Webb and others. Truly many are already dead at the hands of these evil ones, who know no laws.
It has now been well over three and one half years since they began to persecute us with audible frequencies and they continue with it. For well over four years, they have been persecuting us with microwaves and they have been ordered to stop by our Father in Heaven, but they continue on. Truly, our Father in Heaven has repeatedly warned them to stop persecuting His Loved Ones and these evil ones have only picked up speed in their persecuting and killing. Therefore, because of this on-going evil, He has begun to hit their backbone even as He promised back on March 15th of this year.
They have learned little, perhaps nothing at all. He warned them that He would judge the space station if they did not stop persecuting us and others of His Loved Ones; and subsequently the space shuttle blew up in air. And, many have sought to blame this on all manner of terrorists, but it is truly judgement from the Most High God Jehovah for on-going persecution of His Loved Ones. He warned them in advance and they scoffed!
All should be well aware by now that these evil ones have no intention of stopping the persecution of God’s faithful! We are most certainly in the midst of a great war between good and evil. Yet, what our Lord and God wills shall go forth and according to His design. These evil ones shall begin to see our Lord and God move out in great and mighty ways and He shall greatly cripple them here and there.
He will not leave His faithful without; for He is moving out ahead of us all and He is doing great and mighty things. Therefore, Dear Ones, be of good cheer; for our Lord and God will never leave or desert His people, even though this country is about to go through unparalleled hard times. As our Father has stated, this is truly the time of the sorting of souls, the wheat on one side on the tares on the other. One shall truly know them by their fruits.
GO to: prophecies