Monday, July 29, 2013


“I say to the few, who love Me, get ready! Get ready spiritually and stay ready; for I am telling you what is at hand! I am warning you now to get ready spiritually; for you will not be able to withstand what is at hand, save you cling to Me and My Son with all of your strength! You must love Me and put Me above all; for you shall be tried and tested in all things. Truly, those, who have a pure love for Me and My Son, and who have a great faith in Me, will be able to withstand what is at hand; for the heat of the purifying shall be great and many, many who say that they love Me will fall and they will not get up again."- Father in Heaven
Con’t Book 11, Chapter Eleven

My Brothers and Sisters, we shall now review our Father’s words! The following are His prophetic words, which have been verified through these very calamitous events in New Orleans and Mississippi!
1… a great howling wind is coming. It is a terrible wind! A wind for destruction and not good!
         Did this not come to pass on August 29, 2005, a little more than two months after He warned us?
2. It is a calamitous wind and a great howling shall lay in its wake!
         Did this wind not create a great calamity, the likes of which we have never seen in this nation? And, have we not seen a great howling go up among the people, who have been caught up in this great horror? And, have we not seen a great howling go up around the nation, even in those, who were not directly involved in this storm?
3. The wind shall sweep many souls into these gates (the gates of hell)
         We hear that many thousands have died and from what our Lord and God has said, many of these went into hell! Sad, so sad, my Dear Ones, but surely true, for He told us in advance!
4. The demons of hell are released in great numbers …
         Oh, my Dear Ones, we have seen this? The killings, the robbings, the rapings, the murders, the death and dying in New Orleans! We have seen the paid mercenaries come in with orders to shoot to kill. New Orleans has become one very big cesspool of evil, dying, death and looting. Truly, these words of our Lord and God have come true!
5. …this is a time of judgment in this land. It is a time of wrath and all shall see it and all shall feel the sting of My wrath, as I pour it out on this rebellious land!
         Read these words and understand them fully! Clearly, you can see that this great catastrophe was and is judgment from our Father in Heaven! It is just one example of His wrath that is coming upon America! In our lifetimes, we have not seen His great wrath, but His wrath, my Dear Ones, is the reason that this city no longer exists. This is why I tell you that it really does not matter that scalar weapons were used to destroy this city, that the Bushes did this or that, that the Russians did this or that, and/or that martial law is now in the streets. This is all the judgement of our Lord and God upon a rebellious nation! So, there is no need to point a finger and call this one names, or blame this one or that one! This is all the will of our Father, so we had all best do the only thing that we can do, get down on our knees with weeping and wailing and repent of our sins, right now, for if not, this land will soon be destroyed!!
6. In the second paragraph, He tells more of His wrath. And, also that He is going to cut the head off of America! As He speaks in symbolism, I do not know what He means when He refers to the “head.” But, if and when he severs the neck, the head will surely be disconnected from the body! Then, he tell us that he is going to burn this nation; and I can tell you, my Dear Ones, that this is sooner than most will ever believe! He also tells us that He is going to judge the filthy money of this land; and we can clearly see this with the increase in gasoline prices!! He warns us that all of our so-called allies will turn on us! In the visions, which I have had regarding the destruction of America, the only country that I can remember coming to our aid was France. This is happening right now to some degree, but I do not believe that this will last for long, as this nation is going to be destroyed. Our Lord and God is going to destroy all of these idols in this land!
7. He then goes on to say that this howling wind is not a thing of the distant future, but soon … And, truly this is more of His warnings, which have come to pass very quickly! It was only a little over two months from the time that He gave me this prophecy until it came to pass!
8. All I can tell you at this point is to re-read the last two paragraphs of the above message! You will see these below! Beyond these words, my Dear Friends, there is little else to say!

Our Father’s words again! The last two paragraphs of His prophecy of June 16, 2005!
“I say to the few, who love Me, get ready! Get ready spiritually and stay ready; for I am telling you what is at hand! I am warning you now to get ready spiritually; for you will not be able to withstand what is at hand, save you cling to Me and My Son with all of your strength! You must love Me and put Me above all; for you shall be tried and tested in all things. Truly, those, who have a pure love for Me and My Son, and who have a great faith in Me, will be able to withstand what is at hand; for the heat of the purifying shall be great and many, many who say that they love Me will fall and they will not get up again. Those, who have chosen the easy way, who have chosen the way of lies and deceit, will follow this way right down into the burning pits. There is no longer any middle road. Each of you is either hot for Me or you are cold! There is no middle ground! All, who stay in the middle ground, will go the way of Lucifer, while some, who are now cold toward Me and My Son, will become hot in their faith.
It is a time for all when every sin will be uncovered and every evil deed will be known! There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, save to My Son and to Me! This is the day of reckoning for America and it will not be put off! I have warned you and have warned you and you do not listen! You do not hear and you will not believe. Therefore, calamity shall come suddenly to this land and at a time when you least expect it. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God.”
In Closing
All of you, who follow these prophecies, know that our Father in Heaven does not warn me as often as He has warned me in the past. With Book Ten, He told me that His warnings were more or less over with for America as He had warned and warned and the people do not repent. I tell you just how bad it is, and my friends know that I have so often remarked of these very things to them. Around three or four years ago, I believed that I knew around ten, or so, people, who were really righteous, but as the months passed by I saw most of these fall by the way, until at this point, I can truthfully say that I know very, very few, who really love our Lord and God and who will stand and to what is right in the face of any kind of persecution whatsoever! Most people are absolute cowards, who will not stand up for what is right, who first go this way and then that and cannot be depended upon whatsoever. I asked another friend, who is a prophetess of God the same question a few years ago, “How many righteous people do you know?” At that time, this woman told me, “Around 200.” But, most recently when I asked this woman the very same thing, she replied to me, “Only a handful.” So, Dear Ones, do not deceive yourselves. “Few,” and I mean, “few” really love our Lord and God and “few”, and I mean “few”, really obey Him and our Father in Heaven and put our Father first.
This is why America is being destroyed! If our Lord and God does not judge this rotten nation, there will be none left, who really love Him! Many of the righteous ones have already fallen!!! This is a terrible shame upon the face of this Earth, but this is the absolute truth! Now, go back and read the last two paragraphs of the above prophecy again and get these words in your heart. Print them out and put them on your bathroom mirror. Print them out and put them in your vehicle and on the desk at your office. Put them in plain view as a constant reminder to you to come clean before our Lord and God and to stay clean! Dear One, no one can do for you what you must do for yourself and in the end, you are responsible for your own spiritual walk before our Lord and God. You are responsible for your own salvation! No one else is! And, if you do not really want this badly, you will not get it!
More Warnings!
This current “Message for you” will appear as the next chapter in Book Eleven. Beyond this, there is one more additional chapter to be posted at this time! So, you will see two more chapters, which are now added to Book Eleven. The last chapter warns of more destruction, which is headed into America, if people do not repent in a very big way, and soon! Go there and you will read about this in Book Eleven.
Our Lord and God chastises those, whom He loves!
Until next time, my Dear Ones, just know that our Lord and God loves you very much! Do not forget this! And, because of the fact that He does love you, He is still warning you to come back to Him, to your First Love! Yes, He is still warning! His hand is still stretched out to you! He wants you to come back to Him and He is still pleading! Will you hear His cries to you? Will you? Will you now get down on your knees and cry out to Him to forgive you? Will you weep for your sins and ask Him to purge you of these sinful things and to take away your desires for these sins? Will you commit your life to our Saviour and to our Father in Heaven? Will you forsake your rebellious ways, while you still have time? Will you humble yourself before our Lord and God and start a new life in His service? Will you? He wants you back and His hand is still reaching out to you? Please, I am begging you! Do not put off until tomorrow what you must do today! If you need prayer, write to me. Click on the moving letter at the bottom of this page and send me an e-mail. I will pray for you!
Until next time, I send you the love of my heart and big hugs to my precious friends, who are scattered here and there around the world. I love you and you know that our Lord and God loves you very much. Blessed is His Holy Name!
Your Sis, Linda
PS My Dear Friends, you will see that we now have some translations in Japanese. Pray for this precious man! Pray for all of the translators, and for the Webmaster of this site. Pray for the protection and blessings of our Lord and God upon them and that He keeps His angels continually around them! Remember them daily in your prayers!

 go to: prophecies