Monday, July 1, 2013

"Doors Within Doors"

"And, My Beloved, even as you see a world economic collapse at the door of this very planet, who is led to speak out for change? Even at the head of your own government, many clamor for war, rather than face the effects of years of decadent living, years of lying, stealing and scheming. Is this not so?" - Lord Jesus
More from Book VIII, Chapter Eleven
Part III
"Doors Within Doors"

"My Beloved Child, I am your Master Jesus, yea true Lord of Earth; for it has been deemed so, even from the beginning. But, now My Child, as you look around, you hear of wars and rumors of wars. You hear of earthquakes in many places. You see mighty storms and hear of great floods and upheavals among many people. You hear of massive famine in parts of the world and the fury of the devil is sent among the starving to assure that the greatest numbers die of famine and disease. You read of plagues, many plagues within the Earth and they have been spread by the hands of the evil ones. And, even among all theses things, I ask you, ‘How many repent?’"
"My Precious Lord, I believe the numbers are small."
"And, My Beloved, even as you see a world economic collapse at the door of this very planet, who is led to speak out for change? Even at the head of your own government, many clamor for war, rather than face the effects of years of decadent living, years of lying, stealing and scheming. Is this not so?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"My Little One, so often I have warned about what is at hand. So often, I have called my prophets to warn and many of them have succumbed to self. They have succumbed to the wiles of Satan, and they have fallen by the way. Yes, My Child, a great tragedy has fallen among My prophets and there are few left, who espouse my truths. For, My Father and I have cleaned them out. Every prophet has been through the fires of testing and many, many have fallen. As you look around, you will see that I have cut off many. I have sealed their mouths, yet some still proclaim words as if they are from Me, when they are from their own minds. Through this sifting, I am raising up new Elijahs. I am raising up new Peters and Pauls. I am raising up a new breed of holy fire anointed, mighty miracle-working, couriers and speakers for our Father’s words. Yes, My Child, this year has seen the institution of a mighty sorting among my prophets. It has been a time of redirecting for some and a time of mighty training for all, who are left standing. Yes, my Child, I have opened a new heavenly door and all, who have been found worthy have walked through this door. But, I am sorrowful to say that these numbers are small. They are small, indeed! But, I am raising up these few to do mighty and unparalleled works in the Earth. These, who go forth, from among this group, walk in my holy fires and they shall move mighty and great mountains. But, I tell you, my Child, that every single one of them have heard My call to come out of the world. Every single one of them has heard my call to repent and to cause my people to repent. Every single one of them has been through great trials and mighty tribulations and every single one of them has been found worthy of greater works. Yes, my Child, I hear what you are thinking, of those, who did not make the grade, some will repent and come full circle back to me. But, I tell you now that these are few. Most, who have fallen, will remain fallen still; for their sins are grievous before me and they have not been found trustworthy for greater things. Do you understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Then, My Child, let us proceed. Let us talk about doors within doors."
"Yes, my Lord, what do you mean by ‘doors within doors?"
"My Child, I mean that the works of our Father exist in layers. One passes through one layer into the next, or from one door into another door, or into a deeper meaning."
"Yes, my Lord, I understand this about the word of God."
"So, my Child, you have people. Who are surface feeders and then you have a few, very few, who dive into the word and thirst and hunger for the deeper things."
"Yes, my Lord, I understand."
"So, my Child, from the standpoint of the deeper things, one knows that truths exist on many levels until one comes to an absolute truth."
"Yes, my Lord."
"An absolute truth is foundational and unchanging."
"Yes, my Lord."
"But, to find the absolute truths may not be easy. An absolute truth may be as plain as one’s nose, yet totally obscured from one’s perception. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Yet, my Child, all our Father’s works operate on absolute and unchanging truths."
"Yes, my Lord."
"So, my Child, based on what I have just said, you can easily understand why you live in a world, which is filled with illusion."
"Yes, my Lord, this is so and most people are comfortable living in illusion, very comfortable and when they are confronted with the deeper truths, they cannot handle them, so they mock and scorn."
"This is exactly what happens. So, my Child, in this world, you have souls, who are on many different levels spiritually. Those, who want to grow spiritually, will always be seeking the deeper and hidden truths. They will be disciplined and steadfast in their faith. But, those, who are content with the shallow walk, will always reject the deeper things, for these are alien to their thinking."
"Yes, my Lord, I know this and I have even known a number of your prophets, who scoff and make fun of the deeper truths."
"This is so, my Child, and they are then cut off in the shallow walk."
"My Lord, why are you telling me these things today?"
"My Child, I am sending this forth that those, who have the ear will hear, that those, who have the eyes to see, will see, and that they will open up their hearts to a deeper understanding of my word. But, if they will not, they will mock and scorn and they shall be further cut off. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"My Child, what do you see before you?"
"My Lord, I see a beautiful stream, or I should say, I see a beautiful river. The water is crystalline and ever so pure. I am wading in this beautiful river and it is not cold, but wonderfully warm and inviting. As I wade out, I see that the rocks are radiantly crystalline and they reflect every color of the rainbow. As I continue to go out, the water becomes very deep. As I look out to the far stretches of the water, I see that this river is very wide at this point. It is so wide, in fact, that I cannot clearly see the other side. As the water deepens, I see that it stretches into a wide expanse of beautiful aquamarine. It is so beautiful! Here and there are very small lifeforms of light, which come out of the water, and from a distance, they appear as very small angels. Again and again, they dive down and resurface. My Lord, I am swimming in the River of Life."
"You are, for you have been here many times before."
"Thank you, my Beautiful Lord, for allowing this wonderful experience, but I feel so sad. My heart is suddenly so heavy and I must climb upon this rock for a spell. Deep sorrow is creeping into my heart and I cannot help but weep." As I weep, my tears fall onto my robe and they stain it blue as they trickle down. I look up to see our Beautiful Jesus. He takes a cloth and wipes my eyes and as I look down at the blue tear stains, I see that they begin to burn like a very bright white fire. I feel as if I shall be burned and our Lord Jesus says, "Be still and be at peace." Suddenly, The white fire grows brighter and brighter and I find myself amidst a very bright white-light fire, and the fire is not burning me, but is very uplifting. Suddenly, I stand up, aware that I am jumping for joy. And, each time I jump, I soar high, very high, and seem to float in air. As I come back down, I see the beauty of the face of our Lord Jesus He is so full of love.
"Do you know who taught you to fly?"
"Yes, my Lord, you did."
"This is so."
"My Lord, I was weeping, feeling so sad, and I am not even sure why, for I am so very blessed to swim in these waters."
"I know why you were weeping."
"Why, my Lord?"
"My Child, you were weeping for all the souls, who will never swim this beautiful river."
"What happened with the tears? Why did they turn blue and then create a blaze of light?"
"My Child, I know your every tear. I know your every sorrow and your tears are not shed for naught. Your tears are cleansing. They are purging and through your tears, I shall lift you up to new heights. Oh, my Lord, how my heart aches for the rebellious. How my soul is pained for those, who are lost in darkness and wish to stay that way. Oh, my Lord, I feel so helpless about so much, which is going on in the world."
"My Child, I know you believe in the miraculous hand of God; for you have seen many miracles."
"Yes, my Lord, I have seen many miracles and know that they all come through you from our Father in Heaven."
"This is so, my Child, yet do not forget the fake miracles, which come from Lucifer and his own and these will deceive many."
"Yes, my Lord, I pray to have a keen discernment so that I am aware of the fakers. But, in my life, I have seen over and over the miraculous hand of God and I pray to be worthy to see many more."
"My Child, I have told you that I will send you into the stores, into the streets, and that you will heal the sick, set the captives free, raise the dead, anoint the lost and that you will work many miracles."
"Yes, my Lord, you have said it."
"My Child, this work has only begun. I want you to anoint 100 prayer cloths and these are to be given to the sick and dying. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"And, after these are given out, then I will have you anoint 100 more. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"For, I am carrying you higher in my works and you will work many a miracle in the Earth. There will come a time wherein the sick will be healed and the possessed will be set free, just by touching the garments you are wearing. Understand."
"My Lord, I accept what you say, but I do not believe that I can ever understand our Father and how He works. My Lord, this is all very humbling to me and I do not feel the least bit worthy. For, I will always remember how lost I have been and I know that I am but a child."
"Yes, my Child, this is so, but you are loved greatly by me and by our Father and He has mighty works ahead for you."
"My Lord, I look forward to these works. To our Father in Heaven is the praise and glory forever and ever!"
"With this, my Child, we shall stop for today. Add this as the third part of the next chapter of Book Eight. I am Jesus and all is given in accord with the will of our Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 30th day of September, 2002,
Linda Newkirk

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