Thursday, July 4, 2013

America shall utterly fall!

"Yes, My child, America I am bringing low, and know this when you see it falling down around you. I blessed you. I made you great; but you have come to love the gift and not the Giver of the gift. Therefore, I am sifting you as wheat, the tares into the fires of destruction and the wheat into the fires of refinement." -Father in Heaven

Con’t from Book VIII, Chapter 18
Third Message from our Father in Heaven

"America shall utterly fall!

Feb. 12, 2003

"My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Child, I know your heart and I know that it is full of love and sincerity for My people. I know you, My Little One. Through and through, I know you and I am well-pleased in you."
"Oh, my Beautiful Father, I feel so utterly devastated. I feel a great hopelessness deep in my soul and unparalleled sorrow rips up my innermost parts. I am so saddened and feel a sense of loss beyond any words; for Father, it seems that so much toil, so much work in the vineyard has been in vain. Masses upon masses of people, deep in the valley of decision and the darkness is upon all. Oh, I should tear my clothes and douse myself in ashes, for I feel so utterly destitute and barren. What more can be done; for it seems that whether the warnings go out, or not, this country is about to reap as it has sown."
"My Child, I know your deep sorrow and it is real. I know your sense of hopelessness and in a sense you are correct in feeling this way. For, I tell you, My Child, that billions are in the valley of decision and these same billions are lost in darkness. Yes, My Little One, you have warned and you have warned and the blood of the rebellious shall not be on your hands. For, you have done as I have asked. Nevertheless, the blood of the rebellious shall soon fill this land from north to south and from east to west. For, this I shall require of the rebellious.
(Dear Ones, weep! For, great is God’s judgement upon this land!)
"Mark My words, My Little One. No longer will I tolerate a country so utterly full of evil and blasphemy. You have fallen to the level of swine and heathen and the putrid is fit for destruction. Into your midst, I shall send the prowler, yea the thief, the murderer, the soldiers from afar, and America shall utterly fall. Across this land, America shall burn. I shall send famine, disease, separation and utter destruction and I shall scatter the peoples of this land. And, for many, many days, they shall fall to the sword. They shall fall to sickness and disease and a foreign people of fierce and unrelenting countenance shall rule over you.
"Yes, your very government, your very leadership, I shall remove and in its place, rogues, murderers from afar shall I place over you. For, freedom you have been given and freedom you have taken for granted. Your prosperity, I shall pluck up and give to others, for prosperity you have known and you have wallowed in it like fat hogs. Your plenteous crops I shall destroy and sting with blights and diseases what is left and the grain belt of the world shall become a cancerous sore. For, plenty I have blessed you with, but you have cursed the hand, which provided it. To your churches, I shall send fire, I shall send the sword and I shall destroy them and scatter the flock; for I am sickened by the rotten smell of the lukewarm and mediocre.
"Yes, My child, America I am bringing low, and know this when you see it falling down around you. I blessed you. I made you great; but you have come to love the gift and not the Giver of the gift. Therefore, I am sifting you as wheat, the tares into the fires of destruction and the wheat into the fires of refinement.
"Yes, My Child, as you have so truthfully spoken, the curses of Deuteronomy 28 are upon America. Therefore, when you see all these things come to pass, know that what you see is My judgement. For, you have trampled My commands. You have spat upon My words. You have mocked and scorned My true prophets. You have worshiped idols and you have sought strange gods.
"Yea, when you see enemies in the street and many fall by the sword and by fire and by pestilence and disease, know this: I am judging this evil. And, many, many will hate Me and turn from Me and in the evil, they shall perish. But know this: those, who love Me and who stay the course of righteousness are saved.
"And, know this: few, very few are counted worthy to escape these things. And, many of My saints shall fall to the camps and to the fires, the wars, to the plagues, and to the famines. But, even so, even in the midst of their great trials, I shall make Myself known. And, even in death, they shall not know its sting.
"Yes, My Child, tragedy is not just at the door of America. Tragedy is within its gates and this year will not pass before you see the unfolding of what I am telling you now. So, let those hear, who will hear, and let those see, who will see. This is My word to all…REPENT! For, hell is enlarging itself. And, save you repent, you shall surely die! I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 12th day of February, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

Beloved, if you have not read Deuteronomy 28, go and read it. Perhaps, you have read it and forgotten about the curses, which come upon the people, who will not live according to God’s commandments. It is time that you remember again; for these curses are upon America and upon other countries as well.

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