Saturday, July 6, 2013

"Weep for the sins of this land and get your heart right with God!"

From Book VIII, Chapter Twenty-one
"Weep for the sins of this land and get your heart right with God!"
April 10th, 2003

"My Beloved Child, I am your Master Jesus, yea Lord of Earth and co-maker of heavens without end. My Child, weep for this land and for the sins of this land; for these sins are great and stand as a great rule over the back of this land, and the backbone of this very land shall soon crack and crumble beneath this weight. Weep, My Child! Weep for the errors of this war and for the countless souls, who are yet to perish and wind up in dark, desolate and windswept places. Weep, My Child! Weep for the newborn and the unborn the world over, who will die in the horrors of this war. Forlorn are their faces and full of sorrow are their eyes. Yes, weep, My Child, for the fall of America is at hand. And, even, My Child, with the reprieve of the binding of the false fire, how many will see and recognize this reprieve? I tell you, My Child, the world is in shackles. The people are in prisons of their own making and their destinies are at hand. Oh, weep, My Child! Weep! For, if you will not weep, then who? The masses are asleep. They are doped up and tranquilized, put to sleep with the vanities of evil. Oh, the perils that await and few hear the trumpets sound. Few notice the timing; for the world sleeps on. Into dark oblivion it goes and few even notice."
"Oh, my Lord, I know these things; for You have spoken them into my spirit and my heart is broken. My soul is full of sorrow and I cannot get the tears out of my eyes. Oh, My Lord, it is all sin and vanity and it is a hangman’s noose. Oh, my soul is troubled and my heart is heavy! Oh, my Lord, trouble is upon this land and the masses are in love with the theater of war. Oh, how they have been trained by TV and movies and now they are lost in it, captives to fleeting images and pure lies and propaganda. Oh, the troubles of this world! How long, my Lord? How long must Your Loved Ones be in the midst of such horrors? How long, my Lord? The alarm is sounding. The warnings have gone out, yet the masses reject them! Confusion, oh utter confusion reigns and now many go willingly for the ‘mark of the beast.’ Oh, my soul is grieved! Trouble is brewing and my soul is weakened with sorrow. Oh, Lord, come quickly for the sake of Your Loved Ones; for the war is great. The sorrow is seep and few even perceive it at all."
"My Little One, count to three."
"On, two, three …"
"Was that hard?"
"No, my Lord."
"Then, know this, My Child. As easy as it was for you to count 1-2-3, will be as easy as it is for Me to remove My Faithful at the appointed time. My Child, I have told you that some will be counted worthy to escape these things and as I said before, these numbers are small. Nevertheless, these are a few and they are scattered here and there. Many will call this a pre-trib rapture. This is a lie. There is no pre-trib rapture. The whole concept is a lie from hell and many are deceived by it. All, who are worthy to escape these terrors, which are upon the world, will have already been through the refining fires. They will have already cleaned up their lives and they will be spiritually ready to go"
"How soon, my Lord?"
"My Little One, open the letter before you, which bears your name."
"My Lord, I have it and as I open it and take out the letter, the paper is full of fire. It is enveloped in a flame of white fire and it is too hot to handle. My Lord, what shall I do with it for the heat is so great?"
"Eat it."
"Eat it, My Lord? This is too hot to eat."
"My Little One, take one hand and put on one side of the fire and one hand on the other. Roll the fire into a ball and put into your mouth."
"Oh, My Lord, this is hot, but with Your help I am doing this." I roll and roll and roll it. This letter is now one round blaze of white fire and I hurriedly bring it to my mouth, push it into my mouth and a great explosion takes place within me. Suddenly, I feel that I am blown to pieces; for the fire is so great. I see smoke and tiny pieces of me going here and there. Suddenly, a great, white fire engulfs me and I am ablaze in this white fire, ablaze with this beautiful light, and I hear a most beautiful music. I see people dancing, like at a ball, and there is such peace and joy. My Lord, tell me, what is this letter and what does this mean?"
"My Child, this letter is an invitation to My wedding dance and you are invited. Will you come?"
"Oh, my Lord, how greatly I want to come! I delight in this, my Lord. Holy is Your Precious Name and I love You so!"
"My Little One, one by one, I am getting Mine ready for My wedding and by degrees I Am cleaning Mine up so that they will be ready for My Marriage Supper. This time is now. What you have seen is now. The great harvest is now and My bride had better be ready for her invitation or she will be left behind. I tell you, My Child, the hour is at hand."
"My Lord, what does this explosion of light mean?"
"My Little One, the invitations are set and at some point soon, an explosion of light will envelop all, who are worthy and they will be removed. They will be gone. Understand? However, these numbers are few and most will never realize that they did not make it."
"But, my Lord, I want to be clear in my understanding that this is not the same as the time when you put Your feet on Mount Olive."
"It is not; for herein I refer to those, who are counted worthy to escape the horrors at hand, yet truly these have already been through the fires and they are ready. This is not the time when I return in blazing fire for My Faithful. These, who go, will be quickly taken in a blaze of white fire, and out of these, 144,000 of the Pure of Heart will return as the Supernatural Army. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"My Lord, I have a question, which is unrelated to this, but is related to the space station and all the evil, which comes from it. In visions, You have shown me how this space station explodes into a fiery ball. How long before You take out this place of evil?"
"My Child, know this. From the last message, I have given them 90 days to cease persecution of you and others of My Loved Ones through these frequencies. They do not stop, but get worse. Therefore, I shall attack their backbone and when I do, this space station is history. It will blow up without so much as a remnant of it remaining. Understand. But, this is only the beginning of My retaliation against them for torture and persecution of you and others of My Loved Ones. With this, we shall stop for today. I am Jesus and all is given in accord with the will of Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 10th day of April, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

go to: prophecies

;fF � f m �`� � � ;mso-fareast-font-family: SimSun;mso-bidi-font-family:Thorndale;mso-ansi-language:EN-CA;mso-fareast-language: EN-US;mso-bidi-language:EN-US'>"My Lord, what do You mean exactly?"

"My Child, I mean that they, themselves, are ready for the ‘mark.’ They, themselves, are ready for the guillotines. They, themselves, are ready for the concentration camps. For, I tell you, My Child, when the time comes for them to receive of these things, most will buy the illusion, just as these troops have bought it when they willingly took the ‘mark of the beast.’ My Child, the whole world is ripe for the picking and this is why this evil is accelerating. But, even so, My Child, all these things and more must come to pass before My return."
"Yes, my Lord, the ‘mark of the beast’ is being implanted and no one has been ‘raptured’ out. But, the early-out-rapture-crowd would probably not accept that our own troops have willingly taken this ‘mark;’ for it would be inconsistent with their illusions."
"My Child, these, who see and hear, are few and the chasm between those, who love Me and who love truth and those, who love illusion, is becoming deeper and wider all the time. Be of good cheer, My Child, for the redemption of the Pure of Heart draws nigh. I am Jesus and all is given in accord with the will of Jehovah, the Most High."
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 30th day of April, 2003,
Linda Newkirk

GO to: prophecies