Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Great Tribulation

During the great tribulation, you will long for death  and never find it---that is, if you are not one of the saved!

Jesus described to Ricardo Cid the great tribulation:

   Jesus said to me, “In the great tribulation, there will be troubles like never before.” I then asked, “Why are people jumping back up after hurting themselves so badly?” The Lord Jesus replied, “Because at this time, people will long for death, but will not find it. Death will have fled from the earth. I asked the Lord, “Why did all these pastors and people stay behind?” And the Lord said, “Because I know them. I know their hearts.” God knows us.. He knows all of our hearts. I collapsed to the ground, almost fainted. Jesus said, “I wanted to show you this so that you could warn my church and give them hope. Tell them that if people will repent now, I will forgive them while there is still time. I will do a great thing in the earth.”

GO to Ricardo Cid

from  Janet Balderas Canela, Puerto Rican:

"I saw people that were celebrating one moment, but then, I saw a father looking for his son, a mother looking for her daughters, but they couldn't find them, because Almighty God had taken them.  Relatives were looking for other relatives but they could not find them.  People were looking for their neighbors but couldn't find them, because the Lord had taken them up with Him.

Something terrible what was happening over all the Earth.  I saw a pastor running from one place to another, and I asked the Lord, "Lord, why does that man run from one place to another?"  The Lord replied, "Servant, this man was a pastor, but because he thought that I was going to delay, he was left behind.  He did not think that I was going to come now, he thought that it was going to take a long time before I would come back, and that is why he was left behind."  The pastor was running all over, saying "Lord, why was I left behind? If I am a pastor, if I have a position in the church, and the church is gone, I am left behind? Why have I been left behind?"  The Lord said, "Servant, I can't do anything now, he thought My coming was going to delay, well, he was left behind."

GO to Janet Balderas Canela