Monday, August 5, 2013

The Genetic Link, which Manifests in the Children of Satan

 "And, this genetic link, My Little One, manifests through striated light patterns. These striated light patterns, which are also unstable, striated light patterns, exist within the actual DNA and it is through these striated light patterns, that Satan is able to recognize his own.

These striated light patterns carry codes, My Little One. This is what is termed as coded light and within these light patterns there exists one prevailing code, which is absolutely characteristic of Satan and all of his progeny. And, this characteristic is that of a pervasive lying spirit!" - Father Yahweh

Book 12, Chapter 61

Part IV
“The Genetic Link, which Manifests in the Children of Satan!

Come unto Me, My Little One; for I wish to impart to you more truths concerning the children of Satan! I am your Father Yahweh, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. My Little One, you have pondered on the Satanic, genetic link, which surely exists in the children of Satan and how it manifests! Yes, there is a definite genetic link to Satan, himself, the father of all lies!
And, this genetic link, My Little One, manifests through striated light patterns. These striated light patterns, which are also unstable, striated light patterns, exist within the actual DNA and it is through these striated light patterns, that Satan is able to recognize his own.
These striated light patterns carry codes, My Little One. This is what is termed as coded light and within these light patterns there exists one prevailing code, which is absolutely characteristic of Satan and all of his progeny. And, this characteristic is that of a pervasive lying spirit!
This lying spirit manifests within all, who bear this striated light code! And, from a very early age and over time, this lying behavior will infiltrate all of their activities, somewhat like a lying thread, which goes through all of their dealings.
Because of this lying thread, which is inherent to the very making of the children of Satan, they will waffle and waver when confronted with the truths, which are not to their liking! Just as the light wavers within them, they will waver! They will flounder around, will flop from one side to the other, in the midst of such truthful accounts, which stand against them! In other words, they will go from one side of the road to the other and back again as they attempt to wiggle out of their guilty ways!
Within their verbal repertoire, they will manifest a wide array of excuses, of naming and blaming, of denials, and of angry accusing verbal assaults. This flipping and flopping will wear down those, who attempt to communicate or reason with them! For, they will come first as one way, then as another way, seeking always to get their own way and to come out on top, by making those, who confront them with the truth, to be the liars! This is why Satan is called the Accuser of the Brethren; and these, being his children, will bear this same trait! It is almost impossible to make many of them see the truth, for they have in their arsenal a whole array of twisted and distorted rationalizations and excuses! When backed into a corner, so to speak, many of them will be forced to admit the truth and they will do so, but not because they come willingly to do so! They admit their wrongs because they are forced to admit them!
These kinds of erratic, unstable, lying behaviors are inherent in the makeup of those of the hidden goat lineage! Just as some are born with the inherent desire for truth, to tell the truth, and to be truthful in all of their affairs (a deep connection to Me), these are born with an inherent desire to lie! And, lie they will! Those, who confront them with the truth, will soon become their victims, even those, who have shown them consistent kindnesses!
It is this inability, this natural-born inability, to tell the truth, and to be truthful in their affairs, which will cause them to wreak havoc in all of their relationships. However, these of the hidden goat lineage will not see themselves at fault, but, when the truth is told against them, they will blame others for “mistreating” them!
When confronted with the truths of what they have done, they will often fight back with angry tirades! Then, many will quickly return with “sweet and innocent” manipulative behaviors, almost childlike in their cunning! If these manipulative behaviors do not allow them to override their opponents, there will come more accusations and more verbal lashing out! These ways will tire out and wear down their victims; for these of the hidden goat lineage wish to have control over those, whom they consider their accusers; and they will set out to have control over them in one way of the other! For, with these of the hidden goat lineage, it is about their being right and in control, although they may not be in control and are most often not right. But, it is through their chaotic behaviors, that they do often manifest control over many situations; for they will get this control through the havoc, which they wreak.
This is how they create strife among My people! They will stir up strife through their many manipulative and angry ways, through their bending of the truth and through their spreading of outright lies They will spread tales of gossip behind the backs of My faithful and will attempt to create discord or to smear the names of My faithful servants. In this way, they are indeed just like their father, the devil; for they are also accusers of the brethren.
Quick to forget the good, which others have done for them, these of the hidden goat lineage will find one or two things, which are displeasing to them about their benefactors. And, with these one or two dislikes, whether founded in truth or fantasy, they will verbally beat those, who do good for them!
Therefore, their lives will be chaotic and they will bring this chaos into the lives of others. My Little One, this is the inherent nature of the striated light pattern, the inherent nature within each of these, which comes from their father, from Satan, himself.
My Little One, these “lying” and chaotic characteristics are inherent. These characteristics are part of who they are and no manner of cajoling, of crying, of pleading, of confronting, of scolding, and explaining will change this inherent way! For, it is to these of the hidden goat lineage as a hand in a glove! It is a covering, which permeates every facet of their lives and they cannot, in and of themselves, change this way!
At this point, there are huge numbers of the children of Satan in the Earth! Millions upon millions upon millions, even some few billions. There is no hope for these souls, except through My love and mercy for them. But, the wonderful news to all is that I am their hope! And, through the work of My Little Son of Light, My Little Manchild of Revelation Chapter Twelve, I am going to eradicate this genetic link, this striated light pattern out of many of them! Then, they will be free of their inherent lying and cunning ways and I will begin a work to save many of these hopelessly lost souls!
But, Father, some of these of this hidden goat lineage know You! So, is it not true that some of them have Your Spirit?
My Little One, due to the other part of the genetic makeup, which is human, some of them do receive My Spirit! However, because of the inherent lying nature of these genetic qualities of Satan, which is in them, My Spirit will only visit them. It seldom stays for very long! However, because I do love them greatly, I allow them the presence of My Spirit, as they so long for it; and My Spirit is their companion, due to the longings for Me! But, My Spirit is resident in them only erratically.
Yet, Father, many of them are drawn to Your work.
Yes, My Little One, even as Satan is drawn to My work! They want to have power over others! This is a controlling factor also, which is inherent in this striated light! These will always rise up and desire to have power and control over My people and over My true servants. Therefore, it is very important for My true servants to be vigilant for those, who seek to be in control and to undermine My work! When these controlling ways are manifest and are coupled with a deceptive and lying way, may all be the wiser! For, these are earmarks of Satan’s own!
So, Yes, My Little One, they are drawn to My work, even as the Scribes and Pharisees of old were drawn to My work! But, even as I have told you, they are drawn to My work because of their desire to have control over My people! Watch and listen; for their conversations are peppered with “how great I am” words and phrases! Their focus is not on Me, but on what they have done and what they have achieved! They do not have a servant’s heart, but a controller’s heart! And, their desire to be right, an inherent pride, will create chaos in all of their relationships! Through all of their dealings, they will show their many faces! Even as the light is striated and unstable in them, so will be their speech in their dealings with others. And, many of them will show a great flare for the dramatic! In these situations, the fractured child, eager to be heard and to get his or her own way, will rise up and put on a show of drama and flair! Such a dramatic show will often manifest with loud accusations, angry outbursts and loud, accusing crying spells!
This great and inherent desire to have their way, or to be in control, is also one of their main inroads, which these will take in order to break down the morale among My people! For, they will override the truth! They will muddy the truth! They will distort the truth! They will, therefore, mingle the truth with their versions of predigested lies! Many of them come out on top, and fully in control, in this way; while my own little servants, who strive for truth, are often labeled as the liars!
So great is the havoc, which these are able to wreak, in the midst of My people! When one or more of these children of Satan enter into the midst of My people, it is as if a tornado has suddenly ripped right through the middle of the hearts of My people! And, these children of Satan just continue on spinning, spinning and spinning through homes, spinning through relationships, spinning through groups, with their discord, with their chaos; and few are the wiser.
Herein, I tell you about these children of Satan! Herein, I have warned you! They are the same today as they have been since the beginning! Since the beginning, Satan has had his own children; but not as he has them now! For, in this day and time, they rule the world! And, few there be that are righteous! But, true to his nature, Satan is out to destroy all of My righteous ones! Yet, he will not succeed in this; for I am about to raise up the Manifest Sons of God, and there will be some among them, who were previously Satan’s children! For, I will set them free in every way; and they shall testify against him in a great and mighty way! Indeed, they shall rise up with a great hate against him! And, I shall thereby empower them through My Little Son, and cause them to do great and mighty things for Me and for My people! And, with this said, we shall stop for now. I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 20th day of November, 2009,
Linda Newkirk
