Saturday, August 31, 2013

The True Works of Revelation 12

From  The Mountain Prophecies
Book 12, Chapter 82, Con’t
The True works of Revelation 12!

In Book Twelve on,  I have written extensively about what you are going to face when you are attacked and assaulted by Satan and his wicked hoards, both human and non-human. But, as their ways are not our ways, and the nature of their technology seems alien to many, and most assuredly is, the greatest numbers refuse to believe what I write, instead preferring to call me insane, or to assault me verbally with slander and lies, or to insult me in other ways. 
The powers and principalities of great darkness!
Through those writings, I have told you about some of the ones, whom Satan and the U.S. military have abducted and mind controlled, turning them into enemies against me, just because they knew me. I have told you of their great assaults against my family members and against people, whom I barely know, all in order to raise them up as enemies, and to use them to slander my name and to spread hate, malice and to bear false witness against me.  These are the works of the Satanists and of the US military; and their works are full of evil!
They are skilled at mind control!
How will you withstand such vicious assaults when your time comes? Our Savior has warned, that if your heart is not clean, the wicked ones will control your mind, as they read thoughts. Satan and his wicked non-human hoards communicate telepathically. They read thoughts. They see fears. They know what is stored secretly in one’ heart; and they take the hidden things and begin to feed them into one’s mind, building and building on such thoughts until one’s mind is controlled.  If they see a fear, they will feed this fear through mind control, causing it to grow until it is all-consuming. If they see a doubt, they will feed this doubt, until this doubt is all-consuming. IF they see greed, anger, or some other negative emotion, which is stored in the heart, they will do likewise, seeking to consume the person in such things, and to thereby cut one off from the love of our Savior, to totally destroy one’s faith and to make one devoid of the Spirit of God.
The Road Ahead!
Are you in any way prepared for such vicious assaults?  Only those, who repent daily and who truly come out of the world and all of its traps, who truly love our Savior above all, and who truly love others,  who truly forgive, even if never asked to, and who seek to be obedient to our Savior in all things, will make it through such terror assaults
You will be bathed in your tears and your heart will groan in sorrow for all that you will suffer, but if you remain true to our Saviour, He will gather you up into His arms, whether in death, or at the time that He comes for you as His bride. 
An easy way? No!  A way of great tears and heartaches, but oh what a wonderful way into eternal life!

So often I awaken to hear such nonsense, or hear it just before I go to sleep at night. So, when I hear their mind control nonsense, I will either pray, or sing praises to our Savior. Most nights, I sing to our Savior and when I awake I am thanking Him and the holy manchild for all of their wonderful work they did in my body during the night, such a great work to remove such vast amounts of foreign stuff, which the wicked ones put into us.
My Dear Ones, when these wicked ones cannot kill you, they will not give up on trying their mind control.  So, this is why it is extremely important to know what you think, what is really in your hearts. Therefore, each of us must repent every day and all through the day, so that we may remain clean spiritually. We must  truly love our Savior above all and we must truly love others and forgive them, regardless of what they say and do.

Freedom is in True Love
We must seek to walk in love at all times. Negative emotions cannot co-exist with love.  When we are filled with the love of God, we are truly free. Understand?’
But, for the rebellious,
Many of them are mind controlled and oblivious to it!
I tell you now that many of you will be abducted, drugged and mind controlled and you will obey the commands of the reptiles and their human counterparts. You will do as they tell you, even when you do not believe that you will work for them. Even when you think that you are thinking your own thoughts, you will be thinking their thoughts and doing as these wicked ones tell you to do.  So great is the enslavement of humanity, which is at hand; and so lost are so many souls, who neither know themselves, nor the enemy!
Know the enemy!
You would be very wise to seek to know your enemy.  Your great enemy in this world is Satan, but your enemies are not limited to him. For, he has many non-human reptiles in his service and they are all exceedingly wicked. They hate you with an everlasting hate and they truly wish to destroy you!  He also has in his service many, many humans, some of them being his children and some of them not his children at all. But, they  belong to Satan, nonetheless, having sold their souls to get secret clearances and to be in positions of power, thereby becoming, even as his children.

Do you now understand?
Do you now understand why you must have a clean and pure heart to be able to stand in the presence of the all-consuming fires of our Savior? And, do you understand now, why you must go through such great tests and trials? 
Re-read these things, which I am now telling you; for these truths are exceedingly important for your journey into salvation!  Those, who receive eternal life, receive salvation; but we must remember that if the righteous are scarcely saved, then what about the rest?
We have entered into a new divine territory!
But, my Dear Ones, as for me and the holy son of our Savior, the precious manchild of Revelation Twelve, we have entered into new territory!  Many of the mockers will not be mocking me for much longer. Many of the liars will not be able to succeed in their lies against me much longer; and the torturers and persecutors will not be able to succeed in their assaults against me much longer;  for the holy manchild and I are beginning to enter into the best of times; and even though we are still greatly persecuted, we still know that we stand on the precipice of great and wondrous kingdom works. 
Remember, my Dear Ones, that the holy manchild is the hidden pearl in the field and he is the hidden treasure, that if one could find him, this one would then sell all that he or she had and go and buy this pearl, or this treasure. (Matthew 13)  He is the kingdom of God in our midst.  He is the holy pearl. He is the buried treasure; for even though he is in the earth and the angels come and bow down to him, and Satan and his many hoards constantly try to destroy him, he is the holy kingdom of our Savior in its very infancy.
The holy manchild and I have borne the brunt of Satan’s wrath against us. We have been tortured and persecuted night and day. Our travails have been exceedingly great, but these travails cannot in any way, compare to our great and miraculous blessings. And, though nations have gathered up against us and though armies have come in their ships to destroy us, and though Satan has done all evils to us that he could imagine, he has failed. And, though the U.S military, as well as Satan’s craft, have camped out around us in the skies for many years, they have failed in all of their attempts to kill me, or to destroy the Holy Little Son of our Saviour , or to steal him, or to stop his growth.  Now, my Dear Ones, we are coming into very great victories.
Something so marvelous!
It was last summer, the summer of 2010, while I was praying one day, and reaching up very high, nearly touching our Savior,  when He said to me, “You are touching my mantle.” 
As the months went by, I wondered about His mantle and what He meant when He said to me, “You are touching My mantle.”  The fall of 2010 came and went with so many surprises, but also with great tests and trials. And, the extreme winter came and passed.  But, it was in the spring that our Savior came with a very great surprise for me.

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