Tuesday, August 6, 2013

More Hidden Truths about the Children of Satan

“In such cases, when those of the hidden goat lineage are born into loving or otherwise functional families, certain behaviors of the hidden goat will begin to manifest at an early age. In these cases, these patterns do not evolve because of parental abuse, but because they are inherent to the hidden goat lineage! Such behaviors, as the following, will begin to manifest in these, even from a very early age, from the time that they can talk or walk. These are the kinds of behaviors, which others will see: 1.undue aggression; 2.covetousness; 3.bullying behaviors; 4.temper tantrums; 5.lying; 6.stealing; 7.inability to learn through correction; 8.promiscuous sexual behavior from an early age; 9.controlling behavior; 10.and substance abuse, often from an early age, among other behaviors.”
- Father Yahweh

Book 12, Chapter 61

Part V 

More Hidden Truths about the Children of Satan
The Children of Satan from the Beginning!
An Inheritance for the Children of Satan!

Blessed and Holy Father Yahweh, I come back to You today; for so many questions are swirling in my mind regarding the children of Satan! And, also, Father, very many scriptures come to my mind, which are not only puzzling to me, but surely these same scriptures have been puzzling to many for a very long time. But, Father, as You know my heart and all of the questions in my heart, I pray that You address all relevant questions at this time.
My Little One, yes, indeed, I am aware of all of your questions and all of them (are) relevant to the current teachings.
Firstly, My Little One, I wish to address the issues regarding the fractured child, who appears in many of the hidden goat lineage. My Little One, I wish here to make some distinctions regarding this fractured child! For, this fractured child is inherent in all of those of the hidden goat lineage, who have suffered abuse from an early age, whether physical, verbal abuse, extreme neglect, mind control, etc.
My Little One, such abuse is rampant among families, wherein one or both of the parents are of the hidden goat lineage, or goat manifest lineage. For, therein, one or both of the parents, as the case may be, have actually “sold” their whole families to Satan, to do with as he so pleases! And, they have done so through secret, Satanic, occult rituals, wherein they have pledged such evils through oaths, in order to gain power, money, and prestige at the hands of Satan. Within such families, it is agreed by one, or both parents, that all such family members, current and future descendents, should belong to Satan, to do with as he pleases!
My Little One, this is evil, which is added upon evil. For, all of the souls, who are born into a family of hidden goat lineage, or even into a family of goat manifest lineage, where at least one of the parents have a human soul, may not have the striated light patterns, the specific markings in their DNA. In other words, there may be born into Satanic families, those, who do not bear any Satanic markings in their DNA! When this is the case, these (who do not have these markings) will be treated brutally and cruelly! And, I speak here of the families, who are sold out to Satan by oaths or allegiances of one or more of the parents.
Such Satanic organizations, as you know, are the Freemasons, but not limited to the Freemasons; for these types of utterly evil, secret organizations of Satan are many and varied, all over the world!
I make this distinction regarding the appearance of this fractured child, which will manifest throughout their lifetimes; for this distinction is peculiar to the above situation, which I have just described.
However, not all of the children of the hidden goat lineage will manifest the fractured child! Only, those, who have been abused, as I have told you! There will exist many, who have this hidden goat lineage, who will be born into loving and caring families. The genetic manifestations of the hidden goat lineage can skip a generation, or be erratic in appearance down through the family lines.
In such cases, when those of the hidden goat lineage are born into loving or otherwise functional families, certain behaviors of the hidden goat will begin to manifest at an early age. In these cases, these patterns do not evolve because of parental abuse, but because they are inherent to the hidden goat lineage! Such behaviors, as the following, will begin to manifest in these, even from a very early age, from the time that they can talk or walk. These are the kinds of behaviors, which others will see: 1.undue aggression; 2.covetousness; 3.bullying behaviors; 4.temper tantrums; 5.lying; 6.stealing; 7.inability to learn through correction; 8.promiscuous sexual behavior from an early age; 9.controlling behavior; 10.and substance abuse, often from an early age, among other behaviors.
As these children mature, they will be at odds with many, who are in authority! Their desire to undermine authority may be subtle and cunning, or outright abrasive and harsh. As adults, many of them will work their way into positions of authority; for they despise authority and wish to be in control. Therefore, many of such types will be seen in high levels of governmental bodies, as well as high levels of military and police forces. Others will be seen in the sciences, particularly in the medical field; for in this profession, they have authority over life and death. Others of them will be seen also in shadowy, criminal enterprises, where they thrive in both shunning and combating all authority! The whole area of mind control is saturated with them! For, to these wicked ones, the ultimate control is to control the minds of others and to make them their absolute slaves!
There is also inherent in these of both the hidden goat lineage and the goat manifest lineage a specific kind of heartless behavior. Sometimes, this heartless behavior is pronounced and at other times, it is more subtle. However, this tendency towards heartless and cruel behavior will be just below the surface in all of them, whether seen at first or not! For, many will try to hide this inherent trait, and many of them will be drawn also in the helping professions, only to do cruel things in a covert way.
Father, it seems that we can recognize such behavior, even from the beginning! For, the Scriptures tell us that there came first Cain, (Genesis Ch4) he being the first son of Adam and Eve! However, we can read in the Bible that Cain did evil!
From the beginning, the offering of Cain was not acceptable to You, Father, as we read also in Genesis Chapter Four! However, Abel, the brother of Cain brought forth his offering and you were pleased in him, receiving his offering of his first sheep and the fat of the sheep! But, from the beginning the offering of Cain was not acceptable unto you, Father! And, Cain, being greatly enraged at you for refusing his offering from his crops, thereafter went into the field and killed his brother Abel!
Then, Father, we can read that Cain was angry with You, and lied to you about the whereabouts of Abel, knowing that he had killed him! And, for this, Father, you cursed Cain and caused him to be a vagabond. Your words to Cain were very strong! Father, please tell me more about Cain.
My Little One, in your spirit, you hear the rumblings of the truths about Cain! And, you surely understand by now that I was not very pleased with Adam and Eve! I was also not at all pleased with Satan (for lying to and deceiving Eve)! For, what are My words to Satan in Genesis?
Father, in Genesis 3:14, these are Your words to Satan: “And, the Lord God said unto the serpent, because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field, upon thy belly thou shalt go, and dust thou shalt eat all the days of thy life. And, I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his head.” These are Your words, Oh Lord. (King James version of the Bible)
Yes, indeed, these are My words! For, I was indeed wroth with Satan and I pronounced upon him and his seed this curse!
But, Father, my question is this. You are Most High. You created all things! You created evil! You created Satan! Father, in Job, (Job 1:6) we are also told that Satan came and sat among the Sons of God! Father, he was sitting among the Sons of God, so he must surely be one of Your sons, though an evil one. Father, will you explain some of these things, regarding Satan and the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
My Little One, I am Most High and I set into motion all of creation! I create and I set up! I set into motion! What is created to be evil does evil and what is created with great light, to do right, does right with some exceptions here and there. The closer any is to the Source of All True Light, the more perfect and holy is that soul! The closer a soul is to darkness; the more difficult it will be for that soul to connect with Me and with the Great Light Source of All things.
My Little One, I created Satan and I knew what he would do. I put into him arrogance, rebellion, anger, pride and an array of behaviors, which are not pleasing to Me! I raised him up, nevertheless, to serve Me, knowing also that he would wish to supplant Me, to take My place!
I took two little innocent spirits, the two little cherubim, who stand before Me, and I put these into two bodies, which I fashioned. My Little One, they did not know evil, but were pure and innocent; and I put Satan in their faces in the Garden of Eden, knowing that Satan would tempt Eve! For, he is evil and he also disdains all true light; for he wishes to have power over it all! He will always, therefore, set out to destroy what is good and right! This is the way I created him to be! He cannot be another way. So, yes, I knew that he would disobey Me, that he would set out to destroy these two in My garden.
I also knew that I would, therefore, also have reason to punish him; for I must also justify My actions. I am Most High, a God of great righteousness and justice! So, yes, I knew how all would unfold with Satan. I also knew how all would unfold with humanity from the beginning! I knew that I would create a very difficult and harsh world, wherein I would cast many souls, who would return over and over again in their purification journeys. I knew that none could or would ever be saved from such evil and darkness if I did not pay a great price for their salvation. For, Satan would be always in the faces of My righteous and pure ones, seeking to utterly destroy them.
However, amidst such a terrible furnace of afflictions, in such a terrible place, I also knew that I would train, and that I would raise up a few, who would be co-rulers with me, co-rulers of all creation. For, in My whole Light Kingdom, which if far greater and more expanded than any of you could ever imagine, there are none, who have so suffered across so much time as the little ones, the little humans on this planet Earth.
For, I have forced you back, life after life, causing you to take on new bodies, your having swallowed your cups of forgetfulness, to face your wrongs, to face your unsettled sins, to try you and test you across much time, so that I could indeed harvest some, who will be co-heirs, who will work with Me as co-creators in all of My creation.
My Little One, this very lengthy process is about to bear fruit! The very first Manifest Sons of God are about to appear in the Earth! And, you, My Little One, are their spiritual mother. You were Eve in the Garden of Even and you fell to the temptations of Satan! You came along as Sarah, mother to the House of Israel and you have been in the Earth as other very important mothers in this whole growth process of My Manifest Sons. I have brought you back over and over again, sometimes at critical junctures in this whole process, and at other times as an almost insignificant presence, as far as these works. Yet, I bring you back now as the birth mother of My Little Son of fire, the Little Manchild of Revelation Chapter Twelve. My Little Son of fire, who lives in you, will soon be taken to My throne and he will thereafter begin to bring forth great power into the Earth. For, he will go into the Manifest Sons of God!
My Little One, I know that many will balk at My words to you, which tell of the reincarnation of souls! But, they balk out of ignorance and so the ignorant will be ignorant; but those, who hunger after truth, will not choose ignorance and will not balk and mock at what they do not understand, but will seek me with an open heart and teachable spirit.
My Little One, you are the spiritual mother of My people the world over, both of the peaceful, loving ones and also of the unruly ones. For, you fell to the wiles of Satan in the Garden of Eden and because of such; you would bear first his own son, his own bloodline, so to speak.
But, Father, the Scriptures say that Adam “knew” Eve and they bore a son, who was named Cain. (Gen. 4:1)
Yes, Adam knew Eve, but the first Son, Cain, was the Son of Satan.
Father, this is so terrible, too terrible for words.
So, out of you came two lineages, even from the beginning, a lineage of holiness into which Enoch would be born, Noah and others, but also a lineage of evil into which Cain would be born, also Esau and many others. Do you see how the duplicity evolved? This duplicity was inherent in my plan from the beginning. For, within the humans would be the seed of the woman, a holy seed, and also a seed of Satan.
Now, after so may years, I call you forth again, My Little One, and I put My holy seed in you, even My own little babe, My seed from my own holy body; and this also reads in My Scriptures as the seed of the woman. (Rev 12:17) This holy seed is still in you, but it is now, not just a seed. For, My Little Son is an all-consuming fire and he extends by several hundred feet outside of your body! He is indeed a child but even so a man! For, he is now quite large, even a little giant!
And, even as it is written in Revelation Chapter Twelve, I put Satan in the face of the woman, who is you, My Little One! (Rev.12:4) I put him in your face to tempt you, to mock, scorn and berate you, to repeatedly rape you, to torture you and to cause you great pain and suffering! These have been your great tests and trials, your price to pay for bearing My Little Son of pure and holy fire and great light.
And, Satan, on seeing My Little Son in you, greatly wishes to devour My Little Son of Light; for he wishes to supplant Me. However, My Little One, I have sustained you! I have been with you through the unspeakable, daily horrors, which you have lived through and which you still live through. My Little One, you have paid the price for the righteous ones to receive My Holy Little Son and now you pay an additional price for the seed of Satan to be free once and for all of him and for some of them, indeed some of them to be My very own sons, even as their Father Satan is one of my very own sons.
I will totally remove the “mark”, the striated light pattern, which I put into them and I will raise up some of them to be my very own sons. But, your price for these, My Little One, will not be as great. In over forty-two months of your suffering, you have paid your greatest price. But, as you were mother to both from the beginning, you shall be mother to both as regards their inheritance in My Light Kingdom. For, this shall come to pass through My very own Son of Light, who is in you!
Blessed are You, oh Holy King! Blessed are You forever and ever! Thank you, Oh Glorious Creator! So, Father, through all that you are now doing, all of the children of Esau will not burn as stubble, as we are told in Obadiah 1:18.
My Little One, many, many of them will burn as stubble! But, it is My promise to you that I will set free huge and untold numbers of the children of Satan, who are in the hidden goat lineage. For, at some point and soon, I will begin to totally eradicate the striated light patters from their DNA, thereby freeing them of the inherent lying stream, which makes it impossible for them to know Me. When this inherent lying stream is removed, huge numbers will find themselves wishing and desiring a deep walk with Me. I will then draw them into such walks and will ultimately save many, many of their souls.
My Little One, it is for you to return to Esau and to give back to Esau his heritage with Me! For, he was the firstborn; but his heritage, I took away from the beginning; and I would not allow Rebekah to see the heritage of the righteous go to the children of Satan. (Genesis chapter 27) However, now this heritage will go out, my heritage to the Sons of Cain and to the Sons of Esau, even as I have so told you herein. And, this heritage goes to them through My Little Son of Light, who is in you! For, he is also I; and I am he; and I come back as He to bring salvation, especially to the sons of Cain, even to the sons of Esau, to whom it was previously denied. For, through My Little Son and through My Kingdom Come and my will be done, my cup of love, mercy and grace is overflowing.
Remember also, My Little One, that Esau hates his mother; for he blames her for taking away his birthright. He has always hated his mother for this; therefore, when he sees his mother, he will hate his mother until I make him free.
Yes, it is true that his mother, Rebekah, did not take away his birthright, but I took it away, even from the beginning (at the time of Cain). And, as such it is absolutely counterproductive for Esau to hate his mother. For, his mother only did My will! However, My Little One, soon I will set free Esau and many, many of his children; and they will know that what I took away, I now also give back abundantly and with great mercy. And, with this, we shall stop for now! I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 26th day of November, 2009,
Linda Newkirk