Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Fiery Chastisements!

"For, it is the Father of All Lies, who courts them! It is the Father of All Lies, who seduces them; and they are caught up, even caught up as in a great whirlwind of darkness; and they see it not! For, darkness calls out to darkness, evil to evil! Oh, so terrible is the fate of those, who love a lie, and, who waste away their lives in illusion; for their destiny is in the burning fires! And, in such fires, many of their souls are burned up!" - Linda Newkirk

Book 12, Chapter 65


 “The Fiery Chastisements!” 

My Update to you after some time ….. 

Hello, Dear Ones! Greetings to you in the Name of our Mighty Saviour, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings! As I begin this message to you, it is now the 20th day of January, 2010, a bleak and dreary day! Peering due north through my office window, I watch dark clouds as they ride the swells of a deep and pulsating winter wind. A heavy blue mist covers the nearby hills! Tall pines blanket the near sky, their wispy presence a peaceful reminder that there is indeed life amidst the vast and unappealing shades of grey! Hoping to catch a glimpse of the occasional squirrel or sparrow, I longingly search the carpet of brown leaves, which so artfully hide the rocky terrain. But, it seems that even the little creatures of nature have withdrawn into their own places. The words of Solomon still my mind with a sure knowing that “to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
This deep knowing, my Dear Ones, rings true and loudly that a gross darkness is upon the face of the whole earth! Just as surely as the wind caresses the wispy bows of the looming pines, there is stirring another kind of wind, a silent, almost unseen, yet vicious and destructive wind. Dark storm clouds hover all over the world; for the foul breath of the dragon blows forth its smoke and mirrors. Indeed, the dark face of great evil is pushing into the heart of all that is good and right! Seeds of terrible discord have been sown in the midst of the unsuspecting; and a harvest of treachery is unfolding! What has been sown in darkness is now being reaped in the light of day!
Yet, even as dumb sheep to the slaughter, the masses forge ahead, totally oblivious that Satan has already recruited them into his own armies. Blind and deaf, lackadaisical, uncaring, naïve and ignorant, these sleeping hoards have already been branded for deliverance into the fiery chastisements! Evil has overtaken them. They have lapped up violence! They have lusted after the flesh and they have craved all that is destructive and vacuous. They have forsaken truth; for truth is too painful for them! Instead, they have loved the world of illusion and they have made the world of lies and fantasy their mainstay! Their souls are full of rot and darkness and this very darkness calls forth their own terrible destinies!
Like a horse, who craves a carrot, they so crave the world of illusion! And, because they have loved such lies, they have all been given over to even bigger lies! For, it is the Father of All Lies, who courts them! It is the Father of All Lies, who seduces them; and they are caught up, even caught up as in a great whirlwind of darkness; and they see it not! For, darkness calls out to darkness, evil to evil! Oh, so terrible is the fate of those, who love a lie, and, who waste away their lives in illusion; for their destiny is in the burning fires! And, in such fires, many of their souls are burned up!

Pray for the Salvation of the Sinners!

Oh, howl, oh you Faithful Ones, for surely your cries will be heard by our Mighty Saviour! Weep for the souls, who will soon be destroyed! For, a great stench has arisen over many great cities; and the gates of hell have opened up into their midst. The dark demons from hell have come into these great cities and they are busy harvesting their own.
A great complacency has gripped the minds, the hearts and the souls of great masses and with their own blood; they have signed away their souls! Fallen! Oh, how these souls have fallen! Fallen into utter darkness, gripped tightly in the hands of Satan. They have rooted like pigs and they have bored right down into hell! With their witchcrafts and lusty sins, they have dug into hell; and hell, itself is opened into our very midst.
Oh, howl and cry out, you Righteous Ones! Weep for the sins of these souls! Beg for their souls before our Mighty King; for He is the Only One, who can help! A Dark Reaper is in our Midst and He is out for very great harvest.
Go into your prayer closets, You Sons of God; for the Lord of All Creation will hear your cries. Perhaps, He will extend mercy; for the gates of darkness having been swung wide open, a feeding frenzy of evil is set to devour the masses.
Go into that holy place, oh Blessed Servants of the Most High; and howl in deep prayer for the unrepentant sinners; for oh so great shall be their suffering in the fiery chastisements!

Our Saviour has laid a Very Straight Line!

Our Mighty King has laid a measuring line and He is busy sorting out the Precious Ones, who love Him above all, who seek and desire to live righteously. He has aforetime called this place the Strait and Narrow; and this is but on one side of this measuring line.
Yet, opposite this holy place there is yet another place; and this one is called the Broad Way! The Broad Way is but another way of describing “Satan’s Army!” For, the Lord has surely said, “If you are not for Me, You are against Me!” And, those, who will not love Him with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength are surely against Him! He has told us that one, who commits one sin commits them all! He has also said that He will spew the lukewarm out of his mouth! Therefore, if you are not “sold out” to our Lord, you are against Him!
Few indeed find this Straight and Narrow, but the masses run headlong into the Broad Way; and they are all in the camp of the enemy, whether by one sin or by many. For each unrepentant sin, every soul will pay hereafter in the fires of correction. For this reason, The Lord has said, “Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect!” Once in these fires, unless the Lord should have mercy upon them, none will be released until they have paid “every last farthing!” For, the Judge, the Great Ruler of the Law, who oversees the punishments of the soul, will make it so!

Hard Times for those, who walk the Strait and Narrow!

If you are a true believer, it is indeed time for you to draw exceedingly close to our Mighty Saviour and to stay there! For, Satan is seeking to devour you! He is on the prowl for you! He sees you and he wishes to destroy you! He is after you and he will not stop until he has tempted you with every last sin in your heart, with every last bit of evil in your thoughts. He will not stop until he has exhausted all in his power to destroy you! You, oh Precious One, who seeks eternal life, are his worst dread! You are his worst enemy, indeed his most hated enemy!
Oh, you Seeker of Eternal Life, did you believe that your journey would be easy? For, it is not only Satan, who wishes to destroy you! All, who are in his army wish to destroy you, not only his many demons and wicked angels, but all, who love the world and what is in it, that is all, who are on the Broad Way! These, who do not love our Saviour with all of their hearts, with all of their souls, with all of their strength and all of their mind, are not only enemies to what is good and right, they are also your enemies. Not all of them will appear to be your enemies, but where Satan has an open door into them, he will use them against you. His demons will climb into them and Satan will assault you through them. The spirit of the world, which is in them, is your enemy and it will attack you and/or try to entice you in some way to enter back into the world.
Oh, how difficult is the walk of those, who choose the Strait and Narrow. Indeed, a lonely place, a place of great tests, trials and great sorrows. But, do not give up, ever! Do not ever give up; for this is the Only Way into Eternal Life! There is no other way; and do not be deceived by the nonsense, which you hear from the mouths of so many in both the prophetic community and elsewhere. The Straight and Narrow is a place of great tests and trials! Yes, it is a heavenly diamond mine!
Therefore, my Dear Ones, crucify the flesh. Die daily to this world and to all of its traps. Do what is right and according to the commandments of God, regardless of what others do. Stand for what is right and do not arbitrate the word of God! Do not arbitrate Our Saviour’s teachings and His commandments; for when you do so, you make a deal with the devil! And, if you will not repent, you will slowly sign away your soul to this great and evil monster; for he will surely carry you headlong into destruction!

                                  Pistis Sophia

My Dear Ones, in previous writings, I have referred you to some very old mysteries, which our Saviour taught to His disciples. These can be found in a book, which is called “Pistis Sophia.” It is translated by G.R.S. Mead and I highly recommend that you get a copy of this book and read it. It is available on the Internet and can be freely downloaded.
I recommend that you get this book in printed form, whether you make your own printed copy from your own printer or whether you buy a copy from a bookstore or elsewhere. For, you will benefit from making copious notes along the margins of your printed material. This will not only help you to learn what you read, but will also serve as an easy reference guide to help you easily find those topics, which may seem of great and of utmost importance to you!
These are extremely important writings and I cannot in any way overstress the importance of your procuring these writings and reading them in great detail. Take very seriously our Saviour’s teachings through His words in Pistis Sophia, and you will be greatly enlightened. Through our Saviour’s teachings in this book, you will have a deeper foundation in His eternal truths; not only having the necessary wisdom and truths to help save your own soul from destruction; but also having profound truths, which are invaluable in your quest for eternal life! As we know, our Saviour taught mostly in parables to the masses, but He taught the mysteries to His disciples.
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