Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Bruised and Broken-hearted Child

“For, each of those, who are so abused and who belong to the “hidden goat” lineage, will be severely fractured in their emotional growth, that severe fracture having taken place early on in their infancy or childhood. And, for this reason, it will be nearly impossible to have a conversation with these of the hidden goat lineage without dealing with this fractured child!” - Yahweh

Book 12, Chapter 61


“The Bruised and Broken-hearted Child,
Who lives within each of the Children of The Hidden Goat Satanic Lineage!”

My Blessed Child, come unto Me, that I may feed you from the well of My deeper truths! For, you and many others will need these truths in your desires, and in your works, to set free the children of Satanic lineage!
Father, yesterday, as you visited with me for so very long, a horse-drawn carriage pulled up outside of my house and to the rear of the carriage, was a flatbed wagon! An angel came out of the covered carriage and unloaded from the flatbed wagon and into my living room, a vast number of wrapped packages! A whole pallet full! On peering inside one of these packages, Father, I could see that these were many, many packages of spiritual meat. Is this information, which you now give, part of this spiritual meat, Father, and will this meat go into Book Twelve, or even into other books?
My Little One, this spiritual meat is a lot of the meat of the word for My people, who hunger and thirst after truth! You will begin to write of much and to feed the people from My deep wells and some of this meat will go into this message.
Now, My Little One, I shall continue to teach you today about the children of the hidden goat Satanic lineage! And, in this message, I shall tell you about the bruised and broken-hearted child, who lives in each of them! For, each of those, who are so abused and who belong to the “hidden goat” lineage, will be severely fractured in their emotional growth, that severe fracture having taken place early on in their infancy or childhood. And, for this reason, it will be nearly impossible to have a conversation with these of the hidden goat lineage without dealing with this fractured child! Any adult conversation, which would be directed towards one, who is so abused, from the hidden goat lineage, will invariably not go well when one expects to have an adult-to-adult conversation!
For, invariably, any look, which reminds them of their parents, or controllers, any hidden work, any symbolism, any bold truth, will be addressed and answered by the fractured child and not the adult! When the fractured child arises, an adult-to-adult conversation is impossible; for there will arise various manifestations of the fractured child, there being among them the “angry child,” the “sullen child,” “the explosive child,” “the child of denial,” “the rude child,” “the crying and emotional child,” “the hurt and abused child,” “the manipulative child,” “the needy, little child,” the bully child,” and other manifestations of the fractured child.
I stress this, My Little One; for all, who will ever work with these emotionally fractured children, which are within these adults of the hidden goat Satanic lineage. And, plain truths, which most could accept regarding themselves, and deal with on an adult-to-adult level, will not be dealt with in such a manner by these of the hidden goat lineage!
It will be impossible for them to sustain any lasting relationships whatsoever; for the rationally minded adults will invariably flee from the continued anger and drama of this fractured child, who rises up to control nearly all situations.
My Little One, it is important to be vigilant for this fractured child; for this fractured child is a broken child, one with broken dreams, broken expectations, and broken trust, who is full of anger, pain and suffering! And, the presence of this fractured child is huge in these adults of this lineage! Nearly all of these will not overcome this behavior, not in this space and time! However, My Little One, I am able to heal all of the fractured parts of this fractured child! And, I will herein break down these parts of the fractured child as follows: 1. emotional; 2.physical; 3. sexual; 4. and spiritual and 5. mental. And, I include sexual here as the sexual abuse will begin at a very early age in the midst of these abused children of the hidden goat lineage!
As one deals with this fractured child, in due season, one will be able to see which part of the fractured child is emerging! Indeed, my Little One, these fractures can be so great that the child can split distinctly into “separate children,” or separate and distinct multiple personalities! And, although some of these fractured or multiple personalities may not even manifest until adulthood, the beginning of all multiple personalities begins early on in childhood! And this breakdown begins because this little child cannot assimilate such suffering and cruelty and begins to split off into distinct parts, or compartmentalize, in order to escape or hide from such great pain and suffering! Multiple personalities are not always manifest in this hidden goat lineage, but the fractured child, or the “fractured children” are always manifest!
Therefore, My Little One, for these to overcome, in all situations this fractured child must be addressed and I must bring healing into each fractional part! For, this fractured child, as I have told you, can manifest as “fractured children,” each manifesting the above characteristics, as I have so outlined!
In all cases of these adults, there will always be layers upon layers of denial and on each layer, specific spirits of denial! These denial spirits will utterly fight to keep hidden all of the truths of the past pain and suffering! Therefore, when working with any of these adults, it is important to seek Me to bind up these spirits of denial so that all that they are covering up can be seen! However, this can be done only one layer at a time, but when each layer is uncovered and dealt with, the denial spirits will no longer have anything to cover up or hold onto and their hold will be broken at that level! But, remember that I have told you that these levels of denial are levels upon levels!
My Little One, I have placed My Little Son, the Manchild of Revelation Chapter Twelve, into this woman, whom I have sent to you, who is also My Child, and My Little Son is learning much about how to free the children of Satan. What he learns, My Little One, will bring about the salvation of many souls!
So, when the Spirit of God reveals a truth to you and you share it with any child of the hidden goat lineage, especially those, who have been so abused, expect that it will first be rejected! For, this hidden, fractured child may very well receive it as a “put-down,” and will lash out at you! And, the layers of denial will also block truths, that are most often not pleasing. Kind words, these fractured children will probably hear, though they will probably not believe kind words either; for at their very core is the teaching that they are no good!
From an early age, these little ones have been mocked, berated, ridiculed, scorned, abused and mistreated! Therefore, they will receive kind words on the surface, and will not usually reject in anger, kind words, but because of the inherent distrust and suspicion in them, they will not believe that the kind words are true! But, instead, they will seek to find ways to disbelieve them also!
My Little One, this is the sad dilemma for these abused children of this Satanic lineage! They desperately desire to be loved and to receive love, but they can neither give it nor receive it! The love that they give will often show cruelty in some form, rejection and cruelty, yet they will deny this; for the demons of denial will stop them from seeing this behavior! Therefore, they will struggle in all of their relationships, most often choosing those, who will treat them cruelly, all in order to further substantiate their own feelings about themselves!
In addition, My Little One, their controllers, as well as the number of demons in them, will cause them to attach to others, who are also full of many and varied demons, who are cruel, under mind control, or who play emotional, barter games, and who are also unable to love! So, there is manifest in these relationships a bruised child, who is combating a bruised child!
To those on the outside, these relationships will seem bizarre, but to these fractured children, such relationships will seem right, with a very distorted love, alternating with hate, which is apparent in all dealings! Indeed, a love/hate relationship! But, remember that this very way of behaving, though obviously dysfunctional, is what is considered normal and functional to these, who have been brought up in such amidst such abuse in such a Satanic lineage. Therefore, any attempts to cause such a fractured child to see the truths of such a relationship will be met with resistance and denial! For, this way of behaving is deep-rooted and normal to both, who are in such relationships!
So, any and all healing must begin at the level of this fractured child/ fractured children, personality. This can be lengthy and can also be very draining to those, who set out to help them! For, there will be a plethora of angry outbursts, dramatic, crying spells, undue accusations, rejection and added stress to those, who help these of the hidden goat lineage!
The good and wonderful news, My Blessed Child, is that I am teaching and training My Little Son in grand ways to expedite this healing process and to thereby bring about a much faster healing in this fractured child/children of the hidden goat lineage of Satan.
Therefore, My Little One, it is important to be guided by My Spirit always in dealing with these fractured children and even when the truth of a situation is apparent to you, it may not be wise to reveal it to these fractured children! For, as long as the fractured child/children, is still there, there will seldom be an adult conversation about any emotionally charged issues!
So, observe and then seek Me; for I am able also to do all things! I am able to bring in healing through My Spirit to emotionally charged and hidden areas! Therefore, be at peace, My Little One! For, I will do a work; and what I do is real and lasting!
I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 19th day of November, 2009,

Linda Newkirk

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