Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Total Peace and Joy; The Heritage of those, who Walk in Perfect Obedience to Me

“My Little One, it is extremely important that My Chosen Ones extricate themselves from all worldly things and from all worldly attractions, like television, movies, and most publications of the world! For, therein are spiritual traps, hidden mind control, hidden “trigger” words, images and phrases, which are put there to elicit strong behaviors, which are antichrist! “ – Father Yahweh

         Book 12, Chapter 62


“Total peace and joy;
The heritage of those, who walk in Perfect Obedience to Me!”

  “Come unto Me, My Blessed Child, that I may water you from My deep and hidden wells and feed you from the hidden manna of the treasure chests of My very hands.”
“Oh, so lovely is this pure, clean and sparkling water in which I am swimming and so warm and so comforting, oh Blessed Saviour! Oh, that I could stay and live in this place of such eternal peace and joy! For, oh so lovely is this place, a place of such perfect refuge in You!”
“My Little One, this is My deep well of My all-encompassing peace; and this deep well of My all-encompassing peace is your friend! It is Your companion and it is the companion of all, who walk in perfect obedience to Me!”
“Oh, thank you, oh Blessed King! But, the world seeks to take this away! So many people of this world seek to rob this from me, oh Lord! For, many are full of strife and the world is full of strife! And, just by going out and being among those in the world, so many of them seek to rob me of this peace, Oh Lord! For, the demons hate this place of peace! They hate this place of such all-encompassing peace and the joy of the silence. Constantly, they come from all directions, to suck up this peace and to take it away.”
“Nevertheless, My Little One, this place of total peace and peaceful joy is the heritage of those, who walk in perfect obedience to Me.”
“Yet, Father, the price that we must pay for being harbingers of truths is to suffer assaults against our very being. For, the demons and wicked servants of Satan, and their wicked human counterparts, on seeing that we speak the truth, assail us through their dark spiritual swords and they impale us with their wicked demons. They pick up their assaults against us via their wicked technology, all to cause us grief and pain. For, they see us in this place of peace in You and they wish to utterly destroy our peace in You!”
“My Little One, this is all true! I know well that you have spoken truth! But, even so, am I not able to take all of your burdens? Am I not able to heal all of your wounds? Am I not able to cast out all demons, who would come to do you harm? Am I not able to defeat all of your enemies?”
“Oh, yes, Father! Oh, yes, indeed!”
“Then, be not troubled; for this deep place of peace is My gift to My Faithful! Those, who walk in perfect obedience to Me, will rest and live in this place, and though the gates of hell should be opened and My Faithful should be assaulted by every demon from hell, I am able to keep Mine in this place of perfect peace! Do you believe this?”
“Oh, yes, My Lord, I do!”
“But, if one chooses to become a “buddy” or personal friend with a rebel, he or she will suffer greatly! For, by deciding to become friends with a rebel, such a one will open up many areas within his or her mind, body, soul, heart and spirit, through which the enemy may attack! And, I, on seeing that one of My Chosen Ones has taken a path, which is displeasing to Me, will thereby begin to exact a series of punishments on My Faithful servant. These punishments will be, at first ,only slight, and may seem to be only coincidence; but if My chosen one does not cease to sit in the congregation of the ungodly, I will cause My hand to come down heavy, increasingly more heavy on this one of Mine! And, even though these judgments begin to escalate, My Chosen One, may not see, even then, that this is My hand of correction.
Therefore, My warning to My Bride, and to all, who truly want to walk in holiness and righteousness is to come away from the rebel! Do not sit in the congregation of the ungodly! If I send you there, go there and do or say and as I so direct in their midst; but do not linger there among them! And, do not become their friends or companions. For, I am jealous for My Chosen Ones and I will not allow such companionship with the rebellious and with the ungodly.
My Little One, it is extremely important that My Chosen Ones extricate themselves from all worldly things and from all worldly attractions, like television, movies, and most publications of the world! For, therein are spiritual traps, hidden mind control, hidden “trigger” words, images and phrases, which are put there to elicit strong behaviors, which are antichrist!
If Mine will not heed My warning and come away from these traps, they will fall among such traps. Regarding these things, I have repeatedly warned, but so may believe that these warnings do not apply to them! The fact is that too many, who consider themselves to be Mine, are addicted to things of the world!
Hear Me in this; for I am going to begin to make the journeys of My Chosen Ones difficult, increasingly difficult until they understand My strictness in these measures.
Hear Me, oh My People! I am going to marry a Bride, who is holy, whose robe is radiantly clean and sparkling white! NO manner of world or worldly lusts will be in My Bride! Have you heard Me? Do you understand Me? For, holiness calls out to holiness! Deep calls out to deep! Make your way straight and stay in that straight place. For, there will be none, who are waffling and wavering, in My Kingdom!
I am calling for righteousness, holiness, purity and truth! There is no other way and I will have no other way in My Bride! Hear Me, oh, My People; for I proclaim that this is so! Stop undermining your own inheritance; for the one, who is holy, will stand in My presence.
What is true will stand! What is pure will stand! And, what is right will stand in My presence! For, I am an all-consuming fire; and My Little Son, the Manchild of Revelation Chapter Twelve is an all-consuming fire! He is holy, even as I am holy; for he is I and I am He; and He is the heritage of the Manifest Sons of God!
Who will walk in this power, in this all-consuming fire? The one, who has a clean and pure heart, who has clean and pure thoughts, the one, who walks in truth, who loves Me above all, and who obeys Me in all things. This one will walk in such power! All others, who come into this power, who will not see the errors of their ways, and who will not repent of their evil ways, will trip and fall in this power!
For, this power is great! This power is heavy! This power is indivisible! This power is uncompromising! This power is perfectly holy! It does not bend and yield in the presence of the accusers! It does not arbitrate with evil!
This power is holy! Holiness calls out to holiness and this one, on whom this power falls, this power of My Little Son, will repent and walk in obedience, or this power will utterly break such a one and consume such a one from off the face of this planet! This is My Kingdom Power. Who can walk in such power? Who can stand in such and all-consuming fire?
The one, who has a clean and pure heart, who has made his or her way straight, who loves Me above all, and who fears me, who does not sit in the congregation of the ungodly, who does not love the world and what is in it, who is holy, pure, clean, truthful and righteous, even as I am holy, clean, pure and righteous. Such a one is My Son! This One is My Son; and in this one I am well-pleased. And, with this, we will stop for now. I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.”
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 23th day of November, 2009,
Linda Newkirk

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