Monday, August 5, 2013

OUR FATHER CONTINUES …Mind Control Cues & Trigger Words

“But, here I wish to address backdoors and automatic behavior, which is due to mind control cues and trigger words. And, many such trigger words, phrases, and subliminal messages appear widely on television, radio, internet, and various sorts of publications. Some individuals are more susceptible to such mind control than others. Any, who abuse alcohol or drugs, are prime candidates; for in their alcoholic or drug induced stupors, such messages are more readily programmed deeply into the mind, or thought processes, and will thereby more easily cause automatic behaviors. Also, my Dear One, it is most assuredly true that drug-induced mind control is frequently used by all handlers, human and otherwise, in all kinds of extraneous mind control! And, indeed such kinds of mind control is often very quick and effective. Yes, this is a terrible blight upon the whole world and few are the wiser!” – Father Yahweh

Book 12, Chapter 61


My Little One, I will hear this prayer! I will also honor this prayer even when it is prayed on behalf of others! Just substitute the name or names of the others in the places of “me” and “my!”
But, Father, this prayer is for those, who are under mind control from extraneous sources, even as you have previously told. Father would You list some of these extraneous sources.
My Little One, I will! As I have told you, My Little One, abused children of the hidden goat lineage are major targets. Some of these of the hidden goat lineage are sharply and heavily targeted, and some, more than others. Those, who are sharply and heavily targeted, will be like puppets, who are on very short and tight strings. For, these, who are on such tight and short stings, carry out and have carried out very specific mind controlled functions for their handlers, in particular such functions as serial killers, spies, breeders, sex slaves, etc.
These, who are on very short strings, or mind control leashes, will be closely watched and will be under the most severe forms of mind control and as such will often be used, from time to time, by the U.S. Military, and other militaries for covert operations! For, this reason, they always keep the backdoors open and fully functional through their various “trigger” words and cues, using their victims regularly, and most often without their conscious awareness or permission. In these cases, their handlers are most often both military (humans) and Satanic, meaning non-human servants of Satan. These, who are on such short leads, will not get free, not under any conditions, unless I set them free! For, these of whom I speak, are also “of the hidden goat Satanic lineage,” and Satan has a legal claim on them.
The mind control, which I am addressing herein comes from sources, which are coming from the outside, that is extraneous to the individual. And, it comes via psychiatrists and other types of handlers as well as non-human entities. Therefore, it is rightly termed as extraneous mind control.
Extraneous mind control is also rampant in this world and it comes both through implant technology, the implants being both brain implants and implants, which follow the neural pathways to the brain. Most of this implant technology cannot be removed by normal means; for it is too pervasive! And, this, I will address more in later messages.
But, here I wish to address backdoors and automatic behavior, which is due to mind control cues and trigger words. And, many such trigger words, phrases, and subliminal messages appear widely on television, radio, internet, and various sorts of publications. Some individuals are more susceptible to such mind control than others. Any, who abuse alcohol or drugs, are prime candidates; for in their alcoholic or drug induced stupors, such messages are more readily programmed deeply into the mind, or thought processes, and will thereby more easily cause automatic behaviors. Also, my Dear One, it is most assuredly true that drug-induced mind control is frequently used by all handlers, human and otherwise, in all kinds of extraneous mind control! And, indeed such kinds of mind control is often very quick and effective. Yes, this is a terrible blight upon the whole world and few are the wiser!
Others, who are under certain sources of hidden mind control are many within the military services! Many, who are in the military services have brain and neural implants and also have them in their bodies without their conscious awareness or consent. It is through the presence of such implant technology that hidden backdoors, mind control cues and triggers can be set up in vast numbers and programmed through the use of cell towers, televisions, movies, etc. Mind control triggers may therefore, appear in such places as the evening news on television, at commercial breaks on television, and at other times, released to the mind control victim (s) to elicit certain automatic behaviors. Such mind control cues or triggers may also be released to the victim through “strange” telephone call messages, or even through caller IDs.
In addition, many in the police forces are heavily laden with such implants and backdoor mind control messages, triggers words and cues. Most, who are in the various governmental bodies over this nation, and also over other nations, are micro-chipped, and under various forms of mind control, many of them being little more than robotic arms of Satan! The same is also true at the state levels of government within this nation, but in some cases not as severe.
My Little One, total and near total mind control is also exerted on many, who are in prison, or in mental hospitals, most often without their conscious knowledge or consent. This whole area of mind control, which is rampant all over the world, is greater than any could ever imagine.
And, I have not addressed yet the degree of mind control, which is exerted upon such huge numbers by the demons, who are inherent in them. This is a different kind of mind control, but is severe, My Little One, just as severe and just as real as the extraneous mind control. This mind control, which is exerted by the demons, who reside within these individuals, is called herein intrinsic mind control.
Many should be able to see, to know, to understand why the world is in such a mess and only through My overflowing love, mercy and grace and forgiveness will any be saved!
My Little One, I wish to add herein that I have given this prayer to you on behalf of My people! For, you are the Woman of Revelation Chapter Twelve, the spiritual mother of My Little Son, who lives in you and who has now lived in you for over forty-two months. My Blessed Child, you have paid a heavy price to “see the salvation of the greatest numbers of souls.” And, this has been My promise to you, since early summer of 2004, that I would give you this desire of your heart. This prayer is but one facet of the manifestation of that desire! For, many, who are set free of mind control, will then turn and serve Me.
Blessed are you, My Little One; for you have paid a heavy price to receive this prayer, one, which I will surely honor on behalf of My people! Now, I come again to you and I ask you, My Little One, what would you desire of Me! For, a great and mighty calling is being given to you; and you will walk in this earth with great power and will do many marvelous works for me and for My children.
Father, I only ask You to give me a greater servant’s heart and that Father, You fill this servant’s heart with all of the beautiful attributes of You that You want in this servant’s heart! This is what I now ask of You, Father. I only wish to have a greater servant’s heart and that You enlarge Yourself in me in this way.
So, it shall be with you, My Little One, and what more would you, or could you ask for? For, you are spiritual mother to the House of Israel and spiritual mother to My Manifest Sons of God. Blessed are you, My Little One; for your request pleases Me. However, I shall give you so much more, so much more than you could ever imagine! Yes, indeed, there will come to you various and manifold keys to My very Kingdom and these are everlasting. I am pleased in you, My Little One, Blessed Child of Mine. For, you have heard My call to holiness and My cup of holiness in you is full to overflowing.
Father, I am so humbled and afraid! Have mercy on me, Father, for I do not know how I could possibly deal with such a calling. Father, I am but dust, as ashes is to ashes; and I so fear Your mighty power and Your mighty hand. Father, I only desire to be a servant and am happy at the end of the line. Father, I wish no honor for myself and am afraid before You.
This is known, My Little One and this is why you asked me to give you a greater servant’s heart. For, you only desire to serve Me first above all, and to be of service to your brothers and sisters. Therefore, I will exalt you among My people; for only a true servant am I able to exalt.
Still, Father, you say, “exalt,” and this frightens me. For, I do not wish to be exalted, only to be a lowly servant and being at the back of the line is fine with me.
Be not troubled, My Little One; for what I give you will be a calling of great love, mercy, and grace and you will walk humbly before Me in all that I give you; for you fear me.
Father, I wish to fear you always; for You are Almighty! Therefore, Father, I do ask of You one more thing and that is that You will put into me a deep fear of You and that such a deep fear of You will be with me always, for I desire to walk humbly before You always. Father, I ask for this gift from You, and that it will be an intricate part of me, which follows me throughout the eternities.
Well said, My Little One! Even as you so seek, I now give!
But, Father, neither do I wish to be overpowered by this fear, but that this fear of You is balanced with a profound, deep and exceedingly great love for You!
This is understood well on My part, My Little One. So it is with you and so it shall be!
And, with this, we shall stop for now. I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God,
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 24th day of November, 2009,
Linda Newkirk       
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