Friday, August 16, 2013

The Monster in the Gulf of Mexico is Gone!

 Book 12, Chapter 72

“The Monster in the Gulf of Mexico is Gone!

All the praises to our Mighty Saviour, Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Glory to our Mighty Saviour forever and ever; for He is full of mercy! He is full of love and grace!
My Dear Ones, since our Father gave the first part of chapter seventy-one a dear brother in Canada has been working night and day to send these messages of warning and repentance to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people all along the Gulf states. Within recent weeks, he has enlisted another brother in California; and together the two of them have worked exceedingly hard to get our Father’s message of warning out to as many people as possible in and along the Gulf states.
This morning, I called this dear brother in California and he told me that he had a most interesting dream last night and was asking for an interpretation of this dream! 

           The Dream of the Monster in the Gulf of Mexico! 

My friend said that he dreamt last night (the night of July 14th/15th, 2010) that he was walking along the edge of a body of water, but was unable to determine the size of the body of water, as there were reeds and other sorts of vegetation, which were growing along the edge of the body of water. As he walked along the water’s edge, he said that he became aware that there was something very evil in the water, a very evil entity. He went on a little further and finding a shovel, picked up the shovel and began to swing it out across the edge of the water. Then, he said that there began to appear a fire above the top of the water, yet a very light fire, reminiscent of a fire, which is lit on the top of some mixed alcoholic beverages. He then went on and said that he saw some houses down a bit further and thought that he must go down and warn them of the evil that lurked in the water. End of dream.
On hearing of his dream, I knew that we must pray, so I went into prayer with him, seeking guidance from our Saviour. Almost immediately after beginning to pray, I could see the black monster in the water, and I knew that this body of water was the Gulf of Mexico.
Far out in the Gulf, I could see a very great, black dragon! Initially, I wondered if this could be Satan in one of his many disguises! But, as I was quickened by the Spirit of God, I knew that this was not Satan at all, but a great and evil monster, which had most assuredly been released from the bowels of the earth through the British Petroleum drilling disaster.
I began to ask our Saviour to loose this monster from the waters and to bind him up; and within a very short time, I saw him come up out of the water! His great bellows filled the spirit world, his deep growls portraying his great wrath!
Quickly, I asked our Saviour to release some of the giant geographical angels, most of them around two miles tall, to grab him and to drag him into hell, to be bound up in the lowest levels! Also, as this monster was putting up such a fight, I then asked our Saviour to please release Archangel Michael and other archangels to help in the process of dragging this monster into hell.
This was one very great fight! Oh, he was one very great angry monster! But, soon, I would look to see that this great dragon was bound, almost as if someone had taken ropes to him and had snuggly fit them tightly around him, locking in place all appendages so that he could no longer beat the water with his great tail or lunge out with his giant claws.
With this monster being bound in this way, these great angels grabbed hold of him; and I then saw where they were headed for him; for the great doorway was opened into hell!
So often, my Dear Ones, I see this door opened into hell! For, the precious manchild, who lives in me, so regularly takes demons right down into hell. I was also hopeful that this precious manchild would be able to help these giant angels in this great work! So, I asked our Saviour to allow His precious little Son, the manchild of Revelation Twelve, to get in on the action; for this was one very great catch! Glory to our Mighty Saviour!! Blessed is His Holy Name!
As I then watched the angels, they worked their way down through the door, which went into hell, and together they were carrying this very great dragon! It seemed to take a little while for them to pass through this door with the bound dragon; yet, in a relatively short time, I would see the last vestiges of this great dragon, along with the angels, disappear through the doorway and into hell.
After a brief while, I would see the angels emerge through a series of doors and as they passed these doors they would close behind them. Finally, they came through the last and outer door and I saw a great angel, whom I believe to be Archangel Michael; and he was holding a shiny gold key in his hand! He then took that gold key, placed it into a lock, which was in the center of the closed door, and he locked the door, which went into hell.
All the praise, all the honor and all the glory to our Mighty Saviour! Blessed is His Holy Name forever and ever!
My Dear Ones, I ask each of you, who reads this message, to get on your knees and to thank our Saviour for what He has done today! We cannot fight these great battles! For, we are truly up against powers and principalities of great and terrible evil!
Sending you much love,
Your sis,
Linda Newkirk

PS I had to re-type this message three times as Satan was so wroth with me about losing his buddy in the Gulf and he both attacked my computer and disconnected me from phone conversations! Still, this is but a little price to pay for the love of our Mighty Saviour and for the love of each of you! 

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