Sunday, August 18, 2013

Miracles Among the People!

"Well, my Dear One, these are not all of the miracles, but enough to let you know that our Saviour is doing such wonderful things! He truly wishes to give out miracles! He wants to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to make the lame walk, to restore sight to the blind and to cause the deaf to hear. He greatly desires to set the captives free and delights in doing so! Oh, what a great wonder to be a part of such a glorious unfolding; for the Kingdom Power of our Mighty Saviour is coming into the Earth! Our Saviour sees our suffering, but does not wish to remove us from our suffering, not yet, but instead will bring us through the fires of testing and into a place of great and awesome miracles." - Linda Newkirk


From the Mountain Prophecies, Con’t Book  12, Chapter  73, Part  II


Miracles Among the People!

Yet, my Dear Ones, from time to time, I go out into the community where I am led to pray for others; and I stand in such awe of the healings and miracles, which our Saviour so readily and lovingly gives out. At other times, a few call me over the telephone, and our Saviour imparts healings and blessings through the phone! My Dear Ones, I wish to share with you the marvels of some of these most awesome of healings and miracles; and I wi
ll share them with you, not necessarily in chronological order, but in the manner in which they come back into my memories. For, you really do need to know that a great power is being given to the holy manchild and that it is now being released to those, who are so in need!

The Miracles of the Manchild of Revelation Twelve!
The Healing of the Herniated Disks

A Dear Brother called me recently and began to tell me that he had hardly slept, with much pain going from his back and down into one or both legs (I cannot remember whether he said, pain in one or both legs.)
Then, he told me that he had problems with defective disks in his back and that he had injured his back again the day before while picking up something heavy to move it.
So, my Dear Ones, I began to pray for our Saviour to heal his back and to give him a very great miracle. And, then suddenly, it seemed as if I were looking at a live movie cam, but a movie cam of the inside of his back.
So clearly, I could see every bone and also could well see the protruding disks. Suddenly, and to my great surprise, I began to see that the bones began to come together, the spacing within the bones totally changing shape, and the bones themselves moving.
After a very short time of this, I asked this man to stand up and to report what he was feeling. He then stood up and told me that all of the pain was gone. He could move around with no pain; and we both knew that he was healed.
He also related to me also that while the work was being done he was afraid to move; as he could feel the bones as they were moving in his back.
So precious is our Blessed Saviour! Oh, so lovely and wonderful! My Dear Ones, we must praise Him; for He is worthy of all of the praise forever and ever.
My Dear Ones, the holy manchild has also been given much power and I know that our Saviour also uses him in great and miraculous ways in all of these healings and miracles. For, He is Son of the King! And, He is also a little Saviour! So precious, so blessed and wonderful is this Holy Son of the King!

The Homeless Woman!

A woman called me, who was homeless, and who was sleeping in a tent in another state. She was weeping uncontrollably as she told me that she had only been out of the hospital for a short time, a blood clot in her lung. Yet, she had no place to stay and was either sleeping in her car, or was sleeping in a tent. She went on to tell me that her only son has turned against her and that most everything that she attempted to do failed. It seemed that she bore many curses, or yokes of evil and oppression. So, I began to pray for her, that our Saviour would heal the rift between her and her son, that He would totally and completely remove the clot from her lungs and that there would remain no trace of it. I also asked our Saviour to break every yoke and hold of Satan off this woman and to make her free! In addition, I spoke to the demons of various kinds and commanded them out of her and into the Pits of Hell! I also asked our Saviour to give her a place to stay, her very own place of rest.
Some few weeks passed and this woman called me again. In the conversation, she told me that she went to her son as I had told her to do, that all of the hard feelings were healed and that their union was healed. She also told me that she had gone back to the emergency room at the hospital and that they had looked for a clot in her lungs and could find none. Afterward, she went also to her doctor and her doctor did further studies and told her that there were no blood clots in her whole body. According to reports from this woman, the doctor was also asking about what this woman had done to get rid of the clot as she had refused to take the drug Coumadin, to dissolve the clot. Then, reportedly, this doctor went on to say, “I do not know what you did (to get rid of the clot), but I need to know as I have four more patients, who need help. All the praise, all the honor, all the glory and all the power to our Mighty Saviour, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, forever and ever!
Also, this woman would tell me that a place to live, a house came to her, and was given to her at a very reasonable rate!
Oh, such beautiful blessings from our Mighty Saviour! And, such a delight to see one person’s life completely turned around! My Dear Ones, this woman had been affiliated with some churches in the area, but they did not help her to get free. Blessed are we to be a part of such a wondrous event as Revelation Twelve and the great miracles, which are coming in through our Mighty Saviour and the Holy Manchild! Oh, how I love Jesus!!!!!!!

The Stove, the Saw and Miracles!

My Dear Ones, a few weeks ago, on a Sabbath morning, I awoke early, wide awake, realizing that I had forgotten to go to the Chinese import place to buy a miter saw. They had the miter saws on sale for the month of July at a very great savings, but had sold out and had advised me to come back on a Tuesday; for a new shipment was to come in then. Yet, the week had gone when I realized on Saturday morning that if they had any saws left, they would all be gone before the day was over! I was eager to have one of these saws, as there will come those, who will help to build a place of worship for our Lord, and such a saw will be needed. I felt that the Spirit of God was tugging me to go and get the saw; yet I also sought our Saviour about it as I seldom go out on a Sabbath as it is a day of rest. And, I refuse to take care of any kind of business unless it is an emergency. Yet, I felt a great urging in the Spirit as if this were a sort of emergency to get this saw, which would be surely needed for our Lord’s work at a later time. And, the savings was considerable, so I got on the road early, leaving my house around 7:15 in the morning.
As I headed into Little Rock (Isn’t this an interesting name for a city, as the holy manchild is a little rock), I looked to see that there were certain items for sale in front of someone’s house. What caught my attention was an old stove, a cast iron, wood-burning stove, which, if new, would have cost several thousand dollars. I thought that perhaps I would stop and take a look at on the way back! So, I went on past the house and went down for about one half mile and I heard in the Spirit, “When you come back, that stove will be gone!” So, I turned my truck around and headed back. The man wanted $100.00 for the stove and I knew that I was to buy that stove; as it would be needed in the church, which is to be built for God’s people.
There was another man, who was there at that house, and he was visiting. He was speaking with a bit of a slur and walking somewhat erratically. At first, I did not pay much attention, but later he said that he had suffered a stroke the day before. I asked him if he wanted me to pray for him and he said, “yes.” So, I prayed for his healing and then asked him to get up and walk around and he walked normally and also talked normally. Then, I heard the Spirit of God say, “Three more years.” I understood that our Saviour was giving this man three more years; so I said to him, “Man, I do not know anything about how long the Lord intends for you to live, but I am hearing Him say that He is going to add three to your life, to give you three more years.”
I was really shocked when he replied to me, “You do not know it, but I have brain cancer and my neurologist has told me that I have a month to live.”
How awesome is our Mighty God! So full of love, mercy and grace! I love Him so!
I would later find out that the man, from whom I had purchased the stove, who was standing perhaps fifteen feet away, would feel the power of the Spirit of God, as it also touched him. He would later tell me that the hairs on his head and on his arms were standing up as he was touched by the power of God as I prayed for this man!
This man, along with his neighbor, would bring this stove out to my house, free of charge, having to load it up with the front end loader of a tractor, as it is such a heavy stove.
Later, the man, who sold me the stove, would ask me to pray for him, and to pray over his house, as there were some demonic presences in the house! I went to his house and saw the demons; and as I prayed, our Saviour removed demons from his house; and then I began to pray for this man, who was also an alcoholic. I asked our Saviour to send His power down on this man and when the power of God hit him, he began to shake all over and say over and over again, “I want to serve the Lord! I want to serve the Lord! I want to serve the Lord!” Yet, these words were not being uttered by this man, but by the very huge wolf-like demon, who was in the man! I saw that demon and commanded him out of this man and into the pits of hell; and as he left, the talk about serving our Saviour also left and the man ceased to shake. He would later tell me that he felt the power of God come down through his head and go down into and throughout his body. My Dear Ones, the demons shake in the presence of the Holy Manchild!
I have neither heard from, nor seen these two men since that time, but on that Sabbath morning, I was most certainly appointed to be there.
I would later go on to the Chinese import store, only to be told that they had no more of these miter saws. So, I said to the cashier, “You said that you would have them on Tuesday and I come so far to get one and you now tell me that you have none! What kind of a deal is that?” And, the cashier did not know what to say, so she called the manager and the manager came and took the Coupon, which I had in my hand, took it to the back and momentarily came out with a saw. ON the top of the box, there would be a label, which described the saw and said 2 of 2.
For a certainty, the Lord had saved what must have been the one remaining saw for me; for He also knows that it will be needed for His work. What a day of wonderful miracles! Great glory to our Blessed Saviour; for there is none like Him; and none can do such things as what HE did that morning and on the subsequent meeting with the man, who had owned the stove!

The Woman in the Restaurant!

I went to eat in a restaurant one Sunday afternoon and there passed by me a very short and very thin waitress. Oh, she looked so sad! And, I could clearly see the darkness of the demons, who were oppressing her. So, I called to her and said, “Darling, you are oppressed!” Then, she came forth and began to pour out her heart about her violent and oppressive husband and how she had to flee from him because of his violence. Yet, he had money and had bought the best divorce lawyer, had turned her son against her and was now even asking for child support, yet she was earning pauper’s wages as a waitress. I felt so much love for her and so wanted to see her free and so I said, “Sit down here and let me pray for you!” So, she sat down and I placed my hands on her tiny bony cheeks and commanded the demons out of her and into the pits of hell. I asked our Saviour to fill her with His Spirit; and then began to pray for very great miracles for her as regards her divorce case. I prayed for deliverance also for her husband and for our Lord to soften his heart, that the divorce would be settled and quickly so in the favor of this woman. I also believe that I prayed for her son, but some time has passed and I do not now remember all that I prayed. She would get up from that prayer, her eyes full of light, being free from many demons. She told me that she felt the oppression leave and knew that our Mighty King had done a beautiful thing for her! Yet, she would tell me that there had come a prophetess to her church that morning, who had given her a prophetic word! I felt sad that this prophetess did not see the great suffering of this woman and did not pray for her deliverance!
About a month would pass and I would go back into that restaurant, again on a Sunday afternoon, and there I would see the petite woman again. She recognized me and was very excited to tell me what our Saviour had done for her only about a week after I had sought him on her behalf. She told me that her husband came to her and offered to give her all that she was asking. He gave her money and a car, free and clear of any debt. She then traded this car for a smaller vehicle in order to save gasoline. And, in the trade for the very good car, she would even get money back! Everything in her life had turned around! She was all smiles and was headed for training to be a youth minister. Blessed and Mighty King that we have! He is too wonderful for words! Glory, glory, glory to Our Blessed Saviour! I am so in love with Him!

The Woman at the Post Office

I went to mail prayer cloths and a lot of mail at the post office and I noticed that there was a woman, whom I do not remember seeing before. She told me that her time is split among five different post offices. I told her about sending out the prayer cloths and how our Saviour gives miracles and healings through the cloths and she said that she could surely use some help as she was to go the coming week for medical studies, which would determine whether she had cancer. So, I said, “Would you like for me to pray for you?” And, she said, “Yes!”
Well, my Dear Ones, as is the case so often, when I put my hands on people to pray for them, I feel waves of power, pulsations of power running down my arms and into my hands, exiting into the one, who is in need of healing. This always happens as well when our Saviour imparts His power into the holy anointed cloths, which I have sent out to many of you for healing.
So, that day when I prayed for this woman, I could feel great power coming into her and there came a very great presence of the Holy Ghost in and around me and it began to build up right there in the Post office. Suddenly, I felt that I had prayed enough for this woman and that our Mighty King had surely answered my prayer for total and complete healing of this woman, for eradication of all cancer and that when she went for tests there would be none found as there would be none. Yet, the power on me was so great that I turned and began to ask the few, who were behind me in the post office if they wanted to be touched by the power of the Holy Ghost. There stood a man behind me, who told me that he really needed to be touched by this power, so I put my hands on His shoulders for a brief while and moved on. This man was a black man and behind him was a white man, who stood with his arms crossed. But, beyond the white man was a black woman, who wanted to be touched by the Holy Ghost, and so it went. Two black people were touched by the power of the Holy Ghost, but the white man refused the power of our Mighty King.
When I left there, the power and the presence of the Spirit of God was very great and I went and sat in my truck. I looked back towards the woman, who was in the post office, yet beyond my physical view; and I saw in the spirit that brown globs were falling out of the woman and hitting the concrete floor. I watched in amazement as these cancerous globs left this woman; and I praised and thanked our Mighty King! Oh, how precious He is. I know He gave a mighty miracle to that woman! Oh, how I love to see what He does for people on the street! So amazing indeed!
Well, my Dear One, these are not all of the miracles, but enough to let you know that our Saviour is doing such wonderful things! He truly wishes to give out miracles! He wants to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to make the lame walk, to restore sight to the blind and to cause the deaf to hear. He greatly desires to set the captives free and delights in doing so! Oh, what a great wonder to be a part of such a glorious unfolding; for the Kingdom Power of our Mighty Saviour is coming into the Earth! Our Saviour sees our suffering, but does not wish to remove us from our suffering, not yet, but instead will bring us through the fires of testing and into a place of great and awesome miracles.
We can never praise our Saviour enough! May our lips be full of praise for Him early in the morning, all through the day and into the night! And, when we awaken during the night, may our hearts be full of great praise and thanksgiving towards Him!
Sending you the love of my heart,

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