Saturday, August 24, 2013

Prepare; for a Worldwide Economic Crash is not far Away!

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 "Repent, oh you people. Stop your evil ways. Come away from the Satanic mind control devices of television and movies. Limit your time on the Internet. Give up video games and give up porn and the filthy things of the flesh. Make your way straight and stay in that holy place; for Satan desires to sift your souls and to carry your soul into destruction." - Linda Newkirk

  From the Mountain Prophecies, Book 12, Chapter 78 con’t

Prepare; for a worldwide economic crash is not far away!


As the days go by, we are all feeling the effects of the downfall of this economy, particularly in the grocery stores. We can truly see the prices of food as they rise by the week. I warn you all over the world, to fill your cupboards, while you can; for the severe weather is putting great hardships on the farmers and they are being crippled in their abilities to grow crops. When you see a good price on something, buy some extra; and if you are able to do so, preserve some in jars, dehydrate some, or freeze some of it; for the agricultural situation in the USA, and indeed all over the world, is becoming very unstable.
Hear me, oh you people, who have lived high and have not had to worry about what you would eat, or how you would get it. A great famine is coming upon America; and many will go hungry. Even as our Saviour warned the Pharaoh through His dream to Joseph, to prepare for the hard times, He is now giving us a preview of the terrible times, which are upon us. Fill up your cupboards and get ready for the times, when you will not be able to afford food. Get ready for the times, when you will be unable to get food stamps. Get ready for the times, when you will be unable to grow food, even in your own garden. Get ready; for great travail is upon the whole world. And, we truly have seen nothing yet.

Repent Now! Come to our Saviour now!

Repent, oh you people. Stop your evil ways. Come away from the Satanic mind control devices of television and movies. Limit your time on the Internet. Give up video games and give up porn and the filthy things of the flesh. Make your way straight and stay in that holy place; for Satan desires to sift your souls and to carry your soul into destruction.
Do not be naïve; for Satan is not at all naïve. Satan has made it his business to deceive the people, even from the beginning. Do you think that he will not deceive you? If you do, you are really in a very dangerous situation.
Come, oh you people and humble yourselves before our Mighty Saviour. Repent of your sins and stop doing evil; for Satan has been cast down and he is full of wrath; and to him has been given powers to make war against the nations and to destroy their sovereignty and to kill the peoples of the nations.
If you do not love our Saviour above all and if you are not sold out to Him, you will serve Satan and you will fall. Many will soon lose their souls; for they will take the mark of the beast. Through the taking of this computer chip, either in the hand or in the forehead, and in the worshipping of the Antichrist, many will forever give up their birthrights, even as Esau gave up his birthright for food. Oh, how grievous these times. 

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