Saturday, August 10, 2013

Our Father’s Message Continued, Life Diary

“ Little One, this is the very sad state regarding the diaries of the lives of most people on this planet!  Very few have a whole diary!  Very few have whole lives; for trauma, trauma-based memories, anger, sadness, lost hope and dreams, abuse, neglect, unforgiveness and a myriad other things have left holes in the lives of most souls!  Very few wish to go back into the hurt, the sorrow, the pain and into the terrible behaviors of their own past and to own the hurt and pain, and to thereby bring these things to Me for healing!” – Father Yahweh 

 Book 12, Chapter 68


Our Father’s Message Continued

February 21, 2010

My Little One, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Little One, I ask you now, have you well understood what I have given?
Father, for the sake of clarity, I do have a question.  Father, the second document at the beginning of these messages, was labeled, “Hunger for Me,” and there followed a scene, where I was a little child, and was very short, standing beneath a table and near a table leg. And, very large beings were eating a nice meal and I could smell their food and wanted to eat, but they told me that I must wait. Yet, then I sang to You, Lord, and You held Your arms wide to me and to all little children; for you love us so!  Father, who are those great beings, who eat such a fine meal, but told me to be quiet and wait my turn?
My Little One, look there, high up, on the back of the chair.
I see it, Father! I see the words. “We are the Elohim, some of the watchers.”
But, Father, why would You show me such a scene?  For, I do not look to them to feed me?
No, not that you know of; but they do a very great work for those of you in the earth; and you are not aware of the nature of this great work!.  However, the truth is that they do feed you, many of you in the Earth, but they do not feed you salvation and eternal life.
But, Father, I do not ask them to feed me in real life. So, how is this that I sit under their table and wait to be fed?

The Elohim!

Much of what they feed you… is evil!

All of you sit under their table and while you are not even aware of it, you still sit under their table!  And, they have much to do with very much that goes on in the Earth; for I created them and put them over you!  So, while you do not consciously go to them for food, you are nevertheless fed by them and much of what they feed you, and I mean all of you, when I say, “you” is evil!  For, many of them do not wish to see salvation come to the humans; and out of jealousy and anger they set out to destroy you!  No, you do not consciously go to their tables to eat; for most of you know nothing about them!  But, they lure you, all of you, to their tables to eat and they make you eat what you do not want to eat and have no interest in eating! 
Hear Me! For, I have said that they “lure” you all and they court you all with all manner of temptations, which smell good, taste good, but are destructive to your soul!  For, many of them do not feed you what is good for you, but what is destructive for you!  For, many of them are full of jealousy and envy towards you, so they continually plot your demises.
However, My Little One, when you were told to be quiet and to wait your turn, you did wait as a humble little child. And, you have waited as a humble, little child, amidst so many of your terrible trials, you have known, “Jesus loves me;” for you have cried out to Me and you have praised Me amidst your great suffering!  And, I have reached out to you! I have fed you and I have comforted you!   How blessed you are, My Little One; for you have waited upon Me and I shall soon reward you greatly!  Now, My Little One, do you have more questions?
No, My Lord, not at this time; for I understand what You have given and I believe that most will understand as well!
Now, My Blessed Child, I want you to go back to the open case and retrieve the next document and the tab on the top of the document will show the title.

There is Fire and There are sparks!

Thank You, My Lord!  Oh, Blessed Saviour, there is fire and there are sparks, which are coming from this document!  I could use a welder’s visor; for these sparks are many and also very bright!
My Little One, there is only one document and it is rather thick, so pull it out!  I am placing some Son-glasses over your glasses and this will dampen the brightness of these sparks!

My Life Diary!

Oh, thank You, Oh Blessed Saviour. I have the document now in my hands and this document is still sparking!  I know that Satan must hate what is in here!  For, this one is full of Your power. My Lord, this document is like a small diary and I see that it is locked, but I see now that the key is fastened to the side of this diary; so I will remove the key, and with ease I am now able to place it into the lock, which is on the side of the diary!  And, it surely must be a diary; for I see the name of this little book and it is called, “My Life!”
I turn the key once and nothing happens. Then, I turn it again and nothing happens, only the sound of a single click!  Father, I believe that I am to try again, so I turn the key again and the cover of this little book flies open as if it is spring-loaded! Father, I do not know what to think about this little diary; for there are many pages, but it seems as if someone has taken a cookie cutter and has cut out the center of the diary!  The center of each of these pages is missing, leaving a hole in the center of all of these pages!  Father, what good is such a diary when the center is missing from each page?  This book would be of no value to anyone, especially of no value to the one, who wrote it!
My Little One, do you know why I showed you such a diary?
Father, I think that I have some ideas, but, Father, I would rather hear what You have to say about the diary!
My Little One, the name of this diary is “My Life.”  These words, “My Life”, could refer to any of you! In other words, this diary could belong to anyone!
And, Father, the fact that a good segment is missing, is most assuredly important.

Holes in the Lives of Most Souls!

Big Holes in their hearts, in their Minds, in their souls and in their spirits!

My Little One, this is the very sad state regarding the diaries of the lives of most people on this planet!  Very few have a whole diary!  Very few have whole lives; for trauma, trauma-based memories, anger, sadness, lost hope and dreams, abuse, neglect, unforgiveness and a myriad other things have left holes in the lives of most souls!  Very few wish to go back into the hurt, the sorrow, the pain and into the terrible behaviors of their own past and to own the hurt and pain, and to thereby bring these things to Me for healing! 
Instead, what most do is to cover up their great sufferings from past years with mountains of busy work, or with mountains of good work, or rather to escape into so many worldly things, lusts, drugs, pornography, etc.  They sweep under the rug, or into hidden closets, so much of their pain in their dysfunctional lives, never dealing with these things!
And, when they bring their diaries to Me, this is what they look like! Big holes in their hearts, in their minds, in their souls and in their spirits!  For, they have stored up within themselves, so very much trauma, so very much heartache, so very much anger, sorrow, fear, embarrassment and other kinds of negative emotions and thoughts; and they try to hide these things from themselves and from others! 
Most do not know of these great holes in their lives, in their thinking and feeling, but I know; and these surely are crippled in their spiritual walks because they will not come to Me for healing in such painful areas of their lives. 
My Little One, many of these are the whited sepulchers! They look good on the outside and they sound good; but on the inside they are a wreck!  For, they carry so much pain, hurt, sorrow and forgiveness; and until they resolve all of these situations with Me, they will not be whole and clean before Me!

Take Heed!

This is an Urgent Hour... A Most Urgent Call to My Bride!

My Little One, this message is most important, an extremely important message for any and all, who seek salvation and eternal life!  For, it you will not clean out your spiritual closets now; and if you die in this state, you will come again and again until you clean them out, or perish in the flames!  Take heed! This is an urgent hour! Take heed to what I now tell you; for this is a most urgent call to My Bride!  It is the Twelfth Hour and I could come at any time now! But, I delay for a few of you, who very much need to read this message and do as I tell you to do!  For, some of you, I wish to take at this First Harvest; but you are as whited sepulchers, and I cannot and will not marry you! Therefore, this is a most important message to you; and you, who are wise, will listen!  Hearken to me, and do as I say that I may cleanse you and make you whole!
My Little One, we shall stop for now so that you may take a little break.
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