Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Time of Miracles

“The terrors of the Great Tribulation shall come roaring down on the whole world; and when this happens, many will die in their sins! Many will die in their lukewarm state; and into hell they will go! Yet, so many say, “Oh, He is a merciful God; and He would not do anything like that to me! He does not send people to hell!”
However, I warn you that while you are in the body, you are able to easily find His loving grace, forgiveness and great mercy. But, when you are out of the body, you will pay for every unrepentant sin. Our Saviour makes these things very clear through His words to His apostles and disciples in the ancient writings of “Pistis Sophia!” – Linda Newkirk

From the Mountain Prophecies, Book  12, Chapter  73, Part  II

“A Time of Miracles”

In the Name of our Mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords, greetings to you, my Dear Brothers and Sisters! All the praise, all the glory, all the honor, and all the power to our Mighty Saviour forever and ever! HallaleuYahweh! How exceedingly blessed are those, who KNOW, LOVE AND SERVE AND HONOR our Mighty King!
My Dear Ones, you can gather from our Saviour’s last message that we are getting ever close to the conclusion of this part of Revelation Chapter Twelve, but just how close I cannot surmise. For, as I revealed in the last chapter, our Saviour has given us so many dreams and visions, which seemed to indicate that He would soon finish this part of Revelation Chapter Twelve; yet in the face of such wondrous dreams and visions, of which I have written little, He has continued to extend His great love, grace and mercy to all of humanity; and He has, therefore, continued to tarry!
He told us in advance through His own words that He would “tarry,” yet, who can rightfully understand or interpret His meaning of “tarry?” Read on!

While the Bridegroom tarried

“Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But, the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And, at midnight there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But, the wise answered, saying, Not so, lest there not be enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. (Matthew 25:1-13)

Half of the Bride Will not be Ready!

My Dear Ones, if these words do not scare you, then I do now know what will scare you! For, the Lord came for His Bride and half of His Bride was without His Spirit and light! They were lukewarm and cut off from Him!
Our Saviour has warned us that it is better to be either hot, or cold, but that He will spue the lukewarm out of His mouth. These are our Saviour’s words: “I know thy works, that thou are neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16)

A Love Affair with the World!

My Dear Ones, as our Saviour tarries, many are finding all manner of worldly things into which to immerse themselves, feeling that they are missing something in this wicked world. Or, they are allowing themselves to be enticed into thinking that they can put off until tomorrow what they need to be doing today.
It seems that the foolish virgins are spiritually clean; for we are told that they are virgins! They are not out there stealing, killing and taking advantage of people! They are probably hard-working, conscientious, clean and sober-minded people; but what are they doing that puts them into the lukewarm category (no oil in their lamps)?

The Lukewarm Virgins!

I believe that I know and I believe that I have a basic understanding of what our Lord is telling! I believe that the foolish virgins are sliding along spiritually! They are busy with the cares of the world and they are not focused on their spiritual lives. They know about our Saviour, but do not have an intimate walk with him. Their hearts desire to do what is right, but they are just shuffling along spiritually, their prayer life weak, or non-existent. Though, they might pray, their prayers are most likely limited to a few sentences or words. They probably bless their food, but their blessing is most likely an old “canned” blessing that was passed down from their forefathers. They have a Bible, but seldom pick it up! They neither know, nor study the word.

The Foolish Bride!

My Dear One, these foolish ones make up half of the Bride; and when our Saviour comes at the midnight hour, half of the Bride will not have any of His spiritual power. They will be unprepared spiritually; for they have not been hungry for Him and panting for Him, like a thirsty doe!
Yes, the foolish bride is just shuffling along, not evil, but not filled with the power of the Spirit of God! And, they are happy in this way, but oh how sad they will be to see that they have been left behind. Not only left behind, but our Saviour will say to them, “I know you not!”
My Dear Ones, I believe that the foolish virgins do not have the Spirit of God! For, if they had it, He would have surely “known” them. Yet, He says, “I know you not!” How many are there in the churches today, who do not have the Spirit of God? I believe that the great numbers would be totally shocking!
Oh, what weeping and wailing will go up, for at least half of the Bride does not hear the warnings to repent, to come out of the world, and get into that holy place, that Strait and Narrow and stay there!

They will not give up the world

My Dear Ones, it is to me really shocking to see how people react to being deprived of their pacifiers, television and movies. This is but one worldly device, which our Saviour has warned to forsake over and over again. And, I am not speaking of this to judge others; for over ten years ago, our Saviour gave me a strong rebuke because I did not readily give it up when He warned me and my husband to do so! So, I know of the addictive lure of television and movies, but I also know of the beautiful blessings, which follow obedience to give it up!
Yet, my Dear Ones, the decadence, which is extant in television and movies today can only be reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah! It is full of decadence and fleshly garbage. And, even when people are warned over and over again that the Satanists own all major television networks and that television and movies are major mind control mechanisms, they refuse to receive the word!
Amazingly I have observed some, whom I have so warned, call me, and while they are talking to me, they are also busy soaking in their latest television fixes. Our Saviour’s words of warning to them have settled on hard and stony ground, not taking root, whatsoever; and it is as if they never heard one warning to forsake the wicked mind control methods of the Satanists!

No Longer any Fence Sitters!

My Dear Ones, all, who will not be warned about such satanic programming in television and movies, and who refuse to forsake it, yet sit on the fence, pretending to serve our Mighty King, will be thrown violently soon to one side, or to the other side of the fence! This time is at hand when our Saviour will no longer have it in His face! Be warned! For, those, who are violently thrown to the other side of the fence, will most assuredly also lose His Spirit!
The terrors of the Great Tribulation shall come roaring down on the whole world; and when this happens, many will die in their sins! Many will die in their lukewarm state; and into hell they will go! Yet, so many say, “Oh, He is a merciful God; and He would not do anything like that to me! He does not send people to hell!”
However, I warn you that while you are in the body, you are able to easily find His loving grace, forgiveness and great mercy. But, when you are out of the body, you will pay for every unrepentant sin. Our Saviour makes these things very clear through His words to His apostles and disciples in the ancient writings of “Pistis Sophia!”

The Great Grace of our Mighty King!

Yet, my Dear Ones, I believe also that during this time of “tarrying,” however long it may be, that our Saviour is also beginning to release His Kingdom Power! And, I wish to tell you about some of the most awesome of miracles and healings, which our Saviour has been bringing about. For, even as we see that the world is beginning to tumble down around us, we can also be assured that where the evil is so great, we shall also see and even greater release of the love and mercy, the grace of our Mighty Saviour!
And, my Dear Ones, this great release is sorely needed, lest so many give up and thereby fail to see that all of these terrible things are come upon us; for we will not hear the warnings of our Mighty Saviour to repent, to love Him above all, and to forsake the love of the world and what is in it. Therefore, all of the great tests and trials, which are upon us, are for our own shaping, molding and purifying, for our spiritual cleansing! For, our Saviour is truly coming for a Bride, who is without spot, wrinkle, or blemish! Glory to His Holy Name!

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