Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Travailing in Birth

“Hear Me in this; for so many wish to escape; yet My rewards for My faithful are not based upon escape, but upon overcoming!
All need to take note of your suffering; for what you have endured will now come upon the whole world.” – Father         Yahweh

 From The Mountain Prophecies, Book 12, Chapter 75 (con’t)


Now, for our Saviour’s most important words, read on …

Message from our Father in Heaven
Travailing in Birth!

Come unto Me, My Blessed Child; for I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! Be at peace, My Blessed Child and be joyful, for the expectations of some are about to be fulfilled! Gross darkness is falling upon the whole earth and now My light and fire must come into the earth in even greater measure!
You have travailed, My Blessed Child, and you shall travail even more; for the birthing, which has taken place, even the birthing of My son of fire and light from your very body, and back to Me, must now bear fruit in the earth. And, even as he was given to you as a small pool of liquid light, which came from My very own body into yours, he must now be given to My faithful, to the pure of heart, yes conceived in each of them, even as he was conceived in you! So, what you have endured with such a traumatic gestation and birthing process, must now be endured by the faithful, by the pure of heart.
He will be released to live and grow in some now, a very few at first, and then into progressively greater numbers. But, he must grow in them, even as he has grown in you and then there will come another birthing, a great birthing back to My throne, as My sons are birthed back to Me through a birthing canal, which is most certainly one of great fire and light.
When he was birthed into the world from your body, My Little One, his birthing took place over a short time of a little more than two days; and then he and he, alone, was caught up to My throne; for the birthing canal of fire and light, which goes to My throne is not ready for the birthing of great numbers, or for any humans at all. For, this birthing process comes later! But, it was ready for My very own Son of light and fire to travel through.
Now, My Little One, do not despair; for a much greater power of light and fire will begin to come into you through My holy Son. Already, you walk and live amidst very great miracles and wonders, and the miracles and wonders will begin to increase and grow within and around you!
But, for the rest, who will now have My Son to come and live in them, for these, My Little One, My Holy Son of light and fire must grow in them. Yes, it is true that even while he grew in you, he did visit others, and he did linger in their bodies for a while to bless them and to help them, but he did not yet go to live within anyone else!
Now, he will be released to live within a small number at first and as the days, weeks and months go by, I will release him to live in greater and greater numbers of the pure of heart.
When I am pleased with his growth in these, My Sons, I will then birth these sons back to My throne! It is at this coming time, that I will fulfill My promises to you, that I will take you first and along with you a few faithful and there will be a very special and holy celebration at My throne for My Son, the holy manchild of Revelation Twelve. So, My Little One, there comes a time of great tests and trials for the faithful, for in this way I will cleanse and purify them all through the holy fires of My holy Son of light and fire, as gold and silver are tried, tested and purified.
Hear Me in this; for so many wish to escape; yet My rewards for My faithful are not based upon escape, but upon overcoming!
All need to take note of your suffering; for what you have endured will now come upon the whole world.
Hear Me in this! I have greatly tried and tested you, My Blessed Child; and you know that you cannot determine what I think, or what I will do! Through My very words, I try and test the hearts of all. Who can tell what I will do or what I will say, all in order to test the hearts of the faithful, even as I tested Abraham when I told him to sacrifice his son.
What will I tell any of you, all in order to try and test you? Hear Me in this; for I am about to bring My faithful through the fires!
Hear Me also, My Blessed Child, and know that I will proceed to bring forth My promises in Book Five and will prepare a place of gathering for My people! I have given you a small area of land and through the hearts of the faithful, I am helping you to prepare a place for the faithful! Yet, I will also touch the hearts of the faithful to help even more, for I shall yet give you a greater, far greater parcel of land, a much larger parcel yet, where I will also prepare for even greater numbers. And, in times of great trouble, even after I make you My queen, I will hear the cries of the broken hearted, the starving, the homeless, the weak and dying; and I shall send you out supernaturally, and with you a few others, and you will gather up these hurting ones and supernaturally carry them to this very place of refuge, which I am now preparing. All over the world, I will send you to retrieve a few here and a few there and in this way I will look after some, who will survive to see Me come in the clouds. In this way, I will preserve and keep them and assure them of their heritage with me; and to keep My promises to those, who await My coming in the clouds!

The Latter Rain

Just know, My Blessed Child, that this latter rain, this latter and former rain will begin slowly at first and over time, will accelerate in quantity and in its purity in those, who both receive it and bear it.
Be at peace, My Blessed Child; for even as I have told you so many times, you are indeed blessed above all women, having been called and chosen before the foundations of the earth to be the spiritual mother for My people! And, therefore, My Little One, the very task of the birthing of My kingdom into the earth has been laid upon your very shoulders, a great task indeed; and some of those of the heavens, the Elohim, the Anakims and those of the lower parts, Satan and all of his many hoards, and their many human and non-human counterparts have set out to destroy you and My precious Son of light and fire. Their torture against you has been great, their persecution against you both has been tremendous, the travail of you both has been constant and immeasurable, night and day!
On the day of the 53rd month since his conception in your body, that day being the tenth day of the tenth month of the year 2010, My holy Son of light and fire would begin to be born, and at that time only emerging from your body for a brief second or two. But, by the early morning hours of October 13th of 2010, he would be severed from your body, and would remain in the earth, severed from your body for forty days. For this reason, it is written that Satan wanted to steal him as soon as he was born! For, Satan would see My holy Son there at the edges of your bed covers, playing around, flying a bit, and clapping joyfully, and he would make every attempt to steal him or to destroy him.
During this time, I caused a great lethargy to come over you, my Little One, that you might rest in Me until you fully understood what had taken place. For, a very holy time, a time of reverence was upon you, a time to draw very close to me. And, aside from your sharing the truth of this birthing with a very few souls, I would not allow you to share or publish this event! For, this event is My holiness!
However, the wicked ones would know and they would then escalate their plans for World War III! For, they all hate what is taking place and wish to destroy My kingdom before it can even begin! (This escalation of WWIII is the North Korean attack upon South Korea!)
You, My Little One, have suffered the intensity of their non-stop hate and arrogance and you have greatly travailed amidst such great suffering. Soon, you will begin to see the fruits of your great labors as they begin to manifest in the earth through the faithful, through the pure of heart!
Those, who have mocked and scoffed these works of Revelation Twelve, will be cut off, clean cut off from receiving My Holy Son, unless they repent with great tears and with great weeping. The holy inheritance, which was meant for many in the USA, will go to the pure of heart of other nations; for so gross are the sins of the people of this nation!
Hear Me in this, oh you proud, haughty and stiff-necked nation of America! Oh, how wickedly you have behaved towards My chosen servant, Linda Newkirk. How you have risen up to put your shoes in her back and to walk upon her face as she travailed and struggled to bring My holy Son to maturity! How you laughed at her and mocked her and called her insane and threw stones at her and did all that you could to destroy her and to destroy My kingdom as it was only beginning and before it could even be born! Yes, you, who call yourselves Christians, colluded one with the other and you have spread hate, lies and slander. You threw mud into the face of My chosen servant, Linda Newkirk! You became Satan’s willing pawns and many of you became his children, your hearts intent on destroying my holy work through Linda Newkirk.
Now, I shall put My foot in your backs and I shall cast mud upon your faces and I shall take your inheritance and give it to the humble and faithful in other nations! The last shall be first and the first shall be last! For, I made you first, oh America and you trample what is holy, preferring instead what is profane! Now, I shall make you last, oh you harlot nation! And, I shall give your heritage to the pure of heart in other nations; for they do not sit in judgment of Me and My works. They do not profane what is holy!
And, to you, my pleasant daughter, Linda Newkirk, I shall fulfill all of My promises to you, and even though you must travail yet, and even though you must suffer still, even until the birthing of these Sons back to My throne, I will bless you, even exceedingly bless you in the face of all of the mockers and scorners. And, if they will repent with a broken and contrite heart and spirit, I will forgive them. But, even so, they will travail, longing and pleading for the gift of My holy Son of light. For, I will try and test every one of them.
I am your Father Yahweh! Go in peace, my Little One; for I now give you permission to publish these works.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 28th day of November, 2010,
(Yet, my Dear Ones, as the days went by and as I thought to publish these holy works, I was held back by the sheer holiness of all that was taking place. I knew in my heart that the swine would come up to devour the holy pearls and I pleaded with our Saviour to preserve all that was holy, keeping the swine away from the great and holy events, which were unfolding. I felt so conflicted about releasing this information and I knew that our Saviour was, by this time, also holding me back from releasing these events until a new, appointed time.
It was last night, on the night of the 2nd of January of 2011, as I was reading the holy scriptures and pondering before our mighty Saviour, that I saw a clean and beautiful little calf, and this calf was standing on the hillside and kicking up its heels. As I watched the calf, I wondered why our Saviour was showing me this calf; and as I wondered, I called a dear brother and told him of this lone and happy calf, who was so playfully and happily kicking up its back feet.
It was after we both prayed for a greater confirmation that I saw that the calf had come out of a stall. The stall had iron bars and inside the stall was a circular area of clean straw, where the calf had been resting. Our Saviour stood looking over the now empty stall, where the calf had been, and as I wondered about the identity of the calf, our Saviour said to me, “You are that calf, who has been let out of the stall.”
And, this morning, on the morning of the 3rd of January of 2011, our Saviour spoke to me and told me to go forward with the release of these very holy events. The release of these words are to feed the pure of heart, to bring hope to those, who suffer and long for the coming of our Mighty King, to feed and to nurture the babes, that they might grow and make themselves ready for the meat of the kingdom of our Mighty King, and to minister to the lost, that they might know the hope of our Blessed Saviour and His Kingdom Come and His will be done!
Now, my Dear Ones, I will proceed to tell you more regarding the birthing of the holy manchild and his ascent to the throne of our Mighty Saviour!
Rev 12:5 And, her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne …
My Dear Ones, as I prayed on the night of the 21st of November and was down on my knees in front of my sofa, I looked in the spirit to see that the holy manchild was standing at the end or the sofa, his height being about one and one half feet taller than the arm of the sofa, the height of the sofa arm being about three feet. And, although I did not see the face of the holy son of the king, I saw his royal vesture of light and I sensed that he had already been to the throne. And, it was two nights later, while I was on my knees and praying in the same place, that I saw him again, this time seeing very clearly his royal vesture of light and seeing as well his perfect and beautiful face, even beholding the beauty of his eyelashes. I noted also that he bore a crown of gold.
Then again, perhaps two nights later, while I was praying in the same manner in the same place, he appeared again, so full of light and fire that I thought that I beheld an angel, and this time he bore many keys, and on his head were crowns within crowns.
It was on the same night that I first saw him with the crown of gold on his head that I saw that the holy manchild had in front of his robe something that reminded me of a pouch on a kangaroo; and as the holy son looked intently within that pouch, I saw that there within the pouch were many, many tiny babies and that these tiny babies were each wrapped in a very tiny blankets.
On proceeding nights, the holy son would appear to me again showing me the tiny babies and even taking one and causing him to rest in a tiny baby bed, which was in plain view. So precious and so tiny were these babies.
And, then about two weeks before Christmas, I saw a door open and as this door opened, I saw holy fire and light come through the door and then there appeared in the door our Saviour. Alongside Him was His Holy Son. And, in his hands the holy Son held a large, heavy tray, but I did not see at that time what was on the tray.
Yet, within very few minutes, I saw our Saviour as He was standing on the threshold of my back door and alongside Him was the holy manchild; and on the tray were many tiny babies and they were all crying.
The next day after seeing the holy manchild with the many crying babies, I received a call from my friend in Arizona and he said, “I have a baby dream to share with you.” And, as his words to me went, a mutual friend, who is very dear to us both had a dream of crying babies. In this dream, he saw many babies, who were on an assembly line and they were all crying. The babies were in boxes and these boxes were all separated by straw. Some of the babies were young, perhaps two months old and others were older, perhaps two years old. And, as I understand it, these babies in the boxes were being carried straight up on a conveyor belt. Glory to our Mighty King! (The different sizes of the babies represent different amounts of power, which is coming to the Sons of God!)
As the days passed, the holy manchild would appear to me again and again to show me the state of the babies. And, through these visitations, I saw that the babies were all being fed and from visit to visit, I could see how much of the holy formula remained in their bottles. Finally, there was nothing left to feed them and I saw that the babies were being prepared for their “mothers” in the earth, and yes men will also be mothers and women will also be sons.
Lately, I have seen that the babies are all very strong and are kicking and flailing their arms as they very ready to go to their mothers.
During these most awesome of events, I also received a word from a Sister in another nation, that the holy Son of our Saviour had visited her, a most precious visitation. She saw that he bore a white robe with a gold sash and on his head was a crown of gold. This dear woman knew who he was and the precious little son of the King went up to her and so tenderly called her, “Mom.” This sister was at first shocked to see him, but he wanted her to know that his visit was real and he thereafter visited her two more times. So precious and so holy are these dreams, visions and visitations!
And, today, the 3rd of January of 2011, as I was writing the final words of this message, a precious, young man called me to tell me of a very beautiful dream that he had on the night of the 13th day of December. This was two months to the day since the holy Son of the King was born in Laramie, Wyoming. Remember Rick’s dream of the 13th day of November and our brother’s dream of the 12th day of November; but unknown to me, our Saviour had given a dream to a precious, young man on the 13th day of December, a very important dream, indeed.
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