Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Holy Son

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“As the days pass, the time is also nearing when the holy, little babes from heaven will come down and will enter into the Sons of God, who are also called the Bride. Stay in that Strait and Narrow place and follow after our Saviour with your whole hearts. Love Him above all and obey His commands. Keep your hearts clean and stay ready; for we do not know when this very great event will come to pass. But, we can see Satan’s desperation, as he pushes to bring the whole world under his rule. Even so, may we continually rejoice; for the Kingdom of our God is on its way into the earth. Glory, glory, glory to our Blessed Saviour forever and ever; for He has a perfect plan and it is unfolding, just as it should.” – Linda Newkirk, Woman of Rev 12

From the Mountain Prophecies, Book 12, Chapter 78


The Holy Son


Greetings to you, my Precious Brothers and Sisters. Blessed is the Name of the Mighty King, our Blessed Saviour; for He is truly King of Kings and Lords of Lords and He is making His Bride ready for His Kingdom. But, even so, great are the travails upon the people of the world; for Satan has truly been cast down and he comes with a great wrath; for he also knows that his days are short.

The Holy Son, Rev.12:5
“And, she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron…”

My Dear Ones, all is well with me and the Holy and Precious Son of the King. He continues to grow in both fire and strength as the wicked ones continue to pummel us with all manner of hard stuff, which the Holy Son must remove from within and around us. This material is so very hard and thick; and as it also impinges upon my body, I must rest often. This is why I get things done very slowly as I do not know what my days will be like from day to day. Some days are not as bad as others, but for the most part, I must rest a great deal as he has so much work to do.
So, when you do not hear from me for a while, just know that the Holy Son and I suffer through great persecution and yes torture, as the presence of so much foreign and hard material in us causes pain and suffering and also at times great lethargy.
Just know that the Holy Son is advancing. He is growing, due to the great amount of very hard work that he must do in and around us all of the time. And, as for me, my Dear Ones, I will be 63 years young this summer, so I have some very valid reasons for slowing down.
Still, my Dear Ones, work in going on here to build an office and this will soon be finished. When this is done, I wish to open a prayer line for those of you in need, even though I will be there only part time. In addition, we will soon begin to build a house of prayer; for in the near future some of you will come here to worship our Blessed Saviour and to be ministered to through His Beautiful Spirit and Precious Son.
To those of you, who have made possible these works, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, send you the love of my heart, and as you know, some very big hugs. We had surely hoped to have the office finished by now, but as you mighty surmise, Satan does all that he can to hinder and prevent and to stir up strife. Yet, even so, we are still advancing and getting very close.

The Sons of God are Coming

As the days pass, the time is also nearing when the holy, little babes from heaven will come down and will enter into the Sons of God, who are also called the Bride. Stay in that Strait and Narrow place and follow after our Saviour with your whole hearts. Love Him above all and obey His commands. Keep your hearts clean and stay ready; for we do not know when this very great event will come to pass. But, we can see Satan’s desperation, as he pushes to bring the whole world under his rule. Even so, may we continually rejoice; for the Kingdom of our God is on its way into the earth. Glory, glory, glory to our Blessed Saviour forever and ever; for He has a perfect plan and it is unfolding, just as it should.
If you are looking for mail from me, or for prayer cloths, just know that I plan to catch up soon on all that is past due. Blessed is the Name of our Mighty King; for He will help me.

Our Saviour’s beginning great judgments
Against the Bible Belt of the USA!

My Dear Ones, the spring came and went in Arkansas, yet not with a whimper, but with a very great bang! For about two weeks, beginning on or around the 18th of April of 2011, the deluges came to Arkansas. A great rain cloud formed and stayed over the state; and over a two week period, approximately six to seven feet of water fell over this area. Yet, only a portion of this precipitation was reported by the government agencies.
And, with this great deluge, there came great winds and many tornadoes, which swept across the south. There also came lightening as none have ever seen. Great beams of lightening, some of it ball-like, with squared edges, and some of it circular, like “Os”, or zeros in the sky. And, in the midst of such great storms, great hail pummeled many areas and the people cowered, as the terrible winds and tornadoes ripped across many states. And, when the great storms were finished, there lay very great destruction across the south and central parts of the USA, and many were dead.
When these great rains ended across this region, waters converged from across the surrounding states and fed into the various rivers, which feed into the Mississippi River; and great floods roared down the Mississippi River, inundating great amounts of farm land.
I have read, that in Arkansas, alone, a million acres, which were mostly east and south of Little Rock, were flooded and much of the rice crop was destroyed. But, this great flood would wash southward and into Louisiana, where it roared forth to bring a greater destruction. It was after this great flooding event that our Saviour gave the first message, which will follow.

Great Judgments of our Saviour in America!

We would then see the great flooding to the north of us, as great amounts of water from Canada and from the highlands of Montana would cascade into the Missouri River and threaten to collapse six dams and to destroy two nuclear power plants, which are in the flood zone of the Missouri River.
My Dear Ones, as many of you know, this great flooding, which involves the Missouri River, is on-going, and I have recently read that this great flooding could rupture scores of earthen agricultural berms, which have been erected to protect farmlands, thereby causing massive flooding of these farmlands; and yes, this is now coming to pass.
There arose, during the flooding of the Missouri River, another calamity, which concerned Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory, wherein a fire suddenly started up on the 26th of June of 2011 and within a very short time, the city of Los Alamos, New Mexico was evacuated and the fire reportedly raged within fifty few feet of critical nuclear storage units of the Los Alamos Nuclear Lab. Yet, how many were even the wiser, for there was limited news about these two very great catastrophes?

The Second 911 Event!

Our Saviour had given me a vision on, or around the 11th of June, of a black train, which was heading down the tracks, when suddenly the train came to a screeching halt. Then, our Saviour said, “I am bringing this train to a halt?”
When I asked our Saviour to allow me to see more about this train, He carried me in a vision into the interior of the train; and there in the back of the train was George Herbert Walker Bush Sr. He had a small device in his hand, and on this device were several buttons; and he had his fingers on these buttons. I knew, as I watched him, that he was giving the commands to set off several explosions. To his rear, Bill Clinton was seated; and he was wearing his usual open-mouthed grin. And, in the front of the train was George Bush Junior.
As the days passed, my friend, Mark, in Canada, would tell me of a report of some French speaking men, who were seen in northern Colorado, the report being that these men were being escorted around in expensive motor homes, which were adorned with satanic symbols. There would come also rumors that Bush Senior and other high level Satanists were in secret meetings in an undisclosed location in Colorado at or near the time that these French speaking men were seen. From conversations that were reportedly overheard, some began to wonder if these French-speaking men were actually imported into the USA to wreak havoc, possibly to set fires or to ignite explosives.
So, we prayed, and we prayed some more, that our Saviour would intervene and not allow them to bring such great destruction at this time, with the loss of so many souls, but that He would intervene and stop their plans for destruction and carnage; and HE DID, at least for now. AS I WRITE THIS MESSAGE, THE DAMS ARE STILL INTACT AND AS I UNDERSTAND IT, THOUGH CURRENT INFORMATION IS HARD TO COME BY, THE LOS ALOMOS FIRES HAVE BEEN CONTAINED. BLESSED IS THE NAME OF THE MIGHTY KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, THE PRECIOUS AND HOLY LOVE OF MY LIFE!
As the days went by, a few of us came to understand that we were in the midst of a very great and second 911 event. On their 11 days, or on days, which added up to eleven, like 29, or even days, which had many sixes, which the Satanists also consider to be nines, we would see things escalate, as was the case with the eruption of the fires around Los Alamos, which took place on June 26, 2011. The Satanists, of course, would see this date as June 29, 2011, or 9-29-2011, or 9-11-11, or a double nine-eleven.
Also, on that day of June 26, 2011, an earthen berm collapsed, which was protecting Fort Calhoun nuclear facility from the incoming flood waters. And, we understand that Fort Calhoun was partially flooded as a result of this breach, but we do not know how much; and we do not know how much radiation was released.
So, my Dear Ones, two critical events occurred on a double nine eleven day, the setting of the Los Alamos fires and the flooding of Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant. That was their double nine eleven and due to the great mercy, love and grace of our Blessed Saviour, they did not win, at least not now.
But, we must also remember that their planned 911 was far greater; for they had plans to destroy six dams, to wash away two nuclear power plants, to flood huge amounts of land and to kill untold millions of people, as they would have been washed away in the violent churning of the Missouri River.
Satan has been cast down. Keep your eyes open; for his handiwork is everywhere; but remember that he does what our Saviour allows. Nevertheless, he has been promised His time and his time is now, as his kingdom is rising all around us.
Glory to the Holy Name of our Saviour forever and ever! For, He is full of love, mercy and grace. My Dear Ones, get down on your knees right now and thank our Saviour for intervening to stall their second, great 911 event!
It was during this time also that the U.S. marines were conducting a massive exercise along the eastern seaboard, which was called Operation Iron Fist. We can only wonder what such an exercise means, when there was such a push to bring great destruction upon this nation and to thereby declare martial law. We can also only wonder, whether these three, who were mentioned in the above train vision, also intended to overthrow this current regime and to regain control of the presidency. In past visions, our Saviour has shown their plots to kill the current president and to take control of this nation again. 

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