Saturday, August 17, 2013

What you must Understand about the Kingdom Power

“A  time of great spiritual perfection is upon us; for this is what our Saviour is expecting. Only those, who are spiritually clean will enter into the kingdom of God; and the kingdom of God is now here in the earth. Surely, the Kingdom of God is within, even as our Saviour has told us, but the Holy Manchild is the very door to that holy kingdom; and we are now beginning to enter through that door; and to enter into the great kingdom power, which comes upon us as we enter through that door! We shall soon see evidence that that this great kingdom power is coming into the earth through the Sons of God as the manchild begins to manifest in them!” – Linda Newkirk
 From the Mountain Prophecies, Con’t Book  12, Chapter  73, Part  II

What you must Understand about the Kingdom Power

  • Our Saviour is in the earth in a new and great way through His Holy Son, the Manchild of Revelation Twelve. Therefore, my Dear Ones, we must remember how it was for us in the wilderness, after our Saviour brought us out of captivity in Egypt! For, through our pride, arrogance, rebellion and complaining spirits, we sorely grieved Him! We were in his face with much rebellion and as a result, none of us, who came out of Egypt, were allowed to enter into the Promised Land!

What is coming upon us now is the very same thing that came upon us then. For, the Holy Manchild is in our midst! He is also our Saviour, who is in our midst; for He comes from Him, yet He is still a child! He is holy, pure, perfect and awesome in every way. When He sees, our Saviour in Heaven sees! When He hears, Our Saviour in Heaven hears! He cannot be separated from our Saviour; for He is indeed part of our Saviour!
Therefore, we must all guard our words! We must guard our thoughts. We must guard our feelings; and when we think, say, feel, or do something that is wrong, we must be quick to repent.
Many forget that thoughts are things and that they are also recorded. If we think evil of others, we must be quick to repent! For, our God has warned us to not think evil of anyone. He hates this!
Our every thought, our every feeling, our every word will be examined in the Light of God and none will escape the errors of their ways. Therefore, when in error, be quick to get on your knees and repent. If not, your sins will build up and you could be cut off from the Spirit of God!

A Time of Great Spiritual Perfection is Upon Us

Many will cut themselves off from the Land of Promises, the Kingdom of God, which is coming into the Earth because they constantly complain. Many rise up in pride and arrogance and forget the many great miracles, which our Saviour does for them and has done for them. And, if they do not repent, they will be cut off! They will be shut out of the Light! They will not marry our Saviour, but will inherit the dark and fiery places!
A time of great spiritual perfection is upon us; for this is what our Saviour is expecting. Only those, who are spiritually clean will enter into the kingdom of God; and the kingdom of God is now here in the earth. Surely, the Kingdom of God is within, even as our Saviour has told us, but the Holy Manchild is the very door to that holy kingdom; and we are now beginning to enter through that door; and to enter into the great kingdom power, which comes upon us as we enter through that door! We shall soon see evidence that that this great kingdom power is coming into the earth through the Sons of God as the manchild begins to manifest in them!

The Kingdom of God is Holy!

Watch yourselves! BE aware of your sins and repent quickly! Do not offend our Saviour by constantly complaining in the face of great miracles. For, if you will not repent, you will in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God! For, the Kingdom of God is a holy place!
The Lord has told us to be holy, even as he his holy and to be perfect, even as he is perfect. Therefore, we all must be on constant alert as to what we are thinking, feeling, saying and doing and be quick to repent when we are wrong.
Only our Saviour can forgive sins and only He can purge us spiritually, purify us and make us spiritually clean. Therefore, we all need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling before Him. For, the word clearly tells us that the fear of our Mighty God is the beginning of wisdom.

We have been separated unto the Lord!

My Dear Ones, those of you, who have been keeping up with these works, know that our Saviour put me and the manchild in a wilderness place; and as such He has separated us out from among most people. In fact, He keeps us unto Himself; for He is doing and has been doing an awesome work in and through His Holy Son, the manchild of Revelation Twelve. And, as I write these words, I remember our Saviour’s words to the Prophet, King David, “But, know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: The Lord will hear when I call to him.” (Psalms 4:3)
My Dear Ones, these works of Revelation Twelve are Godly! They are holy! Even as I have told you, the angels come in and bow down to the manchild, the Holy Son of our Saviour! These are Godly works and because these are Godly works, our Saviour is very particular about these works. He has separated many people from us, as He has seen their hearts; and because their hearts are not right, He knew that Satan would enter into them to further cause us pain and suffering.
Our Saviour has known that we have needed to stay within His will and to stay in that holy place to which He has assigned us! He has also known that Satan would be in our faces, along with his many wicked hoards; for He foretold of it in Revelation Chapter Twelve. Therefore, our Saviour limits our personal contacts; for He has also given us many tests and trials! Glory to His Holy Name; for HE knows what is best! His ways are absolutely perfect; and His will for each of us is absolutely perfect! Precious is His Holy Name!
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