Saturday, October 31, 2015

Distractions Exhaustion The Rapture


Distractions  and  Exhaustion  &  Rapture
October  31,  2015

This  is  a  season  of  distraction  into  frivolous  and worldly pursuits  and  as  the  Rapture  draws  nearer,  it  becomes  much  more  dangerous  to  let  your  mind  stray.

My  Brides,  keep  your  eyes  on  the  prize,  keep  your  eyes on  Me. Don't  allow  the  enemy  to  barrage  you  with  distractions  and  pull  you  off  task. You  are  far  too  dangerous  to  him  and  he  is  seeking  to  disarm  you  through  distractions  and  social  obligations  that  have  no  bearing  on  holiness.  If  you  follow  after  these  things, it  becomes  a  matter  of  What  shall  I  wear? What  shall  we  eat? Where  shall  we  meet? How  can  I  make  it  festive? Who  should  I  invite? What  should  I  tell  them  to  wear.  On  and  on  and on  -­‐ad  infinitum.    

While  you  pursue  all  these  foolish  things,  I  am  left  to  languish  without  the  company  of  My  Most  Beloved  Bride.    I  need  your  attentions  now  more  than  ever.    The  world  is  still  progressing into  the  Tribulation, and  the  Rapture  is  still  on  the  horizon.    Do  you  want  to  be  caught  unaware  and  perhaps  be  drawn  so  far  from  Me  that  your  lamp  goes  out?

Every  year  I  go  through  this  season  of  distraction  with  My  Beloved.  Every  year  Satan  plans  attacks  against  the  Body  that  they  are  not  watching  for,  because  of  their  own  distractions.  What  you  have  gone  through,  My  Love,  in  these  last  few  days is  but  a  microcosm  of  what  My  whole entire  Body  is  going  through.  And  I  need  you  to  share  your  battles  of  late  with  them."


Put  Me  in  number  one  position  in  your  priorities  and  with  the  time  left  over,  take  care  of  the  basics,  for  you  know  not  the  hour  when  I  will  come.”

Listen to the video or read more here
Source:  Heart Dwellers

X- CBS News Correspondent Exposes Media BRAINWASHING !!! AstroTurf Shill...



Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participant(s). It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations more credibility by withholding information about the source's financial connection. The term astroturfing is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass, a play on the word "grassroots." The implication behind the use of the term is that there are no "true" or "natural" grassroots, but rather "fake" or "artificial" support, though some astroturfing operatives defend the practice .
On the Internet, astroturfers use software to mask their identity. Sometimes one individual operates over many personas to give the impression of widespread support for their client's agenda.[1][2] Some studies suggest astroturfing can alter public viewpoints and create enough doubt to inhibit action. From:
Listen to the video and know the liars.

Friday, October 30, 2015

X-Witch Exposes Halloween as Satanic, Witches "Holy" Day !!! CHRISTIANS ...



Here's why:

  • Halloween is a Satanic pagan holiday practiced by satanists and witches.
  • Halloween opens you to the dark side. It is dedicated to satan, death and decay.
  • It is the celebration of evil, the dead, and partying.
  • We're glorifying evil when we dress as goblins, witches.
  • To the satanists, it means ritual sacrifices, human and animal sacrifices, beating, babies are being murdered, and sexual abuse.
  • The decorations in HALLOWEEN are dried spiders, vampires, ghosts, human hands, other body parts
  • We are desensitized to evil. But the spiritual realm is very real. You are inviting the evil by celebrating Halloween.
  • Halloween candies, costumes are cursed. Witches curse churches, and people who speak out about Halloween.

Celebrate instead the FEAST OF TABERNACLES, a God-instituted holy day, resting with the Lord.. Next year celebration, Oct 17-24, 2016. 8-day celebration.

Please watch the video for more.

What Heaven Looks Like part 3 of 3

Some of the landmarks of heaven from the testimony of KAT KERR:

River of Life, Holy City, Animal Parks, Valley of the Falls, the Crystal Sea, the Rush, the Hall of Knowledge, The Hall of Nations, Surf Parks, The Portal, Nurseries for Aborted Children, Mountain of Spices, The Creation lab, Garden of Fountains, Mansions, restaurants, shops, amphitheater, etc.

You cannot enter heaven with unforgiven sins. Without shedding of blood,  your sins cannot be forgiven [Hebrews 9:22]

One day you will stand before God and the only hope you have is through JESUS.
In other words the cross=salvation. [via repentance]

Now through Jesus we can boldly approach the Throne of Grace to obtain  mercy in our time of need. [Hebrews 4:16]

Please watch the video.

What Heaven looks like (Part 2 of 3)




    More of the near death experiences [NDE]/ heavenly visitations:

  1. No sweeter music ever fell on my ears, I was perfectly enraptured with delight, - Elwood Scott
  2. I saw a multitude of people all singing 'All hail the power of Jesus' name' - Dr. Gary Wood
  3. Instantly the vast concourse of souls arose to their feet, and burst forth as with one voice ...“All hail the the power of Jesus' name. Let angels prostrate fall.” - Rebecca Springer
  4. Wave after powerful wave of music and singing across the landscape and seemed to envelop everything and everyone., - Mary Katherine Baxter
  5. There is soft and melodious music by angelic choirs, - Oden Hedrick
  6. The river looked like it was dancing to music. - Curtis Kelley
  7. From all directions children came running up to see Jesus., children of all races and color. - Gary Wood [they are children of abortions and they can't wait to see their mothers. - Jessie Duplantis]
  8. It was so bright I couldn't make out the features of His [Jesus] face. - Ian McCormick
  9. There are no lighting fixtures here. The light comes from the throne of GOD. - Oden Hetrick
  10. I was surrounded by lush, gorgeous valley, lots of mountains and streams of water. I even saw snow, yet it wasn't cold. - Jesse Duplantis
Please watch the video for more

Thursday, October 29, 2015

What Heaven Looks like (part 1 of 3)


Quotes from people with near death experiences [NDE]/heavenly visitations:

  1. The streets are crystal clear yet they are pure gold- Dr. Gary Wood
  2. The gold looked gold yet it was transparent like crystal – Jesse Duplantis
  3. The golden streets are clear, but they looked golden – Oden Hetrick
  4. I looked at it and looked up at the street of gold with this thought, I know it's gold but it's so clear – Henry Gruver
  5. While walking along with the angel, I noticed that I didn't cast a shadow – Jesse Duplantis
  6. There was no darkness no shadows-only a restful softening of the glory. - Rebecca Springer
  7. There's no shadows, I didn't cast a shadow because the light hits you from all over place.- Curtis Kelley
  8. The angels appeared to be like seven feet tall – Oden Hendrick
  9. As far as I could see in every direction were people of all sizes dressed in white robes. - Dr. Gerard Landry
  10. As soon as I held Jesus' hand, I was suddenly wearing a white robe. Baek, Bong-Nyo
  11. All my five senses were very sensitive. My hearing was more sensitive. - Jennifer Perez
  12. Every feature of His face spoke of love. He was the embodiment of love itself. -  Elwood Scott
  13. Jesus had brown hair and was wearing a white, shimmering toga-like garment. - Kim Joo Eun
  14. I was amazed that the flowers were not crushed as we stepped on them. - Jesse Duplantis

watch the video for more

Assignment of Division on Strategic Relationships


Assignment  of  Division  on  Strategic  
Relationships, October  29,  2015

The  Lord  is  with  us,  precious  Heartdwellers.  God  bless  you  all.

Tonight  is  a  little  bit  different.  I’ve  been  in  prayer  for  a  few  hours  and  I  have  to  say  that,  because  there’s  been  so  many things  going  on  around  me,  I’m  kind  of  losing  my  focus.  I’m  going  to  have  to  start  cutting  back  on  outside  activities  and  get  more  focused,  because  I  just  was  not  able  to  clearly  hear  a  message  tonight.  I  don’t  want  to  invent  something,  so  I  just  put  it  up.  I  said,  you  know,  until  I  can  clear  my  mind  a  little  bit  better,  between  our  dog  passing  away  and  construction  on  the  front  house  and  other  things  that  are  going  on,  it  was  just  too  much.

But  there  is  something  that  I  feel  is  very  important  that  came  before  me  today.  I  believe  that  this  is  something  we   all  need’s  a  warning,  a  serious  getting  our  attention  warming.  It’s  called  An  Assignment of  Division  Has  Been  Sent  Out  by  Satan  against  the  Body.It  comes  from  the  prophet  Lana  Vawser,  who  I  have  extreme  respect  for.

 I’m  just  going  to  go  ahead  a  read  this  to  you  it’s  her  latest  message,  I  just  got  it  today.

I  saw  the  enemy  releasing  an  assignment  attempting  to  bring  division  right  across  the  body of  Christ.  I  saw  this  spirit  attempting  to  wreak  havoc,  stir  suspicion,  division  and  breakdown  of  relationships  all  across  the  body  of  Christ.This  spirit  was  attacking  strategic  relationships,  and  networks  right  now  that  are  going  to  produce  much  fruit  for  the  Kingdom  of  God  when  they  "work  together".

As  this  divisive  spirit  was  being  released  across  the  body  of  Christ  I  heard  the  Lord  speak  and  He  said  "what  you  partner  with,  you  will  empower".

Later  on  she  kind  of  clarifies  that,  by  “partnering”  it  means  what  you  agree  with  -­‐going  to  agree  with  and  support,  you’re  going  to  empower  with  your  own  energy.

So  in  the  turbulence,  what  you  partner  with,  is  what  is  going  to  be  fueled  and  empowered.  The  enemy  has  been  hitting  strategic  relationships  so  hard  lately,  because  of  the  breakthrough move  of  His  Spirit  and  demonstration  of  His  power  and  glory  that  is  about  to  be  released  on  a  grander  scale  through  them.

The  Lord  then  showed  me  the  antidote  and  the  cure  for  this  divisive  spirit  and  it  was  LOVE,  LISTEN  and  HONOUR.  As  the  enemy  is  attempting  to  stir up  division,  suspicion  and  trouble  between  believers  out  of  nowhere,  I  felt  the  urgency  of  the  Lord  to  continue  to  LOVE,  LISTEN  and  HONOUR.  As  the  people  of  God  stand  together  in  love,  listening  to  one  another  and  honoring one  another,  I  saw  the  enemy  fleeing  screaming  and  shrieking  and  his  plans  falling  to  the  ground.

The  Lord  is  wanting  to  bring  His  people  together  at  a  deeper  level,  a  greater  expression  of  unity  across  the  Body  of  Christ,  and  we  are  moving  into  a  season  of  greater  unity  right  now,  and the  enemy  is  terrified  of  this  because  in  this  unity  there  is  great  power.

This  is  not  a passive  "sit  back  and  let  the  Lord  do  it"  but  an  active  "moving  forward  and  towards"  one  another  with  love,  with  ears  to  hear  and  listen  and  honor.

Don't  give  into  the  strife  attempting  to  be  stirred,  don't  give  into  the  suspicion,  don't  partner  with  this  divisive  spirit.  The  Lord  is  releasing  greater  clarity  and  insight,  eyes  to  see  things  from  His  perspective  that  is  going  to  break  down walls,  barriers  and  divisions.

Great  breakthroughs  in  unity  and  relationship  are  happening  right  now.  Greater  levels  of  favor are being  released  over  these  strategic  relationships.  New  depths  of  relationship  and  networking  to  further  the  Kingdom  of  God.  Don't  allow  the  enemy  to  hinder  what  God  is  about  to  do  through  relationships  in  your  life  by  partnering  with  what  he  is  whispering.  

Partner  with  the  Lord.  Move  forward  in  love  and  wisdom,  with  a  heart  to  listen  and  a  heart  to  honor-­‐and  that  divisive  spirit  will  flee  in  Jesus  name.

And  that’s  the  end  of  her  message.  A  beautiful,  beautiful  message.  In  our  own  ministry,  what  I’m  saying  is,  we’re  beginning  to  see  this  happen.  We  have  to  be  so  careful  to  recognize  exactly  what  the  devils  are  doing.  Forewarned  is  forearmed!  

I  know  in  my  situation,  if  I  catch  people  trying  to  divide  or  criticize or  anything  like  that,  I’m  not  going to  go  into  agreement  with  someone,  I’m  not  going  to  sit  there  and  let  them  do  it.  I’m  going  to  call  it  off  right  there,  nip  it  in  the  bud.  Because  we  don’t  need  anything  like  that  planted  in  our  heads.  You  know  how  things  get  started:  one  person  says  one  thing,  another  says  another  and  pretty  soon  it’s  spread  out  like  a  cancer  all  over  the  Body.  We  really  have  to  be  careful  and  protect  what  the  Lord  has  been  doing.

You  know,  on  our  channel  He’s  been  doing  some  wonderful,  marvelous  things.  I  thinkI  KNOW  that  we  need  to  protect  what  He’s  given  us,  each  individually  through  the  messages  that  He’s  shared  with  us.  And  not  allow  the  enemy  any  foothold  of  division,  not  at  all.  To  listen  to  each  other  and  to  be  loving,  kind  and  supportive.  And  to  honor  one  another.  Honor  is  so  important  because  when  we  honor  each  other,  we  show  the  value  that  Christ  has  for  each  and  every  one  of  us,  and  the  position  they  hold  in  the  Body.  We  honor  them  and  we  lift  them  up,  and  listen  to  them  and  set  ourselves  aside.

One  of  the  things  that  did  come  to  me  tonight, when  I  was  trying to  get  a  message, was  that  the  enemy  was  coming  in  to  try  to  steal  progress  that’s  been  made  in  different  ministries  all  over  the  Body of  Christ  and  that  he’s  doing  it  through  self-interest,  drawing  people  away  through  self-interest and  planting  suspicion.  

So,  that’s  a  good  warning  for  us.  I  think  we  need  to  carry  this  into  our  families.  Some  of  you  have  made  wonderful  progress with  your  families  and  they’re coming  to  the  Lord.  Be  careful  that  the  enemy  doesn’t  undo  it.  Just  be  forewarned,  forearmed  and  be  extremely loving  and  respectful  and  honoring and  that  will  definitely send  the  enemy  running.

Anyway,  I  thank  the  Lord  for  Lana  because  I  know  she  hears  from  the  Lord,  and  I  didn’t  have  a  message  for  you  tonight.  That  came  across  my  desk  and  I  thought  this  is  important  for us  to  know  right  now.

So, the  Lord  provides  fresh  manna  in  any  case!

The  Lord  bless  you  tonight,  Heartdwellers.  Lets’  move ahead  in  unity  and  love,  marching shoulder  to  shoulder, and  not  allow  the  enemy  to  break  our  ranks.

God  bless  you.

Kat Kerr Heaven Part 2_0001.wmv


Welcoming HEAVEN,

Father, we welcome you. Jesus, we welcome you.Holy Spirit of God, our best friend, we welcome you. All angelic hosts, We welcome you. All TV friends we welcome you.

Heaven is watching. They hear you, they don't miss when a baby is born. 

There is party in heaven. They know you are coming home.

The throne of God is surrounded with colors of rainbow: green teal, purple, sapphire blue.

People in heaven do not carry Bible. It is inside you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kat Kerr Day 1, Heaven, Our Power over Darkness

An excerpt:

  • The power of life and death is in our tongue.
  • Our soul is connected with our tongue, eyes, ears.
  • Our soul is in our mind, what we think of, our choices, and our emotions, the feelings we're displaying.
  • You can change your life by changing what you're saying. Don't agree with the enemy.
  • We should speak of hope, life, truth.
  • The world will know us by loving each other.
  • The Holy Spirit wants to dwell in us.
  • Heaven has no limitation.
  • God wants us to be like children, enjoy your life in heaven, no worries.
  • Declare and decree in your own homes and you will change the atmosphere in your own home.
  • Upon waking up in the morning, start talking about God: “Father, you are the most high God, You created the heaven and the earth, you have wings for me and my family, you are our protector, whatever is happening around me, my trust in You. I want Your presence in my home, let the world see Your love in us. You have dominion over the earth: the ground, the water, the air, the spiritual atmosphere. You rule over this earth. Father, You sent Your son to save us. Open our eyes, let me know You, give me revelation so I can change this world. Let it start in m home. Remind me in the morning what you want to declare and decree what You want from me, Father, I agree, that the body of Christ on this earth. we want your will done on earth, Your way, just like it is heaven. So I give You permission to invade my life, my mind, my soul, m spirit, take control. And Father, invade this land, let heaven come and make a habitation in this land where I live. I desire to live to see the day of your power take place on this earth. When this country and this world will know there is a God.”
  • There is no time in heaven. No alarms, no schedules.
  • All is free in heaven.
  • There is no evil. No rejection, no lie, no hatred, no judging, no lack.
  • Heaven is real and so is  the ugly hell.
  • By blessing and loving people, you get your rewards in heaven.
  • We can have authority over darkness if you have no darkness in you.
  • Your guardian angel is with you from conception till he brings you home to heaven
  • We have our individual gifts which you will use in heaven for free. Example,  gift of designing, baking, singing, etc.
  • There are places in heaven where it snows all the time,  spring all the time, summer all the time, fall all the time.
Father, I thank You for many ideas and inventions so I can create them and put it in the market place to make kingdom finances regardless of the economy of this world. I'm gonna wait for heaven's economy so send down the inventions. And I thank you Father for revelation, for showing me who You are . I want more., Catch me up whenever You're ready. You have permission to catch me up and show me heaven so I can share your love and your truth with others. Amen.

For declarations, go to

"Time Is Short, Some of You ARE Ready, " Jesus admonishes


Time  is  Short,  Some  Are  Prepared
 October  28,  2015

The  Lord  bless  you  Heartdwellers.  Today  the  Lord  had  a  really  encouraging  message.  It  starts  out  a  little  bit  with  an  admonition,  but  all  in  all  its  encouraging.  The  Lord  is  talking  about  time  being  short.

"Time  is  very  short, dearly  loved  ones.  I  am  still  coming  to  get  you  soon  and  some  of  you  are  still  not  prepared.  I  have  spoken  over  and  over again  about  what  you  must  do.  Especially  avoid  sexual  immorality.  Do  you  understand,  it  is  a  sin,  it  will  take  your  soul  to  Hell.  You  must  break  with  sin.  What  you  have been  taught  in  the  world  is  in  error  and  conditioning  you  for  the  fires  of  Hell.  Do you  think  I  say  that  lightly?  I  do  not.  Your  consciences  are  NOT  properly  formed.  Sleeping  with  someone  other  than  your  wife  or  husband  is  a  sin,  and  some  of  you  keep  on  sinning.  Please,  stop  this  behavior. Please  get  serious  with  Me. If  you  truly  Love  Me,  you  will  obey  Me.    Break  with  sin,  now.    Do  not  put  off another  day.

Yes,  I  am  coming  soon. Some  of  you  are  ready,  in  fact  some  are  more  than  ready  and  you  are  forming  others  in  the  right  way to  go.    Well  done!  I  say  to  you.  It  has  cost  you  dearly,  but  you  have  been  firmly  established  in  righteousness  and  others  are  following  your  example.    Continue  on  and  remain  vigilant,  you  will  not  be  totally  safe  until  I  take  you  Home  with  Me.    Lead  others,  impart  to  them  what  I  have  imparted  to  you. They  are  watching  you,  they  are  following  you,  and  you  are  bringing  forth  fruit  for  the  Kingdom.    I  will  soon  say  to  you,  "Well  done.    Enter  into  your  Master's  joy!"

Others  among  you  have  finally  broken  free from  the  love  of  money  and  man.  You  have  grown  to  despise  this  world  and  I  am  preparing  you  for  Heaven  as  well.  Do  not  think  the  changes  in  your  character  are  not  noticed.  They  are,  especially  by  your  relatives. Yes, they  see  the  changes  and  they  wonder, Perhaps  they  are  right  about  God  in  their  lives,  after  all.Yes,  your  light  is  shining  and  drawing  all  men  to  Me.  Well  done.  Continue  in  your  good  resolve  and  do  not  allow  yourself  to  slide  backwards. There  is  little  time  left,  hold  onto  the  good,  continue  to  weed  the  garden  of  your  heart. There  is  a  great  reward  awaiting  you  in  My  Kingdom.

Some  of  you  lie  in  your  sick  beds,  burning  with  love  for  Me  and  for  mankind.  Yet  day  after  day  you sorrow because  you long  to  take  a  more  active  role  in  the  salvation  of  souls.  There  is  no  more  active  role  than  to  pray.  You  are  at  the  center  of  the  wheel, and  as  such, reach  out  to  the  whole  world  through  the  spokes,  all  the  way  to  the  rim.  If  you  were  on  the  rim,  as  those  in  the  field,  you  could  not  influence  all  as  you  do  from  the  center.  Could  there  be  a  more  sublime  place?  No,  there  is  no  place  as  sublime  as  intercession. Your  prayers  direct  the  course  of  history.    

To  you  I  say,  your  heavenly rewards  are  beyond  imagining.  Your  selfless  devotion  to  Me  and  My  needs  have  made you  My  Friend  and  My  Bride.  Do  not  allow  the  enemy  to  efface  you  by  saying  that  you  are sick  and  therefore  worthless.  Understand, I  knew  all  about  this  sickness  and  its  timing  before  you  were  born  and  I  knew  you  would  be  standing  in  the  gap  with  Me  interceding  for  these  souls.  You  are  highly  honored  by  Me,  yet  despised  and  looked  down  upon  by  men.

And  to  all  of  My  ministers,  I  say,  yield  to  the  fire  that  is  coming.  Yes,  I  am  pouring  fire  on  My  People,  they  will  be  My  witnesses  throughout  the  whole  world.    Receive  the  fire,  bask in  the  fire,  keep  fanning  the  flames  and  let  your  light  shine  that  all  man  may  see  the  reflection  of  My  glory  upon  you.  

The  enemy  will  try  to  beset  you  with  discouragement  to  cause  the  flames  to  go  out,  but  you  are  to  persevere  and  continue  to  be  a  reflection  of  My  glory  to  the  whole  world.  Littleness  is  your  strength,  littleness  draws  the  hurting,  displaced  and  most  needy  ones  to  you.  They  have  long  abandoned  the  company  of the  rich  and  famous who  have  looked  down  upon  them,  yet  are  still  searching  for  fellowship  among  those  who  are  in  love  with  Me  and  not  themselves.

This  ministry  is  essential  to  My  Body  and  many,  many  will  be  last, even  though  they  and  their  friends  considered  themselves  first.  Do  not  regard  your  littleness  with  scorn  and  contempt, for  it  is  through  your  weakness  that  My  Power  is  Perfected.

All  of  you,  at  the  end  of  the  day,  come  into  My  arms  where  your  soul  will  find  rest.  I  am  forever  waiting  for  that  moment  when  I may  impart  some  grace  to  you.  There  is  never  a  moment  in the  day  when  I  am  not  thinking  of  you  and  looking  forward  to  our  time  together.

Come  to  Me!

Unmasking Satan | John Ramirez | Sid Roth's It's Supernatural


John Ramirez- former devil worshipper rescued by the Lord Jesus.

Ang payo niya para hind TAYO mapasakamay ni satanas: bantayan ang ating bibig, ang mata, huwag manood ng televion/videos or maglaro ng mga games na demonic. Sapagkat nakapaglalagay si satanas ng mga bagay na makaka pagpamanhid ng isip laban sa kasalanan [ anesthesize your mind against sin]. Nagiging addicted ka tayo TV kaysa sa pagdarasal sa Diyos. 
Ang pornography ay isa ding pagsilo ni Satanas sa mga babae at lalaki. Katulad din ng alcohol, akala nila madaling pigilin ang sarili ngunit nakadikit dito ang espiritu ng kadiliman. [watch the video with English subtitles]

JOHN: “In the name of Jesus, you can be free of the familiar sprit, from any tormenting spirit, from any spirit that's calling your mind, from any combination, any pornographic, any torture, any tormentors that are sent your way, I break it in the name of JESUS right now. I break every satanic attack over your life, your purpose, your destiny, pornography, anything that is holding, suicide, oppression depression, any form of evil spirit, I bind it right now. Be free in mighty, unmatchable name of Jesus.

Sid Roth: You will have no fear of the demonic when you know Jesus, when you know who your Father is.

JOHN: Thr enemy recognizes you as a child of God and the authority God has given you.

John's prayer against the spirit of infirmity and sickness:

Father, in the name of Jesus right now, I bind this torment over the airways in the name of Jesus. I bind the gatekeeper, I bind any reinforcement, I paralyze every devil, every hell, every demon. I paralyze every infirmity of sickness right now. Father, I separate one from another, Father, I change their languages to confuse them. I send civil war to the enemy's camp to let them destroy each other . Loose the person right now. Loose the person in the name of JESUS. I pray healing. I speak healing into your life right now. I speak restoration. I speak restitution upon your life. I put the devil under your feet and keep him there. Father, in Jesus name, I cage up every demon. My God, in the name of Jesus, I put the blood of Jesus in those demon box and let them to tormented, night and day, and I close this prayer right now. Father, I come against retaliation, I come against retribution, in the mighty name of Jesus.


Please watch the video. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I Will Restore Your Soul, Jesus is our strength.


I  Will  Restore  Your  Soul, October  27,  2015

"SUFFERING  MAY  ENDURE  FOR  A  NIGHT  BUT  JOY  COMES IN THE  MORNING. WHAT  YOU  SUFFER  NOW  ON  EARTH  WILL  MOST  CERTAINLY  BRING  YOU  GLORY  IN  HEAVEN.  Although  I  am  well  aware  that  is  not  your  motive.  I  know  how  you  love  Me, Clare,  and  are  willing  to  submit  to  the  trials  I  allow  in  your  life.  They  are  to  strengthen  you, My  Love,  so  that  you  will  not  back  away  from  any  adversity.    

They  are  fires  of  purification  to  prove  your  love  for  Me  is  pure,  fire-tried  silver,  gleaming  and  glancing  over  the  obstacles  in  your  path.    How  I  wish  for  all  of  You, My  People,  to  persevere  under  trial.  I  know  you  feel  like  quitting  sometimes,  but  for  those  of  you  who  do  not,  there  is  a  Victor's  Crown  awaiting  you.

Yes, discouragement  can  set  in  if  you  are  not  very,  very  careful  not  to  receive  the  insinuations  of  the  enemy,  See  the  way  your  God  is?  Harsh,  cruel,  punishing  -­‐not  protecting.  Back  down  from  this  path,  He  will  only  make  you  suffer  more  if  you  continue  to  serve  Him  that  way.  Quit  while  you're  ahead.’ ‘No  matter  how  hard  you  try  to  please  Him  you  always  do  something  wrong,  and  He  punishes  you. It  is  your  fault, after  all, that  your  dog  died-you  still  have  faults  and  sin  in  your  life,  so  He  punishes  you.

The  enemy  will  taunt  you  with  this  and  worse  if  you  let  him.  These  are  his  tools: Dejection  and  Condemnation.  But  little  does  he  see  how  suffering  purifies  a  soul  and  takes  from  him  his  quarry.    If  the  devils  really  understood  how  many  souls  are  saved  every  time  I  allow  trials  in  the  lives  of  My  Faithful  ones,  he  would  quickly  cease  his  operations  over  them.  

Nothing  works  to  his  advantage,  all  turns  to  merit  in  My  hands.  I  know  how  you  are  feeling, Clare,  and I  know  how  weary  you  are,  but  breakthrough  is  coming.  I  am  with  you,  and  all  you  have  to  do  is  give  Me  your  consent  and  cling  to  Me  with  all  your  heart,  your  mind  and  your  strength.  I  will  do  the  rest. I  will  accomplish  it  all,  your  part  is to  hold  onto  Me  and  never  let  Me  go.




This is an excerpt, please listen to the video or read more at PDF
Source: Heart Dwellers

Death of Our Beloved Dog, Bruno


Death  of  Our  Beloved  Dog, October  26,  2015

Well,  dear  Family,  today  is  kind  of  a  sad  occasion  for  us.  We  lost  our  beloved  dog,  Bruno.  He  was  very,  very  sick  yesterday  before  he  passed  this  morning  that’s  kind  of  why  I  didn’t  get  around  to  posting  a  message  yesterday.

The  Lord  bless  you,  Family,  and  thanks  for  your  prayers, because  I  know  you  have  been  praying  for  us  I  can  feel  it.  We  really  appreciate  it.  

When  I  came  into  prayer...actually  I  was  having  a hard  time Getting into  prayer,  I  couldn’t  get  into  prayer  at  all  last  night,  because  I  could  feel  what  was  coming.  It’s  funny,  because  I’d  asked  the  Lord  about  if  he  was  going  to  recover  and  I  got  “Joy”  in  the  Bible  Promises.  I  thought,  ‘Well,  that  sounds  good.’  I  realized  that  the  Lord  was  talking  about  the   Rapture and  that  we  would  see  Bruno  again.  That  was  hard  really  hard.  Anyway,  it’s  been  hard  for  me  to  get  into  prayer. Getting  quiet  and  calm  brings  me  closer  to  the  pain. Deep,  deep  pain.    But  after  several  attempts  and  some  'nesting'  behavior… running  around  doing  laundry  and  other  busy  work,  I  was  finally able  to  enter  into  His  rest.    

Jesus  was  there  immediately,  holding  me  and  resting  my  head  over  His  heart.  I  was  waiting  for  a  message  for  you  all,  because  I  didn’t  want  to  disappoint  you  two days  in  a  row.

He  said,  "I  want  to  speak  to  you  about  'death.'


My  Love, I  want  you  to  understand  that  nothing  you  suffer  is  in  vain.  There  is  an  appointed  time  for  all  creatures.  This  was  his  time  and  now  you  need  to  let  go.  I  know  your  heart  is  bursting  in  pain,  but  understand  in  the  economy  of  salvation  there  is  much  merit  in  your  suffering.  There  are  those  who  are  benefiting  from  your  pain.



No,  I  hurt  with  you  and  as  you  offer  that  pain  to  Me, I  turn  it  into  opportunities  and  movements  of  grace  to  call  others  into  My  Kingdom.    Nothing  is  accomplished  without  suffering  and  sacrifice.  Nothing.  Consider  Jim  Elliot  and  his  companions  (the  book  Gates  of  Splendor).    

The  natives  killed  the  men,  and  the  wives  went  back  to  those  very  same  people  who  killed  their  husbands,  and  brought  them  the  Gospel.    Five men  died,  and  a  whole  tribe  came  to  Me  and  is  still  to  this  day  bearing  fruit  even  around  the  world.    Do  you  understand? I  use  the  suffering  of  others,  be  it  sickness,  death  or  martyrdom. The  blood  of  the  martyrs  is  the  seed  of  the  church,  and  conversion  follows  on  the  heels  of  it.  

When  I  said  take  up  your  cross  and  follow  Me,  did  I  say  also,  OK, you  carried  it,  now  lay  it  down  and  keep  going?No, I  expect  you  to  follow  Me  even  unto  death.    Yes, this  is  a  big  offering  but  nothing  else  will  do. A complete and  total  relinquishing  of  your  life  is  what  I  call  you  to, Beloved.  

And  then, just  as  I  abolished  the  barrier  between  men  and  God,  and  wrought  salvation  for  all,  you  by  your  sacrifice  fuel  the  spreading  of  the  Gospel-­‐even  the  bending  of  hardened  hearts  that  will  not  come  to  Me  until  they  are  dying.  Some  souls  are  very  stubborn  and  hardened  against  Me,  but  I  hold  out  hope  for  the  end,  those  last  moments  when  perhaps  they  will  see  themselves  as  I  see  them,  and  feel  the  love  that  I  have  for  themand  repent.    

Although  not  all  are  given  this  opportunity,  it  is  not  something  to  be  presumed  upon  by  anyone.    There  are  many  that  did  not  receive  this  final  opportunity  because  I  had  visited  them  over  and  over  again  and  each  time  they  pushed  Me  away. They  chose  evil  over  good.

What  I  want  to  say  is  that  much  has  been  accomplished  by  the  sacrifice  of  your  dog. You  all  suffered,  I  collected  every  tear  and  applied  it  to  the  most  wretched  of  souls  to  bring  them  to  their  senses.    Yes,  I  waste  nothing.    Life  is  precious,  when  I  give  it  and  when  I  take  it. It  is precious.

Yet  as  you  can  see  he  is  in  Heaven  with  Me,  barking,  wagging his  tail  and  telling  you  you're  coming  home  soon. A  little  while  after  he  passed  I'd  close  my  eyes  and  he  would  be  plainly  before  me  barking his  head  off and  wagging  his  tail  and  talking  to  me,  like  he  loves  to  do.

Ezekiel  saw  Bruno  with  a  hammer  in  his  mouth,  running  up to Jesus, who  was  working  putting  finishing  touches  on  my  dwelling.

"Oh  Death, where  is  your  sting?

You  see  and  you  know,  you  will  be  together  again  soon.   Bruno  did  his  job,  and  you  are  finishing  yours,  because  I  am  coming  for  you. You  will  all  be  reunited,  and  what  a  joyous  occasion  that  will  be!

I  know  My  Love,  I  know  your  heart  is  heavy. This  will  pass.  And  I  have  used  this  as  a  fast  offering  of  great  magnitude. Even  though  it  didn't  require  your  martyrdom,  it  was  a  martyrdom  of  sorts,  a  white  martyrdom.    Pick  up  your  cross  and  follow  Me... right  down  to  the  end.

I  waste  nothing.