Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I AM The Father of the Prodigal

I AM The Father of the Prodigal, September 26. 2015

You cannot calculate My gratitude to you, My people for the littlest sacrifice you make to draw others to Me. You will never know until heaven what it has meant to Me every time you've left the track behind, then kind to a homeless person, put your comforting arms around the hurting soul, prayed for those who've gone astray. Your outpourings of love on my behalf touched Me so very deeply. Just see it you would hardly believe it, but take My word to this vessel.

I am profoundly grateful that you set your agenda aside so many times just for Me, just to be with Me, just to touch someone with My love and there is fruit, so much fruit you will not believe your eyes until heaven when you see the fruit each of your little gestures of love and what it brought forth.

I Am not a self-sufficient God who sits on the throne and has all he'll ever need and want. No, that is not My character at all. Whether I Am awaiting, pleading, watching God, waiting for My children to return to Me, longing to have them safely back in My arms. I Am the Father of the prodigal wholly taken up with the return of souls into My bosom, forever intent on living for Me.

I wait, I long, I sent My messengers, I sent My gifts, I sent my corrections, I sent My love in myriads of ways everyday, but so few recognize My very active presence in their lives. Yes, of all the stories in the Bible, the Prodigal  best describes Me.

What can I say here. Thank you. Well that will have to do, thank you, thank you, thank you for all you have done to bring the lost to Me. You will never know the joy you brought your GOD, no not until heaven. Then the fruit will truly astound you. You will see how one little good deed filtered and trickled down touching not just one  or two, but hundreds. You will trace he paths of your good deeds and watch satan knocked and break open hardened hearts. Yes, you will observe and rejoice in the fruit you harvested for Me and I will welcome you into My arms. Well done My good and faithful servants. Enter into your Master's joy.
This is an excerpt, please listen to the video for the full text.
Image result for the prodigal son       
 photo credit: Urantia Book