The Shield of Faith; Omnipresence,
Omnipotence, Omniscience of God
The Shield of Faith; Omnipresence,
Omnipotence, Omniscience of God
- Use the shield of
faith, but you will learn how to use it when your
knocked over half
a dozen times, you get
- God sometimes lowers the hedge for our own good;
- Failure is when you don't get up and go on. God allows it because it's a part of learning and strengthening. You'll learn to put on the armor of God
- The old way is over;
- JESUS is the door to heaven. Every one will be given an opportunity, one way or another, to enter heaven before they die;
- Qualities of God: omnipresent, omnipotent [He is everywhere, He has the power to do anything, His powers are unlimited, it is unlimited. He is omniscient. He knows everything];
- God transcends space and time, the universe cannot contain Him. He is with you at every second of your life;
- Jesus: I AM with you even at the end of this age. He's always accesible.
- We have to have faith in God to please Him. God never leave us with His presence, whether we fail Him or not, Faith is a substance of things we hope for that we've never seen,that He'll never leave us or forsake us. It takes faith to manifest the true reality, but we distance ourselves;
- He manifests Himself in different ways;
- God is a spirit, we should worship Him in spirit and in truth
- Being human, it is difficult to relate to an invisible friend. The key is faith and awareness;
- He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek to find Him;
- The real world is in the spirit, the kingdom of God;
- If you're aware of the Lord, you are already in His realm;
- Fear has smell and vibration that animals can pick up. Anger, resentment has a smell and color that animals and demons can pick up for miles;
- Love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness long suffering, goodness, faith,temperance : these become a part of your intercession which opens the door for you to get into spirit realm;
- A person walking in self-pity is surrounded by dark colors and a terrible smell. This is in the spirit realm which is more real than in this world;
- In casting out demons, when you are not clean spiritually, the demons can beat you, the name of Jesus will have no power;
- We fulfill the law of God by walking in love;
- The Ark is inside, the Lord. Blaspheming the Ark means death;
- Make a deeper consecration to the Lord, surrender your lives. Consecrate your mind, eyes and ears. Then at much deeper level, consecrate your mouth;
- Day of atonement starts September 23, get right with the Lord now. Think and speak about virtues;
- Tabernacle is a transformation from within;
- America is facing difficult days, but there are people working with HIM;
- God's prophetic word for America in the millennium reign of Christ:America, America … [please watch the video]