Monday, September 30, 2013

The Queen of the Coast

The Queen of the Coast is a demonic seducer in human form.

Get clean by daily repentance and forgive those who have wronged you. Ask for God’s protection against this demon..

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Disobedient Children

We seem incomplete without our mobiles, but make an exception when we are communing with God. Turn it off or put on silent mode, and no vibration! Give Him  the best, focus only on Him.

Catholic Saints

 When I was in High School, I was introduced to petitioning to saints that supposedly answer your request for something. like St Peregrine, the Saint for hopeless cases; St. Jude, for a partner in life, for lost articles, for safe delivery, etc.
Or  some people would go Baclaran Church which according to some they are faithful devotees of such church because they are being blessed by Virgin Mary (We respect Virgin Mary being the mother of GOD  as human.She is the vessel for Christ, Even  Mama Mary is correcting the people not to adore her, but her son, Jesus.) No matter the parish is just a stone throw away from the parishioner’s residence.

These are deceptions of the devil to make you worship the icons and not God. God is a spirit, so worship Him in spirit. Don’t shut your eyes/heart to these commandment:  Exodus 20:

             3 “You shall have no other gods before me.

            4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form
                  of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or
                 in the waters below.
              5 You shall not bow down    to them or worship them;
                 for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing
                 the children for the sin of the parents to the third and
                  fourth generation of those  who hate me, 
              6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those       
                 who love me and keep my commandments.

 Be enlightened by:

go to: Catholic Saints

Saturday, September 28, 2013

ROME, Babylon the Great

I was baptized  a Catholic, and remained a Catholic up until  2012.

I was comfortable being  a Catholic, learned a portion of the Bible and a miniscule teachings of the Church when I was in Grade school.  I went with the crowd, so to speak, with my fellow Catholics Learned the rituals and traditions which the Catholics give importance to. Human doctrines, which are in opposition to the Word of GOD, like the Vatican II, and other volumes of literature which would make one gullible soul to turn away from the Bible.
(Satan is shrewd)

At a later time, there was a nagging hunger to know more.
I went sect hopping. Through the invitations of friends with from different sects, Baptist, Born Again, Pentecostal, I went to their churches, but not for long.

Sometime in the year 2002, I asked God what is His plan for me. He answered through my Bible cutting this: Luke 5:10 Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

I was quandary on the meaning and how it will affect me.

A few months after, I was invited by a Catholic sister to join the Catechetical formation in preparation for our service to our parish. It took two years of formation and two years of service and I was out, brought about by my health condition. For another two years, all I did was listen to preachings of different sects until I tuned in  to Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. (GOD works in mysterious ways) In the beginning I was doubtful but because of continued listening/watching, I was enlightened. Added to this is the revelation by a prophetess of God , Woman of Revelation 23, Sis. Linda Newkirk. What God revealed about the Catholic Church to Sis Linda and Pastor Quiboloy is the same.  Get out of the Catholic Church. Satan himself heads it.

Now, I am fulfilling Luke 5:10 through my blog.

 Your eternity is at stake. Ask God for discernment for the truth, and not be misled.

Following is a testimony by someone rescued from hell:  



go to: ROME

The Vanity of the Dance

Earlier on when the sensual dance was the craze.,  I was one of the avid fans! Hip/waist  gyration was the in thing 

This is of the world, and the Lord is displeased with this dance.

go to: Sensual dance

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Torments in Hell

The unbelievers, those who have read the Bible and heard from prophets of God, but they choose to be blind and deaf from the truth, would you like to experience hell, even for a brief moment, to believe. As the unbelievers say:    “To see is to believe.”

Experience the horrors of hell as did Adelaide De Carillo.

Book of Hell

If there is a Book of Life which lists all souls that will go to Heaven, Satan, the great imitator, has a Book of Hell where people  who will join him in hell are listed.

For more, go to: divine revelation

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Drug Addicts in Hell

Addiction to drugs is difficult to overcome,  unless you ask for God's mercies! Stay clean for demons will always be on your back enticing you.

go to: rescued from hell

Great Storm Clouds Over America, And Wonderful Promises Fulfilled!

“And, the coffin is about to close, that great coffin of America, the USA, that great nation, which God Almighty blessed and made great above all nations! Yes, the coffin is about to close on this nation, upon the great nation of America; for it is no longer one nation under God Almighty! But, it is a nation under Satan, a nation under strange gods, a nation, which is full of every kind of wickedness and perverseness.” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies
Book 12, Chapter 94
Great Storm Clouds Over America, And
Wonderful Promises Fulfilled!

“Come to Me, My Blessed Child; and sit quietly at My feet, for I am your Father Yahweh, yes Jehovah, Most High God! I tell you, My Little One, that a great storm is brewing!  Black clouds have arisen and they are hovering over the USA!  Over farms, cities, mountains, plains, over rivers, inlets, and bays, these dark clouds hang!  From the oceans, they come rolling towards America, banks of dark, rolling clouds!

Yes, My Little One, a great storm is brewing over America and the greatest numbers of the people sleep on! But, here and there one looks up, one looks up and around, and one says, “There is a chill in the air. The wind is blowing swiftly. The clouds are dark and thick and a storm front is approaching! We’d better take cover! See the lightening in the distance!”

But, elsewhere, the pool halls are busy!  The gambling tables are full!  The one-arm bandits are busy! The parking lots of the liquor stores are full!  The movie houses are packed with those, who love violence and pornographic movies! In people’s homes, the televisions roll! Their neighbors often work three jobs and the children roam!  All over America, this is so!

And, the coffin is about to close, that great coffin of America, the USA, that great nation, which God Almighty blessed and made great above all nations! Yes, the coffin is about to close on this nation, upon the great nation of America; for it is no longer one nation under God Almighty! But, it is a nation under Satan, a nation under strange gods, a nation, which is full of every kind of wickedness and perverseness.
Oh, America, you have fallen!  But, you will not be given even a decent funeral!  The vultures are within your gates and they are already devouring! They are devouring all that can now be devoured as you sleep! For, you are preoccupied with your violent movies, with your pornography and sexual perversions, with your alcohol and drugs, with your internet, with your cell phones, and with all things that do not profit you spiritually!

It is a sorrowful day for you, oh America; for the plunderers are plundering; and the warriors are warring, but now they war against you. Now, they come to take a spoil! For, I have put a hook into the jaws of the Prince of Tubal, and I have begun to bring him down on you, oh America, and he comes to take a spoil! 

Soon, this Prince will come with all of his bands and they will come to rob you, to plunder and to pillage you! They will come to destroy you, America, once beloved above all nations; and they will spoil you utterly!  They will carry away all that they can carry away. They will place your valuables in trucks, trains, airplanes and ships; and they will haul them away! They will seize your fine homes and they will seize your lands!  They will take your cattle and your many kinds of livestock. What they cannot carry with them, they will destroy with incendiaries.  

They will carry off your women and children and they will load up your young sons and they will turn many of them into their mind-controlled slaves.  They will ravage and kill many; for their heart is set to destroy you completely!
Yes, they are now in your gates and they come to take a spoil!  They will take your houses in the middle of the night and they will drive you out!  They will carry off your many fishing boats, your trucks and cars in vast numbers!  A very great spoil they will take and a very great spoil they will make in your nation! For, they will burn you, oh America!

From north to south, and from east to west, they will burn you! Your fields will lay barren and without crops; and your food sources will wither and dry up!  Famine, great famine will sweep across this land from north to south and from east to west.
Great famines will come; for pestilences will destroy the crops that the droughts and unstable weather do not destroy!  And, amidst so much despair, the enemies will release deadly gases and plagues, which will consume you in great numbers!

I will reduce you, oh America!  For, I have made you great! I, and I alone, have made you great above all nations, and you have whored yourselves with other gods.
The churches have whored themselves with the government and have become government churches. Therefore, they will not stand up and speak against the government; for they think that they might lose their tax-exempt status. 

Oh, you filthy churches of America, you have slept with the enemy!  Yet, you claim to work with Me! You have thrown out My Spirit and you have denied My spiritual gifts, yet you believe that you walk in My light! You claim that you know Me and that you serve Me, but you do not know Me and you do not serve Me!  You know this world as a woman would know many lovers! For, you fornicate with the world and with every worldly thing!  Your plate, on harlot daughter, is full of every perversion! Yet, you lay it upon an altar for Me and I will not have it!

I reject you, oh harlot churches of America! For, you are gall in My mouth! I will not taste your perverted offerings and I will not accept your rotten praises!  For, you have made your praises as the substance of bar rooms. They are empty, raucous and noisome to Me!

Come out from among them, My Fair Daughter, My Pleasant Vessel, My Holy Bride!  Do not sit among them and do not partake of their excrement, lest you, too, be polluted and suffer and fall back and be denied into My presence!

For, a great wasting is upon America! No longer will you be called America, the Beautiful, but America, the wasted!  For, I shall waste you, oh America!  I shall send evil upon you and I shall waste you until I remove your filth and your evil from before My face!

And, when I am finished with My wasting of you, there will remain only a portion of you! For, I shall waste your coastlines! And, I shall consume your movie industry in My wrath! It shall fall beneath the waves and beneath the rocks and be no more! 

I shall utterly sweep away the putrid filth of the Bible-belt churches; for they are anathema!  They talk a kind of godliness, but they deny the power thereof; and I shall utterly remove them, for I never knew them!
But, as for you, My Blessed Child, My Woman of Revelation Twelve, the earth mother of My Holy Son, the manchild of Revelation Twelve, and the earth mother of My holy seed, I tell you a sure thing:  Even as you have greatly suffered beneath the feet of Satan, and even as you have so greatly suffered under the weight of lies and slanderous accusations,  I shall now exalt you!
And, I shall put all of your enemies beneath your feet! For, I shall judge them all, and I shall cut them off to the right and to the left and I shall lay waste their strongholds, whereby they have tortured you and whereby they have persecuted you. 

And, many shall hear a rumor, and they will say, “Isn’t that one, Linda Newkirk, that false prophet from Arkansas?” And, even as they say those words, they will choke on their own words. For, their very words will curse them and the power of their own words shall consume them!

For no more will you, My servant, Linda Newkirk, be called, “that false prophet from Arkansas.” But, you will be forevermore called, “Blessed of God Almighty,” “the Chosen One,” “the earth mother of the Son of Jesus, of My Holy Manchild,” and “the earth mother of all of My Holy Sons.” 

And, I will exalt you, My Blessed Child, above all of My sons. For, you will sit at the head and not at the tail! And, you will dwell in My house, with Me forever, and you will never be separated from Me again, even as long as the heavens exist! Throughout all eternity and forevermore you will reside before Me! Even as a brilliant sun, you will be before Me! For, I will exalt you!

No more will you be called that false prophet! No more! For, your time is at hand, My Blessed Child, and I shall shake this earth from one side to the other side. All over this earth, I will shake it; for at that time when I bring forth My great power within My Son, who is within you, I shall shake the heavens and I shall shake the earth and a great fire will roll forth from the heavens upon you and upon My holy son and no more will you be a prisoner, My Blessed Child!

Behold My words and prepare yourself in all ways; for this very great change is now before your face!  NO more will I delay My promises to you!  For, I have given many delays for love of My people!  I have extended much grace and I have extended much time; but I give you  My word, My Blessed Child, and I stand upon My word, that I will not extend your time beyond these few weeks that remain!   

Some days back, I told you that you have passed the half-way mark in your time of waiting since your transformation process began on the 10th day of July of 2012. Now, My Blessed Child, your time of waiting is less than two months!

Do not distress yourself about the work that remains on the House of Prayer. This and all of the work on this land will be completed!  I will make certain of that! Stay close to Me! Delight in Me!  Cherish Me! Love Me above all and truly love others; for I have a date with you! You are My wife and you are My first born! And, soon, I will light up the heavens with the fire, which I will add to My holy son, who is within you!

Be of good cheer! For, all of heaven is of good cheer! For, the doorway into eternity is now being opened through My holy son, who is within you!
I am your Savior, and besides Me, there is none!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 23rd day of September, 2012,

                                                                                Linda Newkirk

P.O. Box 17277
North Little Rock, AR, 72117

Website: (From The Mountain Prophecies)

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Great Kingdom Events of July, 2012

.“My Blessed Child, I am indeed your Father, Yahweh, also known as Jehovah, yes your Savior and Most High God; and I would have you tell them one thing: ABIDE!  Abide in Me; for I am about to shake the very foundations of this earth!  I am about to shake the militaries and I am about to sift the wheat from the tares!  I am about to clean up My own house!  And, I am about to purify exceedingly My Bride!  For, in My Bride, there shall be found neither spot, nor wrinkle!” – Father Yahweh
From The Mountain Prophecies
Book 12, Chapter 93
Part V
Message From Our Savior:
“The Great Kingdom Events of July, 2012”

“Oh, Blessed Father in Heaven, Precious Savior, Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Glorious Most High God!  I come back to You, Father, and I seek you, oh Blessed God, as I would like to know what You would have Your people to know about the events of these weeks past, the weeks since July 10, 2102?  Father, what would You have me tell to them; for many great events have taken place?”

“My Blessed Child, I am indeed your Father, Yahweh, also known as Jehovah, yes your Savior and Most High God; and I would have you tell them one thing: ABIDE!  Abide in Me; for I am about to shake the very foundations of this earth!  I am about to shake the militaries and I am about to sift the wheat from the tares!  I am about to clean up My own house!  And, I am about to purify exceedingly My Bride!  For, in My Bride, there shall be found neither spot, nor wrinkle!

But, My Little One, you ask what I would have you to tell My faithful about the events of these weeks past. Be not troubled, My Blessed Child, for words would escape you!  True, descriptive words would escape your thinking, if you tried to relay what has happened these past weeks. But, I tell you, My Little One, there has been a birth, a very great birth, and a death.

My Holy Son, who lives within you, has given birth!  He has now born the second great birthing of these holy seed; and this great birthing began on the 10th day of July of 2012, and within about five days’ time, all of the holy seed, whom he carried within you, were born and I carried them all into heaven! 
And, shortly, thereafter, I delivered into My Holy Son of light and fire, who is within you, the third portion of the holy seed, and all in order that My words might be fulfilled that the kingdom of heaven is like a woman, who put leaven into three measure of meal. 

My Little One, this parable has one meaning and then two!  This is the first meaning: the leaven is holiness, which I put into you; and My holiness comes through you and is added to My son, who is within you; and then this holiness is added to the seed, who are the meal.
But, there is a second meaning: the woman also puts leaven (the holy seed) into the meal, or the bride; for without the help of the woman in the earth, who is you, My Little One, which body would be found worthy for such work?
For, there is only one woman! Therefore, My Little One, your work, your spiritual work, is exceedingly important, though you constantly minimize the work that you do!

So, you see, My Little One, you have come to a very important time in these works. This is the last leg! 

And, Yes! I have wanted to escalate these works, so that the time of your suffering might be lessened.  But, My Blessed Child, I have continued to add to your time and to your suffering for love of My people, in order that the greatest numbers might be saved. 

But, you, My Blessed Child, have often been in the darkness about these works of Revelation Twelve, even though you are in the very midst of these works.  But, even so, This was also My great mercy towards you! For, if you had known the ending from the beginning and how long this work would have required, you could have succumbed in the great despair of your terrible trials.
So, My Little One, I have given you false starts and I have even given you false hopes about the timing of My coming, so that you could overcome the times of great despair and terrible travails. And, through these false starts, I have also molded and shaped the enemy in order to provoke them to do certain things!  And, truly their eyes are always upon you; for they seek to overcome Me and My plans.

So, My Little One, I could not give you wings at this time in July, but I must wait a while longer, and you must continue to suffer.  But, I tell you that I have brought you to a transformative place. For, through all of your suffering, you have truly died to self and to the things of this wicked world, not loving self and not loving this wicked world; but having come to a place of submission to Me and great love for Me and love for your brethren. 
This is how, and this is why!  Through this process, I  could bring you to this place of death, that I might now transform you!

And, this transformative process has been also thing, which has greatly provoked the enemy!  This transformative process has been a great fire, which has ignited the jealousies and the fears of Satan and his wicked hoards. 
Therefore, My Blessed Child, I have needed to lessen the great fires within you at this time so that I could free you up to write even these words.  Their attacks against you have been exceedingly great; for they would not allow you one moment of peace as long as they could witness such great fires in your body!
Therefore, My Blessed Child, I have lessened the fires and I have pulled back My great show of power through My Son, who is within you; for these new seed, this last group of holy seed, who is within you, must now grow!  This time of growth will not be slow. This process will take some months, but I have promised you that the second half of this growth period will accelerate. It will go more quickly; for the transformative process will then accelerate within you!
I want My faithful ones to know these truths: in due season I will transform them! But, the fires of testing are severe! This is not an easy ride, but the only true ride! 

And, even as you, My Blessed Child, have had to die to self and to things of this world, My Bride will likewise, die!  All will be tried and tested in the fires as gold and silver, for My holy seed within each one is a refiner’s fire. I AM THAT FIRE and I am cleaning up My Bride! 

My love for you all is without bounds! I gave My life for you and now many of you will be required to give your lives for Me! If you hate the thought of being persecuted for love of Me, you love yourself more than Me!
Who will rejoice when persecuted for love of Me?  How blessed is the one, who is thankful to be persecuted for love of Me!  

My Blessed Ones, draw close to Me and I will draw close to you! If you put things before Me, I will put many before you! Train your hearts and minds!  Put your thoughts on Me!  Do not love this world and what is in this world, but love Me!  I am your Savior; and I, alone, am your Savior!

When you die to self and to things of this world, then and only then are you ready for My great transformation. Do you see?

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, your only Savior and Redeemer, Jesus,  Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of August, 2012,
                                                                            Linda Newkirk
P.O. Box 17277
North Little Rock, AR, 72117

Website: (From The Mountain Prophecies)

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Our Savior’s Great Anger against the Bible Belt Churches!

“I tell you what you have done, you wicked woman, America!  You have prided yourselves in your self-sufficiency. You have whored yourself with your many perverted lovers!  You have lifted up the sodomites and YOU HAVE LAUDED THE UNNATURAL ACT OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE!  You cowardly ones have bent down to every perverted demand; for you do not care about any right, or moral codes of ethics, which I have set up among you! You care about this wicked world and every perverted and violent act!” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies
Book Twelve, Chapter 93
Part IV cont
Our Savior’s Great Anger against the Bible Belt Churches!

But, even so, this is part of My great judgment against those in the Gulf states and in the heartland of the USA, particularly My great judgment against the putrid churches in the Bible Belt!
To you wicked, perverted, rotten, lukewarm people, who sit in the greatest numbers of the churches in the Bible Belt, who do you think I am? A dog?  That you should serve Me rotten, putrid, and maggot-filled meat! I hate your raucous praises! You will do better to find a saloon, or a bar, and to go there and to throw out your loud, discordant and whorish music to those, who thrive on it!
My house is to be a House of Prayer, you raucous and rowdy bunch!  I will not hear your decadent praises, and I will not accept the prayers, which come from lukewarm and sin-filled hearts.
I am wroth with you, you Bible-belt preachers, and if you do not repent in great numbers, I will surely divide the New Madrid fault in such a way that I split this nation into two parts; and I will set a great gulf of water in the middle part of this nation and I will cause the Gulf of Mexico to move inland until I have sufficiently removed you from My sight!
The Lord’s wrath against the Bible Belt Churches!
Overwhelmingly, you preachers in the Bible belt do not have My Spirit. You teach a pre-digested word, one, which will gain you favor with your congregations, and you will not cause My people to repent! Therefore, My wrath is being poured out upon you, oh Bible belt churches, and I will only increase My anger; for I am wroth! And, through this great disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, I am beginning to strip your pride, oh America!
The Great Famine is Coming!
Through the lack of rain to much of this nation, which would have come to you through the Gulf Stream, I will take away your independence, oh America; and soon you will grunt and struggle to find, even the grains, which were once plentiful in your nation!  
For, my eyes are set upon you, oh America; and My heart is set upon you, oh America, to take away your liberties.  And, yes! The lady of liberty has fallen in the Gulf of Mexico. For, not only have you derived much of your food from the Gulf of Mexico, you have derived much of your rain and moisture from the Gulf of Mexico!
Our Savior’s great warnings to the Bible Belt Churches:
Repent, or perish!
In no nation on this earth are there more churches than in America, particularly in the Bible belt of America. You are an affront to Me, you filthy and perverted bunch; and I have set My sights on you!  Therefore, you will either repent, or perish!
I have warned you, oh you arrogant preachers, for years, even through the words that I have given to My servant, Linda Newkirk. Yes, she has written My words and I have raised up helpers through the years, to help her to get My repentance messages to you! And, Yes!  You have received these messages! Vast numbers of you in these churches have received these messages, and vast numbers of you preachers have received these messages!  But, you have not repented! You did not repent when you received the repentance messages and you did not cause My people to repent! And, furthermore, you have not repented, even to this day!
But, you throw your putrid meat and your sour milk into My face! Therefore, I am against you, you harlot churches, and I shall bring you down!
For, now you see droughts and soon you will see the results of the droughts!  For, famine shall surely come upon you like a thief in the night!
The Coming Economic Collapse!
And, as the calamities hit you, your dollar, in which you put so much faith, will also begin to burn!  And, it is even now burning, losing value on every front!
But, I tell you one thing that some of you may not know: the Wall Street Bull is caught in a snare!  He is in a very great snare and he cannot extricate himself from this snare!
The only reason that the bull has not fallen and you have not yet fallen as a nation is I! I am that Reason!  Through My great mercies to you in this nation, I have extended time!
A nation, who will not repent!
For many years, I have pleaded with you, oh America, through the mouths of My prophets, through the mouths of some of My preachers, I have pleaded with you to repent!  I have extended My grace!  I have extended extra time also, by dragging out My works of Revelation Twelve. But, what have you done with the time, oh America?  What have you done with the added grace, oh America?
I tell you what you have done, you wicked woman, America!  You have prided yourselves in your self-sufficiency. You have whored yourself with your many perverted lovers!  You have lifted up the sodomites and YOU HAVE LAUDED THE UNNATURAL ACT OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE!  You cowardly ones have bent down to every perverted demand; for you do not care about any right, or moral codes of ethics, which I have set up among you! You care about this wicked world and every perverted and violent act!
The Invasion of the Foreign Troops!
The Sexual Assaults!
Therefore, as you love perversions, I will send many foreign troops into your midst!  They will rape you and your children; and they will carry many of you away to be their sex slaves and sex toys!
The Violent Assaults!
Furthermore, as you love violence, any kind of violence, and idolize violence in movies and fill your homes with violence through movies and television, I will send great violence upon you!  I shall raise up foreign armies and I shall send a band of armies upon you!  They will invade your nation by air, by sea, and by land and they will rain violence down upon you until few of you are left!  They will haul you away in vast numbers and will exterminate you violently!  They will shoot you down; for they are cold blooded killers; or they will cut off your heads, for you will die violently in great numbers!
The Violent Mind Control Camps!
But, some of you will be sent to mind control camps and you will suffer much violence as your wicked captors break your will and as they break your minds through violent programming! 
The Great Killing of America,
The Great Dying!
What will you do, oh America? For, foreign troops are already within your borders. Your demise is being carefully plotted! Your wicked leaders are ready to begin the spreading of the poisonous gases in great measures.  They are ready to spread the terrible and incurable plagues among you, for which there are no remedies!  They have gained control of your health care and your hospitals will become massive execution camps! Drugs will be willfully withheld from any and all of you, who find yourselves in their care, so that they might hasten your deaths at will.
America, you will eat!
Your plate is full, oh America! Your plate is full and overflowing with your rottenness and with your decadence. Now, you will eat!  Yes! You will say, “We will not eat!”  But, I tell you that you will eat!  
Violence breeds violence! You have loved violence, oh America; and now violence comes to you! You will now reap it, you harlot daughter!  You will reap violence in your streets!  Violence in your neighborhoods! Violence in your cities!  Violence everywhere! Violence all across this nation as people fight for food, as they fight for water, as they fight for sustenance of any king!
America, the Wicked!
The Wolf is Within!
For, I tell you this: there is not one small crack in your whole economic structure!  There is a giant abyss!  This great economic gap is irreparable! Therefore, soon it will be everyone for himself, or herself! The whole world will see My punishment upon America, The Wicked!
Hear Me in this, you decadent nation!  The wolf if not just at your door!  The wolf is within your gates and the wolf is already devouring America!
I have warned you that the rumors of the great numbers of foreign troops within your borders are not rumors, but truths!  These foreign troops, who have been invited into this nation by you Satanic president and his Satanic allies, will soon accelerate in their assaults against a sleeping nation. These wicked foreign troops will be used to attack you, oh America, in any and every way possible, from weather wars against you, to the gassing of the cities, to subtle and not so subtle attacks on the infrastructure of this nation, from one side of this nation to the other. You are on the way down, oh you arrogant nation of America!  Now, you will surely repent or perish!
I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes even your Savior, and besides me there is NO GOD, and besides Me, there is NO SAVIOR!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of August, 2012,
                                                                         Linda Newkirk
P.O. Box 17277
North Little Rock, AR, 72117

Website: (From The Mountain Prophecies)

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our Savior’s Great Anger Towards This Nation!

“Oh, Yes! You have your idols and you have created them all: movie stars; cars; houses; televisions; movies; cell phones; internet phones; video games; lavish vacations; money, and all that it can buy; and sexual perversions of all kinds! Yes, you have glorified bizarre and kinky sex! You have idolized glamour, and clothes, and every new hairdo and every new kind of make-up and all that pertains to this wicked world!” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies

Book Twelve, Chapter 93

Part IV

Our Savior’s Great Anger Towards This Nation!

Now, My Blessed Child, I tell you about My house!  I tell you about My house in this nation!  For, I called you, oh House of Israel, from the distant lands to which I scattered you! I kept My promises to you, oh House of Israel, that even as I scattered you, I would bring you together again!  But, even as I blessed you and made you great above all nations, I shall now debase you and I shall make you the shame of all nations!

Many will lament you, oh America; for they have idolized you!  They have thrived on your vanities and they have sucked up your decadence! 


The land of the whores and whoremongers!

Yes, you, My people of America, oh House of Israel, have dropped your skirts and your trousers for every whore and for every whoremonger, that came along!  You have perverted yourselves with every sin of the flesh! You have trampled what is holy and you have idolized every vain thing.

The Idols of America!

Oh, Yes! You have your idols and you have created them all: movie stars; cars; houses; televisions; movies; cell phones; internet phones; video games; lavish vacations; money, and all that it can buy; and sexual perversions of all kinds! Yes, you have glorified bizarre and kinky sex! You have idolized glamour, and clothes, and every new hairdo and every new kind of make-up and all that pertains to this wicked world!

You whorish woman, America, you have put Sodom to shame!  Sodom and Gomorrah, two wicked cities!  But, you, oh America, you have surpassed these wicked cities with your decadence, and through your movie industries, and through your perverted music, you have polluted the hearts and minds of the people all over the world.

Unbridled Greed!

And, through your unbridled greed and lusts for more and more of this, or that, you have arisen in your military might to conquer every nation on earth!  And, you have laid snares for the various leaders of many governments all over the world, that you might enter in and subdue them, take over their governments and trample the rights of the people!

The Unbridled Greed for Oil!

The Gulf Oil Disaster,

We keep on paying, and paying, and paying!

You are sleeping, oh you wicked woman of America!  And, while you have slept your statue of liberty, your symbol of freedom has fallen down into the Gulf of Mexico, even as I showed My true servant (A.A Allen) many decades past. Yes, with the poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico and with the destruction of the Gulf currents, your liberties fell and you will not recover your liberties!

Oh, Father, will You tell me more about this last paragraph?

Yes, My Little One, I will further explain. Firstly, with the massive oil eruption and with the massive release of poisons and toxic chemicals and gases amidst the oil and the following spraying of the poisons into the air and water around the Gulf, and over the Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico has been poisoned and is now unable to sustain healthy sea life.  It was poisoned and continues to be poisoned!  Therefore, many fish and other marine life have died and will continue to die! (Note: there is now a vast fish kill along the Texas Coast, just one of many, many, which have hit the Gulf Coastal areas!)

You also remember well, My Little One, that due to your cries, I sent giant geographical angels into the great crack, which lies on the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico; and I sent these angels to subdue the flow of oil, to lessen it, so that this flow could be somewhat controlled, though it has never been fully under control.  For, there has remained the continual seepage of oil from the ruptured seabed. (Great is the mercy of our Mighty God.)

However, at this time, My Blessed Child, as you know, I have removed the geographical angels from the Gulf floor, who have guarded this great crack in the seabed. And, now many poisonous gases are emptying all along the coastal regions of the Gulf, and under the Gulf of Mexico. (Search for information about the great release of gases in Assumption Parish Louisianaand the giant sinkhole, which recently developed there.)

 Also, with the poisoning of the water and with the poisoning of the air, many humans have become terminally ill and you will never know the true extent of the great illnesses, which have been caused by all of these poisons. (Search for the ‘blue plague’ in the search engines.)

So, My Little One, the fish from the Gulf, are greatly contaminated and anyone, who eats them, is subject to being poisoned to some degree!

Furthermore, the vast quantity of oil, which rests on the sea floor has interfered with the flow of the Gulf Stream, as you know, and well understand.  But, what many do not understand is that the Gulf Stream has steadily brought copious amounts of moisture not only to the states, which border the Gulf, but to the heartland of America. 

Therefore, you, in your great greed, have not only poisoned yourselves, you have cut off much of the rain, which you would have received through the Gulf currents. For, this vast amount of oil has surely crippled the flow of the Gulf stream in the Gulf of Mexico.

(Note: the comments in Italics are mine, Linda Newkirk )
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