Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Wolves are Plenteous

“This nation is going down fast, but so are the nations of the world.  This whole world, as we know it, is coming apart at this seams; but something new is coming into the earth, and it is the Kingdom of our Savior! But, even so, Satan’s kingdom is now taking over the world!” – Linda Newkirk 

The Mountain Prophecies

  Precious, Little Sheep! The Wolves are Plenteous!
Stay close to Jesus! He loves you greatly!

Dear Souls, I know that some of you truly love our Savior. Sadly, you have almost nowhere to turn!  The churches have overwhelmingly made a mockery of our Savior. The prophets are full of the good-sounding words and the profane has invaded the House of the Lord.  My heartfelt warning to you is to draw very close to our Savior and to stay there.  Stay far from the double-minded and the hypocrites!  Come out of the lukewarm churches and re-dedicate your life to our Savior.
The Two Kingdoms in the Earth!
This nation is going down fast, but so are the nations of the world.  This whole world, as we know it, is coming apart at this seams; but something new is coming into the earth, and it is the Kingdom of our Savior! But, even so, Satan’s kingdom is now taking over the world!
Daily, you are either choosing the Kingdom of our Savior, or Satan’s kingdom.  You will not have one foot in both kingdoms. If you have not believed what I have written about my own sufferings and persecutions because of having the holy, little manchild, then perhaps you will believe another. I will post this woman’s account of what it is like the have the holy, little son of light and fire, but firstly, I will share one more important vision with you!
Terrible earthquake Vision
It was on the night of the 9th of December; and I was in bed, but felt restless and was having trouble going to sleep.  It was late, well past 11:00 PM and I called a friend, who was also up late and doing work.  We felt the need to pray; and as I was praying I saw something so strange in the Spirit; but I could not understand what I saw. 
There came in that vision a round, black, ball-like intrusion; and I was so puzzled about the nature of this “thing.”  For, as this intrusion entered into the vision, I saw that it hit the side of a mountainous area and there followed a great cracking, a literal blasting and pulverization of the hills, the rocks and all that was within them. 
I told my friend that I was so puzzled by what I was seeing and feeling that this must be one of their terrible, Satanic, warring weapons. We both wondered about the creation of some sort of “antimatter,” for lack of a better explanation.  But, whatever it was, it was most assuredly a force, a very dark force, which ripped the land asunder and caused a massive earthquake.
A Terrible Earthquake Is Being Planned for the West Coast!
I continued to pray, and was back in the Spirit once more, seeking to know where this great earthquake was taking place; and though I was not given a specific location, it seemed to be north of Washington State, perhaps even up into Canada, along the Pacific coastline, though, as I said, I could not see the exact location, but the general location. Oh, what great destruction! Yet we are absolutely powerless. Only our Savior can help us!

Repent, repent, repent! 
Our Savior hears the cries of the repentant heart!
But, our Savior can help us; and He will! There is nothing too great for Him. Glory to Jesus, Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings!  He is our Savior and He will save His people. 
Make your hearts right with Him. Repent and get clean spiritually.  Be obedient to Jesus, our Blessed Savior; and see what HE will do for you!  For, through His many judgments upon the wicked and unrepentant sinners, He will hear the cries of His people!
The following letter is printed with the permission of Elizabeth M. Caro. She has also given me permission to use her real name.  I hope that her very true words touch the hearts of many.
A letter from a Sister,
She has the Holy Little Son of Light and Fire
November 21, 2011
Dear Ms. Newkirk,
Where do I start? Thank you for your bravery, faith and love of God. I don’t know how you have persevered through these horrors much less for 42 months and counting.  I absolutely know that you could not have survived through this without faith and love of Him. (My comments: Darling, today, December 10, 2011, is the 67th month birthday of the holy, little child of light and fire. LN)
In the last five months, I have endured a lot of the same things.  The Father showed me your website days before they started.  As I read Book Twelve, I kept thinking to myself that this is true.
I have experienced endless popping through the walls and for years that they have been coming into my house.  I bought and made orgone to help keep them at bay and for a while it worked, I thought. I believed that they were only remote viewing me, not knowing they had the technology of using a space within a space.  They have poisoned my dog, hit me with microwave weapons, heart attack weapons, put chip implants in me and now wired me up daily and yet, I’m still here.  I think He has given me His Little Man Spirit because now they fill me up with wires and liquid metal and it lasts for hours, then they start all over again. (My comments: How blessed you are to have “His Little Man Spirit!” LN)
Now, they have resorted to their relentless jabs to every part of my body. I feel like a pin cushion and my body if starting to look like a spotted pickle.  It must be some kind of substance to create electrical current. You would think they would give up seeing that it doesn’t stop my praying but, they are either real stupid, or just hell bent on trying to create torture. (My comments: the forced entry of the foreign objects into one’s body causes brown scars.  These scars will soon fade, only to be replaced with other brown scars.  This is why you have the spotted pickle effect. LN)
I’m tired of this Battle! Everyday it is a challenge to shower and sit in front of a vanity mirror. They like it when you are stationary and vulnerable. I have forgotten what it feels like to just do what everyone takes for granted. My son and husband just think I’m crazy. I tell them very little since they can’t even see the truth of the simplest things.  I try to act as normal as possible when everything around me is anything but this. (My comments: I know, Sweetheart.  This is a very difficult path. But, even so, remember that you are exceedingly blessed. Do not blame them for what they cannot understand. It is hidden from them.  LN) 
I live in a world that no one sees or understands. Who would want to believe this even if they could understand?
It is too horrific and unbelievable.(My comments:  we fight not against the flesh alone, but truly against satanic powers and principalities, which are too terrible for words.  Their ways are not our ways and their weapons would not be in the hands of humans if they had not sold their souls to Satan. Unfortunately, for us, the humans also have their terrible weapons.  But, be of good cheer; for your suffering has a finite number of days.  If you are like me, you will most assuredly thank our Blessed Savior for the passage of every day and for His divine intervention to keep you and to carry you through in victory. LN)
I have been doing Divine Will prayers, “The Hours of Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” for well over ten years now and because of the lateness of the hour, I have increased the amount to the whole book a day.  It saves a soul for every word that is said, but is an endless fight to get through it. They obviously don’t like saving souls for Yahusua. (My comments: I do not know of these prayers. LN)
Needles and lasers to the eyes, shoulders, head, electrical shocks, you name it, it’s done. Oh, how my faith has been tested!
I don’t understand why He does not protect us from these assaults. Why is it necessary to go through this?  I am not like you that I can see them all the time but He did allow me to see the Military man go through the bedroom window and the Big Hairy Creature standing next to the bed before it all started.  I do see them sometimes out of the corner of my eye. I guess this was given for confirmation that I’m not just crazy.  He had me make two orgone wands a few months prior to things starting and I am able to kill and protect myself while awake but the night and sleep are still difficult.  I don’t know what He has done to these wands seeing that the orgone doesn’t stop them from coming in but I appreciate them nevertheless. (My comments: the orgone will not stop them.  We cannot fight them. We have no power over their terrible technologies. So, we must continually die to selves and to things of this world and keep our Savior at the forefront of our lives.  We truly must love Him above all.  He must be the love of our lives; for all, who receive the holy little children of light and fire are then married to Him.  So, be of good cheer, Dear Soul, and always know how blessed you are regardless of what they do. LN)
How does one fight against Fallen Angels, Principalities, Dominions and the countless hoards of demonic people and creatures they create?
I want to give up every day amidst the tears.  I’ve never felt so alone as I do now.  I don’t know how to do anything but just keep going on with the hope that this too shall pass.  Forgive me for rambling, knowing that you withstood all of this and more for years.  I should not complain for these five months of Hell when you have had it much worse and a lot longer.
Nothing makes any sense these days and days just move from one to the other. I’m tired and just want to go home where nothing can hurt me. (My comments: Praise the Mighty King of Kings. Glorify His Holy Name. How blessed you are to be counted worthy to be persecuted and tortured for love of Him. Thank Him for all things. Rejoice and be glad. He will help you; and He is the Only One, who is able to.  Big hugs, Dear One.  I love you very much. LN)
Obviously, they don’t seem to be able to kill me although, not for the lack of trying.  He doesn’t give me answers to the thousands of questions but “soon and not much longer” and of course, his not long could be years.  How I wish this was just a bad dream and I could wake up!
My name if Elizabeth M. Caro… (Some identifying information deleted) I don’t want to bother you. I know you probably have your own problems but if you have a little time to write or call I would appreciate it. Please feel free to call collect or I can return your call so as to not incur any cost.  Again, thank you for your love and willingness to give so much.
Your friend,
Elizabeth M. Caro
Glory to our Mighty King forever and ever! I am so delighted to know that some of you are receiving these holy sons of light and fire.  I must add here also that Elizabeth told me of two very important dreams. As she greatly travailed beneath so much pain and suffering and was crying out to the Lord, He gave a dream to her son.  In that dream, her son was shown that there is a “baby” which needs to be protected. And, as she continued to travail and to call out to our Lord, He gave another dream to a different relative with a similar message about protecting a baby.  If I need to make corrections about these dreams, please let me know, Elizabeth. From these dreams, Elizabeth came to understand that she has received a holy, little babe of light and fire, the holy seed light child of Revelation Twelve.   
I have spoken with Elizabeth twice and have received another letter from her! I have been so delighted to know her and to speak with her; and I am also delighted to speak with any of you, who are suffering such terrible persecutions and tortures for the love of our Mighty Savior.
These terrible trials can be overwhelming, our isolation so intense and the rejection of others so humiliating.  It is suffering, which is poured upon suffering.  How great is this road of suffering and travail and despair!
I can only say to you, Elizabeth and to each of you, that I have written these many chapters of this journey, so that you would know in advance about these most wonderful works of Revelation Twelve and have knowledge of the Holy Little Son of Light and Fire.
But, I have also written of these terrible tortures and persecutions so that you would know of them and learn to recognize these terrible and other worldly weapons when they are used against you.
I have warned you through my own sufferings, so that you would not give up in your despair when these terrible trials come upon you, but that you would recognize this very Strait Way, the road into eternal life. This is the road into salvation, a road of travail, despair and persecution, which the Bride must travel.
Therefore, Dear Ones, I have warned you that you must persevere, not falling down in despair, but rising up in praises to our Mighty Savior, walking in praise and thanksgiving, being truly thankful for all things.
And, in the midst of your great suffering, remember how our Savior was mocked, scorned, tortured and crucified for love of us. 
Therefore, may we all rejoice in the face of their terrible persecution and terrible weapons and not love life until our death, but if need be lay down our lives willfully and gladly for love of our Savior, or for love of our Brother and Sisters. 
It is so extremely important that we have thankful hearts, which are full of praises for our Savior, regardless of what evils others do to us. Remember these things that I tell you; for I have traveled this road of great persecution and even torture at the hands of the Satanists for more than ten years.
How blessed we are to be persecuted, tortured, mocked, scorned, ridiculed and debased for love of our Mighty Savior, Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings; and for love of humanity.
Glory to the Name of our Blessed Savior! He is worthy! Worthy of all the praises and honor and glory forever and ever! Worthy is the Lamb of God! May we all sing His praises.
Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb!
I love you, Dear and Precious Ones!
Sending you some big hugs, Linda
PS I still have one more message to type and to share with you and will soon get this message to you soon.  But, for now, I hope that you have enjoyed your meat meal.
PPS The House of Prayer is going up nicely.  I thank each of you, who has helped me to get this far in the building of this House of Prayer and in the building of the office and small visitor’s area.  Our Precious Savior surely blesses each of you.
There is still much to do; so I am thanking each of you in advance, who feels led to help financially with the work that remains to be done in this House of Prayer and in the development of this land. For, our Savior will make this a campground, a place of refuge for His people in troubled times. The work that is being done here is the fulfillment of our Savior promises in Book Five.
If you wish to help financially, please send to me at the following address:
Linda Newkirk
P.O. Box 17277,
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Please send registered mail. Thank You!
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P.O. Box 17277
North Little Rock, AR, 72117

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