Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Holy Seed Have been Birthed

“Who are you to mock what is truly holy and of Me?  Have I not told you that if any of you lack understanding to come to Me, and I will give you understanding?
Yet, few of you sought Me for true understanding about Revelation Twelve.  You leaned upon your own understanding, or you leaned upon the internet search engines for understanding.  Or, you leaned upon your Bible footnotes for understanding. Or, you leaned upon the theologians for understanding. Or, you leaned upon one another for understanding. But, you did not lean upon Me.” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies
Book 12, Chapter 88
Message from our Father in Heaven
May 12, 2012
The Holy Seed Have been Birthed

Today, our Savior gave me this message; and I am eager to get this message out to you. Read on 
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.  Blessed are you, My Precious Child, even blessed above all women. For, I have called you to be a part of an event, a great heavenly event, which will transform My people all over the world.  And, I am pleased in you, My Blessed Child, but I am not at all pleased in the behaviors of many others. Some few do know the truths of these works, but most do not know.
But, look, My Blessed Child. I have put them all in a long sleeve, like the sleeve of a dress and at the end of the sleeve, I have put a net.  And, all, whose minds are small and full of the world and full of flesh, have passed through the net, which is at the end of the sleeve. For, because they love this world and because they love self; and because of their vanities, and because of their baseless accusations, they have made themselves small in My sight.
They are not small because of humility and repentance, but they are small, for they have not My Spirit. And, if they do have My Spirit, they only have it in a fleeting way. So, these have been sifted out and away from Me and away from these works of Revelation Twelve. For, in their own ways, they lifted themselves above Me and My works.  And, many of them have become judges of  Me and My works.
Now, look and behold! For, I have caught some in the net, which is at the end of the sleeve. And, these are not lovers of selves!  These are not boasters. These are not proud.  These are not accusers of their brothers and sisters.  These do not lift up themselves before Me.  For, truly they have humbled themselves before Me.  They are quick to repent. They love Me and they truly love others.  They are spiritually clean before Me from day to day; for they will not allow the sun to set on their sins. But, they are constantly before Me and they seek forgiveness.
Now, behold those, who are caught in the net at the end of this sleeve!  For, in every one of them, there resides the holy seed, who is My precious manchild, who is within each of these chosen ones. 
See this, My Blessed Child; for you are the spiritual mother of these blessed, little ones. You bore my son almost six years so that these chosen ones might bear this holy seed. /This great event, this great release of these holy seed began on the 10th day of April of 2012, though some few were released before this day, but few indeed in the whole world.  And, these few were released before, even as you also sought this of Me.
So, beginning on the 10th day of April and accelerating for some few days after the 10th day of April of 2012, there was a great release of these holy seeds, and this great release lessened to a trickle, as the numbers to be released at this time dwindled in number, that is, from a great release to a trickle.
And, that date, the beginning of the Latter Rain, the rain of fire, of golden oil, of living waters, began on the 10th day of April of 2012. That ten was the second ten.
For, in the month of October of 2010, on the 10th day, the birthing process of the holy manchild began.  Even as you travelled over the great Utah mountains, that process had begun and the manchild would indeed be born, released from your body on the 13th day of October of 2010. (note: he was born in Laramie, Wyoming!)
But, you did not know that as he lived within you, the holy seed grew within him. For, it was his light, which is My light in him, which combined with My light in you; and through the interaction of this light within the two of you, this holy seed was formed and then grew.
For, I have told you that you are the spiritual mother of these, who receive these holy seed.  You are that woman of Revelation Twelve. There is none other.  I have chosen you long before the foundations of this earth; for though your body is human, your spirit, your light makeup, is not human; for you are of the angelic realm.
And, in this earth, there are some few others, who are also of this realm; for their light is pure. Yet, they are all under very great attack and every effort has been made, not just through the efforts of Satan and the fallen ones, but also through some of the Elohim, to disable them, and or to destroy them. For, some of the Elohim have also  worked diligently to stop the works of these chosen ones. So, these chosen ones have all suffered greatly.
But, you, I have chosen, to be the spiritual mother of My people. There is none other. The Woman of Revelation Twelve is not My church. The Woman of Revelation Twelve is a singular woman, and oh how the wicked ones want to bury this truth. They have flooded the world with lies about Revelation Twelve.  But, I tell you again. You are that woman. This holy seed also came through you. Yes, it came through Me and through My holy son of light and fire, who is within you, but it is also a part of My light, which is within you. This is why these are called the “seed of the woman” in the last verse of Revelation Twelve. This is not a misprint! I did not make a mistake!
Through your years of great suffering, of great heartaches, tortures, persecutions, slanders, and blasphemies against you and Me, these holy seed grew.  No, you have not well understood this.  But, these holy seed also came through you. They are not independent of you. This is why I have been so strict with you.  This is why I caused you to eat no meat, but fish only.  This is why I separated you out of the world. This is why I put you in a wilderness place.  This is why very few could be near you. This is why only two souls could ever successfully stay on the land that I gave you.  And, even though your heart is big and you gave places for a few to stay on that land, Satan entered into all of them and provoked them to do evils against you. For, they were unclean before Me.  They would not repent of their ways and Satan entered into them to tempt them and to cause them to do evil.  But, evil was firstly done in their hearts.
Yet, My Blessed Child, do not despair about their lies, wild accusations, and great, evil ways.  For, I have given you victory. You, and you, alone, have paid the price. No other human in the whole world has paid the price. But, you, and you, alone, have paid this price.
Now, My Blessed Child, this first group of holy seed is born and this holy seed must grow within these chosen ones, even as this seed grew in you. But, to each one is given only one seed. To you many seed were given. Yes, these are also your holy seed, even as they are Mine; for firstly, I married you. And, I have been married to you since I gave you My son on May 10, 2006.
So, My Blessed Child, even after My holy son was born and you saw the caterpillar on the tree limb. And, in his right eye, you saw 01; and in his left eye, you saw 10. You saw then a mirror image… a ten and its mirror image.
Yet, of these two tens, one ten was not yet fully complete; for the circle of the ten was not fully complete. But one ten was complete and that ten, which was complete was the birthing of My holy son, as he had already been birthed, at that time, from your body. And, that birthing began on 10-10-10, or on the tenth month, on the tenth day of the year 2010. And, this birthing process was completed three days later, on October 13, 2010.
Then, the holy seed were also born outside of the body of my holy son; and this took place within a few weeks’ time after his birthing was completed on the 13th day of October of the year, 2010. And, a few weeks after his birthing, these holy seed were carried into heaven, alongside him.  But, I have not shown you all that took place within those few weeks after the holy son was born outside of your body, and the holy seed were also born, and all went up and into heaven.
But, what I am showing you here is the first ten (the birthing of the holy manchild on 10-10-2010), and then the second ten, which took place on April 10th of the year, 2012. This second ten, or the second date, is a mirror image of the first ten, because this second date, this second ten on April 10th of 2012, also represents a birthing, yet a birthing back into the earth of these holy seed. (They went up and now they come down.)
So, the date, 10-10-10 tells a prophetic story. For, on the 10th day of May of 2006, I birthed My holy son into you. On that day, I married you and I gave you My holy son. Over the following years, at various intervals, and through your times of great suffering and great travails, I birthed these holy seed into you and also through My holy manchild in you.  That is why some of these babies of light and fire, these holy seed, these men children babies, are bigger than others.  For, they are older and have also lived within you for a longer time. (note: a brother had a dream of seeing these babies going up, like on a conveyor belt; and he saw that some of them were larger and older babies than others.)
So, the journey of this birthing process is represented as three tens, or 10-10-10. Yet, this first great release of these holy seeds is only the first release. Through you, My Blessed Child, there shall come two more very great releases, but the two great remaining releases will not happen now, but in due season.
Now, My Blessed Child, you wonder about many things.  For, I have told you that I will make you free! I have told you this and this is so, but I have stopped this process just short of making you free!  But, My promise to you is true!  It is real and it is forthcoming to you. And, when I make you free, I will also send an increased amount of power into these holy seeds.
I could have already made you free!  But, even as I had thought to make you free, I delayed somewhat.  But, only for a very little while have I delayed. Just know this!  I have given only a very short delay. But, do not be troubled about this; for this short delay also means a short delay in World War III. This delay is a short one and so, I warn all of you to prepare yourselves for hard times.  For, with this war will come a worldwide economic crash. All of these events are in your faces.
Hear Me now, oh you people!  So great will be your travail, oh you, who have this holy seed!  But, even so, how blessed are you, who have my holy seed; for through this seed, I am married to you.
Hear Me, oh you people, who are lazy, who do not care about Me and who do not care about your spiritual futures.  If you will not quickly repent of your rebellious ways,  you will be ground into pieces, even as powder in the earth.  The grinding wheels of the New World Order will grind you into dust. 
The cities will fall!  The nations will fall!   The economies will fall!  The polluted churches will fall!  And, people will fall, even billions of you! You will fall!  You will fall through war!  You will fall through pestilences.  You will fall through diseases.  You will fall through famines and starvation. You will fall through earthquakes, storms and terrible devastations in the earth.
No proud person will enter into My kingdom. No arrogance will be found among My chosen ones. Hear Me, oh you, who set yourselves above others and who mock what is holy and of Me.  You have had your time to repent. 
Over and over again, I have released the truths regarding Revelation Twelve, regarding the holy manchild, and regarding My servant, Linda Newkirk, who is the Woman of Revelation Twelve. And, you have had your years.
You have had your years to seek Me for understanding.  You have had your years to seek me about the truths of these works.  But, alas, most of you hardened your hearts.  And, you would not seek Me. You made your decisions. You decided!  You refused to recognize or accept the truths about these works.
Now, look and behold!  For, I have passed over you mockers.  I have passed over you proud ones.  I have passed over you haughty ones. I have passed over you blasphemers.  I have passed over all of you, who made yourselves judges over these holy works and you would not in any way repent.
The first group of these holy babes has been released.  Some of these babes of light and fire are older than others and even as they were born, they have been given more power.
Who are you to mock what is truly holy and of Me?  Have I not told you that if any of you lack understanding to come to Me, and I will give you understanding?
Yet, few of you sought Me for true understanding about Revelation Twelve.  You leaned upon your own understanding, or you leaned upon the internet search engines for understanding.  Or, you leaned upon your Bible footnotes for understanding. Or, you leaned upon the theologians for understanding. Or, you leaned upon one another for understanding. But, you did not lean upon Me.
And, because you did not lean upon Me, you colluded one with the other in your false beliefs and collectively you joined forces and collectively you called My servant, Linda Newkirk, “insane.”  Collectively, you called her a “murderer.” Collectively, you called her a “liar!” Collectively, you called her, “false.” Collectively, you called her many names. Collectively, you lied about her! Collectively, you slandered her.  Collectively, you blasphemed Me and My holy works.  Collectively, you sought to destroy her and to destroy My kingdom, even before it could be born. Collectively, you made yourselves My enemies and enemies of My kingdom and enemies of all that is good and right. Collectively, you have done great evil. And, collectively huge numbers of you believe that you will now be raptured out and not have to suffer. But, I tell you that collectively you will suffer.
I am a merciful God and I forgive and I would have forgiven many of you long ago, but you would not repent; and you bound yourselves together through your pride and ego!  And, I have shut your eyes. I have shut your ears to the truths of these works.
I would, therefore, not allow you to see and to hear and to know the truths of these works.  I hid these works. I hid these works in the wilderness and would allow only a few to see the truths of these works.
And, more of you could have seen and you could now be a part of these works, but I separated out all of you, who are double-minded.  For, none of you double-minded ones will be a part of My works.
You will see!  You mockers will see!  You will see the holy works that I do through My holy seed. But, you will not now receive My holy seed!  Some of you will yet receive him, but not now. For, you must yet pay a price to have this holy oil.
So, be of good cheer, you faithful and pure ones; for you are now beginning a very wonderful journey. And, with this, I will stop for now.
I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 12th day of May, 2012,
                                                                                  Linda Newkirk
Dear Ones, these are some precious words from another one of you, who has seen the holy, little boy:
“Last year, I had a vision of a baby wrapped in a white blanket and then it seemed a child of about two was on my lap.  A friend also saw the child around me as if it were playing. I also remember a dream from about 1997, or 1998 in which I was impregnated with a seed.” 
Others of you have written similar words to me.  Praises to our Mighty Savior! His Kingdom is now in the earth!
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