Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Addendum , “A Greater Understanding”

 “My Little One, I show you the plans of the enemy and their plans are to kill them both, both Whitney and Mariah, and to kill them both with poisons.  You have not been mistaken in what you have understood, but you have not well understood all of the terrible picture of this great Satanic evil.” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies
Book 12, Chapter 86,  Part II 
“A Greater Understanding”

The Lord, our Blessed Savior, is so gracious.  Precious is His Holy Name.  Dear Souls, I have more information to give you regarding the woman’s “spider” vision, which is mentioned in part II of Chapter 86, of Book Twelve, at http://www.prophecies.org
Today, this Dear Soul sent me additional comments about her spider vision; and these comments shed much more light on what she originally wrote to me. I admit that I did not well understand what she wrote; and my great apologies for this misunderstanding, but it seems that I was understanding, but at another level.  And, you, too, will also understand more as you read our Savior’s words, which are below her comments.
Her Additional Comments
Regarding the Spider Vision
“No, Linda, they (the spiders) were rigged for copulation.  Not to be killed.  It was strange to me, even the cushions, so they would not be hurt.  I only now realize what was they copulated with. Why the support cushions. I remember a long type of penis, like a straight rod manufactured on the set and installed during the deed.  That is a bit of a haze, and quite embarrassing to remember it because on the implication of your body while seeing something like that.  It reminds me of artificial insemination. I’ve seen it done to cows before.”
So, after these revelations, my great apologies.  For, I believed that I had failed to see something correctly, but as it seems, I was only hearing our Savior on a different level.  Here are His words:
FEBRUARY 25, 2012
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. I am your Savior, and besides me there is no Savior for humanity!
Now, as you ask Me to explain to you how you interpreted “fertilize” to mean poison, I say to you this: Is the end the same as the beginning?”
My Lord, I do not know what to say.  For, a point in a circle can be both and end and a beginning.
Now, My Little One, I ask you, ‘Who killed Mariah Carey?’
No one, yet!
No one has killed her yet. But, she has a knife in her back; and she is marked for death.  See her feet.
I see her feet, Father, but what does that mean?  The soles of her shoes are almost totally disconnected from the upper parts of her shoes. And, these are some really roomy shoes. Her feet are so small, but the shoes are so big. I can walk into these shoes through these open soles and I can walk around inside these roomy shoes.  Then I hear wind. A very great wind is rushing through these open shoes, and the soles are flapping in the wind.  Father, it seems that these loose soles will be ripped off these shoes. Father, what does this mean?
My Little One, is a wind a wind?
Father, what do You mean?
Is a wind a wind?
My Lord, a wind is a wind.
Then, My Little One, the wind will come and the wind will break apart that shoe house.
But, Father, why do You tell me this; and what does it mean?
The tiny foot in that shoe will not be able to withstand the wind.
Oh, my Lord, this is so sad.  I see the shoe and the sole of it is almost ripped from the shoe and there they both lie on the wet sand of the beach.  And, the waters have come and the rain has come and the shoe is soaked in the rain, but the foot is gone.  No one wears the shoe.  Father, I am so sad for Mariah Carey.  Blessed Savior, save her soul.  Do not allow them to succeed in their wicked schemes to kill her.
My Little One, I show you the plans of the enemy and their plans are to kill them both, both Whitney and Mariah, and to kill them both with poisons.  You have not been mistaken in what you have understood, but you have not well understood all of the terrible picture of this great Satanic evil.
Satan and his wicked hoards, indeed, produce their offspring from these two singers; and through the harvesting of their eggs and subsequent artificial insemination, they have produced their “cash cows.” Yes, they have taken their seeds as one would take seeds from an animal, or even from a human, to produce further offspring.
They tell their own story; and I want you to well understand their story.  I also want you to understand their plans. For, their plans are to poison them both. I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes Jesus Savior of humanity!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 25th day of February, 2012.
Linda Newkirk
Oh, Blessed Savior, as I type these words from You, I have a few questions. I ask You, Father, will You answer these questions? Father, why did you ask, “Is the end the same as the beginning?” I did not understand that.
My Little One, the rise for both of these singers was sensational; and the ending will be sensational for both of them, if they are able to accomplish their evil schemes. 
Father, I really do hope that they fail. I really do hope that You save Mariah Carey’s soul.
And, Father, what is the meaning of the sole, which is almost ripped from the shoe?
My Little One, the shoe is the Whitney Houston shoe and the soul that is almost ripped off the shoe of the soul of Mariah Carey.  For, her life has been hanging by a thread.  This is why my Little One reported to you that she saw them both in a hanger. The life of one hung by a thread; and now she is gone; but the life of the other one now also hangs by a thread.
Father, is it possible that they may intend to sacrifice one of them in the air, as well. For, it is not their motto, “As above, so below.”
Yes, my Little One, and now you understand the meaning of the “wind.” “Is a wind, a wind;” and you tell Me, yes, “a wind is a wind.”  But, some winds are deadly and some winds are not so deadly.  And, while a wind is a wind, there are different sorts of winds.
Oh, forgive me, Father; for I have failed to grasp what You were telling me.
Yes, my Little One; for My ways are not your ways; and My thoughts are not your thoughts. But, you are not wrong in one thing. Wind is the movement of air; and in this case a wind is a wind. But, in the real world, there are different sorts of wind configurations.  See?
Yes, my Lord.  You are so kind, oh Lord. Thank you for striving with us; for we are all so inadequate before You. Blessed is Your Holy Name.
So, my Lord, the wind came and the rains came and the shoe was on the wet beach, but the foot was gone.  Now, my Lord, what does this mean?
My Little One, it means devastation for the soul of Mariah Carey. For, the shoe will be forsaken, but the foot in the shoe will be gone, that is, unless she turns to Me with her whole heart, that I might intervene to save her life and to save her soul.  Otherwise, when the winds come and when these winds batter that soul, which is attached to that shoe, that soul will not be able to withstand the terrible winds.
So, my Lord, You tell me all of these things; and You show me all of these things, that the word might get to Mariah Carey, that she might read these words and understand these words, and  that she might repent and turn to you.  For, oh Blessed Savior, You love her and You wish to save her!
Blessed is Your Precious Name, Oh Mighty King of Kings and Lord of Lords! For, You wish to save Mariah Carey! Oh Lord, I know this.  Bless Mariah Carey’s heart to receive Your words of warning; oh Glorious God, that You might save her soul; and that You might be glorified.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 25th day of February, 2012,
Linda Newkirk
Spread some love, Dear Ones. The hearts of many grow cold for lack of love.  Get out of your comfortable places. Go out and share the love of our Mighty God! Tell them about the love of our Blessed Savior, that He loves, He forgives and He saves souls.  Tell them how He died for all of us; and His death is not in vain.  Glory to His Holy Name; for He changes souls and He saves souls.
Go out today; and help somebody in need.  Offer to do something for someone and ask nothing! Give someone a hug, who is sick, lonely and depressed. Tell others that you love them. Spread the love of Jesus. You are His Little Ones. Remember who you are; and show Him your great love for Him.
I have a beautiful saying on my wall: “ The Only love that you keep is the love that you give away.” 
Let your love light shine! You will feel better for it!
Jesus is our Beautiful Life,
North Little Rock, AR, 72117

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