Monday, September 23, 2013

Additional Conversation with our Savior

“Yes, my Little One, you are now into the worst of times, worse than times have ever been since there was a nation.  Only I can fight such battles! You cannot fight what you cannot even see, so I warn you all to repent and to draw close to me. Trust Me and believe in Me, that I might fight your battles. For, you fight against an enemy, whom you can seldom see.” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies
Book Twelve, Chapter 93 cont
Additional Conversation with our Savior 

Oh, Blessed Savior, I ask You one more thing: how close are these attacks? How long do we have?”

“My Little One, see these clocks.  They are set at the “half-past” mark.  Do you remember what I told you in early July?  The first half of your time of waiting will pass slowly, but the second half will be speeded up, and by ‘speeded up,’ I mean that the fires of the holy son, who is within you, will accelerate very much in their heat and fire.  So, my Blessed Child, you have passed the half-way mark, or the two month mark since I gave you these words.  These words give you one very significant clue regarding the timing of these very terrible events.”

“So, my Lord, you truly will come for me and you will truly do all that you determine to do at this time, but we have about two months left. Is this correct? 
But, my Lord, I ask you plainly and please answer me plainly: will you give more time, even if many pray? Or, have you made a firm decision? I really do want to know, my Lord; for I have waited so long and I have been disappointed so many times, for I truly believed that You were coming.”'

“My Blessed Child, time is up for America; but America is not without hope. I am the hope of America.
My Little One, you have suffered greatly under Satan’s feet for many years; for you have had to pay this very great price to be the earth mother of My holy Son, and the earth mother of these holy seed. I am truly about to make you free, but now Satan will make war against the seed of the woman. 
I tell you this truth. I will not further delay My promise to you; for the eagle wings are ready for you, My Blessed Child.”

“Oh, thank You, Blessed Savior! My Lord, I also seek further understanding.  Blessed Savior, what does the vision mean about President Obama’s smoking that cigar, or cigarette; and all is smoked until there are only ashes.  What does this mean?  And, what does Cuba red mean?”

“My Blessed Child, this vision means that he will burn America until it is in ashes and the state of America will then be as the state of Cuba has been since it fell.  When this President is through with this nation, it will lay in ashes from one end to the other.  The cities will be truly burned and without inhabitant!”

“Oh, Lord, have mercy on us!  Have mercy on us!
As I continue on, my Lord, who is Barney, and what plug is Obama about to pull?”

“My Blessed Child, get ready! For, the stock market bull is going off the cliff!”
“Oh, my Lord, I see him down there; and he is bloated and lying on the side of a hillside. Rigor mortis has set in and his bloated belly is about to burst. The buzzards are coming from all directions; for they are getting ready to pick the rotting flesh from his carcass. Oh, Lord, how long until we see this great evil come to pass?”
“My Blessed Child, what do you see?”

“My Lord, I see a baker and this baker is busily shaking flour on some dough that he has rolled out. But, when he picks up the dough, which is a square piece of dough, this dough begins to stretch in the man’s hands and it falls apart leaving a very great hole in the center of the dough. My Lord, what does this mean?”

“My Blessed Child, the dough man is the Federal Reserve.  He is accustomed to rolling out the dough and he has been doing it for a very long time, but now comes a very great hole in his dough.”

“So, my Lord, what does this mean?”

“My Little One, it means that they are preparing a new kitchen and there will not be dough in that kitchen, but all is made of plastic. Plastic, see?  No dough! In other words, no cash. The dough kitchen is going cashless!”

“Oh, my Lord, this is a very great and terrible mess.”

“Yes, my Little One, you are now into the worst of times, worse than times have ever been since there was a nation.  Only I can fight such battles! You cannot fight what you cannot even see, so I warn you all to repent and to draw close to me. Trust Me and believe in Me, that I might fight your battles. For, you fight against an enemy, whom you can seldom see
As I love you, I must also correct you. Go willfully into your captivity; for I have determined it.  Though many, many of you will die through the swords, the famines, the plagues and disasters, I will save those, who are appointed to salvation.
But, know one thing: I am Creator. I love you exceedingly and greatly; and I am full of surprises.  As you repent and come back to Me, you will see what I will do for you, My people!

My Lord, I have but one more question and I hope that You will answer this question. How long before the bull falls off the cliff?”
“My Child, see this broken ring.”

“Yes, my Lord, but why do You show me this broken ring?”

“I show it to you because I bring back to your memory the vision that I gave to you when the Bull was in the ring, as in a boxing ring, and he was strong and many were praising him. But, then I showed you that the right, front leg would be mangled and that after that he would fall.  My Little One, that right, front leg has been mangled and that leg is the derivatives market. This market has been mangled and the bull has since fallen, time and time again, only to be revived. 
What you see in the media regarding the true state of this bull is as full of holes and lies as Swiss cheese.  At any moment, they can pull the switch on the bull, for it is full of bloat and falsehoods. So, get ready; for this fall could happen soon after these explosions. But, I tell you one thing: they are all eager to pull the plug on the bull and to shut down the dollar, altogether!

“So, my Lord, what does the broken ring mean?”

“The broken ring means that the bull is no longer a contender in the boxing ring. For, that ring is broken and cannot be repaired!”
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 13th day of September, 2012,
Linda Newkirk

Blessed is the Name of Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Praises to His Holy Name forever and ever! He is doing a new thing in the whole earth; for even as we see this old system fail, He is bringing forth His Kingdom. And, His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom. It will neither rot, nor fade!  Blessed are all, who are found worthy to enter into the Kingdom of our Savior! Glory to His Holy Name forever and ever!
May we all rise up early and praise our Mighty God, for He will never leave us or forsake us!

Sending my heart’s love to you all,
Read Book Twelve at This is the true story of Revelation Twelve, the beginning of the Kingdom of our God in the earth!
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