Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Words and Visions from our Savior: The Derivatives Market Has Collapsed; The Great Financial Collapse is Imminent!

“In that vision, He showed me that the “mangled leg” is the Derivatives market; and that Satan’s children, the Queen of England and the Rothschild elite are behind this derivatives scheme! Through their works, through the works of the international bankers, through their derivatives market, they have now crippled that bull! HEAR ME AGAIN WHEN I TELL YOU!  THE LORD, OUR GOD, HAS SHOWN THAT THE DERIVATIVES MARKET IS BUSTED! IT IS DESTROYED! THIS IS DONE AND WILL NOT BE REPAIRED!” – Linda Newkirk

From The Mountain Prophecies

Book Twelve, Chapter 91

Words and Visions from our Savior:

The Derivatives Market Has Collapsed;

The Great Financial Collapse is Imminent!

Greetings to you, Dear Ones! Blessed is the Name of our Mighty Savior, Jesus, Lord of Lords and Kings; for He will do nothing, without firstly warning of His intentions through the mouths of His prophets!  This is His promise!

Dear Ones, before I go into the recent stream of visions, which our Savior has given to me, I wish to remind you of a vision, which our Savior gave me approximately two years ago.  For, this vision is extremely relevant to the most recent visions, which our Savior has now given to me.

The Vision of the Wall Street Collapse

Given to me by our Savior about two years past!

In that vision, I saw a tarp, which was lying on the ground and it seemed to be covering up something. I went over, lifted the tarp, and looked to see that this tarp was covering up a large gathering of people, which were below.

I found a pole, like a ceiling support pole, and climbed down into the gathering. Once inside, I found that there was a rather large crowd; and the people were greatly cheering a large, black, muscular bull. The bull was in a ring, like a boxing ring, and immediately I knew that this bull was the Wall Street Bull! But, he had no opponents as he was standing alone in that ring.

The steady chant of the people was, “Who is like the bull? Who is like the bull?”  The voices of the people roared and the bull, in his stately appearance, surely seemed to be strong and unopposed! 

This chanting was loud and steady; and all of the people there were caught up in this great “rallying.” As I looked around at the euphoria of the people, I wondered why the Lord even had me to go there.  

But, suddenly, and without any warning whatsoever, a door opened alongside an inner low wall of the “ring”, and out charged a very great crocodile.  This crocodile charged into the right, front leg of the bull and this crocodile severely mangled the right, front leg of the bull and blood was spilling everywhere.

Yet, the people seemed oblivious to this great loss!  This leg was destroyed and this bull was hemorrhaging, but the people continued on in their rally cry: “Who is like the bull? Who is like the bull?  The bull is still strong!  He still has three strong legs! Who is like the bull?”  I was amazed to hear such chanting when the bull was severely hemorrhaging!

This chanting continued for a while, and then suddenly, and without any warning whatsoever, the floor fell out from beneath the two, back legs of the bull; and down went the bull! None were expecting his fall; for the rallying was still very great!  Oh, so suddenly and so quickly the bull fell!

I went to the great hole in the floor and looked for the bull! Truly, His great descent had made a very great hole in that floor! And, I saw him down at the bottom, far down, for he had fallen down many floors. And, there he was, amidst great splinters of wood! Split wooden beams were piercing his body! The bull was bleeding everywhere! He was in critical condition; and I could see that he would not be coming back, but still the people cried: “The bull is coming back. He is coming back!”

Some months ago, our Savior gave me another vision about this mangled leg of the bull!  In that vision, He showed me that the “mangled leg” is the Derivatives market; and that Satan’s children, the Queen of England and the Rothschild elite are behind this derivatives scheme! Through their works, through the works of the international bankers, through their derivatives market, they have now crippled that bull! HEAR ME AGAIN WHEN I TELL YOU!  THE LORD, OUR GOD, HAS SHOWN THAT THE DERIVATIVES MARKET IS BUSTED! IT IS DESTROYED! THIS IS DONE AND WILL NOT BE REPAIRED!
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