Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Great Kingdom Events of July, 2012

.“My Blessed Child, I am indeed your Father, Yahweh, also known as Jehovah, yes your Savior and Most High God; and I would have you tell them one thing: ABIDE!  Abide in Me; for I am about to shake the very foundations of this earth!  I am about to shake the militaries and I am about to sift the wheat from the tares!  I am about to clean up My own house!  And, I am about to purify exceedingly My Bride!  For, in My Bride, there shall be found neither spot, nor wrinkle!” – Father Yahweh
From The Mountain Prophecies
Book 12, Chapter 93
Part V
Message From Our Savior:
“The Great Kingdom Events of July, 2012”

“Oh, Blessed Father in Heaven, Precious Savior, Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Glorious Most High God!  I come back to You, Father, and I seek you, oh Blessed God, as I would like to know what You would have Your people to know about the events of these weeks past, the weeks since July 10, 2102?  Father, what would You have me tell to them; for many great events have taken place?”

“My Blessed Child, I am indeed your Father, Yahweh, also known as Jehovah, yes your Savior and Most High God; and I would have you tell them one thing: ABIDE!  Abide in Me; for I am about to shake the very foundations of this earth!  I am about to shake the militaries and I am about to sift the wheat from the tares!  I am about to clean up My own house!  And, I am about to purify exceedingly My Bride!  For, in My Bride, there shall be found neither spot, nor wrinkle!

But, My Little One, you ask what I would have you to tell My faithful about the events of these weeks past. Be not troubled, My Blessed Child, for words would escape you!  True, descriptive words would escape your thinking, if you tried to relay what has happened these past weeks. But, I tell you, My Little One, there has been a birth, a very great birth, and a death.

My Holy Son, who lives within you, has given birth!  He has now born the second great birthing of these holy seed; and this great birthing began on the 10th day of July of 2012, and within about five days’ time, all of the holy seed, whom he carried within you, were born and I carried them all into heaven! 
And, shortly, thereafter, I delivered into My Holy Son of light and fire, who is within you, the third portion of the holy seed, and all in order that My words might be fulfilled that the kingdom of heaven is like a woman, who put leaven into three measure of meal. 

My Little One, this parable has one meaning and then two!  This is the first meaning: the leaven is holiness, which I put into you; and My holiness comes through you and is added to My son, who is within you; and then this holiness is added to the seed, who are the meal.
But, there is a second meaning: the woman also puts leaven (the holy seed) into the meal, or the bride; for without the help of the woman in the earth, who is you, My Little One, which body would be found worthy for such work?
For, there is only one woman! Therefore, My Little One, your work, your spiritual work, is exceedingly important, though you constantly minimize the work that you do!

So, you see, My Little One, you have come to a very important time in these works. This is the last leg! 

And, Yes! I have wanted to escalate these works, so that the time of your suffering might be lessened.  But, My Blessed Child, I have continued to add to your time and to your suffering for love of My people, in order that the greatest numbers might be saved. 

But, you, My Blessed Child, have often been in the darkness about these works of Revelation Twelve, even though you are in the very midst of these works.  But, even so, This was also My great mercy towards you! For, if you had known the ending from the beginning and how long this work would have required, you could have succumbed in the great despair of your terrible trials.
So, My Little One, I have given you false starts and I have even given you false hopes about the timing of My coming, so that you could overcome the times of great despair and terrible travails. And, through these false starts, I have also molded and shaped the enemy in order to provoke them to do certain things!  And, truly their eyes are always upon you; for they seek to overcome Me and My plans.

So, My Little One, I could not give you wings at this time in July, but I must wait a while longer, and you must continue to suffer.  But, I tell you that I have brought you to a transformative place. For, through all of your suffering, you have truly died to self and to the things of this wicked world, not loving self and not loving this wicked world; but having come to a place of submission to Me and great love for Me and love for your brethren. 
This is how, and this is why!  Through this process, I  could bring you to this place of death, that I might now transform you!

And, this transformative process has been also thing, which has greatly provoked the enemy!  This transformative process has been a great fire, which has ignited the jealousies and the fears of Satan and his wicked hoards. 
Therefore, My Blessed Child, I have needed to lessen the great fires within you at this time so that I could free you up to write even these words.  Their attacks against you have been exceedingly great; for they would not allow you one moment of peace as long as they could witness such great fires in your body!
Therefore, My Blessed Child, I have lessened the fires and I have pulled back My great show of power through My Son, who is within you; for these new seed, this last group of holy seed, who is within you, must now grow!  This time of growth will not be slow. This process will take some months, but I have promised you that the second half of this growth period will accelerate. It will go more quickly; for the transformative process will then accelerate within you!
I want My faithful ones to know these truths: in due season I will transform them! But, the fires of testing are severe! This is not an easy ride, but the only true ride! 

And, even as you, My Blessed Child, have had to die to self and to things of this world, My Bride will likewise, die!  All will be tried and tested in the fires as gold and silver, for My holy seed within each one is a refiner’s fire. I AM THAT FIRE and I am cleaning up My Bride! 

My love for you all is without bounds! I gave My life for you and now many of you will be required to give your lives for Me! If you hate the thought of being persecuted for love of Me, you love yourself more than Me!
Who will rejoice when persecuted for love of Me?  How blessed is the one, who is thankful to be persecuted for love of Me!  

My Blessed Ones, draw close to Me and I will draw close to you! If you put things before Me, I will put many before you! Train your hearts and minds!  Put your thoughts on Me!  Do not love this world and what is in this world, but love Me!  I am your Savior; and I, alone, am your Savior!

When you die to self and to things of this world, then and only then are you ready for My great transformation. Do you see?

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, your only Savior and Redeemer, Jesus,  Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of August, 2012,
                                                                            Linda Newkirk
P.O. Box 17277
North Little Rock, AR, 72117

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