Saturday, September 28, 2013

ROME, Babylon the Great

I was baptized  a Catholic, and remained a Catholic up until  2012.

I was comfortable being  a Catholic, learned a portion of the Bible and a miniscule teachings of the Church when I was in Grade school.  I went with the crowd, so to speak, with my fellow Catholics Learned the rituals and traditions which the Catholics give importance to. Human doctrines, which are in opposition to the Word of GOD, like the Vatican II, and other volumes of literature which would make one gullible soul to turn away from the Bible.
(Satan is shrewd)

At a later time, there was a nagging hunger to know more.
I went sect hopping. Through the invitations of friends with from different sects, Baptist, Born Again, Pentecostal, I went to their churches, but not for long.

Sometime in the year 2002, I asked God what is His plan for me. He answered through my Bible cutting this: Luke 5:10 Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

I was quandary on the meaning and how it will affect me.

A few months after, I was invited by a Catholic sister to join the Catechetical formation in preparation for our service to our parish. It took two years of formation and two years of service and I was out, brought about by my health condition. For another two years, all I did was listen to preachings of different sects until I tuned in  to Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. (GOD works in mysterious ways) In the beginning I was doubtful but because of continued listening/watching, I was enlightened. Added to this is the revelation by a prophetess of God , Woman of Revelation 23, Sis. Linda Newkirk. What God revealed about the Catholic Church to Sis Linda and Pastor Quiboloy is the same.  Get out of the Catholic Church. Satan himself heads it.

Now, I am fulfilling Luke 5:10 through my blog.

 Your eternity is at stake. Ask God for discernment for the truth, and not be misled.

Following is a testimony by someone rescued from hell:  



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