Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Obama Tree, Rockefellers in the Rothschild House!

        Seven Terrible Years!
“How near are we to the beginning of the last seven years? Except for the love and grace of our Savior, and his years of tarrying, we could have entered into these last seven years as early as 1998. But, through these years of grace and mercy, and His continued tarrying, He has added time.” - LindaNewkirk

From The Mountain Prophecies
 Book 12, Chapter 85 (cont)
The Obama Tree,          
Rockefellers in the Rothschild House!

Now, I shall tell you about another recent vision, which involves this nation. Just last night (December 08, 2011), I had a vision of a black tree, a totally black tree without any leaves.  In the vision, the Spirit of God told me to walk around to the back of the black tree; and in so doing, I saw that there was a great crack in the back of the tree, which was really a hidden entrance.
A Tri-Fold Cord of Evil!
I entered into the tree through the hidden entrance and I saw no one inside except Hillary Clinton.  It was late at night. She was alone in an upper part of the tree and was working beneath the light of a singular lamp.  In the vision, I saw her turn rather quickly and begin to braid three thick strands of yarn.  She braided them and clamped them together at the bottom; and then hung the three braided strands of yarn on the wall behind her.  Then, she shut out the lights and sat there in the darkness.
There has been talk that Hillary could become the vice presidential running mate of President Obama, but if this is her ambition, it remains in the shadows. She is sitting in the darkness of the Black Tree, Obama’s tree. 
However, some of us have wondered about the timing of the Malcolm X postings on the Internet and who is behind these postings.  We can only wonder who is wishing to blackmail President Obama.  We cannot be sure, but we have some very strong sentiments about the possible guilty parties.
A Thick and Deadly Plot!
About three years past, I had a vision and I have written of this vision in previous posts; but in this vision, I saw that some past presidents were plotting to take the life of President Obama; and in that same vision, I saw him lying outside in a pool of blood.
The Plotting Three!
Then, later in another vision, I saw once more the caskets of the three dead presidents.  I have had many visions of either the three caskets with the dead bodies of these three presidents in them, or the tombstones of these three presidents, all side by side.  Does this repeated vision of these three, who are either in their coffins, or under their tombstones, fulfill these words from the Book of Daniel? “And, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots…Daniel 7:8)
Those three presidents are the two Bushes and Bill Clinton.  Are they plotting something?  What are those three pieces of thick yarn that are tightly woven together and placed on the wall behind Hillary Clinton? Does this represent the tightly woven plan of the three to recapture the presidency through some very dark means? 
Surely, our Savior shows me their plans. Indeed, He has, he does, and he will!  For, surely through their thick braid, they have made a plan and that plan is closely connected to Hillary.  Their plans are in the darkness, and involve President Obama! Yes, in the darkness, they plot. None see them; for their schemes are hidden.
A Terrible Plot!
What dark schemes are now afoot? Will we soon see an assassination attempt on the life of President Obama? In the past, I have had many visions of an attempt on his life; but in spite of the fact that he is killed, he comes back to life. However, when he comes back to life, he is not alone in that body. He has some company! Is this plot now very near?
Although our Savior has given me many detailed visions about such attacks on President Obama’s life, I have not written most of these visions. However, some few people know of many of these visions.
Seven Terrible Years!
How near are we to the beginning of the last seven years? Except for the love and grace of our Savior, and his years of tarrying, we could have entered into these last seven years as early as 1998. But, through these years of grace and mercy, and His continued tarrying, He has added time.
How much Time do we still have?
Today, on December 08, 2011, I had another vision. In the vision, I was upstairs in a room and parted the curtains on a window to look below. Standing there in the street was the Wall Street Bull. He was speared in the back, between the shoulders, and was bleeding profusely. He stood in a massive pool of blood and I knew that he would not live long.
There, in front of the Wall Street Bull was President Obama. He was standing behind a podium and was under a canopy; and as he looked at the bull, he said, “He (the bull) has served his purpose; but now we must look at the number seven, seven, as in seven days.”
Will the last seven years, or seven days in the above vision, soon begin?  Will the world market crash mark the beginning of the last seven years?  Take note of what our Savior is showing in the above vision of the bull.
When will the Bull Fall through the floor?
Do you remember the vision of the stock market bull, which our Savior gave to me about fifteen months ago?  I still find this a most interesting vision.
In that vision, I was standing outside and saw a heavy plastic covering, which was draped over a large part of the ground.  I went there and lifted up the heavy, plastic covering; and when I did, I saw that this heavy plastic was covering an underground gathering and people were rallying loudly.  In the vision, I saw a pole and climbed down the pole to find myself standing amidst a crowd of people. These people were looking at an arena and were all cheering about the contestant in the arena.
There was only one contestant in the arena, and this contestant was the Wall Street Bull.  I, too, stood in amazement at the height and strength of that black bull. He was very big and strong. The people were rallying around him and saying, “Who is like the Bull?” Then, they answered their own question. “There is none like the Bull!”  And, this loud rallying, shouting and praising of the bull went on for a while; but suddenly, and without any expectation, whatsoever, a trap door opened alongside the interior wall of the arena, and there rushed forth a giant crocodile.
This crocodile charged into the right front leg of the bull and badly mangled the bull’s front leg.  However, the people continued to cheer. They continued to rally around the bull saying, “The bull is still strong. The bull still has three strong legs. The bull is still strong! Who is like the bull?”
This rallying and praising of the bull continued on for a while; and then suddenly, and without any expectation, whatsoever, the floor fell out from beneath the back legs of the Wall Street bull. And, down went the bull. He went crashing down for many stories in that great building and he came to rest far below. When the bull came to a stop, his body was full of giant wooden stakes, which had pierced his body on the way down. The bull was bleeding profusely and he would not be coming back. But, still many shouted and proclaimed, “He is coming back. The bull is coming back.”  Yet, I knew that the bull was finished.
The Mangled Leg of the Stock Market!
Now, my Dear Ones, this is my question. What is this right front leg, which is so badly mangled?  I have not known for sure, but as of now, I am feeling more and more confident that this mangled leg might be the futures market, the so-called derivatives market, or the options market.  Are they all one in the same?  I am most certainly not an expert, but I believe that they are all three peas in the same pod.
So, are we already witnessing the badly mangled leg? Has it already happened? And, is the Stock Market now in the rallying phase before its fall?  It is most certainly rallying and climbing higher at this time! 
Think about this fall of the derivatives market. I have read reports that the international losses, which have occurred in the Derivatives Market could top 1.5 quadrillion.  This may be the signal our Savior warned me about, the mangled leg that would lead to the crashing of the bull. Is this the warning bell that the crash of the bull is very near? 
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