Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Message from our Savior, “The New Jerusalem”

“For, this is My land; and My kingdom in the earth is being established from this mountain; from this mountain in the state of ARKansas, USA. This is MY ARK.  This is the ARK OF THE COVENANT. This is My Kingdom come and My will be done in the earth as it is in heaven. This is My holy hill. My Son has lived within you on this hill for more than six years. His holiness, which is My holiness, is on this land.” - Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies

Book 12, Chapter 89,

Part II

Message from our Savior

June 03, 2012

“The New Jerusalem”

“My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen to Me, My Blessed Child; and I will tell you about the Mountain of the Lord.

On My website: http://www.prophecies.org, there is one mountain, and beneath it are My words in Isaiah. “And, it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow into it.” Isaiah 2.2

My Little One, back in 1997, I began to guide you in the preparation of this website. I guided you in the Spirit to put such important spiritual information on My website. Yes, important information about My holy mountain, which would come into the earth! For, in the Latter Days, this shall be!  My house shall be established at the top of the mountains. This is My mountain, the Mountain of the Lord.

And, when I gave you these truths, you had no idea that I would move you to a mountain top. You had no idea that I would make a way for you and Dennis to buy this land on this mountain. But, in the end, he would choose another way; and then I would make a way for all of this land to come to you.

For, this is My land; and My kingdom in the earth is being established from this mountain; from this mountain in the state of ARKansas, USA. This is MY ARK.  This is the ARK OF THE COVENANT. This is My Kingdom come and My will be done in the earth as it is in heaven. This is My holy hill. My Son has lived within you on this hill for more than six years. His holiness, which is My holiness, is on this land.

What will I do on this mountain? I have stated part of it!  I have established My kingdom in the whole earth from this mountain in ARK, USA.

I will keep this land!  I will preserve this land!  I will have My place of holiness on this hill; and in due season, the nations shall flow into it.  And, in due season, I will increase the amount of land. I will add to this land; for the nations shall flow into this holy land.

And, though the enemy has tunneled under it in an attempt to claim it, I will run them out. And, though the enemy shall encamp round about it, I shall overcome them with blindness and with disasters. And, though they have encircled you for more than nine years (with ships in the sky) they have not and will not stop My work on this holy hill.  And, though unrighteous ones also live on this hill, there shall come a time when all unrighteous ones will either be changed into righteous ones, or transported off this hill, in one way, or another.

For, in due season, the glory of My Son shall be so great on this hill, that his light will extend to the ocean. His light will illuminate the hills and valleys at night and all through the day, his light will heal the lands and the waters.

“But, My Lord, will a different thing take place in Jerusalem?”

“These are the same! For, at this time, My Kingdom is being set up on this hill and from this hill it will go out.  It is not being set up in Jerusalem. Oh, how they would like to claim it, or make it so.

One in the whole world has paid the price for My Kingdom to come into the earth and to be planted in the earth; and you, My Child, Linda Newkirk, are that person.  There is no other person; and the ground on which you stand is holy ground. It is My holy mountain.

Onto this hill, in due season, will come the New Jerusalem. Why is it called ‘new?’ It is called ‘new,’ because it is a new city and it is in a new place. This new place is not a place of death and carnage, like the old Jerusalem; but a place of birth and life. This is My holy hill; and all nations shall flow unto you. 

I will not give glory to Judah, who has overwhelmingly rejected Me! I will not put this new wine in that old bottle, that old city of Jerusalem. I will set up a New Jerusalem. I will set up a new city, a holy city, and My light will shine from that city and will illuminate the hills, the valleys and the ocean. All nations will flow unto this holy hill.

My Little One, in that city, I will give you great power. You are laying the foundation for this great city. No one else has laid it and no one else has paid the price.  This is a new work.  Yes, a culmination of the old, but it is new!  And, there shall come a New Jerusalem!

Hear Me in this; for many are confused in this thing!  And, many flee to the country of Israel; but that country is Judah. The real Israel is the USA; for this is the land that I gave to you, My people. I scattered you and I gathered you together again; and I gave you this land!

But, you have done great wickedness!  You have polluted your inheritance; and I shall severely punish you, oh nation of America. And, I shall severely break you up; but I will not do away with you. For, My Kingdom in the whole earth comes in through you, oh Nation of America. And, though you reject My servant, Linda Newkirk, and though you mock, ridicule and blaspheme her, you have not changed one iota the significance of My work in, of, and through her.

For, in spite of all that you do and even because of all that you do, I will glorify myself through My servant, Linda Newkirk, in a very great way.  All in the whole earth shall know that she is Mine. For, My glory shall be very great in My servant, Linda Newkirk; and My radiance will illuminate a very great area through My son, who is within her.

Linda Newkirk is your spiritual mother, oh you decadent people of this nation and of this world. And, I shall sift and I shall sift, and I shall sift until I purge and I clean My house. And, the righteous seed will inherit the earth! For, through the fires of My testing, I will purge them all until they also shine, even as the stars, in their own right.

But, it is a New Jerusalem, not an old Jerusalem!  It is a holy hill, My Holy Mountain and this is My Holy Mountain, even in Mayflower, Arkansas, a city, which was named after My Son, My holy manchild, even before he ever saw this world.  For, he is the true ‘Mayflower,’ having been born into the body of My servant, Linda Newkirk, on May 10, 2006; and he is also the ARK of my covenant.

So, I tell you again that I will expand My work on this holy hill; and I shall increase My presence on this hill until all nations will know!  Yes, they will say, “The Lord of the Universe in on that hill; for that is the Mountain of the Lord.” And, the miracles will go out from this holy hill until they cover the whole earth!

 I tell you now and hear Me well!  The Jews will not claim honor for this very great work. The honor is here on this holy hill and the honor remains here.  For, I do a new thing in the whole earth.

Yes, My Beloved Child, there comes a New Jerusalem; for I do a new thing in the whole earth. But, the great groundwork, the great work for the laying of the foundation of My Kingdom in the earth, has been done here, in your humble abode; and from here it goes out  into the whole earth.

Be at peace, My Blessed Child; for I will bless this land.  I will preserve and keep this land; and I will fulfill My promises to the whole world, here on this holy hill, in this place in ARK, USA.

I am your Father in Heaven, yea Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 3rd day of June, 2012,

Linda Newkirk

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