Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Five Wise Virgins

“Oh, so great shall be the calamities and the lawlessness, and the violence and the gang warfare!  Every man for himself!  Every wicked deed, no longer in secret, but open and revealed!” – Father Yahweh

From The Mountain Prophecies

Book 12, Chapter 89, Part I

“The Five Wise Virgins”

“Then, shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom.  And, five of them were wise and five were foolish.  They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them. But, the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.  While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.  And, at midnight, there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.  Then, all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And, the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.  But, the wise answered, saying, Not so, lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.  And, while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But, he answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not.  Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.  Matthew 25:1-13

Our Savior’s Message

May 31, 2012

“The Five Wise Virgins”

“My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. You come to Me today; and you ask Me if I have a word. Yes, My Little One, I have not one word, but two words.  These two words are: ‘sorrow,’ and ‘joy.’

For, to you righteous ones, I shall give you ‘joy,’ even in your times of despair and trouble!  But, for the unrighteous, you shall reap, even as you have sown.  To you, shall come a time of sorrow as few could ever imagine.

All of the gold in the world will not save one soul! And, for those, who love money and all that it can buy, a time of despair as few could imagine, shall grip them.

For, many have found comfort in their stuff and in their things, but all of their confidence in money and things will not only suffocate them, but will bury them.

I am stripping bare My people. I am bringing you face-to-face with who you really are and what you really are.

But, all, who truly love Me, and who love Me above all, will float in their joy and in their love for Me.  And, when the calamities come, and when death and destruction looks them in their eyes, they will neither despair, nor faint. For, My strong arm is their support. My peace is their ever-present gift.

Their eyes are not fixed on this world and its luxuries, but their eyes are fixed on Me! They love Me above all and will not be moved from their faith.  And, though the oceans shall rage and though the rivers shall rise, they will neither falter, nor stumble. For, these are Mine!  I have fed them and I have raised them up for such a time as this!

But, I tell you now that the foundations of the earth shall be shaken!  The earth shall rock!  It shall be moved exceedingly. The heavens shall be moved! Back and forth, they will go!  The deeps of the earth and the deeps of the oceans shall sigh!  They shall move!  The stars will be moved!  Yes, moved exceedingly!

And, eyes, which can see, will see My hand in all things!  For, in the heavens come lights and bodies, which did not previously exist! A dread is upon the planets; for there comes a great upsurge in My power, a great tearing, a great splitting in the heavens!  In the cosmos, bitter signs!  Two suns!  Now, three lights! All foreboding of a terrible upheaval in the earth! A splitting and a cracking! Terrible cracking in the earth!  Waves so high!  Terrible waves, with some thinking that the waves are as high as the sky!

Oh, so dreadful are the days, which are upon the whole earth; and My hand is outstretched still. What is your choice, oh you wayward ones?  Will you love money until death?  Will you love the world and what is in it until your death? 

Will you remain a slave to the flesh?  Will you continue to worship the flesh and all of its earthly pleasures?

I tell you that there comes a snap, a very great snap, like a lightening snap and this snap of light will beat earth!  It will burn the earth!  It will burn it and will cut deeply into the earth.

A fury!  Yes, a fury in the earth!  And, the power will blink and fail! Oh, what a tale to tell!  A blinking!  A dread! So terrible, indeed; for those in the world would not heed My word! They would not listen!  They would not obey Me! And, in the dark, they will ponder their choices!

Oh, so great shall be the calamities and the lawlessness, and the violence and the gang warfare!  Every man for himself!  Every wicked deed, no longer in secret, but open and revealed!”

“Oh, Lord, Your words are so urgent! Your warnings are so grave, so serious!  Father, what do You mean by all of this?”

“My Little One, from the sun comes great trouble, more trouble than anyone could ever imagine!  For, there is not one sun, but two!  And, now, not only two suns, but see! (see bottom of page for information on these lights.)Three more!”

“Oh, Lord, what is all of this? What does this mean?”

“My Little One, people think that they know Me!  They believe that they understand Me, but they understand little of Me and they know little of Me and My power.  But, know one thing: 3+1=4 and four shall soon go forth in great power. They shall begin to draw this power from the divine manifestations of who they are.”

“Lord, this is a very deep word.”

“Yes, a very deep word, indeed!  And, the foolish will be confounded; but the wise ones will not be confounded. 3+1 lights=4 lights in the sky; and these bright lights relate to the heavenly return of these four and who they really are.”

“But, My Lord, are there not really five?”
“Yes, My Blessed Child, five you will see, but one is small and so not as tall.”

“My Lord, are these five not the Five Wise Virgins?”

“Five, indeed, who are among those, who have the holy seed.”

“So, My Lord, the glory of these five somehow, and/or the glory of the manchild in them is being seen in the heavens. And, regarding the Five Wise Virgins, according to Your words in Pistis Sophia, are some of them not also considered as saviors?”

“But, they are separated from their glory.”

“But, Blessed Savior, many are erroneously labeling these bright disks as Nibiru.”

“Yes, mistakenly!  For, remember that Nibiru is also called the Red Dragon, so its light is within the red range.  So, what they see is not Niburu, but they are witnessing the heavenly manifestations of the Five Wise Virgins.”

“My Lord, how will this be?  Will it be soon that you take these Five?”

“My Little One, you will firstly come into your power, but only part of your power. And, these others must greatly grow in their power!  For, this is a very great power.  What is seen (in the heavens) is the glory of these few! See?  By degrees, they will be united with their rightful glory.

Now, My Blessed Child, this is very deep.  For, few can grasp the facts, that the righteous will become as the stars in heaven. And, these “fires” are very great fires.  This power is very great, and it is this fire and this power, which is heating up the earth and which is causing all manner of earthquakes!  For, this is also My judgment.

Yet in this way, I am also bringing forth My kingdom. For, in the sky will also be seen the glory of these five wise virgins, which is the manchild power in all of them.  Now is the beginning of My Kingdom; and it will be manifest with many signs in the heavens.”

“Praises to You, Father! Blessed is Your Holy Name!”

“So, My Child, My great and holy fire is in the heavens and so is My great judgment.

Blessed is the one, who can receive and believe this word, that I now give to you.  For, these five are all kings in My kingdom; and the holy son, who is within these five, shall rule this world in a very great way.  My kingdom is now being set up in this solar system. Who will now mock Me and My words?

But, of a truth, My Blessed Child, firstly you will come into your great power. Firstly, you will receive your wings.

I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.”

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 31st day of May, 2012,

                                                                                Linda Newkirk
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