Monday, November 30, 2015

My Grace Accomplishes All Things, Even Prayer


The  Lord  is  with  us,  Heartdwellers.  And  the  Lord  is  truly  dispensing  His  graces  to  us,  and  entrusting  us  with  great  gifts  of  sanctity  and  courage  to  press in.

I  want  to  speak  to  you  about  Grace  and  it's  all  sufficient  significance  in  your  lives.  Many,  if  not  all  of  you,  My  Precious  Brides,  find  fault  with  yourselves  and  fall  into  the  trap  of  comparing  yourself  to  someone  who has  an  outstanding  attribute,  but  in  fact  you  know  nothing  of  their  lives.    This comparison  leads  to  discouragement  over  who  I  have  fashioned  you  to  be  and  leaves  you  open  to  the  sin  of  envy,  as  well  as  emulating  them  so  you  distort  who  you  truly  are.

Firstly,  I  want  you  to  know  that  no  one  is  as  they  seem  on  the  outside.    No,  not  one.    There  is  a  hidden  side  to  each  of  you,  the  side  you  have  either  conquered  or  are  still  hiding,  hoping  that  it  will  some  day  die.    While  you  are  traveling  this  road  of  life I  have  given  you  graces  for  the  moment,  they  are  unlike  the  graces  I  have  given  anyone  else,  because  you  are  My  own  unique  creation.  

And  these  graces,  My  Precious  ones,  are  sufficient  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  moment.    I  am  the  only  one  who  knows  how  much  grace  a  soul  is  operating  in,  and  how  much  they  are  lacking.    I  alone  know  what  use  they've  made  of  the  gifts  I've  given  them.  And  I  alone  know  precisely  what  they  would  look  like  if  stripped  of  all  My  grace  in  their  lives.

My  point  is  this,  you  are  nothing  without  My  grace,  and  no  one  is  anything  without  My  grace.    I  am  the  author  and  source  of  all  that  is  good  in  each  of  your  lives.    And  without  My  gifts  to  you,  you  would  be  less  than  nothing  in  the  eyes  of  the  world.    But  always  precious  to  Me.    In  very  fact,  I  am  the  one  who  sees  you  in  your  graceless  state,  and  I  determine  and  endow  you  with  garments  of  salvation  and  grace,  sufficient  for  the  life  I  have  called  you  to.

To  be  jealous  or  envious  of  others  who  seem  to  have  more  grace  is  an  affront  to  My  Heart.    I  know  it  is  human  nature  to  compare  and  want,  but  if  you  saw  the  beauty  in  your  own  souls,  you  would  not  look  to  imitate  others.    With  most,  the  problem  is  simply  one  of  discovery  of  who  I  have  made  you  to  be  and  how  beautiful  you  are  in  the  scheme  of  things.    Rather  you  would  labor  faithfully  with  what  I  have  given  and  promised  you,  until  you  began  to  find  fulfillment  in  the  unique  and  priceless  work  of  art  that  you  are.    

You  see  My  grace  is  like  a  crystal  clear  ocean  without  end,  like  thousands  of  fires  in  the  finest  cut  diamond,  like  the  sweetness  of  apple  blossoms  in  the  Spring,  and  the  brilliant  colors  of  the  most  diverse  corrals.  It  is  supremely  elegant  like  the  systems  of  the  human  body,  like  the  source  of  light  that  overcomes  the  darkness,  and  its  power  greater  than  the  sudden  separation  of  continents.    With  My  grace,  through  My  grace,  you  accomplish  all  things,  for  there  is  nothing  that  can  oppose  Me.    Once  I  set  about  to  accomplish  something,  it  is  already  done.  

This  is  how  secure  you  can  be,  My  Bride.    Ponder  these  examples  and  understand  that  you  are  a  work  of  grace  that  I  have  already  completed  in  Heaven,  beautiful  to  behold,  stunning  in  design  and  purpose,  unlike  any  other.

All  of  you  have  My  grace,  it  is  yours  to  embrace  and  use,  or  to  reject  and  lie  fallow.  But  it  is  there,  and  it  is  all  sufficient  for  you,  right  now,  in  this  moment  where  you  are.  No  need  to  look  around  and  pine  away  because  others  have  more  than  you.  No,  rather  discover  the  beauty  I  have  created  your  own  soul  with  and  cultivate  that.    I  promise  you,  it  will  be  unique  and  more  pleasing  than  those  you  look  up  to  now.    In  the  end,  you  will  be  brought  to  tears  by  what  I  have  created  you  to  be.    You  will  be  supremely  happy  with  who  I  have  created  you  to  be,  and  never  again  wish  to  be  anyone  else.        Even  if  another  were  to  offer  you  their  place,  your  understanding  of  who  you  are  to  Me  would  prevent  you  from  exchanging  what  I have  done  in  your  soul  for  what  I  have  done  in  theirs.

At  that  moment,  as  He  was  speaking,  a  Scripture  came  to  mind:  I  Cor.  12:21-­‐26    The  eye  cannot  say  to  the  hand,  “I  have  no  need  of  you,”  nor  again  the  head  to  the  feet,  “I  have  no  need  of  you.”  On  the  contrary,  the  parts  of  the  body  that  seem  to be  weaker  are  indispensable,  and  on  those  parts  of  the body  that  we  think  less  honorable  we  bestow  the  greater  honor,  and  our  unpresentable  parts  are  treated  with  greater  modesty,   which  our  more  presentable  parts  do  not  require.  But  God  has  so  composed  the  body,  giving  greater  honor  to  the  part  that  lacked  it,  that  there  may  be  no  division  in  the  body,  but  that  the  members  may  have  the  same  care  for  one  another.  If  one  member  suffers,  all  suffer  together;  if  one  member  is  honored,  all  rejoice  together.

 The  Lord  continued  after  that  Scripture.  "And  so  it  is  in  Heaven  under  the  light  of  endless  rejoicing.  Let  it  be  so  on  this  Earth.  For  while  you  sojourn  with  Me,  I  illuminate  your  way  with  My  songs  of  rejoicing.    Lean  on  My  grace,  when  things  seem  impossible.  My  grace  is  sufficient  for  you,  when  you  are  weary.  My  Grace  is  sufficient  for  you,  when  you  fall  short.    And  when  you  begin  to  bloom  under  My  gaze,  My  grace,  like  a  fragrance  goes  out  to  all  the  flowers  of  the  garden  and  brings  them  cheer.    My  grace  is  my  gift  to  you,  along  with  My  never  failing  love.    You  are  beautiful  and  in  Heaven  you  will  finally  behold  the  glory  I  have  knit  into  your  being.    Yes,  you  will  see,  even  as  you  are  seen.

Your  present  sufferings  and  contradictions  are  not  worth  comparing  with  the  glory  that  will  be  revealed  in  you.  Romans 8:18

This is an excerpt. For the full text, go here 
Source:  Heartdwellers

Sunday, November 29, 2015

"Show Mercy To Yourself As Well As Others." Jesus said.


The  mercy  and  kindness  of  our  sweet  Lord  Jesus  is  with  us,  Heartdwellers.

 "I  want  you  to  look  at  this  morning  as  an  example  to  My  People.    How  wonderful  it  is  when  you  obey  Me  immediately  when  I  call.    But  there  are  times  when  circumstances  molest  you  and  rob  you  of  the  freedom  to  be  totally  here  for  Me.

“Do  I  walk  away  in  disappointment  like  one  who  has  been  stood  up?    No.    That's  man's  way.    Rather  I  wait  for  you,  I  try  to  help  by  staving  off  condemnation, which  the  demons  are  all  too  ready  to  heap  on  you  for  not  coming  immediately.

“Yes,  it  is  wonderful  when  you  can  come  immediately,  truly  a  blessing  for  us  both.  But  when  you  can't  because  of  duties  or  interruptions,  first  and  foremost,  be  patient  with  others,  be  meek  and  kind  to  those  who  seem  to  be  interrupting  you.   Second  of  all  do  not  resent  this  interference; it  most  surely  is a  test  in  charity.

“Third  of  all,  do  not  come  under  the  yoke  of  condemnation.    I see  your  circumstance  and  am  not  condemning  you, which  would  have  the  opposite  would  cause  you  to  withdraw  even  more.    No,  I  wait  patiently  and  help  where  I  can.    I  show  My  face  to  you  in  little  snippets  when  you  return  to  prayer,  only  to  be  called  out  again.    I  am  quick  to  affirm  you,  My  Bride,  and  tell  you  that  I  will  not  leave  until  we  truly  have  our  time  together,  that  is  unless  the  situation  overtakes  you.

“So  many  of  you,  My  Dearest  ones,  are  subject to  self-­‐hatred  and  condemnation  when  you  do  not  perform  perfectly,  when  you  are  late,  when  you  are  distracted  or  thrown  off  course.   You  are  brutal  with  yourselves.    Beloved,  that  does  nothing  to  draw  us  together,  in  fact  it  refocuses  your  attention  on  your  supposed  guilt.  Then  I  must  find  different  ways  to  convince  you  how  much  I  Love  You."

And  that's  the  amazing  part  here,  guys  -­‐He  kept  giving  me  these  beautiful  rhemas:  "Come,  tuck  in  under  My  arm."  And  other  beautiful  things  that  were  just  lovely!  And I  was  thinking  to  myself,  'Wow,  You  must  really  be  patient!  Because  You're  not criticizing me  for  being  so  flighty,  rather  You're  telling  me  those  beautiful  things  that  make  me  want  to  cleave  to  You  even  more.  You  amaze  me,  Lord.  You  truly  amaze  me.'

"That's  because  I  know  you  so  well.    I  know  you  played  hooky  yesterday  and  there  is  a  vestige  of  guilt  hanging  over  your  head.    However,  I  am  not  the  one  who  condemned  you  for  taking  your  ease.  It  was  well  deserved."

Forgive  me,  guys,  I  didn't  get  a  message  up  yesterday.

"I  did  feel  that  sentiment  from  You,  Lord.  I  did  feel  your  grace  was  giving  me  leave  from  my  usual  duties." 

"Yes,  well  you  can  bend  a  bow  until  it  breaks.    First  and  foremost,  I  want  you  to  show  mercy  to  all.    And  in  order  for  you  to  show  Mercy,  you  must  first  be  merciful  with  your  own  self.    You  mustn't  be  driven...rather  do  everything  from  a  heart  of  love.    When  you  cannot  feel  that  love,  understand  a  decision  to  do  it  from  that  perspective  will  it  out  of  the  decision  to  love,  not  necessarily  accompanied  by  the  sentiment.

"This  attitude  of  heart  will  keep  you  from  bitterness,  judgment and  criticism  both  of  yourself  and  others.    It  is  a  mark  of  true  maturity  for  a  soul  to  recognize  its  limitations  without  becoming  disheartened  or  discouraged.    Give  all  that  you  have,  Clare,  and  it  will  always  be  enough,  because  I  meet  you  at  the  point where  you  end  off.”

I  fill  in  for  what  you  cannot  do  and  My  power  is  made  perfect  in  your  weakness.      2  Corinthians  12:9

"Many  of  you  grown  adults  still  have  your  parents  hanging  on  and  whispering  over  your  shoulder.    In  some  cases,  it  is  your  own  memory,  but  do  you  know  the  demons  have  those  recordings,  too?    Yes,  they  know  precisely  what  was  said  to  you,  and  know  just  how  to  press  those  condemnation  buttons.   A  parent's  input  carries  a  tremendous  amount  of  psychological  weight  in  your  mind.    Little  do  they  know  that  by  their  very own  words  they  are  forming  you  into  what  you  will  become. When  they  are  harsh  and  perfectionistic,  expecting  only  the  highest  standards  of  performance,  and  you  fail...well,  it  sets  up  a  cycle  that  continues  through  your  adult  years  and  even  into  old  age  -­‐telling  you,  you  are  a  failure,  you  fall  short,  you  aren't  as  good  as  so  and  so.

"Oh,  how  I  detest  this  attitude  in  parents  that  destroys  initiative  and  confidence  in  very  little  ones  who  grow  up  to  be  insecure  and  constantly  seeking  affirmation  for  their  very  existence.  Do  you  not  know  how  valuable  you  are  in  My  sight?    Calvary  was  the  price  I  paid  for  you,  and  I  would  do  it  again  and  again  and  again, if  need  be,  just  for  one  more  soul  who  the  world  calls  a  failure.    And  who  became  a  failure  because  his  parents  declared  that  over  him  in  their  constant  search  for  perfection  in  their  offspring.    Tragic, oh  so  very  tragic  is  this  brutal  way  of  rearing  children.

"But  there  is  hope.    Have  you  been  raised  under  that  yoke?   Have  you  been  found  imperfect  at  every  turn  in  your  life,  never  measuring  up  to  your  parents  or  favored  sibling?    I  can  heal  that,  Dear  one.  I  can  turn  your  mourning  into  dancing  and  remove  that  stigma  from  your  heart.    Cleave  to  Me,  Beloved,  and  I  will  show  you  your  great  worth  in  gold  and  treasure.   Yes...don't  you  know  that  you  are  a  spark  from  My  Heart,  beautiful  and  enriched  in  every  way?    Why,  you  ask?    Because  I  will  perfect  that  which  I  began  in  you.    I  will  present  you  to  My  Father,  perfect,  whole,  lacking  nothing.  Yes,  this  I  will  do  for  you.    You  have  given  Me  your  life  and  I  have  given  you  My  Promise.  Perfection  is  your  destiny.    Not  only  that, but  many  gifts  I  have  yet  to  bestow  on  you  wait  in  the  wings  for  your  readiness.

“Oh,  the  boundless  treasures  I  hold  in  store  for  you! Things  you  have  dreamt  and  things  you  would  not  dare  to  dream.    All  are  waiting  for  you  as  you  yield  your  life  more  and  more  to  Me.  Dare  to  dream  ...  for  with  God,  nothing  is  impossible.  Many  desires  you  have  long  ago  given  up  on  were  planted  in  your  heart  by  Me  for  a  future  time  when  I  would  reward  you  for  a  job  well  done  on  this  Earth.

"Understand,  it  is  not  the  gifts  that  determine  your  estate  before  Me,  but  how  you  use  the  gifts  I  entrust  to  you,  that  counts.    Those  who  have  been  given  much,  much  shall  be  required  of  them...but  those  who  have  been  given  little  and  with  that  done  much,  greater  and  greater  rewards  will  be  given  them.

“So,  this  is  the  long  way  around  -­‐saying  to  you,  do  your  best  with  what  I've  given  you.  Do  not  let  the  voices  of  the  past  control  your  future,  rather  rise  up  into  the  full  stature  of  My  approval.  For  you  have  chosen  the  better  part  and  I  surely will  accompany  and  reward  you.”

This is an excerpt. For he full text, go here

Source:  Heartdwellers

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Boy Awakens From Death With Frightening Warning From God-Get Prepared Now!


An Israeli [Nathan] secular teen was clinically dead for 15 mnutes, and when he came back to life, he had spiritual messages concerning the endtimes. The boy is Jewish with no knowledge of the Bible.

An expert on body language assessed it and says that the boy is not lying.

The boy said that he saw the Messiah standing at the Mount of Olives, split into two not by earhquake nor by atomic bomb. The Messiah will stand at the entrance of the mount when it split. He will see who is holy, if he has kindness, if he has true fear of heaven and not just punishment, He will say who will enter or not.

Th Jews who never accepted Jesus as the Messah will be surprised.

Nathan claimed that the the Mesiah will kill Gog . He explained that Gog is Obama. Gog or Obama is the one who starts the war. He will lead the war against Israel, with Iran and the whole UN, all 70 nations, with Russia, South Korea.
ISIS will be torturing the people of Israel.
Nathan said that this will happen in months.
The war will ony take two weeks, before they attack Israel.
More than a few million people are going to die. And the only thing that will save them is to learn the Torah [repent and study the Word of God] and perform acts of kindness, and not being religious. Just follow and obey God.


This an excerpt, please listen to the video.

Friday, November 27, 2015

My Heart Skips A Beat


Clare du Bois:  The  Lord  is  with  us  and  He  longs  for  our  company,  Heartdwellers.

JESUS:  “I  want  to  talk  about  how  precious  you  are  and  how  I  cannot  wait for  you  to  come  and  rest  on  My  Heart.

”Truly, My  Brides,  you  lift  My  Heart  and  bring  joy  to  those  places  so  terribly  scarred  by  the  indifference  of  men.    Do  you  glance  from  you,  one  sincere  and  longing  glance  from  you-­‐do  you  know  what  that  means to  My  heart?

“My  heart  skips  a  beat  when  you  look  at  Me  with  that  longing.    All  I  want  to  do  is  invite  you  into  My  space,  My  arms,  My  heart.  You  do  not  need  to  ask, Beloved.    You  have  a  standing  invitation,  just  come.

“When  you  feel  you  have  let  me  down,  come.  When  you  feel  jubilant  and  happy,  come.  When  you  feel  lonely,  come.    When  you  are  bored,  come.  There  is  simply  no  time  that  I  am  not  waiting  for  you.    No  there  is  not  one  minute  in  your  eternity  that  I  am  not  hoping,  watching  and  waiting  for  you  to  forsake  yourself  and  whatever  you  are  doing  just  to  come  into  My  presence.

“What  is  the  best  way  to  come  to  Me,  you  ask?

“I  will  tell  you-­‐come  to  Me  in  sincerity.    Come  to  Me  just  the  way  you  are.    Yes,  if  you  can  come  rejoicing  and  thanking  Me,  that  is  the  most  perfect  way.    But  to  come  to  Me  rejoicing  when  bitterness  has  gripped   your  heart...well,  it  may  be  a  sacrifice  of  praise,  but  it  is  not  honest.

“Frankly,  I  want  you  to  be  honest.    I  want  to  meet  you  right  where  you’re  at.    If  you  are  bitter  and  angry,  come,  let  us  reason  together.  If  you  are  in  the  mood  to  just  Love  and  adore  Me,  come,  My  heart  longs  for  the  caress  of  your  soul.    Oh, how  I  love  gratitude,  but  I  do  not  expect  perfection from  you. I  never  want  you  to  put  a  face  on  or  an  attitude  that  is  not  honest,  to  cover  something  I  can  plainly see.

“I  know  your  frame, Clare. I  know  you  get  discouraged,  tired,  bored,  weary  in well-­‐doing.    Do  you  suppose  coming  to  Me  with  a  pasted  on  smile  is  pleasing?    No, I  see  the  contents  of  your  heart  and  I  would  rather  you  spill  them  out  just  as  they  are, and  together  we  will  sort  through  things.

“This  is  the  mistake  so  many  Christians  make  when  they  come  to  Me.  They  are  not  honest. So, rather  than  openly  expose  Me  to  how  they  feel-­‐they  wait.    But  while  they  wait, the  cancer  grows. I  am  the  only  physician  that  has  the  right  treatment  for  your  aching  heart.

“When  you  delay, it  gives  the enemy  more  time  to  pull  you  down  into  a  swirling  soup  of  self-­‐pity. The  further  down  you  go,  the  darker  and  the  more  likely  you  are  to  sin,  the  longer  your  recovery  time.  I  want  you  to  come  to  Me  just  the  way  you  are, before  you  fall  any  deeper.    Please! I  am  God,  I  am  real  in  every  way. As  it  is  written,  I  know  when  you  sit,  when  you  stand, and  when  you  fall.      All  is  revealed  to  Me. Nothing  is  hidden.

“Do  you  understand  that, My  Love?    Nothing  is  hidden  from  Me.    I  know  even  before  you  do,  what  you  are  going  to  do.  Do  I  approve?    Not  always.    Do  I  distance  Myself  from  you?      Never!    It  is  in  those   moments  of  temptation  that  you  need  Me  more  than  ever.    There  is  nothing  I  have  not  seen,  nothing.    Yet, I  would  draw  you  quickly  out  of  harm's  way  and  save  you  from  the  inevitable  consequences  of  your  errors.  Yes,  if  I  could,  I  would  lift  you  out  of  harms  way,  scooping  you  up  into My  tender  arms  and  holding  you saying,  "Whew!!  That  was  a  close  call!"

“In  fact,  many  times  I  do  just  that.    I  make  it  impossible  for  you  to  sin.   But  alas,  Clare  can  be  very  stubborn  and  it  takes  quite  a  bit  of  persistent  opposition  to  keep  her out  of  trouble  when  her flesh  has  taken  the  bit  in  its  mouth  and  galloped  off...”

Yeah...guilty  as  charged.  I  AM  very  persistent.  I  am  persistent  with  the  Lord,  and  I  am  persistent  with  my  own  self-­‐will,  too.  That’s  the  part  of  me  that  needs  to  die.

“Nonetheless,  when  you  come  back  to  your  senses,  you  are  oh, so  reticent  to  come  before  Me.    You  know  I'm  waiting, but  the  guilt  still  pulls  you  away,  further  and  further  until  you  miss  Me  so  much  you  can't  take  it  anymore.    Then  you  discover: I've  been  there  all  along  waiting  for  you,  right  here. Never  did  I  leave  your  side.

“I  am  speaking  to  Clare  on  behalf  of  all  of  you, My  Brides-­‐all  of  you  have  the  very  same  problems  with  Me,  they  are  universal.    I  am  baring  My  heart  to  you,  I  am  revealing  what  really  takes  place  when  you  stray  from  Me,  doing  what  I  wish  you  wouldn't  do.  I  am  doing  this  so  you  will  understand  Me.    Yes,  I  am  truly  God. Yes,  I  am  truly  man,  and  you  have  been  made  in  our  image. I  do  not  wish  for  you  to  be  alienated  from  Me ever  -­‐not  for  one  second.

“Most  of  you  have  been  clueless  your  entire  Christian  lives,  hiding  from  Me  when  you  fall,  when  you  should  be  running  to  Me.  Would  you  consider  that  there  is  not  one  moment  I  want  to  be  without  you?    Would  you  reconsider  the  shame  that  causes  you  to  scurry  under  the  nearest  rock  and  hide?

“Please,  no  longer. My  arms  are  open,  My  compassion  knows  no  limits  and  I  wait  for  you.    Please,  come  to  Me  without  fear  and  together  we  will  heal  your  wounds  and  cleanse  you  of  all  your  transgressions.    Don't  delay. Don't  give  the  enemy  a  foothold  to  build  a  stronghold and  a  wall  between  us.  No, run  to  Me  and  I  will  set  you  free.

“And  yes  –I  am  here  to  hear  you  confess  and  repent.  But  remember:  it’s  My  goodness  that  leads  to  repentance,  and  My  Mercy.  And  there’s  nothing  in  or  about  you,  or  what  you’ve  done,  that  I’m  not  already  aware  of.

“So,  come  to  Me,  saying  that  you’re  sorry  –and  I’ll  forgive  you.  And  enfold  you  in  My  loving  arms.  There  you  will  derive  the  strength  that  you  need  to  go  on  and  not  sin  anymore.  You  NEED  that  strength  –and  I’m  here  to  give  it  to  you.


This is an excerpt. For the full text, go here

Source: Heartdwellers

Increase Will Overtake You


The Lord’s blessing and fortitude and endurance is with us, 

We  began  after  worship  I  spoke  to  Him  and  I  said,  Oh, Lord, I  have  grown  weary.

I  know  you  have, Clare. Just  be  patient  with  Me,  My  sweet  angel.  

Why, Lord, have  I  gotten  this  way?

It  is  a  trial  of  suspended  grace,  a  time  to  press  in  without the  perks,  without  the  warm  fuzzies,  knowing  that you  are  under  My  loving  gaze, whether  you  feel  it  or  not.     You  have  been  here  many  times  before,   My  Love  -­‐and  we made  it  through.    You  will  make  it  through  this  time, too.   It  is  almost  over.  

Do  you  know  there  are  souls  coming  to  Me  because  of  your  sacrifice?

I  wouldn't  be  surprised,  Lord.  You  make  use  of  everything.

Well,  there  are.    Don't  be  disheartened.

Thank  You, Lord, for  telling  me.    What  do  you  have  for  our  Heartdwellers  today?

I  am  the  Lord  of  increase.    My  Brides,  when  I  see  how  diligently  you  labor  to  fulfill  My  every  wish,  how  can  I  not  increase  you  in  all  the  things  that  matter?

Many  of  you  have  labored  with  little  or  no  results.    Much  of  what  you  shall  be  rewarded  with  remains  hidden.  However,  the  time  is  coming  when  increase  will  overtake  you  while  you  are  running  the  race.    I  know  some  of  you, including  this  precious  Bride, have  grown  weary  and  had  to  push  themselves  to  go  on.    I  know  the  work  seems  overwhelming,  I  know  the  opposition  you  face  better  than  even  you  know.    I  know  the  weariness  of  body  and  soul  and  it  is  time  for  blessings  to  overtake  and  rejuvenate  you. 

I  am  not  blind  to  your  struggles, Dear  ones-­‐have  I  not  labored  along  side  you?    I  have  many  times  lifted  you  up  into  My  arms and  carried  you,  just  so  you  could  keep going.    But  with  each  new  grace  and  each  new  level  there  are  new  trials  designed  to  harden  you  off  and  give  you  the  spiritual  stamina  necessary  for  what  lies  before  you.

Remember  always  that  you  do  best  in  water  over  your  head,  when  you  don't  even  know  how  to  swim.    I  say  this  because  I  want  you  to  rely  totally  on  Me  and  not  size  up  the  task  before  you,  comparing  it  to  your  gift.    No,  I  would  not  open  doors  and  give  you  increase  if  I  were  not  standing  by  with  all  the  graces  you  need  to  meet  new  challenges.Trust  Me  with  this.

I  want  you  to  be  excited  with  the  work,  but  that  is  not  always  possible. Sometimes the  work  must  become  boring  without  emotionality,  and  laborious.    Sometimes  it  feels  like  a  sprint  as  you  cross  the  finish  line  in  first  place. Other  times  it  feels  like  a  trek  across  the  Sahara,  as  you  barely  make  it  over  the  finish  line  in  last  place.    True,  that  is  lack luster,  but  necessary  that  you  do  not  become  attached  to  the  work  and begin  to  derive  more  pleasure  in  accomplishments  than  being  in  My  presence.

Do  you  know  the  dangers  here?    Yes,  accomplishment  becomes  an  addiction,  a  god,  determining  your  self-­‐worth  in  your  eyes.    You  begin  to  wake  up  every  morning  to  new  challenges-­‐rather  than  to  Me.    So, these  dry  times  are  so  very  necessary  to  keep  you  detached  and  focused  on  pleasing  Me.    What  does  it  matter  what  you  have  accomplished  if  it  has  not  made  Me  happy  with  you?    And  what  does  it  matter  if  you  crawl  across  the  finish  line  only  to  see  My  beaming  smile  focused  on  you,  in  gratitude  and appreciation  that  you  ran  the  race  for  Me, with  nothing  else  in  mind?
You  see  your  value  is  entirely  determined  by  what  is  most  precious-­‐and  that  is  My  shed  blood.    Nothing  in  this  universe  has  more  value  than  that. No  one  can  accomplish  anything  coming  close  to  what  was  done  on  Calvary,  and  it  was  done  for  you,  and  it  is  your  own  possession  your very own  possession.    I  want  you  to  rest  in  that, not  in  what  you  accomplish.    Yes,  I  want  you  to  be  happy  and  uplifted  when  you  do  for  others  in  My  place,  I  want  you  to  receive  the  joy  on  that  face  because  you  went  out  of  your  way  to honor  them  and  do  My  will.    That  is  a precious,  precious  reward,  one  that  will  be  reviewed  in  Heaven  some  day  and  give  you  great  pleasure.

But  I  do  not  want  accomplishment  to  become  a  lifestyle; rather  obedience,  thanksgiving  and  worship,  these  are  the  most  highly  valued  virtues.    Be  encouraged,  increase  is  on  the  way  and  once  again  you  will  find  joy  in  the  work  that  lies  before  you.

I  am  with  you  in  all  things,  and  when  you  feel  that  you  cannot  go  any  further,  that’s  when  I  lift  you  up  into  My  arms,  and  carry  you  across  the  finish  line.”

Well,  that  certainly  was  a  timely  message  from  Jesus.  I  wanted  to  let  you  know  that,  in  the  original  5-­‐part  series  on  the  condition  of  the  church,  called  Wounding  Waters  some  of  my  very  first  videos.  There  a  whole  part  there  called  the  Goal-­‐Driven  life, which  really  focuses  on  the  evils  of  accomplishment and  focusing on  accomplishment.  So,  if  youre  at  all  interested in  following  up  on  this  message,  that  message  goes  into  a  lot more  depth  and  detail,  explaining  what  problems  arise  and  how  we  can  get  off  track  with  the  Lord  by  being  driven  by  our goals.

The  Lord  bless  you, Heartdwellers.  Thank  you  so  much  for tuning  in.

Source: Heartdwellers

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Peace I Give You


Clare du Bois: The  Peace  and  Confidence  in  our  Lord  Jesus  be  with  you,  Heartdwellers.

The  Lord  spoke  to  me  this  morning  about  His  Peace.  I  asked  Him  what  was  on  His  heart  and  mind,  and  He  told  me  Peace.

JESUS: “PEACE.    THE  PEACE  THAT  PASSES  ALL  UNDERSTANDING.    Many  of  you  have  truly  given  your  heart  to  Me,  and  I  am  guarding  it  as  My  most  precious  possession.    You  have  hearkened  to  Me  when  I  called,  you  have  obeyed  Me  when  I  instructed  you.    You  have  continually  repented  and  kept  an  eye  on  your  sin  nature.  You  are  truly  blessed.

Now  I  am  telling  you  the  truth,  you  should  have  My  Peace.    If  you  do  not  have  My  Peace,  you  need  to  look  around  and  find  out  what  is  eroding  it?

Have  you  fallen  into  unbelief?

Have  you  withheld  good  from  your  brother?

Have  you  spoken  against  anyone  and  damaged  their  reputation?

Have  you  cheated  or  kept  something  that  wasn't  yours  to  keep?

At  that  point  I  thought  to  myself,  ‘Gee, Lord,  my  conscience  is  troubled  because  Rae  left  some  things  here,  although  she  did  say  what  ever  she  left  behind  she  didn't  want  but  maybe  she  forgot  them?

Maybe  you  should  find  that  out  if  you  feel  conviction  Clare

And  I  thought,  ‘Yep  I  should  definitely  find  that  out...’

Let there  not  be  one  speck  of  self-­‐interest  among  My  Brides.    Let  each  look  after  the  concerns  of  the  other,  then  your  conscience  will  bear witness  to  your  innocence  before  Me  and  before  men.

You  see,  this  is  a  wedged-­‐open  door: whenever  you  have  a  concern  in  your  conscience, it  opens  the  door  to  whatever  would  like  to  enter.  Seal  all  the  entry-­‐ways  to  sin  and  allow  not  one  foothold  for  the  enemy  to  accuse  you.

"For  I  say  to  you  that  unless  your  righteousness  surpasses  that  of  the  scribes  and  Pharisees,  you  will  not  enter  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven."    Matthew  5:20

I  am  not  being  harsh  with  you,  just  very,  very  realistic.   Better  you  should  know  now the  condition  of  your  soul  before  Me,  than  find  out  later  you  were  lacking.

"The  Lord  knows  those  who  are  His,"  and,  "Everyone  who  names  the  name  of  the  Lord  is  to  abstain  from  wickedness."  20Now  in  a  large  house  there  are  not  only  gold  and  silver  vessels,  but  also  vessels  of  wood  and  of  earthenware,  and  some  to  honor  and  some  to  dishonor.  21Therefore,  if  anyone  cleanses  himself  from  these  things,  he  will  be  a  vessel  for  honor,  sanctified,  useful  to  the  Master,  prepared  for  every  good  work...."II  Timothy  2:

I  am  preparing  you  to  move  onward  and  upward,  I  want  nothing  holding  you  back.    Go  over  these  things  in  your  mind  and  see  if  there  is  anything  your  conscience  rises  up  at.  If  there  is, make it  right. I am  coming  for  a  spotless Bride  and  anything  that  detains  you  is  a  spot.

Don't  fall  into  false  accusation  with  yourself  or  be  overly  scrupulous,  stay  balanced.

I  want  you  to  have  My  Peace. How  can  you  impart  My  Peace  to  others  if  you  yourself  are  lacking?

My  Peace  I  leave  with  you.    You  are  greatly  loved  and  cherished.  Keep  yourself  clean  for  Me,  let  nothing  of  this  world  detain  you.    I  am  coming  soon.

Source:  Heartdwellers

From Jesus with Love


The  blessings  of  the  Lord  be  with  you,  Heartdwellers.  He  truly  is  with  us.  And  today  He  gave  us  an  instruction  on charity.  

I  asked  Him: Lord,  what  do  You  want  to  speak  on  today?  

JESUS: I  will  defend  the  widow  and  the  orphan.    I  will  open  My  coffers  and  pour  out  upon  them  the  abundance  of  My  blessing.    This  is  a  season  when  many  go  in  want, while  others  bask in  luxury.  

I  was  reminded  of  that  Scripture  in  James:  Religion  that  God  our  Father  accepts  as  pure  and  faultless  is  this:  to  look  after  orphans  and  widows  in  their  distress  and  to  keep  oneself  from  being  polluted  by  the  world.  James  1:27

My  Brides, be  on  the  lookout  for  those  in  need  this  week  and  this  season.    There  is  great  depression  among  the M poor  and  lonely  during  this  season.  I  wish  to  touch  them  with  My  Love  through  you.    All  around  you  are  those  who  cannot  afford  the  dinners  that  others  prepare  for  all  week.   Simply  put,  don't  allow  yourself  to  be  blind  to  your  neighbors  distress.    Don't  allow  yourself  to criticize  their  lives  or  take  exception  with  their  situation.”

I’d  like  to  add  to  that,  too.  We’ve  all  got  neighbors  or  different  people  we  know  that  are  single  or  divorced  and  they’re  all  by  themselves.  If  you’re  planning  on  a  dinner,  that  might  be  a  good  thing  to  invite  them,  as  well.

Many  of  these  have  been  abused  and  rejected  from  childhood  and  their  only  interaction  with  the  world  was  to  get  what  they  needed  through  every  deceptive  means.   They  do  not  understand  family  or  love  and  protection;  they've  had  to  fend  for  themselves -­ fighting  off  hunger,  loneliness,  the  cold  and  hostility  of  those  around  them.    It  is  truly  sad  and  breaks  My  Heart  to  see  how  children  are  treated-­‐but  the  issues  go  back  through  many  generations  of  drinking,  crime  and  drugs.    These  who  are  so  looked  down  upon  have  been  rejected  from  birth  and  do  not  have  the  normal  social  skills  of  you  who  have  been  raised  by  good  parents.

Were  I  to  show  you  what  their  childhood  was  like,  you  would  be  horrified.    Many  of  these  children  were  tended  only  by  My  angels. They  went  from  dumpster to dumpster  looking  for  clothing  and  food  while  their  parents  locked  them  out  of  the  house  or  were  constantly  gone, either  under  the  influence  or  walking  the  streets  looking  for  their  next  fix.

I  have put  these  poor  ones  before  you  as  an  exercise  in  mercy.    Many, but  not  all, who  came  from  middle  class  and functional  lower  class  families do  not  understand  the  principles  of  mercy  and  reaching  out  on  a  personal  level  to  the  unfortunate.

Clare: I  have  to  confess  there,  that  that’s  so  true  of  us.  When  I  was  growing  up  with  my  mother,  she  would  really be  terribly  harsh  with  people  who  were  on  the  streets,  or  who  were  begging  very  poor.  Very,  very  critical  of  them,  and  say,  “Why  don’t  they  just  go  get  a  job!”  And  that’s  the  attitude  of  a  LOT  of  the  working  class.

Their  own  pursuits  in  the  world  have  hardened  them  against  those  who  seem  to  be  lazy and  failures, not  caring  for  themselves  and  their  children.    Many  of  these  are  severely, mentally  damaged  from  childhood  injuries  and  cannot  think  for  themselves  in  pressured  situations,  so  they  go  from  job  to  job, or  crime  to  crime, getting  what  they  need  to  survive.

You who have been born  into  fortunate  circumstances  are  meant  to  carry  the  burdens  of  the  poor  with  your  excess… not  to  fill  your  coffers  for  the  future, which  you  may  not even live  to  see.    But  to  act  in  My  stead  and  supply  for  their  needs.  In  doing  this, you  become the sons and  daughters  of  righteousness.  The  poor  are  My gift  to  you,  to help  you  cultivate  virtue.  

The early church  always  provided  for  the  poor  among  them,  always.  This  they  were  taught  from  the  very  beginning. The  poor  among  you  are  truly  My  gift, by  which  you  prove your  faithfulness  and  love  for  Me.  

For  this  is  not  for  the  ease  of  others  and  for  your  affliction,  but by way of  equality-at  this  present  time  your  abundance   being  a  supply  for  their  need,  so  that  their  abundance  also  may  become  a  supply  for  your  need,  that  there  may  be  equality;  as  it  is  written, "HE WHO  gathered  MUCH  DID  NOT  HAVE  TOO  MUCH,  AND  HE  WHO  gathered  LITTLE  HAD  NO  LACK."    2  Corinthians  8:14-­‐15

To  pass  up  one  of  these  needy  ones  on  the  street  without  a  stirring  in  your  heart  and  a  dollar  in  your  hand  is  a  symptom  of  the  lukewarm  church.   Busy  about  her  business
agendas, the  poor  are  an  inconvenience  and  impediment  to  her  acquisition  of  wealth.  

At  this  point I felt the need to look up Isaiah 58. So many  promises  are  tied  up  in  this  passage  of  Scripture: just  decisions,  protection,  guidance-­‐that  we  will  raise  up  ancient  foundations  and  repair  broken  walls.    Beautiful  promises.

Interestingly,  this  Scripture  was  given  to  me,  quickened  to  me  at  my  conversion.  And  you  know,  I  think  I  know  why.  I  had  a  real  tendency  toward  a  Religious  spirit:  fasting  and  prayer,  and  doing  all  these  outstanding  fasts  and  all  these  other  things  that  seemed  to  make  other  people  holy.  At  least,  what  I  was  learning  in  my  early  days.  And  I  didn’t  have  a  whole  lot  of  care  for  the  poor. I was more  concerned about  my own walk, my  holiness I  still  was  very  materialistic  at  my  conversion.

Now  that  I  look  back  on  it  I  remember,  that  my  concern  was  more  with  fasting,  and  getting  word  of  knowledge,  a  vision  moving  in  the  Gifts  and  healing.  And  from  an  egotistical  viewpoint  not  out  of  love  for  the  Lord  so  much,  but  to  prove  myself  as  a  good  Christian,  who  operates  in  the  Gifts.

This an excerpt. For the full text, go here.

Source: Heartdwellers

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vainglory, Pride, Arrogance

Some people serving the Lord, live in the glory of healing the sick, driving the demons, speaking in tongue, or preach the GOSPEL. They  have the spirit of vainglory, full of pride, look down on people as lesser people,demonstrate an arrogant heart. Carmelo Brenes was one of these proud Christians:

"Please listen to me carefully.   I was also an Evangelical Christian.   I prayed for the sick and God healed them, I prayed for the lame and God raised them up.   I cast out demons and spoke in new tongues, but I had a spirit of vainglory, that made me see my pastor as spiritually smaller than me. 

I saw many miracles in my ministry, more than my pastor.   But I began to think that it was me, that I was the one doing the miracles.   In my vainglory, I thought that I was super-gifted, someone special.   I didn’t understand that it was the mercy of God that was in my life.   When I got to Hell, God told me, "I am not the God of people with vainglory."

Many of us stand before the altar of God full of pride and vainglory.   Many, who sing praises to God, begin to be full of pride.   Many of God’s servants who preach the word, and are used mightily by God, begin to think that they are overly important? Many people who work in deliverance also get full of pride? I want to tell you that God see all, and knows your heart.

If you have vainglory, pride, or arrogance in your heart, if you see your brother or pastor with disdain, please repent of your sins quickly! It is much better to be humiliated before the men, than be humiliated in the presence of the Lord.  
I wish you could see this place, like I did.   I wish you could hear the cries of the damned, feel the terror that I did, and see their final judgment, then you would understand."
GO to proud christian for more.