Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vainglory, Pride, Arrogance

Some people serving the Lord, live in the glory of healing the sick, driving the demons, speaking in tongue, or preach the GOSPEL. They  have the spirit of vainglory, full of pride, look down on people as lesser people,demonstrate an arrogant heart. Carmelo Brenes was one of these proud Christians:

"Please listen to me carefully.   I was also an Evangelical Christian.   I prayed for the sick and God healed them, I prayed for the lame and God raised them up.   I cast out demons and spoke in new tongues, but I had a spirit of vainglory, that made me see my pastor as spiritually smaller than me. 

I saw many miracles in my ministry, more than my pastor.   But I began to think that it was me, that I was the one doing the miracles.   In my vainglory, I thought that I was super-gifted, someone special.   I didn’t understand that it was the mercy of God that was in my life.   When I got to Hell, God told me, "I am not the God of people with vainglory."

Many of us stand before the altar of God full of pride and vainglory.   Many, who sing praises to God, begin to be full of pride.   Many of God’s servants who preach the word, and are used mightily by God, begin to think that they are overly important? Many people who work in deliverance also get full of pride? I want to tell you that God see all, and knows your heart.

If you have vainglory, pride, or arrogance in your heart, if you see your brother or pastor with disdain, please repent of your sins quickly! It is much better to be humiliated before the men, than be humiliated in the presence of the Lord.  
I wish you could see this place, like I did.   I wish you could hear the cries of the damned, feel the terror that I did, and see their final judgment, then you would understand."
GO to proud christian for more.