Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Messages of the Lord Jesus Christ about Unborn Child

photo credit-abortion no

August 4, 2016

"And I heard a great voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.”
(Revelations 21:3-4)
In the days leading up to the Global manifestation of the mark of the Beast, in 2012, the Unborn spoke from Heaven with one voice, from Limbo; and they revealed that they can NEVER see the Face of their Creator.  When Mary and I first heard their message, we interceded for them, of COURSE! - "to be able to see the Face of their CREATOR".  Because, THAT is ALSO what Jesus was referring to, when He SAID:
"Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God."
(Mark 10:14b)
And so our prayer was granted - BEFORE the Unborn spoke to us again, only two days later.  We would not "HINDER them"; and Jesus IS calling the children to himself - referring to those with "the HEART of a child".  Our prayer for the Unborn was granted, BEFORE they spoke to us again, only two days later; and there was unprecedented rejoicing in Limbo!  But at that time, we needed to get their URGENT message out to the WORLD, so that people could understand all the more, why the Mark of the Beast was about to manifest, on Christmas Day, 2012 - the primary reason, was because of the SLAUGHTER of the Unborn.   Today, more than 3 years later, we received an important email from a PERFECTLY contrite Member of the Faithful Remnant, who wanted to know more, about her aborted child.  And because of her sincere and heartfelt email, the Most High True God's Secret Plan for the Unborn, is NOW being FORMALLY Declared, to the Nations - BECAUSE, HERE, is the reply, TO that email:
Jesus said:  You NEED to forgive yourself, FOR 'what happened', to your child.  KNOW that, HE is in "a safe place" - as ALL of the children, who went THROUGH, 'their SUFFERING', ARE, 'IN the perfect PLACE, FOR them' - as they WAIT, for 'their TIME', to RETURN - TO the Earth.  YES! The UNBORN, ARE, 'coming BACK'; BUT, THEY, WILL not REMEMBER, 'ANYTHING, of the past', nor ANY, of the TORTURE, or REJECTION - that they EXPERIENCED.  Every TEAR, WILL, be WIPED away.  As you are TRULY sorry - for 'what you DID', KNOW that, 'you ARE Forgiven', and that your SON forgives you! KNOW that, YOU have FOUND, 'the ULTIMATE SOURCE of LIFE' - for your SOUL! - in THESE Times.  And HE DESIRES, that YOU! - would work, on YOUR Purification - so THAT, YOU! - WILL be 'FULFILLED', in ME, your GOD.  Know THAT, 'his TRUE Mother', is the Blessed Virgin Mary; and that, there is NO 'maternal TIE', between YOU and him.  You SIMPLY need to ACCEPT this fact.  And WHEN he RETURNS, 'HE', will have 'a NEW life'.  But, it is going to take TIME, BEFORE, the Unborn, will be ABLE, to come BACK.  Their LIVES, were 'stolen FROM them' - BUT! - I, am GOING to GIVE them, 'LIFE' again.  They EACH, HAVE, 'a white ROBE'; and are SIMPLY, 'waiting PATIENTLY', for 'their BLOOD', to be avenged - ON, the Face of the Earth.  Understand?  Those who are in My REMNANT - who have COMMITTED the act of abortion - ARE Forgiven, FOR 'the act'.
And so, is there going to be some sort of "social REUNION" between the aborted children of the Faithful Remnant, and their former parents, who made it to the Physical Era of Peace on Earth?  On December 4, 2012, the Unborn said, "Now we are ‘forever separated’, and you cannot know us as your sons, and your daughters."  In other words, WHEN the Unborn return, TO "Heaven on Earth" - they won't even be able to even remember their time in Limbo; it will in fact be a COMPLETELY new beginning for them.  Understand?  The promise found in that above Scripture passage, WAS extended to the Unborn - AFTER we interceded for them, on December 4, 2012.  It IS time to close this most WICKED Era in human History.  It IS time to RIGHT the wrongs, and to RENEW the Face of the Earth.  
Jesus said:  I am the First, and the Last; the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning, and the End.  And I have been with: God the Eternal Father in Heaven, from since before the beginningYou are ‘finite creatures’ – but I am Infinite, and, I know: All, things.  I know the past, the present, and the future.  I know: what mankind has chosen to do, with: the gift of Life – either in the womb or elsewhere.  I know the pain and suffering, that has been caused, upon ‘My little ones’ – the unbornthey cry out to Me, begging Me, to End, this Era.  And I am granting their prayers.  Because so much sin, and vice, and evil – is in the World, today, that the World has become: like Sodom and Gomorrahto Me. (-Jesus, November 26, 2012

Source: testimony of the two witnesses